


Jun 3rd 2021, 16:31:04

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
As far as it being a wargame and me needing to defend my acres goes tho, when you killed me the set before you helped chevs suicide me, I had 30m jet breaks over 20m troops and 2m tanks. I wasnt "under defended." If someone feels like hitting you in this game, they will find a way to make it work. Your military is only a deterrent, but one that can be easily overcome in most situations. And my mouth has always made me more worth killing than any amount of military could possibly deter.

If you're looking to like gain nw off of me or something, for sure I'm well defended typically. I win out in exchanges. But if you want to literally spend half a set in stock to break me with 130m jets well...that's hardly me being under defended and you trying to make gains. You just wanna hit me, and that's it. Has nothing to do with defense. I've literally had 100m nw in units while netting and watched you make it work several times.

If you wanna hit me, you're gonna. And it has absolutely not fluff to do with defense. Now it seems like you are making excuses too, tho, and I think it's pretty counterintuitive. You don't need an excuse, remember?

If you are talking about the set I ab you. You only had 2m ab breaks on 4 countries. The rest were under 200k.
Also you did not carry that many troops or turrets. I am sorry if you think you did but I ran the ops.

Am I currently out netting chaos this reset? Yes or no?
Its debatable as k4f is going to manhandle some of my countries today. Those builds are nice.

Am I playing the game? Yup.

Do I need a reason? According to slagpit yes.
I am making every effort to finish a higher net. That is my reason.

Edited By: BlueCow on Jun 3rd 2021, 16:33:36
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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Jun 3rd 2021, 15:50:20

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Nah two sets ago is when you helped chevs find me and suicide me. Set before was the most recent time you blindsided us netting. But I think assisting players in other spam tags aside from your own in suiciding me absolutely counts.

Trying to ruin my set at the very end last set was just icing. Are you doubting that you're around 30 or 40 sets targeting me or something? You seem confused. It might be a bit of an exaggeration without counting but it's at least close...

I call bs on 30. Maybe 5 or 6? But why are you trying to impose your fascist ways on how people can play the game. Thought you were above that. Guess not.

Again I'm not. It's high key more than 5 or 6 tho. Maybe 5 or 6 in the last 6 or 7 lol. You guys even jumped up and bit me here and there while you were warring NBK for a year.

You're gonna play however you want to, clearly. I'm not trying to take that away from you brah. I just thought looking at NBK like they making the war unfair, or making up reasons that y'all hit us was funny. Has 0 to do with that and 100% just how you wanna play.

When did I make anything up about it being unfair. I've been in talks with k4f and we both agree it is fair. It's a game. A war game at that. If you cant protect your land/pop/countries do you really deserve the net you finish at?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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Jun 3rd 2021, 15:41:52

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Nah two sets ago is when you helped chevs find me and suicide me. Set before was the most recent time you blindsided us netting. But I think assisting players in other spam tags aside from your own in suiciding me absolutely counts.

Trying to ruin my set at the very end last set was just icing. Are you doubting that you're around 30 or 40 sets targeting me or something? You seem confused. It might be a bit of an exaggeration without counting but it's at least close...

I call bs on 30. Maybe 5 or 6? But why are you trying to impose your fascist ways on how people can play the game. Thought you were above that. Guess not.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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Jun 3rd 2021, 15:26:11

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Oh no. You hit me every set. I dont think theres an actual reason. I just think it's funny your tag seems to want to provide one.

If there was a different, unique and legitimate reason to hit me like 30 or 40 times, that'd be kind of crazy haha.

Are you really complaining about my 1 grab last reset?
I dont think I hit you the set before and did not hit you this set.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



Jun 3rd 2021, 14:17:22

Originally posted by Gerdler:
The public market max SELL price is individual for military units and based on your private market PURCHASE price.

So it could be that you have varying MBs/Mil tech/govt leading to some countries being unable to sell as high as you want.

The max sale price is 3 x PM purchase price (not sure exactly how it rounds). But more or less if you buy troops at 120 on your private market it means your max sale price is around 360.

It could be because of this, but if you could sell manually at the same price as you tried to sell at on your FFA control panel it could be some bug.

Did not know.
Why dont we have a flat limit for selling?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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Jun 3rd 2021, 10:56:21

I've had this issue with tech. If I'm not paying attention some countries wont place the tech on the market through the control panel. Try doing it manually.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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Jun 3rd 2021, 10:48:42

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Man every single one of you dont even have the excuse straight for hitting us. Hahaha.

KO, your clan mates are in spam tags. Sit down. You have no business talking about a fair fight. You guys have never even attempted to be about that.

Did I need a reason to hit yal?
I must have missed that part in the rules. We might need to add a captcha before a player hits another player that ask for the reason.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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Jun 2nd 2021, 12:06:03

Currently having a cd war in ffa with k4f and I can say cd at it's current state is op. While adding in the spies as a factor is a good idea I think it will severely weaken netters who tend to carry 0 spies and could allow war clans to steam roll them.

K4f does have some great ideas on his post.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



Jun 1st 2021, 15:23:10

Originally posted by archaic:
Defrock, verb (past defrocked) : deprive (someone) of professional status or membership of a prestigious group

"Only after he was defrocked did the disgraced priest finally attempt to engage with the parish he had betrayed"

This was gold to be fair.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 31st 2021, 21:41:03

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Just to confirm, the tag that is hitting NBKxWar, and that tag only. The rest of NBK is not involved.

Confirmed. Gl to both sides.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 31st 2021, 21:15:10

Originally posted by smegma:
No surprise. They could not win a war without overwhelming odds.

Meh chaos already lost. I'd just enjoy the fun. :)
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 31st 2021, 20:18:55

Need to do this towards the end of every set. Netting is overrated.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 29th 2021, 23:53:29

22b my bad
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 29th 2021, 23:50:43

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Does it still hold true on May 29th? I'll keep an eye out for it lol. What's the goal post, all in the top 100 or 1 top ten after you kill all the netters?

Also I think they used to call it wargaining not war-netting back when the expenses formula still had efficacy on the upper acreages. I remember sky deletez having winning countries back in the day wargaining. know....that's because youd have the most acres, more than the netters, after a war win. War is usually just for the fun of war now. The game doesn't really reward the W. Just bragging rights and a seriously depleted stockpile haha.

I mean I am still sitting on close to 25b bushels and god knows how much tech.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 29th 2021, 22:54:22

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Did you not say if bots can retaliate you would rather farm players out of the game? I dont see what I did to be any different. If the goal was to finish with a higher net, which that is what the game is. My chances of finishing to the top are even better now.

I didnt say I would. I said it would be the logical thing to do if you wanted to win and said I would not be the first to do it actually. A smart netting tag would just smack the fluff out of small tags if they had any sense while preventing attacks from larger ones if the techer bots are dumping their massive missile stocks. I see clans being able to prevent attacks on themselves more and more in combination with bot interactions being increased. A sum of parts which I dislike and express my opinion on. And everyone thinks I'm an asshole because my initial response isnt GREAT JOB AWESOME CHANGE GUYS. I say when I like stuff and say when I dislike stuff. And I dislike anything that increases bot interactions period. Not into it. And I think some changes in the past have been good, but others created this super high acre, broken expense formula, no player interaction dynamic we play in on every server outside of primary. To this point, the market positives for me do not outweigh the interaction negatives, so I'm critical of most changes.

Your goal is not to finish with a higher nw tho. Dont bullfluff a bullfluffter. You dont care in the least what your nw is haha

On may 10th I told a member of thebomb I was war netting in ffa... so I guess by your theory you are right.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 29th 2021, 22:14:09

Did you not say if bots can retaliate you would rather farm players out of the game? I dont see what I did to be any different. If the goal was to finish with a higher net, which that is what the game is. My chances of finishing to the top are even better now.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 29th 2021, 17:29:17

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Raz why do you hate Hawk so much.

He loves me. Without me he would be bored. I mean he did start me down this path.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 29th 2021, 16:26:59

I'm fine with those ops getting nerfed. They should be nerfed.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 29th 2021, 10:29:57

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'm sorry, did I say something that wasn't true?

You used to be proud of the fact that you've hit someone every set for so many years or whatever.

You keep instigating that prime is the sole reason for all your woes in this world. News flash prime hasnt played in many resets and your countries are inactive this set so why does it matter what you think.

This game has really gone downhill once we took away the player to player interactions. I have been talking to a guy in nbk about it. FFA used to be fun. Instead its turned into a farm bots that cant fight back while running darn near no spies, sdi, or defense.

When you trip do you shout effin prime?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 29th 2021, 9:25:53

Originally posted by raz:
If and I say IF - this is true because I have no idea.

wIMP should be continuously tagged killed reset after reset. We all know I have no love for LoC, but if what D said is true....this is garbage. I have no pull in NBK but I have a voice.

I think what happened to the netters in LoC is the act of group of cowards.

D speaks about as much truth as you do. Have yall both thought about getting into politics?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 28th 2021, 17:45:40

Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 28th 2021, 12:30:47

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
I believe
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by Kill4Free:
One other method that I would suggest to help with issues along this line, is right now, defensive ops success ratio are primarily determined by your SPAL compared to the targets SPAL (for his own land). An alternate method, which would balance many of the issues right away, is using Defenders SPAL, against the attacks SpyValue/DefendersLand. How many spies you have per acre should only apply defensively. How many spies You can put on their acres, should be the offensive value.

I have a few other thoughts, but for this this change, I really like what you propose!

There is something like this already which isnt to well known.
Your spal isnt the only determining factor on op success. The amount of land you have compared to your opponent also plays a factor into success or not.
I've bounced ops on targets with 0 spies sitting on 300k acres that were not spied out because my acreage was under a certain amount.
No idea when that change came about.

That is true, this is you start to get severe penalties if you have less then 20% of opponents land. This isn't the case in many wars, as if you cannot get through their defense, and you cannot get 20% of their land, you are generally not combat capable anyway. This is not a strong limiting factor however, as it only affect either small suiciders/poorly built countries, attacking very large land countries. A more normal example is a 20k acre country attacking a 70k acre country with spy ops, and that penalty would not come into great effect. Where what would be expected is the 20k's offensive SPAL should be HisSpies/70k, not his own SPAL. SPAL should only be defensive, as when is having less land, and less spies better offensively then someone who has more of both.

Sounds like a good concept.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 27th 2021, 12:54:36

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
One other method that I would suggest to help with issues along this line, is right now, defensive ops success ratio are primarily determined by your SPAL compared to the targets SPAL (for his own land). An alternate method, which would balance many of the issues right away, is using Defenders SPAL, against the attacks SpyValue/DefendersLand. How many spies you have per acre should only apply defensively. How many spies You can put on their acres, should be the offensive value.

I have a few other thoughts, but for this this change, I really like what you propose!

There is something like this already which isnt to well known.
Your spal isnt the only determining factor on op success. The amount of land you have compared to your opponent also plays a factor into success or not.
I've bounced ops on targets with 0 spies sitting on 300k acres that were not spied out because my acreage was under a certain amount.
No idea when that change came about.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 26th 2021, 12:27:35

Whens the last post that was on topic?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 19th 2021, 13:07:06

Was looking at that yesterday farmer. Feels like the year has flown by since that news was released. Not getting random calls from him is really different.
Has anyone checked on budsmybuds?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 19th 2021, 1:05:15

Originally posted by Gerdler:
If your neighbor hits one target, that is no longer as good a target, that goes for stealing cash as well. Better to find your own targets, plus it gives the mods less work...

Lets say ratskis alt did hit that target and not tell him and he decided to hit it from his main.
How was he supposed to know as spy ops dont show up to other players on a news feed?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 18th 2021, 12:52:25

BTC down to 42k

Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 14th 2021, 13:36:56

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Please keep discussion in this thread on topic. This is an important announcement for the community. Thank you.

Sorry. Hate when they bash a mod that hasnt done anything when we have had worse which get passes.

Having this on solo servers is a great tool. Politics from alliance type servers should never spill over to a solo server. Creates a bad atmosphere.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 13th 2021, 15:08:28

FFA is the wild west it seems.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 13th 2021, 2:25:28

Originally posted by Bug:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by Bug:
let me give you a scenario then..

A group of players decide that they no longer want to play by any rules, and they hide untagged and pretend to be bots (non-clan so therefore no real relations can be made) then they decide to take out their issues on an unsuspecting clan and they smash a bunch of netters, either killing or maiming over half of a clan or even a few clans. The clan(s) potentially suffers loss of players, as does the game. Not just for the rest of the current reset, but once that happens a few times, players definitely stop coming back just to have their fun of the game be ruined by a bunch of players who want nothing but to hurt people with no attempt at making it a worthwhile engagement for either side.

Is this the same clan that had some peeps kill chevs for no reason?
Or was it the clan that leaked info to another clan causing issues?
Or the clan that celebrated a member detagging and side swiping?

Asking for a friend.

Sorry I didn't realise I had to explain myself to you as well. Actually was leaving the current BS out of it and asking as a theoretical response..

Well we do need to look at all scenarios that are causing this behavior. Seems straightforward when a clan is preventing a player from playing the game that player will slowly gather a small coalition behind them to try and correct the clan.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 13th 2021, 1:42:50

Originally posted by Bug:
let me give you a scenario then..

A group of players decide that they no longer want to play by any rules, and they hide untagged and pretend to be bots (non-clan so therefore no real relations can be made) then they decide to take out their issues on an unsuspecting clan and they smash a bunch of netters, either killing or maiming over half of a clan or even a few clans. The clan(s) potentially suffers loss of players, as does the game. Not just for the rest of the current reset, but once that happens a few times, players definitely stop coming back just to have their fun of the game be ruined by a bunch of players who want nothing but to hurt people with no attempt at making it a worthwhile engagement for either side.

Is this the same clan that had some peeps kill chevs for no reason?
Or was it the clan that leaked info to another clan causing issues?
Or the clan that celebrated a member detagging and side swiping?

Asking for a friend.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 6th 2021, 20:00:15

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Dictator fluff right there bro, straight outta Clinton's playbook SMH


But who do you trust?
It's like trying to weed through CNN and fox news to find out the truth.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 6th 2021, 17:00:07

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by BlueCow:

Any real evidence besides he said she said... sheshed

Derrick will answer you when he get unbanned in 3 days...

He only got 3 days?!?!?!


3 days for?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 6th 2021, 16:45:36

Originally posted by Slagpit:
An all-X leaderboard is already planned for Express and possibly other servers.

We aren't going to add a leaderboard for sanctioned players because that could be viewed as incentive to become sanctioned. It's the same reason the countries aren't identified ingame.

By chance is there a way to allow them to landgrab bots so they can at least compete?
If not I see the numbers going down even more on players willing to play on solo servers. I dont see this as a gain but you might have more insight.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 6th 2021, 13:58:40

Could also lump all x players into this. Would be neat to see how the game play differs from players with no restrictions and players with restrictions.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 5th 2021, 16:39:27

Any real evidence besides he said she said... sheshed

Edited By: Primeval on May 6th 2021, 17:39:19
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 5th 2021, 10:59:22

0.70 last night
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

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May 5th 2021, 2:33:41

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Hi. Welcome back.

So alliance break down.

If you want to circle jerk and war: Sol, Sof, Stones, and Mercs.

If you want to net: Monsters, Evo, and Rage.

If you want to learn how to turn your country a cool purple color: Laf

If you like OOP wars: Laf

Choose wisely

One day you will welcome someone back without the jerk comments :p

Just being honest.
Could have told him/her not to get to farm happy on solo and become the second player on the list.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 23:29:34

Hi. Welcome back.

So alliance break down.

If you want to circle jerk and war: Sol, Sof, Stones, and Mercs.

If you want to net: Monsters, Evo, and Rage.

If you want to learn how to turn your country a cool purple color: Laf

If you like OOP wars: Laf

Choose wisely
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:43:03

Maybe I am derrick...
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:29:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I know yours we talk ingame.

You're talking to my imposter ingame...

Probably your alt. Thanks for showing me how to search HS for country users though! Inadvertently.

I don't know what HS yeah you're definitely talking to my imposter... I'm curious now, what's he/she/it saying?

Past high scores. It was on the forums when I was bsing with you.

Ahh yes high score duhhhh lol, but I only recall talking about DOGE...

I be zens alter ego

And to get off of the other board.

All is well. She is out of surgery, waiting to go back.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:20:29

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Who gets sanctioned? Do they find out when trying to make an attack?

Report back when you get one :P

/me runs

My last express country was stacked at 4717 net

Pfft, you're boring!


Got no time. Sitting at the hospital with the mrs. Bored.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:19:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I know yours we talk ingame.

You're talking to my imposter ingame...

Probably your alt. Thanks for showing me how to search HS for country users though! Inadvertently.

I don't know what HS yeah you're definitely talking to my imposter... I'm curious now, what's he/she/it saying?

Past high scores. It was on the forums when I was bsing with you.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:13:59

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I know yours we talk ingame.

You're talking to my imposter ingame...

Probably your alt. Thanks for showing me how to search HS for country users though! Inadvertently.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:12:02

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
Who gets sanctioned? Do they find out when trying to make an attack?

Report back when you get one :P

/me runs

My last express country was stacked at 4717 net
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:11:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I know yours we talk ingame.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



May 4th 2021, 18:07:15

Who gets sanctioned? Do they find out when trying to make an attack?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.