
Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 20:23:03

I miss E2025 turny style with tiered levels for better players, fluff like that moronic theo commie build never exsisted.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 20:06:56

Haha the all jetter techer perhaps..... I did see one of those this week.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 18:39:57

Hahah Alin thats priceless good times had by all I'm glad things are working out mabye techers will see the way the markets working and help themselves.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 18:23:50

Lol this is normal prices for a friday and a saturday, good for all the techers out there taking some advice and not selling short.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 15:59:53

Well atleast hes open about being a moron, I AGREE with Vic and everyone else on this server. I had the best food set ruined by player like you last easter. 15k acres by friday morning and food was selling 75-100 a bushel just to have some clown missile me 40 times because I made fastgrabs and forgot GDI. (Lessons learned here dont forget GDI like a newb) Point is some ASSHOLE wrecked myset and self deleted I still pulled a top 10 out of it if I recall right but I had to mid grab and dodge the hell out of that set. Naturally I was pissed off but I didnt take it out on the server. Play above the bar and act like an adult, yes I RoR idiots for not defending their land. But I dont topfeed to be a douchebag and certainly not when people are net racing.

Grow up and go out side and play in the sun or snow where ever you are.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 15:48:30

Congradulations NukEvil you hit the nail on the head my son, less dumb techers means less tech on the market.

NOW do not turn what I want to be a serious debate into a troll thread.

Im trying to educate people and rationally disucss this issue, theres no reason for me to quit teching, I just need to either educate and inform players on how to finish better. Or I need to adjust my play stlye accordingly with the new "factors" of the game.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 14:52:24

How many people tech start on express and do they think its actually worth it?

How many people think filling orders $500-$1000 less then the going rate on tech is smart?

I've done tech starts on express and there's no point to it in my opinion. As for filling orders thats a complete no no to me, on a server with 15-45 min wait to get goods on tbe market max id undercut would be $50 to assure anyones on route would still be undercut. There's no one on the server teching that needs money so bad that they should cut profits by millions of dollars unless they dont care about where you finish.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 14:43:14

Your quitting the server because you got attacked?

LOL I got 6 tapped by a guy with 6200 acres and 900k NW right off the hop and granted this week is a right off for anything. Not even worth warring a moron who gas 62% attack rate and the same NW as me after dropping my land significantly. But I'm not gonna quit the server thats just dumb.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 14:13:05

PS-506 457.69999
SS-759 686.955555

So id say you missed something or failed a spy op and he was on and walled you.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 14:08:57

Please PM and ill get back as quick as possible

Cable Game profile


Dec 12th 2013, 8:49:00

2000 and less for tech on the first day.... good luck finishing anywhere near the top 10 gouging prices like that. Its not even worth the time it takes to attempt it because you'd need a 20k acre demo to win under such poor conditions.

Definatly another cashers reset with cheap everything.

Cable Game profile


Dec 12th 2013, 2:06:22

What part of theres too many techers do you scrubs miss????? Tech was terrible last set and you still encourage it....

Cable Game profile


Dec 11th 2013, 21:25:48

Do not tech, the server Doesn't need more techers. Way to many techers as is and the market was crap last week because of it. I suggest not teching unless your a boss player like ViC

Cable Game profile


Dec 11th 2013, 14:21:15

Where did the Sexy Miss Stryke go?

Cable Game profile


Dec 10th 2013, 20:25:24

Lots of angry RoRing this set will be interesting to see what happens when I take my retals here in the next few days as they will be 7 days behind since I converted.

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 22:53:04

Naw mods wont agree to that, just have to PM friends and tell them your country name

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 17:42:48

Zero tolerance at my work means you get fired for one of 14 safety violations or environmental violations

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 14:17:40

Does the fake play like the real one? I noticed the real the switched to casher and is doing better now. Will the fake be runninng labs and there for lots of land farm for techers?

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 13:49:37

Asking the wrong guy Blid gotta talk to Pang he will mass delete everyone but his own Clan and a few smaller alliances for land farm.

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 0:12:01

Originally posted by Vic:
and it comes down to being able to calculate someone's production. hit people that EVEN if they go all jet, don't have a very high probability of being able to hit you.

plenty of people come all jet to come after me, and i just boss out of range.

you should have seen me and herbs in alliance two sets back. we farmed the entire server and jumped up to 30 m nw when everyone else was 10m and below. jumped out of range like bosses.
people went all jets, trust me. lol. all jets and 3 o allies and they still couldn't touch us

Thats was Herbs and Silver if I recall right out running PDM but you did run a great country, should have been first place if it wasnt for Candy getting FA.

Cable Game profile


Dec 8th 2013, 21:33:32

Originally posted by zydx:
as i said , im newi have only played 14 rounds and im getting top 10 already. while you are a hallucinating old lady here who accomplished nothing.
you really sound like someones dog here who keeps barking nonsense.

Haha your priceless, and quite precious. Like I said open your account for the world to see and then let the truth hurt son. If you think im speaking non sense your dumber then you sound. Better take an IQ test and lick a plug in

Cable Game profile


Dec 8th 2013, 21:04:25

Only 4 top tens? Make your profile public loser, Thats nothing to brag about scrub when you "wacked me" and still finished underneath me in NW when I didnt bother running turns my last day of set.

Cable Game profile


Dec 8th 2013, 16:38:29

Originally posted by zydx:
this is sunday forever noob cable

Are you still trying to act smart? Go back in your hole kid and come out when you learn how to play.

Cable Game profile


Dec 8th 2013, 13:21:19

Well and its not only just that this week. Vic promotes players going mass jetters to retal saying RoR is newbish. Well this weeks seen more DHs multi tapping retals until they break, MASSIVE jetters who have been farmed and seen all their jets poofed to SPY bombings and top feeding multitap "retals" or top feeding in general by a 6k acre country on a 12k+ acre country then any other week.

Promoting all jetter play and this is what you get, I look forward to you comming back to this fluff show you've built VIC.

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 21:16:40

Ive sold tech above 2300 but its been a game of patience, definatly too many techers this week.

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 21:05:58

Im not sure what your idea of crashing the market is, I sold tech Thursday at 3000 and awoke to 2000 pieces and about half my stuff still on the market. So I'd call that a crash, true it's been "crashed" as id call it from the start and been fluff ever since.

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 18:02:56

Congrats Sodawater awesome to watch this country grow

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 17:55:15

Lol not last week TDA this week tech has been crashed all week by idiots. I wrecked one techers country for retaling then top feeding me a second hit with his mostly jetter country. This is a good week for a techers war to teach the scrubs that a 5000 acre techer isnt gonna ever finish in the top 20 let alone top 10.

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 17:02:32

Sucking at a strat and having a bad set are two diffrent things, with tech prices low all set this week was bond to be bad for techers. With lots of 75% jetters and plenty of top feedingqand retals going down the Commies will likely do very well. Food is also good so even a medocore farmer will do well in these conditions as long as they don't randomly drop 25 million bushels at 50 and crush the market like the techers did all week. Winning comes down to being active and hitting land goals by cetain numbers of turns weather its playing or fast playing.

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 16:58:09

But your KrisG why name yourself JayR.... shut up while you have any dignity to salvage.

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 13:21:23

"You dont ally" yet you were deleted for letting him leach tech and only teching industry for his CI last week... come on now....

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 2:54:35

Who's country is this?

Cable Game profile


Dec 7th 2013, 1:54:10

Good bye two more country's down too cheating hahahah!

Cable Game profile


Dec 6th 2013, 17:14:19

He should cover my race for a top 10 and delete some of those fluffty techers

Cable Game profile


Dec 6th 2013, 16:43:16

Another bites the dust, #97 good bye and good riddens too bad I didnt hit you ;)

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2013, 20:52:20

Its the interaction that gets them deleted, one techs and the other leaches also while selling his friend cheap tech. Thats hardly coordination at all on a solo server.

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2013, 18:25:17

Even doing one from the phone and one from the computer all it takes is one slip up ie; "checking the forums wont get you deleted."

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2013, 17:38:49

Originally posted by Hopeless:
Jayr is a pure cheater. That's why he got all worked up. LMAO

exactly, and his claim on the other forum "your running new members out" is just a cop out for him trying to play from his phone and his computer as two diffrrent countries to further benifit himself. If your gonna try and pull this fluff atleast both be teching not selling yourself tech and leaching to yourself.

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2013, 17:33:02

Is that you that got deleted again #159 now? You dont need to explain anything but having your cousin run a country to help you out is against the solo server rules.

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2013, 3:08:42

HAHAHAHAHAHAH what a funny week 4 people deleted already and seems the same fluffs still being pulled. Running two countries and ones leaching tech off the other.

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2013, 20:15:39

Hes a theo again and there was too many idiots dropping tech prices, had I known 93 was you I wouldn't have said fluff. Your better then that to undercut like the fluff last week.

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2013, 19:25:59

Sorry Blid I thought you were the low ball techer my mistake <3

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2013, 18:01:50

Who were you last set? Because if you were #93 under cuttung the market by 700-900 when tech pieces where selling at 2899 and players dropped it down to 2199 or less for no reason. I'd say under pricing of goods cost any tech player a real shot at winning last week.

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2013, 2:18:57

Whaa? I always thought you were in charge of LCN? Ghost priminister duties till now?

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 16:53:32

Slow playing is benifical if your running a good country and if your running a good country you wont get hit. Its easy to run low defense and all jets in this game.

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 13:23:32

I missed walling the ABs by minutes, like I said no ones saying boo hoo about that because thats my fault. I still came out on top in NW between me and you and I would have been higher if I choose to sell my 1 milllion tech peices but I didn't want to crash the market on my allies doing well.

That being said yes you both said get more tanks, what a shock as active as I am I literally missed it by a few minutes, arrogance wins out there. As to your other statement ofcourse I bought turrets after you hit my DA I was behind on turrets at that point as is. Let alone that was the start of another round of hitting other players, mabye next time I should just not buy up turrets and not defend my land because that does seem smart. If you expect a 2 hous old spy op to accurate then your an idiot especially when im clearly actively hitting players and growing.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 23:58:05

Originally posted by zydx:
thanks Vic.

well IF he is second account of someone then i can give you an idea.
1. he kept saying ingame and here that i got 5:1 jet ratio. I may have 5:1 ratio at some point but this happened when i retaled 36 Hours Retal Window (#114). lol

2. after 2 hours when im about to attack Rocks and Socks (#3) , he bought turrets from 1.2m to 1.7m.
I checked his net before attacking so i made another spy (some failed). Then i get more jets.
To my amusement his def allies lost 1 troop. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) is one of his def and tech allies.
(im not so sure about this but that is what i can remember.)

3. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) share the same character as him. They (He) dont want to get retalled.

or maybe they are just 2 different person. no hard evidence. =)

joining GDI discourages double tapping and ROR. so retal rule is indirectly built in express.

Originally posted by Vic:
Retal on Retal ...

cable, i actually just read through your posts quickly and it seems apparent that you must have been around before under a different name.
so who are you?

and no hard feelings but honestly man i really don't think you should keep RoRing peeps who retal you, EVEN if they go heavy jets. it sucks, and it makes them classless players, yes, but judging from your posts and your gameplay you are better than that so just walk away from it and let them look like the n00bs they are.

that's my take on it all.

but nothing against you

Best post to date your idiotic tendency know no bounds. I didnt block your retal otherwise I would have blocked it all together scrub. More blatant lies concerning my country, if you spied me and I had 1.2 then jumped to 1.7 and you failed more spies i would have jumped again. Because I wasnt on when you hit me or when you hit 36 hour retal. As I stated before go back to grade school and learn to count.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 16:59:10

If I see people spying me ill buy 250k turrets to force a bounce

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 14:02:49

I use an abacus and carry minimum 15% weapons for mule effect.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:40:09

Well if you played a clean no leaches round congrats on the win. You definitely played a solid round, and your welcome helping you dodge super jetter #87.

Yes 7 cheaters deleted in the top 100 thats new to me. Always a few kill runners that get deleted but Im fairly certain #116 was running multies