
CUJO-31 Game profile

New Member

Aug 24th 2015, 20:14:31

Anyone take advantage of the crash and recovery today? It was my first crash and the first 2 hours were unbearable (All Canadian portfolio - except for one high risk American pharma company)

For example:
CSU Opened at $485.00, tanked to $450.00 then rebounded to $540.

CUJO-31 Game profile

New Member

Jul 21st 2015, 19:43:42


Good to know that having over 2b in cash is counter productive. I am about to hit 2B in cash.

Is food generally a safe place to invest because there will always be buyers and price doesn't fluctuate much. I notice the price for oil has a massive swing 150-225, while food is typically 38-42 and the tech prices have a massive range aswell.

CUJO-31 Game profile

New Member

Jul 20th 2015, 19:56:51

Thanks for all your responses.

I will try to re-calibrate my build strategy to have 350 ICs and set to 100% Spies. I am finding it easier to just buy the military.

I don't intent to make many attacks this round, as I want to get a feel for the game. Plus everyone I attack dies within 24 hours for some odd reason.

Is this game very clan based - I am assuming tag is a synonym for clan.

Can someone please explain what netting is? Is it the time when the country is in full expansion mode.

Another question, As a techer is my only option to simply research or is there something else I can do with my turns? Same if I am trying to a major oil producer, how does one use up his turn if all they do is oil.


CUJO-31 Game profile

New Member

Jul 17th 2015, 15:36:21

Hi, I am fairly new to this game but used to play earth 2025. Is there a recommended ratio for OPA or DPA or even spies per acre.

I am mostly tecking.