
Cable Game profile


Nov 29th 2015, 17:44:38

Originally posted by Nerrus:
Sorry didn't mean to sound like a big fat meanie.

Having 360(360) turns never deters me... I just enjoy the thrill of attacking and evading retals :D

The thrill of out running a CI is like the thrill of low fat ice cream.....

Unless you're me this set and will only play 1100 is turns give or take. Then it's the thrill of taking candy from a baby

Cable Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 21:40:52

Also some players will wait to grab just because they know their opponent is bad and made a poor choice to grab a better country.

Cable Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 21:39:52

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
anyone can sit back and wait 11 days to respond to a grab and make a big retal

That's incorrect a good player can our run another player of lesser skill or sometimes even similar skull but poor strategy choice.

The great players are the ones that can make a retal with a weak strategy 11 days later.

Cable Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 16:04:57

Anyone's DA need upgrades?

Cable Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 3:08:43

My inability to grab to the potential of turns I have is sad...... although being able to bring in a few hundred million in 1 go is a nice deturant being the top after running my unused turns is better....

Cable Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 0:40:31

Lol they should have known better to mess with the Putin

Cable Game profile


Nov 25th 2015, 14:01:42

And there it is..... someone has crushed his country and in a week or so he won't have any DR to protect his land when the sharks come a knockin

Cable Game profile


Nov 25th 2015, 3:55:01

In your situation it isn't wise to talk about it on open chat, but there's a few things you could easily do. Run turns by warfare tech, stock turns and prepare for ABs after you PS the guy back. I'll assume since he's not in GDI he has quite a few tanks, so good luck with all that. Odds aren't in his favor that someone doesn't wars him.

Which leaves you 3 options, ignore it and NET on, Retaliation his RoR and then cripple hi country. Or look for him later as farm food after he gets stuck in a war with someone else.

Cable Game profile


Nov 25th 2015, 3:39:04

Haha too funny

Cable Game profile


Nov 24th 2015, 2:24:28

Originally posted by Relax lah:
just imagine if u could put up SOs for grabs lol

Hahaha just break the game.....

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 23:00:59

I thought so @.@ j.k I hate GDI not stopping bank bombing. At the very least it should stop it if you haven't even hit the damn person.

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 18:46:39

This is the same reason I won't be running anything exciting this week or last. No time to pick up the mobile to make grabs.

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 18:45:06

Originally posted by the Temple:
I started a Commie for a bit of a change then remembered that playing CI and having a life are not compatible.

Playing a successful CI yes agreed, I've seen lots of all X or all X and Retaliation only CI that do moderately well. Put in order to put up big land numbers you can't have any life.

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 14:02:09

Temple what happens this week? All I saw was you went CI then just AFKed..... sadly disappointed. I thought you were improving on your cannoe skills and using the 20% more effective tech for CI to your advantage.

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 14:00:31

Originally posted by SupremeU:
Give it a minute, Cabe, you'll figure it out. What was the topic heading again?

Lol give me a minute huh? Top 10 is placing then everything down to 100 gets credited for finishing the set. I see no top 10 without GDI.... so.... you figure that out.

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 4:42:52

Originally posted by SupremeU:
Back to back placing as non-GDI.

Never Die
Just Multiply. the Rogues' Gallery.

I'm confused what defines as placing?

Cable Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 4:41:51

Cash 20 turns, max sell to keep food upkeep down and rinse and repeat the last 24 hours. Building jets I don't nessacraly agree with, I will build whatever is selling the best and make the most of the market. Turret upkeep is more costly but usually a high seller as player are looking to keep what they have.

I've never taken my indy tech above 152% the last little bit of any tech is overly costly to obtain. The rewards for the extra few % don't seem to out way the cost.

Cable Game profile


Nov 22nd 2015, 22:50:45

I wish I was 54 haha just kidding, I was gonna hunt newbs this set hut those ball-less players didn't show their faces till 12 hours left.

Cable Game profile


Nov 22nd 2015, 16:17:15

Id have killed you already but the player your topfeeding hasn't retaled yet.

Cable Game profile


Nov 22nd 2015, 16:16:38

your a douche cannoe

Cable Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 15:29:36

The worst part of all that is I oped your country and it's not like it's a dirty country.... nice clean use of land.... sorry about your luck. Although having DR isn't too bad as an all-x rep cashed.

Cable Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 15:26:28

If you save 360 you can GS/spy op him to death with a good SPAL country.

Cable Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 15:24:26

Originally posted by TDA101:
You guys come up with a better suggestion then?

Multi tap him and save turns till he breaks GDI

Cable Game profile


Nov 21st 2015, 14:01:59

I doubt he was paying attention to grog's land at the time. All grog would have to do is explore as he's being attack and he wouldn't know the difference. You can land kill a target that's not online. But ideal land is below 2000 acres. The minute grogy comes online to explore you've lossed. He explores for 5X what you hit for every 2 turns.

Cable Game profile


Nov 19th 2015, 18:41:24

Originally posted by Gogy:
Wooohoo i always have fun... :P ready and waiting ;)

Hahaha busted....

Cable Game profile


Nov 19th 2015, 1:49:59

Originally posted by Vic:
oh remember the time that you said you had a D spot for me and then filled it...
oh that was this set? :p

gl ;)

I didn't fill it, someone else filled it and then bailed. I figured it was you as they took my IA spot as well.

Thanks for your consideration though Vic

Cable Game profile


Nov 18th 2015, 17:20:24

Times are tough :/ haha already lost a guy to the rigors of life.

Cable Game profile


Nov 17th 2015, 2:10:49

Hahahahahahahhaahahahahhaah man that guy will hit anything.

*grabs some popcorn*

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 21:59:26

Originally posted by sprockitz:
When I op'ed temple he had 120% weapons tech and 9 million turrets. And I don't think much changed between the two retal attempts.

Nobody denied his 9 million turrets as I bounced my retal based off a my NW vs his given a player should have a certain amount of tech. His tech levels would be lower then he says or he'd have been in first at 15-16 million NW

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 19:30:16

Let's use Ent Nixon as a reference as he's a republic of similar land. He's at 26.9 million NW

He has 2.8 million tanks, 9.4 million troops and roughly the same jets and turrets you claim to have had and same tech level.

Minus off his additional army value that's only 10.5 less

26.9-10.5 = 16.4 let's round down for variance in your numbers 16 million.

So how does your country at 14.2 = 16.4 if you have what you claim.

Edited By: Cable on Nov 16th 2015, 19:33:38
See Original Post

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 19:18:29

No I base what you off what I know I had. Because i didn't op I don't claim to know what you had. I'm telling you the numbers don't add up very well. According to what you said you should have over 15 million NW.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 16:55:36

Again the math on your NW doesn't add up to what you've claimed you had. The only tech that helps you in this situation is weapons tech. In which if you had good weapons tech then you'd have minimal other tech. Thus running a cap country like I stated and cashing all your turns in to make the grab. You went from 6.4 Milion to 11 million when you ran your turns to top feed.

Spin spin




Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 16:39:07

I factored in your weapons tech @140% so let's go over this.

I was at 15 million 1 million over you.
I had 12.5 million turrets, 1 million ish troops and 60kish tanks. Plus my weapons tech

You claim to have 9 million jets to attack me and even more turrets then you had jets to stop my attack.
You had 1 million less NW then I did.

If what you say has any truth to it you'd have a lot higher NW then you did at the time of the hit. So where's the lie? Only you know.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 16:12:51

I made an estimated guess based on you having tech? I bounced therefore you either had more turrets then your NW should have and less of another thing (tech) or you had higher tech like your suggesting and then less NW in turrets. Can't be both, so lie away.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 15:43:12

Originally posted by the Temple:
Are you on crack Typhus? I broke you with 9 million jets.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 15:41:12

Originally posted by the Temple:
I'd tell you how many turns of cashing it took to buy those jets, but I don't think your delicate heart could take it. I'm not entirely certain what you expect a casher to do late set though, it's kinda the point.

I had plenty of the tech. If you had enough spies you'd know that.

It's working fine for me so far.

And the lies continue little newb, let's run some basic math for you.

Turrets = $0.6 NW
Jets = $0.5 NW

So if you attacked me with 9 million Jets that's 4.5 million NW
If you had "more turrets then jets" like you said that's a minimum of 5.4 million NW. That puts you at 9.9 of 14.3 million NW. Considering Spies, and Land constructed that doesn't leave much room for tech @ $2NW / piece.

Spin spin




Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 14:12:57

Originally posted by the Temple:
Running the same casher I always do is not 'trying to net'.

The best part is you messing up the easiest tech win ever. In fact you've got to go back to September for that score to be good enough for second.




Getting top feed twice by losers and still finishing with 29 million is nothing to ashamed of.

Like I said any idiot can rum 360 turns and buy a ton of jets and attack. The fact that you had more turrets then jets just means you rum a crap country with 0 tech. The rounds where 30 million takes top 3 they didn't have you making grabs on them with 240 turns left.

You keep playing your way though, see how it works out .

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:56:33

There's more then enough, the best part of it all is you actually tried to net and not war last week until you raged after tuna hit you.




Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:49:04

I provided the proof, and now your in denial, spin spin




Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:32:12

And there is the denial I just posted let's keep it rolling




Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:21:23

Well at least your honest with yourself about one thing, your too much of a newb to net, and your a douch bag with nothing better to do then top feed and wreck players sets.




I'll rattle my zipper next time I want any lip from you

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:11:13

I copied that post so you can eat your own words

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:10:21

"Lol I beat you when I finish without warring" in reference to st his weeks challenge to net your way out of a paper bag. That was your response, try harder to denie what you said. Go edit your post, cry to your mom whatever it is that you'd like to do. Make more excuses for your inability to adapt and grow. I not making excuses, it is what it is, I took 2nd in a set I should have won.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:02:36

the Temple



 

Nov 9th 2015, 3:35:20

And another one who claims you always beat me. You do realise eestats exists, right?

The fluff waving Is so much more effective if you tell the truth.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 5:01:19

Originally posted by the Temple:
Only one of us is embarrassed here, and it's not me.

Show me where I said I was a better netter than you.

the Temple



 

Nov 8th 2015, 16:34:52

Originally posted by Cable:

Temples a loser couldn't net his way out of a paper bag so he trolls the forums and the game. Typical LaFer

Lol. I beat you when I finish without warring.

At least Ive got the balls toplay the same name.

Run your mouth some more little boy any newb can run 360 turns cashing and buy a bunch of jets to make a big grab.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 4:11:47

Originally posted by the Temple:
There's nothing funnier than a bottom feeder whining about being top fed when he's still got mud between his teeth.

Not my fault you can't defend your land is it. Or take it back. Or win as the only big teacher in the best tech set in decades.

If you had the balls to run the same name you'd know enough jets defend quite well.

You think I ever even try to net?

This is what I know, you said your a better netter then me and when I embarrassed you deflect. Your a sore loser get some skill and stop making excuses for your gutter trash playing style.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 2:28:26

Its 3X your oppents defensive value for approx. 20 hits, then have another two windows open set for 10 spy ops each. Then back to hitting and rinse and repeat.

Re-op if you start to see to high of loses and want to adjust break.

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 1:04:55

He will still lose to it

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 0:19:52

Originally posted by sprockitz:
thanks all for a fun set! Feels good to snag a victory! I knew going into the last day my land edge over the rest of the field would give me a shot, though Temple's late hit had me a bit worried. So despite The Temple's late hits on both cable and myself we still held on for 1st and 2nd :-) I was fortunate that the Networth needed for a win was a bit lower this set.

I took an early Top Feed by some random commie which did me no favours either @.@ Good win though with as poor as the market was all set for CI and as high Tech was you ran a beast.