


Aug 9th 2020, 22:27:11

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Confirmed, the kiwi is a recycled fruit :P

Yeah we hijacked the fluff out of the Chinese Gooseberry and rebranded it the Kiwifruit while China was killing itself during the Cultural Revolution.



Aug 9th 2020, 22:15:55

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Real_Man:

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

Hey Marshal I have great news! If you really have galleri's address please drop by because Remington just developed a cure for Covid and is looking for willing participants for their study! This new advanced treatment actually uses an old delivery method in the form of their model 870 syringe to save cost!

So please stop by, stay safe, and above all healthy!

Lol, this is outstanding.



Aug 9th 2020, 15:37:46

I prefer to be referred to as a recyclable.



Aug 6th 2020, 8:02:03

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
In New Zealand, it was SKY1 late night softcore porn. You'd have to wait past midnight before it would start. One of them had a ridiculous premise of a tiara that one woman would wear and she could feel the pleasure of another woman wearing a linked necklace. At some point, the necklace falls onto the floor and a cat slips its head inside it, and the women starts acting like a cat or something.

It was fluffing weird but that was the first time I ever watched more than the 3-4 minutes I needed to.

I would watch that now. In the beginning of my porn career I would say I actually would get through a good 20 minutes of it. Now i dont even turn the sound on.

I genuinely agree. Porn these days puts far too much on the table.

Leaving it to the imagination is sometimes better than just straight up seeing a girl take a dump on another girl's purple painted toes.



Aug 6th 2020, 7:57:45

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Well he did win Mr Olympia 7 times. If there's anyone to mancrush on it's him!

The cum gutters on Young Arnold. Yeow.



Aug 3rd 2020, 4:23:55

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by de1i:
Originally posted by ZEN:

Mine was Demolition Man with the wrong number. "Hi Martin, so I was thinking.....omg i'm so sorry"

Damn near broke my VCR trying to pause and rewind those few seconds of boobs, for research purposes of course.

hahaha. Now did you experience the channel 99 porn growing up? Where if you watch the lines long enough, it would show a good 5-10 seconds of action. Holding the channel up button on the remote just in case your parents walked out.

In New Zealand, it was SKY1 late night softcore porn. You'd have to wait past midnight before it would start. One of them had a ridiculous premise of a tiara that one woman would wear and she could feel the pleasure of another woman wearing a linked necklace. At some point, the necklace falls onto the floor and a cat slips its head inside it, and the women starts acting like a cat or something.

It was fluffing weird but that was the first time I ever watched more than the 3-4 minutes I needed to.



Jul 27th 2020, 13:58:22

Vacay? Don't throw shade. It's a mercy.



Jul 22nd 2020, 1:55:55

I feel it’s unfair to Nazi’s that they’re the only ones ever used as examples whenever people act all authoritarian and abuse their power to silence people.

Lots of different groups did that.



Jul 21st 2020, 15:00:45

Originally posted by ZEN:
Also, now that we have the entire population of NZ posting.

He always told me that the north end of NZ was a lawless murdering region where you needed to be native to survive. Like people from the southern parts don't even go there.

Unbiased response please. If scode wasn't such a chode, i'd be willing to talk about our issues. Keep in mind that some of us love this place.

The guy was talking out his arse. Northland is fine as far as people go, and it has some of the most beautiful countryside up those ways too. Small towns, though, but not dissimilar in size and “Sweet fluff all happening” as the majority of the South Island.

People from the South don’t usually venture up to Northland too often because it’s far too expensive. Or they’re racists and don’t like that Northland is full of brown people. Ask any Kiwi if they were surprised that, of all the places for a mosque to be shot up, it was in Christchurch.

That flips for Northland people going down South too. Why go down to “Honkeyville” just to freeze your arse off and wonder why the only breakfast option they have is plain toast?

Literally, NZ is like maybe four towns dressed up as cities, and everything in between is farm farm farm church pub farm farm pub church farm farm farm beach overpriced tourist cafe pub church farm farm farm - with a lot of it populated by small town farmers, Church goers and surfers/fishermen who are friendly enough but won’t be able to get through five consecutive sentences without saying something racist or bigoted.

tl;dr - NZ isn’t murderous but we’re pretty good racists.

Source: I grew up in the South and my wife is from the north of the North. We’re equally racist to our mixed race baby.

Edited By: BROmanceNZ on Jul 21st 2020, 15:04:39
See Original Post



Jul 21st 2020, 5:59:51

Originally posted by iScode:
Complete segway (sorry bug feel free to delete) What's your thoughts on kiwis living overseas having to pay for their own quarantine if they currently want to return home to our beautiful country? Seems to be a lot of push back from expats.

My thoughts are if you deserted your country to pay a foreign govt tax you should expect to have to pay for the right to return. In saying that I cant understand why anyone would to leave this country in the first place (not aimed at you, and no offence meant, just a personal opinion.)

Nah, no offence at all mate.

I don't have any problem with being charged to return. The Government can't afford to continue funding the quarantine for every returning Kiwi and, considering how well the country is doing with COVID, it's unsurprising that a huge number of expats are trying to return.

But I can afford it. I left NZ for the sort of salary where I can comfortably afford to pay $3,000 as an unexpected cost. I'm unsure how I feel about the cost being demanded of people who can't afford it, though. Not all of those people will be voluntarily moving home - some will have found themselves without jobs or without income for such a sustained period of time, and will find themselves ineligible for the sort of welfare support that their host countries might offer to their own citizens/residents.

We don't have to look far to know that, before COVID, Kiwi's who lost their jobs in Australia were not eligible for any financial support - regardless of the years they've spent paying taxes.

Because I have the money and I have a family that I have to pay for, I would like the option to either choose the level of accommodation I'm expected to spend two weeks in, or at least have the option to choose an AirBnB to rent for the period. I'll happily abide by all quarantine and isolation requirements, including check ups by the relevant authorities. Though I get that ballbags have fluffed that up by lying to health authorities, trying to escape and generally just being a bunch of fluffs, so I'm not super hopeful that'll happen.

But, yeah. I'm not mad. The Government needs to draw a line in the sand and decide when they're not longer financially responsible for returning Kiwis, and people need to recognise that it doesn't help to return home and instantly be a drain on the public purse.

I'll be home in December, if everything works out okay. Hopefully quarantine restrictions will have ended by then because I'd hate to spend Christmas locked in a hotel room. Though, if I get come home.. Well, that's the main thing.



Jul 21st 2020, 2:55:38

Originally posted by Bug:
Yeah i think that is the whole point, I'm confusing the gun topic with the current stuff, because i always thought the reason for the argument against changing any gun rules was "what if someone invades our democracy".

I live in a country where a horrible act happened and within months the government had made it so restricted that people now feel safe without guns, but people still get to enjoy things like hunting and shooting for sport, they just do not have the ability to use high powered, semi-automatic or pistols without having a VERY hard to get license for them.

As for the other points you made, yes i couldn't agree more. Police violence is out of hand and it makes me feel uncomfortable for my friends that live and work in America every day. The video of the Navy Vet being bashed has been on all of our news in Australia and all I can think about is where the hell is this line gone..

Are you talking about this: ?

I've seen in here in Hong Kong too. Officers in groups - protected by numbers, equipment and the law - getting caught up in the moment and making decisions that lead to actions that realistically should be outside of what police and the public should expect.

But the danger of harm is what the police leadership use to dismiss any notion of wrong doing by its officers. When people, politicians and reporters point out the hypocrisy of it, they're accused of trying to destroy police morale. The heads of the Hong Kong Police Force have done such a ridiculous job of trying to paint to its own police force an "Us vs Them" mentality that fuels their perspective on the general public all being potential threats.

Hong Kong Police officers, individually, used to be fairly calm and reasonable people. Last year, it took an officer trying to run protesters over with his police bike before the public saw any accountability being shown for errors of judgment in officers.



Jul 21st 2020, 2:38:10

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
I don’t know if anyone knows where the line is when it comes to protecting yourself with your gun when your target is a police officer.

Good point. I would rather live in a country where I can trust the police not to act like that... and heck, I do, lol.

We think this is a pretty mundane act tho, its the level of professionalism we expect, not something we give medals for:

They look like they're a Eurovision band. Haha.



Jul 21st 2020, 1:27:16

I don’t know if anyone knows where the line is when it comes to protecting yourself with your gun when your target is a police officer.



Jul 20th 2020, 4:49:11

Originally posted by ZEN:
Well with an economy like this, I am investing mostly......things that will matter in the apocalypse. That's a lie. I spent it all on Vaseline and sandpaper. If you can figure out what the Vaseline is for, then you will obviously know what the sandpaper is for.

This has made me fearful for the apocalypse in a way that the actual apocalypse didn't.



Jul 14th 2020, 6:49:14

Nice work!



Jul 10th 2020, 8:25:47

So what is it called when LaF dispatch a suicider?



Jul 10th 2020, 1:12:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Is your mate a sheep by any chance?

Sorry, had to :P

Rule #1: Don't get attached.

Don't make a mate out of the sheep you mate with.



Jul 9th 2020, 22:18:48

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by v1per:
Polls don't lie. It's 50/50 right now

Hillary disagrees.

Hillary is busy trying to cure Ghislaine Maxwell of COVID.



Jul 6th 2020, 7:37:17

The tl;dr version of the above is: Stop being a baby. You're ruining the game for Evo because you don't like Marshal.

I don't see why you're trying to justify it on these boards as if you're going to win some popularity contest or swing public opinion against Marshal (at least the ones that haven't already swung against him anyway). I'd have far more respect for who you are and what you do if you just admitted "I'm an asshole and I like it. I hate Marshal so fluff Evo."



Jul 6th 2020, 7:32:52

Originally posted by Hellrush:

1. Read Marshals post he knew Barney was me. It’s a tag I have used in the pass.

2. EVO should of knew I was coming after the warning shots I did on #53

3. A) I was running war ready
B) I was saving turns all weekend
C) my FS was coming

4. Marshal is EVO FA. Your FA speaks for your alliance. So your FA is your Alliance. So if your FA is a flufftard and fluff up. Your whole alliance feels the upcome. This has always been the way of earth in both EE and E2025. Its why I can’t be FA. Sooner EVO realizes there FA is a flufftard and kicks him out. The sooner EVO can net without being hit by others.

1. He didn't say he knew it was you because of your Barney tag. He said he knew it was you because that's the sort of behaviour you exhibit.

2. Even if Marshal knew it was you, Evo's response to your three initial grabs on #53 was to.. retal? None of that screams a concerted effort on Evo's part to destroy someone they know will be a problem for them. If they knew it was you, they should have killed you straight away but there's always the risk that you'd come here and paint the kill as bullying.

3a. Only you knew A, B and C for certain. That's the benefit of being a solo anon/no tag - you can prepare for whatever you want and, short of telling someone on discord or pm what you've got planned, you can make your "FS" a complete surprise.

3b. On the point of your "FS", don't tags normally fix on a few targets, break em and then kill before moving onto other targets? Your FS literally broke a few windows of a bunch of different countries and killed absolutely no one. I'm not an authority at all on wars on Earth so I don't know how to measure your "FS" but it would seem that Hawk was far better at killing Evo as a solo than you were.

4. I seriously doubt that Marshal stepping down from FA of Evo and continuing to talk fluff about you as a normal tagged member would stop you from your underhanded suiciding antics. Even if the new FA said "Marshal speaks only for himself, not for Evo" you'd still bear your grudge against the whole tag because that's the sort of player you are. An actual terrorist. You delight in sowing fear in Evo of you blindsiding them out of nowhere, which is ironic given how upset you were at Mercs then killing you in their defense. The game is far too small to pretend like FA's are the same as what they were in Earth's heyday but if you expect that a tag's FA speaks for the whole tag, then accept that tags also have defensive pacts with others and that's why you got shat on. If that pact was Marshal's doing as FA, then he's clearly doing something right.


If I was in Evo, I would literally sacrifice my whole country, set after set, to ensure that you are given no tag protection from any of the existing tags. I'd FA everything I have, give up all of the land I have from now until I don't play this game anymore just to leave you with no place where you can hide from the repercussions of your actions. If you want to be a snake that hides in the shadows to terrorise and ruin the game for a group of tree huggers, then live there for the rest of your days.

You wanna be a bad boy, then own it. Don't tuck tail and slither back to protection under the very same rules you ignore when you choose to take your grudge with Marshal out on all of Evo.



Jul 6th 2020, 4:29:30

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Last 4 sets I was LaF. Last set someone soloed killed EVO and the first thing Marshal/EVO needed to do is blame me for it. If that’s not calling me out to play what is?

That seems more like a personal issue between you and Marshal that you've decided to punish all of Evo for.

Sure, he's the Evo FA but I'm pretty sure that it was only Marshal that mentioned you with regards to the Evo kill last set. And, even then, he doesn't outright blame you - he just says that you're a prime suspect whenever there's a suicide (which may or may not be fair).

Then, after Gerdler confirms that it's not you, Marshal doesn't press the accusation again.

How that translates to "EVO has called me out!" is beyond normal logic but then this isn't really that far from the flimsy justification you've used in the past to ruin the game for a number of other players because of your personal dislike for Marshal.

Calling your one-man tag attack on Evo a "war" isn't really accurate. At best, you've hijacked a bunch of planes and flown them into the buildings of Evo other players because you don't like one guy. It's a terrorist act at best. Why? Because Marshal is always tagged Evo. You, on the other hand, seem to jump in and out of tags depending on your mood - which is fine, you're free to do that but it always means that Evo should be looking over its shoulder to see whether you're in a suicidal mood or not.

But if you clearly like being able to net with tag protection under LaF, it begs the question why you'd bother netting without it? Does LaF make you do things you don't want to do? One thing is clear, however. You don't see Marshal untagging Evo and hiding anonymously to attack LaF or any of the other clans you've been in because of his personal dislike for you.

LaF, very correctly, shouldn't bear the blame of your personal actions simply because you choose to hide there from time to time.

You've clearly said before that you want to punish all of Evo until they kick Marshal or quit the game completely. That, again, seems like a terrorists demand and toxic behaviour. You're not fighting some holy war on behalf of the EE community. You're not even defending your honour against a vindictive bully.

You're using a personal vendetta to pick on a fairly vulnerable netting tag because you know your disruptive suiciding is more likely to be successful and, other than Mercs jumping to Evo's defense, you're likely to get away with it.



Jul 2nd 2020, 5:18:58

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Yeah bro, go back to humping sheep :P

Wrong video :p

Here's a hint for one of the 2 right ones that easily come to mind (could be more, just going off memory)

I'm going to need 5 minutes alone guys.



Jun 25th 2020, 13:34:27

Originally posted by elvesrus:
How about some top New Zealand films? It's a bit Jackson/Waititi heavy, but such is life

What We Do in the Shadows
Sleeping Dogs
Meet the Feebles
Once Were Warriors
The Frighteners
Black Sheep (2006)
Eagle vs Shark

I was an extra in Eagle vs Shark.



Jun 24th 2020, 10:47:11

Originally posted by TaSk1:
Sol’s ranked too high!

If tags were movies, what movies would they be?



Jun 24th 2020, 3:49:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Gotcha, that made more sense after you expanded on it, me and other libertarians have always been under assault from both sides so it's quite interesting to watch how both extremes seem to have gone to war now, but yeah we do have more in common with repubs despite the fact that they do a lot of fluff we don't agree with 🤷


I get it. Libertarians are stuck between siding with socially liberal progressives who want want greater social freedoms for everyone but at the expense of bigger government and potentially higher taxes to pay for greater welfare, or siding with social conservatives who want to ban things like abortion, prostitution and gay marriage but are generally more open to smaller government if that means they can pay less tax towards govt funded welfare and donate more money personally to private charities, albeit those with a Christian agenda.

It's easier to safeguard against something you absolutely don't want (big government) at the expense of turning a blind eye to the restricting of a arguably non-essential "recognition" for an already marginalised minority (like gays not getting marriage).



Jun 24th 2020, 2:48:09

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by braden:
are they not?

Truedowe can't get a number of mps to govern unless gagmeet allows it and gets what he wants in a horse trade.

How can elected representatives from different parties having to come together to negotiate on laws be less democratic than a winner take all two-party system where voters have to compromise on their personal values not to just support their “team” but make sure the other team doesn’t win?

Horse trading your values or beliefs or pretending to be something isn't how I define democracy.

Great. I'll trade you guns for newspapers. We take away one we take away two. Hashtag not Canada.

How do you define it?

How would you define it?


You said "Horse trading your values or beliefs or pretending to be something isn't how I define democracy" but you won't say how you do define it?

I'm not trying to define democracy, I'm asking how your example of Canada's dog being wagged by its tail is less democratic than the American two-party presidential system.



Jun 24th 2020, 2:44:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Well, that's interesting you put us in the basket you think we fit, turns out there tons of liberals that are anti-vax Karens, are Christians and support second amendment, and want to be allowed to open carry, you should come to Oregon and Washington State some time, you'll be scratching your head wondering why you got it wrong, meanwhile I know many conservatives that don't like Trump but do support his policies, we have them on both sides, we aren't exclusive to any party and that's why elections don't always go as the media thinks it will, the people that are the loudest get the attention, but they certainly aren't the majority.

It's not mean to be a conclusive and comprehensive list of "These people go here, those people go there" but.. yeah, if I say to you "I don't think gay marriage should be legal" then it would be safe money to assume that I'm conservative, probably religious and possibly a Republican voter. If I said instead "I believe the government's only role should be national security and protecting property rights" you could probably bet on me being a libertarian, definitely an advocate for small government, supporter of capitalism, and (again) likely to be a Republican voter.

Yet, a libertarian wouldn't support a government banning gay marriage because it goes against the ideology - do as you wish as long as no harm comes to anyone. Likewise, a conservative Christian wouldn't be okay the legalising of prostitution or the easing of access to abortions but both are things that libertarians think should be legal and up to the individual as to whether or not they engage with such activities.

So why do they both likely vote Republican? It's because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Conservatives hate social progressives who want to open up marriage for gays, abortion clinics for loose women, and introduce tolerance of non-binary genders to schools. Libertarians hate social progressives because they think speech should be censored if they can declare it hateful, that gender quotas should be set to enforce diversity and representation on boards, and the government should spend more money on welfare - meaning more taxes. Social progressives lean Left and vote Democrats.

It happens on the Left as well (don't worry). Green voters and climate change advocates want to shut down factories, stop deforestation and put taxes on pollution emitters. But unions also vote Left traditionally, the same sort of people who are negatively impacted by factories being shut down, forest work being culled, and taxes on pollution being passed on to working class consumers. But the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

Green voters will voters will have to swallow their pride and vote alongside workers of dirty factories because they both have a common enemy in the Right-leaning capitalist who the Greens see as the biggest roadblock to address climate change, and who workers can't not shake the feeling they're being exploited by them when hundreds or thousands of frontline staff lose their jobs while CEO's, board members and shareholders all get a tidy payout from the money saved.

An NRA-card carrying, gun owning Dem isn't fascinating. Of course they exist. Of course anti-vaxx Karen's also have gay friends and it makes them mad that they can't marry in some states. There will always be anomalies or exceptions or outliers to the norm.

What *is* weird is that Conservative Christians who generally support the Republican Party *still* support it under Trump, a man who has a list of sexual allegations far longer than the Book of Genesis. He wasn't grabbing pussies because they'd hidden a Bible inside them.

It's weird but it's not unfathomable. Your two-party political system produces this.

tl;dr - how many unsuccessful presidential nominee candidates on both sides rigorously attacked the eventual winner during the primaries but then changed their tune and endorsed them once they won the nomination? Look at Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris grilling Biden, then turning around and saying "I'm backing him!"

Classic Lefties? Look at all of the candidates that ruthlessly bagged Trump during the Republican contest then sang his praises as he came up against Clinton.



Jun 23rd 2020, 23:25:31

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by braden:
are they not?

Truedowe can't get a number of mps to govern unless gagmeet allows it and gets what he wants in a horse trade.

How can elected representatives from different parties having to come together to negotiate on laws be less democratic than a winner take all two-party system where voters have to compromise on their personal values not to just support their “team” but make sure the other team doesn’t win?

Horse trading your values or beliefs or pretending to be something isn't how I define democracy.

Great. I'll trade you guns for newspapers. We take away one we take away two. Hashtag not Canada.

How do you define it?



Jun 23rd 2020, 22:25:46

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I have right wing views on economics, taxes and business, yet everything else the republicans do and stand for more or less is BS imo.

You also had 2 republican administrations who in boom economy added to the federal debt greatly and all the while trying to trip the obama administration over for trying to lend money in a recession to the point that US treasury bonds were downgraded lol. The tea party is silent now lol. The hypocrisy is not lost on me. This is not the part of the Republican economics I am for.

So I'd be forced to vote against my beliefs in a major way no matter who I vote for if I was in the US. The only reason you guys dont feel that way is that you are molded by biased media(there are fluffs on both sides lol) to fit into a preset mold of what is a democrat or a republican voter.

Exactly. There are no viable alternatives in the US.

Their system crams green voters, socialists, social progressives, unionists, and creatives into one tent with “Kill The Rich” communist revolutionaries, fascist bashers, the “add more genders to the pile” lot, and then gives them moderate, corporate shill Joe Biden to vote for.

The religious conservatives, economic liberals, and libertarians get stuck in a tent with “Open carry to the supermarket” gun nuts, conspiracy theorists, anti-vax Karens, actual racists, and then goes “You better vote Trump or the other lot will win.”

That’s how you get Warren progressives voting for Middle of Nowhere Biden, or extremely Christian families voting for a pornstar humping, fluff grabbing Trump.

No wonder progressive Bernie Bros are like “Why vote?”



Jun 23rd 2020, 21:57:38

1. The Princess Bride
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. The Dark Knight
4. Stand By Me
5. Love Actually
6. Hot Fuzz
7. Spirited Away
8. The Godfather Pt I
9. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol I
10. Snatch

I would swap the Godfather and Saving Private Ryan out for the French movie The Intouchables or either Pulp Fiction of Django Unchained - depending on my mood. Older movies that just miss out on my top ten spots include Jack Lemmon in the 1960 film The Apartment and The Wizard of Oz. Other kids films I wish I had space for include Toy Story, the Goonies and The Road to El Dorado.

If we’re talking favourite movies from franchises..

1. Rush Hour 1
2. Sister Act 2
3. Star Wars: Rogue One
4. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
5. The Dark Knight
6. The Matrix Reloaded
7. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1
8. Skyfall
9. Ocean’s 11
10. Toy Story

Honourable mentions: the Men In Black series, Thor Ragnarok, Avengers: Endgame, the Shrek series, Jurassic Park and the Star Trek movies.



Jun 23rd 2020, 21:20:12

Originally posted by braden:
are they not?

Truedowe can't get a number of mps to govern unless gagmeet allows it and gets what he wants in a horse trade.

How can elected representatives from different parties having to come together to negotiate on laws be less democratic than a winner take all two-party system where voters have to compromise on their personal values not to just support their “team” but make sure the other team doesn’t win?



Jun 23rd 2020, 16:43:23

Originally posted by braden:
Coalition governments are a joke.

Are they?



Jun 23rd 2020, 15:56:14

Genuinely, I don’t understand how Americans put up with their political system. Having two parties to choose from, with two dumb AF old men as options for President?

Riot for a better electoral process.



Jun 22nd 2020, 23:32:11

Will we kill the wiki if we keep weakening it weekly?




Jun 18th 2020, 15:21:33

Anyone else getting a 404 on one of the bonus sites?



Jun 16th 2020, 7:21:06

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:

And what does it look and feel like in an American context?

We are headed that way, government expansion has not slowed down, and every time they get a chance to take more guns away from law abiding citizens they do it, usually triggered by a shooting that consequently leads to more gun control via legislation, funny part is that bad guys don't get affected by legislation because of the fact that they don't follow rules 🤷

Ah, I think I've made the mistake of making this a 2nd Amendment-centred question rather than maybe just a US Constitution one. I don't mean to make this a debate of whether there should be more or less gun control.

What I'm wondering is when normal American's think they'll need to arm themselves and fight back. Particularly, if they believe like you do, that the country is already headed towards tyranny.

Nazi Germany didn't happen overnight. Maybe if the German people had seen the signs and been armed, they might have been able to stop the Nazi's from gaining power and consolidating it through restricting freedoms and empowering state-policing.

Is the government/police response to these protests legitimate or simply part of the slide towards authoritarianism?

One of Hitler's key moves was disarm civilians with the promise of protection by the government, that's why people in this country rightfully get nervous when the government pushes gun control with .....the promise of protection by the police, BTW this is the same police that's is and has been under scrutiny for the past 3 decades (don't forget Rodney King). We supposed to lean back on them? Give me a break, broken promise from the start, people see that no matter what their political affiliations are, I have lots of Democrat friends that don't want their guns taken.

The police response is dictated by the atmosphere around them, I've watched riots go down and police being overwhelmed in many cities, I've also watched peaceful protesters working together with police thus making it a successful rally for a cause we can all agree on, so the question you pose is very fluid, not all protests are peaceful, if you start assaults and breaking stuff, naturally the police response will change.

Appropriate response given the situation, nacional guard comes in, order is restored, the nacional guard did a better job than local police, that proves we need a major overhaul of the police force, and it starts with their union leadership that protects them from accountability.

I genuinely have nothing else to ask or add. Thanks for that response, KoH.



Jun 15th 2020, 4:21:35

Originally posted by Cerberus:
The transition of the United States to a socialist tyrannical state will indeed be the ugliest event in the history of the world. The US has surveillance tools the likes of which the Stasi and the NKVD and other secret organizations police forces would have given their first born child for. There will be NO dissent, NO criticism, NO questions. There will be no freedom, Gulags in Alaska and the desert Southwest and re-education centers staffed by social workers with agendas. The white race will be banned and executed and then you will have a serious tyranny that will be almost impossible to dislodge.

No dissent, no criticism, no questions?

What about when someone speaks ill of the military? American's are notorious for their attitudes towards "Supporting Our Troops" and people who disrespect those who have served etc.

No dissent, no criticism, no questions?

Is that behaviour part of what's nudging the US towards being a tyrannical state?



Jun 15th 2020, 4:17:27

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:

And what does it look and feel like in an American context?

We are headed that way, government expansion has not slowed down, and every time they get a chance to take more guns away from law abiding citizens they do it, usually triggered by a shooting that consequently leads to more gun control via legislation, funny part is that bad guys don't get affected by legislation because of the fact that they don't follow rules 🤷

Ah, I think I've made the mistake of making this a 2nd Amendment-centred question rather than maybe just a US Constitution one. I don't mean to make this a debate of whether there should be more or less gun control.

What I'm wondering is when normal American's think they'll need to arm themselves and fight back. Particularly, if they believe like you do, that the country is already headed towards tyranny.

Nazi Germany didn't happen overnight. Maybe if the German people had seen the signs and been armed, they might have been able to stop the Nazi's from gaining power and consolidating it through restricting freedoms and empowering state-policing.

Is the government/police response to these protests legitimate or simply part of the slide towards authoritarianism?



Jun 14th 2020, 5:21:59

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


/drop mic

Legit lol.

But if you don’t know what a tyrannical govt looks like, how will you know when it’s time to use your guns?

I come from Argentina, yes I know what tyranny looks and feels like.

And what does it look and feel like in an American context?



Jun 14th 2020, 1:15:40

Originally posted by bananacluts:
North Korea doing slave raising and dumping into the ocean

I meant what would a tyrannical govt in America look like, such that the 2nd becomes a reasonable justification for fighting against the government.

And does that make killing cops okay?



Jun 14th 2020, 0:52:15

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


/drop mic

Legit lol.

But if you don’t know what a tyrannical govt looks like, how will you know when it’s time to use your guns?



Jun 13th 2020, 12:44:15

Does it look like a police force that performs extrajudicial killings of innocent civilians in the streets with seemingly no fear of consequence?



Jun 11th 2020, 3:35:48

Originally posted by iScode:

Haha all in jest! En4 is good people

They're still a bunch of cheating sandpapering underarm bowling jerks.

Maybe I"m just salty we can never win a Super Over.



Jun 11th 2020, 3:35:48




Jun 11th 2020, 2:09:48

Tell your people to stock up on empty bottles in case their toilets have broken in all of the quakes.



Jun 11th 2020, 2:08:41

Lol bringing up cricket sledges?!

Next you'll be accusing him of underarm bowling the final ball.



Jun 11th 2020, 1:38:11

The earth is healing itself.



Jun 11th 2020, 1:04:06

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
I like JW good guy to talk to. Brings some great stuff to this game. Very quiet and only chimes in with insightful information.

Unlike someone else.

If you like JW so much, why would you put him in a position where he's responsible for your actions?



Jun 9th 2020, 6:51:31

Originally posted by Bug:
Double post Mob?

Thank goodness he did.

I was wondering what Multi-Level Marketing had to do with thread.