


Mar 6th 2020, 6:38:50

According to OECD data, Canadian teachers are among some of the best paid in the world:

What grounds to they have for wanting an increase?



Mar 5th 2020, 2:13:29

Herbie the Love Bug



Mar 3rd 2020, 22:04:07

Originally posted by Gerdler:

I made out and did other things with a Korean woman last week. :)

Other things? Like sing karaoke and discuss who your favourite BTS member is?



Mar 1st 2020, 11:28:46

This might be super simple or super stupid, but would having a dedicated phone app for EE help?

I try to play on my lappy most of the time but I only really use it when I’m working; so I’m either playing during my lunch break at work, or when I’m working from home.

I’ve done a destock on my phone and that sucks balls. I can run turns on my phone but it’s a bit clunky.



Feb 26th 2020, 8:19:45

I've never met Chevs formally but I've been told by two hookers and a homeless man that his junk is always clean.



Feb 26th 2020, 8:18:12

Nobody likes you when you're..



Feb 12th 2020, 0:24:05

Originally posted by braden:
I'm afraid to Google Dutch rudder

Double dutchies. It feels good, sir.



Feb 11th 2020, 2:52:21

Originally posted by Marshal:

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:

You guys must have amazing make up sex.

i don't think braden is gay, i for sure ain't.

Haha. Maybe just Make Up Dutch Rudders then?



Feb 9th 2020, 15:19:25

Originally posted by braden:
Not really. Most conversations between me and marshal end up with me calling him an anti semite.

You guys must have amazing make up sex.



Feb 6th 2020, 2:33:48

Well, this has taken an unexpected turn.



Feb 4th 2020, 4:40:40

Hong Kong has just confirmed the death of a 39-year old man who returned to the SAR from Mainland China recently. His elderly mother, who he lives with, has also been admitted to hospital as the 15th confirmed case of nCoV in Hong Kong.



Feb 4th 2020, 4:32:38

Are Canadian public teachers striking at the moment?

What are the current reasons not to pay them more money?



Jan 29th 2020, 19:52:12

Bone us.



Jan 23rd 2020, 7:54:32

Originally posted by enshula:
and various other things could be brought back as nostalgia, as well as interesting new changes

like custom governments, mbases being twice as good one set, no market or no tech on market, no spies, no humanitarians

or whatever else would make for either a good or novel round

I think I generally would love to know what would happen if we messed around with things, like:

- Making all Spy Ops cost no turns but you lose spies on every Op run
- Everyone starts with 5,000 labs but there's no tech market and the labs can't be destroyed
- Some bot countries start with like $100m NW and clans get bonuses for killing them during the reset
- A NW survival mode where all players under a certain NW each day get purple'd (and the NW requirement rises each day)
- A "Crown" that a country can take for themselves by successfully attacking the country currently holding it - the Crown gifts the country X% extra in terms of military and weapons tech until it's taken from them

Weird fluff, maybe. I dunno. Let's get crazy on it.



Jan 22nd 2020, 14:33:25

I 100% agree about the requirement of active moderators and responsiveness to constant player feedback due to the nature of the changing rulesets. If no one is driving it, it would turn to fluff quick.

I’m not married to the rulesets I proposed either, they’re not very well thought out but it’s the way they use the existing systems to create completely different styles of gameplay that I was aiming with.

Express is already a shorter version of Earth. Alliance is already a team version of Earth. For all of the servers, networth is the official measure of victory while warring is unofficial (victory measured by those warring).

I think the idea, although it might not sit well with the community, is to introduce variations that amount to things like “Team Deathmatch” or whatever crazy variant that can be thought of - where the way you build your country is the same but the game rules and official victory measures change to change the way we play the game.

I definitely think the community is where ruleset ideas need to come from, as well as being the last word on whether a ruleset is successful, needs tweaking, or is garbage. Maybe a good way to establish the ruleset rotation is to have a period where the community focuses on what could work as a TD ruleset, or a Spy War ruleset, or a cooperative ruleset where the server as a whole needs to generate an ANW of X or something, then those set the starting rotation to be played and deliberated on, then new proposals for rulesets are announced after.

It’s not to take away from what makes Earth Earth but, I dunno.. it might be a place for ideas on how to attract new players to the game who learn bits and pieces about traditional Earth via the variants, and can be a gateway into Alliance or FFA or Express etc.

And, of course, like you said - it would be a good place for the Mods/Devs to try out new formulas etc before committing them to the traditional servers.



Jan 22nd 2020, 9:35:14

A few disclaimers:

- I have very little skill at this game
- I'm not a significant player in the history of this game or community
- I don't even fully understand the rule differences between each of the existing servers
- I have very little understanding of what nerdy things people do to make things like this game happen

I just had a random, unoriginal thought about whether a "Fiesta"-type server could work to try and add some randomness to the game. I'm borrowing the word Fiesta from a Halo gametype where random weapons are used because I lack the originality to come up with something better.

Essentially, the server is a short-time reset (but maybe not Express short) that has changing rulesets announced in advance to keep things interesting. For example:

1. Mystery Teams: Players who create countries are randomly assigned to clan tags.
2. Mutually Assured Destruction: All players start with 20% Warfare tech and no SDI.
3. Guerrilla Tactics: The only military that can be bought or produced are Troops.
4. Tree Huggers: Attacks are disabled, explore rates don't reduce.
5. No Stock: No private markets.
6. Baby FFA: Each player can create up to five countries.

These might be fun or absolutely terrible. As I said, I really have no idea. I just wonder if it might be a way to tinker with the existing conditions of "victory" (war kills, netgaining, TNW, ANW, etc etc) by creating short, experimental type resets that could also test out new things before they're perhaps put into other servers.

Maybe the community could vote on certain rulesets to be kept and added to the rotation of rulesets, or we could all boo the crappy ones and demand they never be played again.

It's probably been suggested before. I dunno. Thoughts?



Jan 14th 2020, 2:06:38

Ketchup On Ice Cream



Jan 10th 2020, 1:42:05

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Right? I'm mind blown by the fact that the left is upset that piece of fluff terrorist was taken out, I bet if Obama was in office they would be gloating about it, that's how stupid Trump derangement syndrome makes these people, my brother that was in Iraq right about that time actually mentioned same thing to me regarding the IED and went as far as telling me Tehran was behind that fluff. Yeah fluff you terrorists!

I think you're confusing concern for the disregard of due process/international law in killing an Iranian national rather than a mourning of the death of the man that Soleimani was. Like Gerdler says, you call him a terrorist but Iran calls him a national hero. Trump is your hero, but Iran likely sees him a the Terrorist in Chief.

Nah most of the Iranians are not calling that guy a hero..... the news here might tell you that. But an Iranian living in fear of their own military and government....will tell you different.

Yeah, I should correct my statement to be that the Iranian state calls Soleimani a hero. Some Iranians might agree but definitely not all.



Jan 9th 2020, 5:23:47

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Anyone but Marshal - Hellrush.

Marshal conducting foreign policy through brash and often antagonistic Twitter posts and hellrush threatening to go to war with anyone who he doesn't like...

.. I don't think there'd be much change to the way things are now.



Jan 9th 2020, 5:19:58

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
There's only one reason Fox is #1, it is the only semi conservative mainstream media outlet, conservatives make up a very large % of our population, just like everyone else they need to watch news, they trust the only outlet that doesn't ridicule Republicans all day everyday.

Actually, that's a fair point. I suppose if you add up all of the MSNBC, CNN, etc viewers, they'd outnumber the total FOX viewers.



Jan 9th 2020, 5:15:56

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
That dude was a terrorist through and through, and I'm not solely on the Trump camp, I don't agree with many of his views and how he conducts himself, that is funny though because people such as you will put me in his camp just because I despise everything Clinton related, same goes for the Bush family, I actually put both Bush and Clinton cartels in same category, my fluff list.

So now my question to you is, where do you put me now that you know where I stand?

I'll leave you wherever it is you want to stand - it's not my place to tell you where you want to be. I don't see your dislike for the Clinton and Bush families as being relevant to your support for Trump, or vice versa. Nor does it impact that I think your statement about the "left [being] upset that a piece of fluff terrorist was taken out" ignores largely that condemnation of Trump's actions doesn't also imply sympathy and support for Soleimani - because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone outside of Iran and its allies that would speak highly of a man with the track record he had.

In fact, a lot of public criticism from politicians etc I saw came with an explicit admission that, while they don't agree with how Trump went about it, they won't be mourning the death of a man (allegedly?) responsible for the deaths of hundreds, maybe thousands, of US and allied servicemen and women. People, Left included, recognised that Soleimani was a dangerous man and a threat to peace and stability - but does that mean they have to then sit comfortably while the current US President green lights the assassination of this Iranian on Iraqi soil? Especially when it potentially comes with the consequences it might still have? No.



Jan 9th 2020, 4:59:28

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Yeah, it's not clear what the red tape was, neither side has direct answers thus creating more drama, governments are slow moving to begin with when allocation of currency is involved, doesn't take much for something to get delayed over a misunderstanding, the mainstream media is trying to make hay out of that, negative stories and anything anti-trump gets views, views = money.

I'm with you until you get to the mainstream media part. If only anti-Trump media made money, Fox News would be out of business - but they're the leading cable news network in the country with approx. 1.5m viewers a day. MSNBC, who I see many anti-MSM people hate with a passion, come in second with only 1.1m viewers. ESPN is third.



Jan 9th 2020, 4:53:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Right? I'm mind blown by the fact that the left is upset that piece of fluff terrorist was taken out, I bet if Obama was in office they would be gloating about it, that's how stupid Trump derangement syndrome makes these people, my brother that was in Iraq right about that time actually mentioned same thing to me regarding the IED and went as far as telling me Tehran was behind that fluff. Yeah fluff you terrorists!

I think you're confusing concern for the disregard of due process/international law in killing an Iranian national rather than a mourning of the death of the man that Soleimani was. Like Gerdler says, you call him a terrorist but Iran calls him a national hero. Trump is your hero, but Iran likely sees him a the Terrorist in Chief.

Imagine the Iranian Army assassinating whoever the leader of US forces is in Iraq (Gen. Lloyd J. Austin?). They'd paint him a terrorist and a casualty of war, you'd call it murder and demand justice be served upon Iran.

It's literally one of the least complex pieces of this whole puzzle to understand but politics is forcing people to bury their heads in the sand because you're either with Trump or against him.



Jan 9th 2020, 2:05:50

In all seriousness, if the US and Iran were a tag here on EE - which ones would they be?



Jan 9th 2020, 2:04:32

Originally posted by Chevs:
Do you anti trumpers actually believe the nonsense you spew ?



Jan 9th 2020, 1:09:50

I absolutely have not watched the testimonies in full; I would have thought that obvious from the start.

Seeing as you guys have, and I have no reason to believe you'd lie to me, I'm happy to take your word for it that the full testimonies don't have any evidence to prove any form of bribery occurred.


1. There has been no testimony or evidence to prove that Trump withheld aid for the purpose of forcing the Ukranian government to investigate the Bidens (though, the aid was withheld past the date it was intended to be given).

That correct?



Jan 8th 2020, 9:25:20

Originally posted by Sov:
The thing is the aid was not withheld nor was the aid even mentioned in the phone call. The witnesses are pure heresay and secondhand information.

I think in this regard the Democrats don't really have anything and are just trying to execute a political maneuver that appears to be backfiring on them.

Isn't it pretty solidly supported that the US did withhold the aid but released it eventually? As for no "first-hand" accounts of the phone call, I think that's a fair statement to make.

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Yes it is illegal and the difference between them, Biden did it, Trump hinted he was gonna, big difference between executing and not executing a task, how many people are on death row for saying "I'm gonna murder you"? Are we rewriting laws now and applying them on people we don't like?

I don't think murder is the right comparison.

I imagine there are enough people sitting in prison for having threatened to do something illegal to someone else unless they did something for them in return.

Originally posted by Drow:
the Dems have screwed up solely in rushing their process in the lower house. They would have been better off taking the extra time through the courts, to get the rulings to force the white house to hand over the documents they were requesting, and for the induviduals to testify to congress, rather than pushing through and trying to spring it at the senate trial itself. However, part of the reason for the rush of the procedure was to try and prevent the trial occurring close to the election, so it's a tough one either way.

I don't understand; why should the election have any impact on how long or how quickly the impeachment case is wrapped up?

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Yup, if you want the real stories you need to dig them up, the news networks only dictate their agendas, it's not news.

If we're not supposed to get news from networks, that leaves... what? Twitter? Social media?

Or am I supposed to go and knock on Zelensky's door and ask him myself?



Jan 7th 2020, 5:29:29

Is what Trump (and Biden) did illegal?

Edit: Or, another way, is what they did appropriate behaviour for a President?

Edited By: BROmanceNZ on Jan 7th 2020, 5:31:47
See Original Post



Jan 6th 2020, 1:58:36

So, just to sum up:

Trump and people close to him believe that there is some dodgy dealings in Ukraine regarding Hunter Biden and a criminal investigation that was eventually dropped, where they believe his father Joe had something to do with it.

And a whistleblower has made a complaint about Trump allegedly withholding aid from Ukraine until the Government moved to investigate the dodgy Hunter Biden stuff - which, according to the House Democrats, is illegal.

Trump has been impeached by the House but needs the Senate to also agree to remove him, but it's unlikely because the Senate is full of Republicans.

Is this right?



Jan 2nd 2020, 13:06:34



God, the Attitude Era was legitimately outstanding. Especially if you consider what was going on at WCW too.



Dec 30th 2019, 8:52:59




Dec 26th 2019, 16:54:17

So there are no actual grounds for impeachment and this whole thing is a farce?



Dec 22nd 2019, 23:40:43

Originally posted by Chevs:

explain like im marshal

Just showing support for those in LaF showing support for those continuing to fight for freedom in Hong Kong.



Dec 22nd 2019, 23:38:53

Has Trump really done something dodgy or is this all a Democrat conspiracy to remove him from office?

Will he even get impeached or is it unlikely?



Dec 17th 2019, 3:15:34

Add oil, brothers. 光復香港 - 時代革命!



Dec 15th 2019, 5:36:59

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
First Past the Post is a trash voting system if the Conservatives can gain more than 50% of the seats in Parliament by winning only 43% of the vote. Then you’ve got the Green Party with 1 seat on 2.7%, the Brexit Party with 0 seats from 2%, while the DUP gets 8 seats from 0.8% and the SNP gets 48 from 3.9%.

If Labour and the Liberal Dems added their vote support together, they’d have a higher vote percentage than the Conservatives but still only 214 seats in Parliament.

43% is really high for fptp. Why weren't you complaining about it before it was such a decisive win?

I’ve always hated FPTP. This is the first opportunity I’ve had on here to voice that opinion.

I’d feel the same way if Labour had won with the exact same %s.



Dec 15th 2019, 2:26:42

First Past the Post is a trash voting system if the Conservatives can gain more than 50% of the seats in Parliament by winning only 43% of the vote. Then you’ve got the Green Party with 1 seat on 2.7%, the Brexit Party with 0 seats from 2%, while the DUP gets 8 seats from 0.8% and the SNP gets 48 from 3.9%.

If Labour and the Liberal Dems added their vote support together, they’d have a higher vote percentage than the Conservatives but still only 214 seats in Parliament.



Dec 11th 2019, 3:46:22

Originally posted by Charlie Sheen:
that's what she said...

Considering he has had three ex-wives, a number of lawsuits stemming from assault of women, and a handful of restraining orders.. I'd say "I can't wait for the next round" is probably something women don't say too often when it comes to Charlie Sheen.



Dec 10th 2019, 3:34:01

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Primary sets seem to take soooooooo looooooooong.

How long are they?

Your be deleted before it’s over Mac Daddy

You're going to make Marshal jealous the more you spend your infatuations on me.



Dec 10th 2019, 1:43:47

Primary sets seem to take soooooooo looooooooong.

How long are they?



Dec 9th 2019, 2:48:41

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Mac Daddy / You are Banned if mods find you out they will delete you.



Dec 9th 2019, 1:36:49

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Hellrush:

Don’t think they will help you Mac Daddy

That's not macdaddy, n00b

Sure talk and acts like him on the forums

He must be a pretty intelligent and handsome man then. I'm sure I don't know him but if he talks and acts like me, I doubt he'd be impressed with you either.



Dec 8th 2019, 21:58:30

@gerdler & galleri: Ah, I understand. A solution definitely needs to be found, if not for the sake of Hellrush and Evo then at least for the benefit of everyone else not having to put up with this ongoing public spat playing out on the forums and on the server. Comms is the key; it’s simple but it’s where it starts, I agree. Hopefully there’ll be an end to things next set.



Dec 8th 2019, 15:34:22

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Also are you suggesting that we seek reps for you hitting an untagged? Are you for real? Even if I learned of it immediatly and not two weeks after I wouldnt have the balls to do that. That would be BULLYING for sure.

Evo also screwed up two sets in a row letting Rick grow big inside Evo and then detag and suicide LaF (and PS) and we didn't seek compensation then either, even tho I talked to marshal about it. The reason I didnt bring up reps is because I knew I would never get it, and I don't care enough to threaten war over it as I dont think that would solve the situation faster.

I was really surprised that Marshal let Rick back into Evo after he suicided us and PS last set and I was sure he had been forced to try and find a new home. At least I was told by marshal it wont happen again from Evo.
Why should I push Evo or anyone around just because LaF is bigger? PS hitting Evo last set didnt teach Marshal anything. Would be the same if we hit them; just a bunch of innocent players getting hit because marshal screwed up.

Not at all, I honestly wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do regarding your alliance and its relations with others. In fact, saying I’m impressed with your perspective in this post is hardly worth anything as I’m a nobody in this game. But, for whatever it might be worth, I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said and your rationale for the decisions you came to are more than fair and reasonable.

I’m literally asking hellrush about LaF as a way of trying to understand why he could get farmed and see his only way of compensation be suiciding and committing to attacking Evo until they decide to disband. I mean no disrespect to LaF by asking of them.



Dec 8th 2019, 15:25:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:
At no point was I asked to intervene and at no point was I compelled to intervene with a situation that seemed to have been caused by the lack of this clause in Evo's grabbing rules:

"LaF members should be responsible for their actions. If you farm a country 5 times, and get BRed back for it, it is not LaF's fault. Why should other members help to kill a target that causes your country trouble when clearly the trouble could have been avoided in the first place if you attacked 3 countries twice instead of 1 country five times?

This may seem like a pretty bad policy, but it makes members become a more cautious player. Observe who you grab. Check who you grab. Don't make enemies. As a whole, this makes LaF a much better netgaining alliance that has less problems to deal with, and which spends almost no turns killing any enemies and suiciders."

Despite this we spend most turns of anyone killing suiciders and everyone of them are unprovoked.

That doesn’t seem like bad policy at all. It encourages members to take responsibility for their actions and to not expect the team to shelter their poor behaviour. Sounds pretty sound to me.

My key takeaway here, however, is that hellrush seems to have decided not to seek the help of the tag he was in at the time (although untagged) to deal with Evo farming him.

So he was essentially acting as a lone wolf for the rest of the set he’d been farmed in, and then for the whole of the next set after deciding to hide as an untagged and then blindside Evo in retaliation for the set before.

Now he’s taken a set off to net under the protection of a proper tag again (whether that’s LaF or not doesn’t matter, what’s clear is that he didn’t want to risk being an untagged again). With that out of his system, he wants to start up again next set with an issue three sets behind.

There’s definitely a baby crying somewhere out here but it doesn’t sound like it’s Evo.



Dec 8th 2019, 14:51:02

Originally posted by Hellrush:
They did at a point like always EVO screwed that up.

How is it that a tag like LaF, with six times the players of Evo, can seek reps for the farming of your untagged country and come away with nothing?

Either they’re scared of a bunch of netters or they literally didn’t see your farming as being worthy of threatening the tinier tag over.

Evo not engaging FAs or paying reps is what caused Post Script to kill a bunch of their countries last reset. They’re a bunch of netters too and Evo never even put up a fight. That “war” was over and done with before most knew it was even happening.

So why did LaF drop the ball in seeking fair compensation for your untags lost land? Did they not care? Do they have an internal policy that states that untags don’t get protection from their tag?

Why are they not technically following this up for you even now, especially if Evo have supposedly “screwed up” as you claim?



Dec 8th 2019, 14:07:08

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:

So ignoring the fact that your restart country came out of protection untagged (seems careless as you’re very likely aware you probably wouldn’t have been farmed had you been tagged up)...

... You were a LaF restart and was hit by an Evo member - did LaF intervene on your behalf? Was there any discussion regarding the farming of your restart between LaF and Evo? If not, why not?

Unless your EVO why do you even give a fluff. Has nothing to do with you.

There’s no need to be defensive - why didn’t LaF intervene on your behalf?



Dec 8th 2019, 13:43:30

Originally posted by Hellrush:
LaF and I was a restart. Then EVO the bullies they are decide to farm Restarts that cant hit them back Because we aren’t tagged others won’t be able to make the retals for us. Guess what they bullied the wrong restarts and became cry babies.

So ignoring the fact that your restart country came out of protection untagged (seems careless as you’re very likely aware you probably wouldn’t have been farmed had you been tagged up)...

... You were a LaF restart and was hit by an Evo member - did LaF intervene on your behalf? Was there any discussion regarding the farming of your restart between LaF and Evo? If not, why not?



Dec 7th 2019, 19:47:39

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by Hellrush:
I have never bullied EVO. I am just standing up to the school Yard bullies(EVO)

So beyond farming your untagged war restart, what other evidence is there that Evo are the bullies of A1?

Seems insulting to proper warmongers that a bunch of treehuggers are being singled out for being the baddest guys in school.

Your just a troll making problems go away.

FYI EVO made an agreement to CF. Then broke it when it fit them best to do so.

Not really. They’re inconvenient questions for you because the answers don’t work out in your favour.

You say that Evo farmed your war restart. What war were you fighting and which tag were you in at the time?