
Cable Game profile


Dec 26th 2015, 19:28:58

Originally posted by Celphi:
At this point in game... buying tech at 4k isn't even worth it.

The cost of tech > amount made from tech.

The best part of it is people are still feeding into them.... if the majority of players boycott tech and played a week without buying tech. Finishes would be lower but then techies would also be forced to drop the price.

Lower your demand for tech and prices will follow suit. Don't give in to them.

Cable Game profile


Dec 26th 2015, 19:25:13

Don't tell people about the extra 2 %.... that's a few million dollars difference in the finishes....

Cable Game profile


Dec 26th 2015, 15:49:37

Originally posted by Relax lah:
I started off as a techer, forgot to buy up def after I batched, got into a fight with someone who grabbed like a d bag and when I retaliated called me a d bag lol

Is it Knight Club? He didn't talk to me when he RoRed me with 500 turns on hand, but I see he picked another fight after a rash of bad grabs. I killed him two weeks ago.

Cable Game profile


Dec 26th 2015, 14:09:17

There's few and far in between enough players that net properly as techers on this server.

Cable Game profile


Dec 25th 2015, 2:49:24

No lump of coal for you Serp it seems, gonna be some fat presents for someone people though as I share the Christmas cheer over the next 10 days.

Cable Game profile


Dec 24th 2015, 18:16:41

Lol from the look at government types and the pricing over the last 4 hours I'd say there's more then 1. But they're not very good at marketing. It's easy to hold on to turns for 2 days waiting for resonance pricing to come around.

I'd buy tech at 3k but they insist on dropping it by mere hundreds. 4600---4500----4200, some news will buy this and likely the bots.

Cable Game profile


Dec 24th 2015, 4:39:21

Going on EEstats and dudusing he used alot of missiles on 9 isn't a secret. Duducing that a top 10 player has 2 DAs isn't a secret, that they have poor defense, well that's debateable. Although he posted no numbers and what's "poor" to one player might not be "poor" to all.

Cable Game profile


Dec 23rd 2015, 21:13:58

Originally posted by Marshal:
and ironxxx just stepped into grey area.

Any player can make an educational guess from a 28 million NW player breaking another 28 million NW player on their Jet counts. One of them will have low defense, and the fact he posted is open information on EESTATs. Farm at your own risk though.

Cable Game profile


Dec 23rd 2015, 18:59:00

Jet heavy = retal

Come back when you bomb his airbases

Cable Game profile


Dec 22nd 2015, 3:53:14

Even the biggest country this set is 58k.... that's pretty slack

Cable Game profile


Dec 21st 2015, 15:48:41

Guess your not attacking in the 6-10 million range.... there's only a handful of players most of which limit grabbing to 1 maybe 2 hits a day if you're lucky enough to find someone without 30 missiles and low defense.

Cable Game profile


Dec 20th 2015, 15:58:00

My bets on the Enterprise winning this one.... seems have been for his big push....

Cable Game profile


Dec 20th 2015, 15:12:27

Self deleting is the ultimate F**k you to anyone who just lost 15k buildings and 10k acres. All the land Vic lost to Bibi, Vic burned and plagued.... The buildings they captured Vics commandos rigged with boobitraps and has now just left him a 4th world country. To follow that up with self-deletion, is like when you've gotten your prisoner and he bleeds out so you cant keep beating him daily for your personal pleasure.

I once had great set going in express on what was probably the craziest food set ever. Food was going for an average price of 82 a bushel, but I forgot GDI and got rocked by missiles only to see the culprit self delete moments latter. Sucks not being able to take back any sort of revenge, so I agree with Vic, set wrecked for set wrecked followed up by no reason to play the last 14 days is rather poetic

Cable Game profile


Dec 19th 2015, 16:24:37

Oh bibi..... I smell blood in the water

Cable Game profile


Dec 18th 2015, 22:11:31

Do they Allie bots together in primary? Or even have bots? I'm curious about this now, I don't know much about the bots or there where abouts.

Cable Game profile


Dec 16th 2015, 13:15:10

Well the top 10 is certainly lively feeding off each other......

Cable Game profile


Dec 15th 2015, 13:49:24

Sell down some of those jets you bought up..... they used to be so nicely priced and now they're over priced....

Cable Game profile


Dec 15th 2015, 4:22:08

Originally posted by silentwolf:
Originally posted by Celphi:
It's actually -7% lost per attack (minimum).

You gain +3% per turn.

That's why tyranny appears to be 4%

Demo takes 3 turns to attack (9% gained)
All others 2 turns to attack (6% gained)

doenst it also take the % of units u send ? or is it purely based on the above u mentioned.

If you send 3 times the required minimum to break it lowers around the pace above. If you send the minimum it uses more readiness. Best guess is it uses around 10% + 3% per turn based? Give or take.

Cable Game profile


Dec 15th 2015, 4:19:41

Originally posted by Serpentor:
This is so funny.

Who is next on the hit list.... It could be enterprise, it could be Delphinus, or it could be YOU!!!! Dun Dun Dun......

....... I'll just place this here and run......

Cable Game profile


Dec 14th 2015, 1:06:59

Classic top 10 scores

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 16:48:09

Originally posted by lol:
is cable complaining again?

Go back under your Rock scrub

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 16:47:21

Originally posted by the Temple:
Have you ever heard of occam's razor Cable.

Whats the simplest explanation here?

Cable plays CI like always
Cable whines on the forum when he's butt hurt
In said whine Cable includes details of an unusual but distinctive seria of attacks
Temple looks for 30 seconds on eestats to find a commie that matches


Temple tries oiling for çhange and buggers it up. Ref you own thread from friday...
Temple gets into a shabby war with 101
But its ok because temple is running a secret multi wity the dastardly plan of waiting for cable to come along so he can get DTd then send precisely one fluffty EM back.
temple waits for the butthurt forum post to point out a load of readily available info, sorry super accurate secrets...

I wish i had done it if only to demonstrate you don't know how gdi works and you can't even manage to start a war.

Lol I play CI maybe 1 time out of 4 but you seem to know everything. I only played CI this week with the intent to use the tech bonus to mass missiles and get a quick spy count to wreck fluff up. You think everything I say is whining, again wrong, but you're entitled to be retarded as your sub 65 IQ states that's the lone for legal retardation.

Last you are right, I was wrong it's not you running a multi or coordinatinget but 2 other players. Thus like I said if it's not you I will apologize, so for that I'm sorry. I only DT a player with the intent of warring, but he won't engage in it say la ve.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 16:40:56

Lol GDI stops someone from suiciding you and thatsee really about it, it's a tool that stops early game disruption. Make some big retals and some players will think twice, others will just wait till you out grow your potential then farm you anyways. It's either keep up or get beaten up...

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 15:34:27

[quote poster=the Temple; 38331; 699296][quote poster=Cable; 38331; 699290]How is 101 still alive? You should have been able to kill him by now..... sad really.....

We will see who's who in the zoo if the mods actually follow up with it or not. [/quote.
Originally posted by Cable:
How is 101 still alive? You should have been able to kill him by now..... sad really.....

We will see who's who in the zoo if the mods actually follow up with it or not.

He's got this crazy method off logging in and running turns.

I'm clearly not coordinating. I'm baffled as to who you think I'm running as a multi. The only "accurate fact" i posted was by following the whiff of butthurt to eestats and lookingfor the flufftiest looking commie in gdi whod been missled. MULTI!!! [/quote]

I like how you "assume" I was running a CI and "looking for it" because I run CI so often. I could have been runing any country that was missiled, but you seem to have the inside track. I'm not butthurt at all, I merely wanted to war a second person but the mechanics of the game seem to have denied me.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 14:25:49

How is 101 still alive? You should have been able to kill him by now..... sad really.....

We will see who's who in the zoo if the mods actually follow up with it or not.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 13:51:44

Originally posted by drkprinc:
well then he took out an avg of 32000 attack points/defense points?

No because defense points don't double... his poor attempt at trolling just makes him look stupid again. I suspect he won't post again though as I think he's either running a multi or he's coordinating with another player. If it's not him I will apologize, but 2 players in the game are 100% coordinating that much is for sure. Conveniently minutes apart he posts some pretty accurate facts.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 13:32:27

Originally posted by the Temple:
You can hit once without breaking GDI.

If you DT you break GDI so are open to misisles

If there's one retal with a missile it won't break GDI

It only cost you 16000 units (or 32000 in Cablemaths) so I wouldn't sweat it too much.

Bro you didn't get that phonics book I sent you?

If a missile destroyes 16000 units it can't double, it destroys every type of unit from Spies to tanks. I know that's tough to understand the difference between actual units and defense/attack strength.

Cable Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 13:12:30

How does someone who missiles a player not break their GDI?

PlAyer 1 double taps
Player Missiles player 1
Player one gets "GDI will not let you preform that type of attack"

Cable Game profile


Dec 12th 2015, 19:06:46

Originally posted by h2orich:

Thanks, that's what I thought

Cable Game profile


Dec 12th 2015, 18:36:21

4 times? NW

Cable Game profile


Dec 11th 2015, 0:58:02

Buy more turrets

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 19:05:45

Originally posted by drkprinc:
I can hear the rumbling of turrets and tanks being shipped to silentwolf's country this very moment with troops marching behind.

That's why foods climbing fast, he's stocking for a long haul ;)

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 16:40:12

Originally posted by Furano:
If top 10 can multi-tap smaller players, why can't top 10 be multi-tapped? I think those who multi-tapped others are at risk.

Everyone who double taps players is taking a risk.

Cable Game profile


Dec 9th 2015, 1:54:06

Yah, sadly theres a lot of ways to screw players over without them breaking GDI. When I tech and stock I get the most flustered over this...

Cable Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 14:53:50

Originally posted by Furano:
So, shall I continue? Anyone needs to slim down?

Out of curiousty you wouldn't happen to be playing express this week?

Cable Game profile


Dec 6th 2015, 2:59:20

Originally posted by DespicableMe:
Celphi has a point there. But still you are ruining someones finish. Sad LaE.

"Better defense is a good offense."
-Phil Jackson

Yah its more the point with 48 hours left in the set its barely worth it to make a retal unless your way behind on turns played. Plus they will barely get any of the land they lost back out of it. Mabye 25% if that, and given the costs to get the smidgen back its really just frustrating more then anything else.

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 20:33:24

Originally posted by drkprinc:
everyone that doesn't play c/i needs to farm all c/i players right out of protection then it will work

Or less players play CI and play other strats

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 19:41:02

Originally posted by Celphi:
Yup. Just an experimental set. I'm trying to find a way to make a mbr relevant.

If you can do that and make it work let me know :( Been 10 years since I played mbr..... and made it work

Cable Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 19:19:08

Originally posted by Celphi:


By JS I assume he means JavaScripit......

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 23:36:56

Originally posted by Relax lah:
Where are the commies? Buying out pm so early on?

Guessing hes a theo as the CIs are selling just above a theos private.

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 23:18:50

Lol I've been waiting 2 days for military tech to lower..... so I say good luck to you.

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 21:41:35

Get in line CX :P

Cable Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 2:55:55

Originally posted by Furano:
Originally posted by andyxxx:
Furano hit me too!

Ban him!

Yeah ban all players who PS/SS. Then we have an all x game which I am pretty good at...

Haha they have this, it's called Alliance

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 14:16:35

Tech will always go down as techers get bigger and other countries fall off the map. Same with food, typically food prices start low but then go up while countries grow. Then drop drastically at the end of set.

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 13:51:54

Originally posted by Furano:
If a target retal more than once, option of initiating suicides will be on my hand, right (assuming both with GDI)? If that's the case a serious player would unlikely do that. So...

If no retal, best scenario
Retal once, still a good land trade to me
Retal more than once - also a good trade to me - that means a reputable outstanding player won't make it top 5 this set... (Ie veterans players are of higher value to me in this perspective - as a trophy)

Yes you will have the option of warring with a first strike. That being said, a lot of player whi are gonna war will be ready for your first strike. Like I said each to their own, play the game the way you see fit.

Side note, that is how I feel silent wolf , I feel like growing my country exponentially will just result in me being attacked with little chance of gaining my land back in a retal. So it puts me at an impass.... SPAL up and perhaps gear up for the inevitable one would susspoe.

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 0:41:09

Originally posted by silentwolf:
If bottomfeeding is alright.. Topfeeding should be too..

I would do it if i run a techer

Theres nothing wrong with top feeding, its all apart of the game. Play it the way you see fit, I'm just saying some players may or may not appreciate losing that much land, only to get 20% of it back. Others will just plain be butthurt, and throw their set away. But considering hes a "new member" I just figured id give a friendly heads up on the way others will see his attacks.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2015, 23:16:08

Originally posted by Furano:
So people take it kindly to be hit by countries of similar land size as theirs?

That's a better way of going about things, If a player has to hit you 5 times to get the land back that you took from them. They may or may not be happy about it, and loose cannon players may just choose to make poor decisions in return. Not everyone feels this way, but eventually you will run across a player who isn't happy about you taking alot more acres then they will gain back by hitting you once.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2015, 17:13:27

Not sure if you're the new member who posted on the Red horde running the country on primary. But you should tred lightly in the way you play, people don't take kindly to attacking people 2 too 3 times your land size.

Cable Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 20:36:35

Originally posted by Ti annichilisco:
Originally posted by Vic:
lol what are you talking about?

1. that grab was made as a demo, you moron :)
2. i've swithced to tyr (after that grab ... you moron), not for attack bonuses, but to drop gloves and war him rest of set (even though that's the type of trash guys like that want)
3. he's made 5 or so hits on me, one or more has failed. my two retals of 2k plus acres a piece are responses to:

2015-11-20 00:15:00 PS BiBiGoN (#5) retal record (#34) 192A (310A)

2015-11-16 22:07:05 PS BiBiGoN (#5) retal record (#34) 102A (197A)


so again, any decent player thinks bibigon is an embarrassment to humanity.
also, love your 360 awesome posts! i particularly enjoyed your post in 2012 when you asked how to play the game ...

Leave him alone a couple of days as I have to retal him and want to hit him as hard as ever possible, I'll be exactly the same NW by design

2015-12-01 14:00:09 PS Ti Annichilisco (#3) BiBiGoN (#5) 1911A (2725A) HA HA

Cable Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 20:31:43

Originally posted by silentwolf:
Ill just stick to my late game play.

And farm the bots after all u fellas done with it and also done with each other.

Should have enuf acres to go around.

Theres never enough @@