
Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 0:11:16

Originally posted by Tom Brady MVP:

Why didn't you answer me how The Temple tastes bro been running your mouth all day but all I hear is gurgling noises

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 0:08:48

Im shocked Getafix couldn't get higher....

Cable Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 0:05:28

So lets recap what we've learned this week.

1) The Temple blows goats at netting
2 Temple of Doom (#4) 17,655 $29,026,729 HG
13 The Temple (#37) 15,410 $16,257,625 RG

2) He can't do math and thinks Jets defend his country (Sorry bra your not the USA)

Nov 15th 2015, 17:46:20

Wah wah. 26 million break my arse
Nov 15th 2015, 18:26:17

Are you on crack Typhus? I broke you with 9 million jets. (27 million attack strength on a PS)

Nov 15th 2015, 18:34:44

Ah, right, i see.

I just count jets and turrets as equivalent. You need more of one of them.

He's counting the def value, so troops = 1, turrets and jets = 2, tanks = 4. So PS jets are worth 3. Makes him feel MOAR POWER

3) You have 0 class when it comes to this game, calling me a cheater when you get grabbed. Then top feeding me for no reason other then your a sore loser.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 21:50:46

Originally posted by Tom Brady MVP:

How the temples juice taste? You must not be very good at gummers you were gone a long time. Or did the temple make you go home and that's why your slow to respond?

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 20:15:34

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Cable:
There's ways to fix that Marshal

sure and after he restarts he will be even bigger pain in ass.

If he restarts, cripple him and leave him to bleed out. Then after running turns to recover rinse and repeat. Week I'm and week out till he stops.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 19:57:54

Originally posted by drkprinc:
damn missed out on time in the sandbox with temple stupid work didn't even know was sunday

I think he's still having a gang bang at his house with his multiple personalities.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:50:30

Originally posted by Hneftafl:
Note to self: In the future, count troops = 0.5, jets/turrets = 1 and tanks = 2.

This is how most players do it I believe.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:49:57

Originally posted by Hneftafl:
Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Hneftafl:
Where does the *3 come from? I thought PS was *1.5.

He's counting the def value, so troops = 1, turrets and jets = 2, tanks = 4. So PS jets are worth 3. Makes him feel MOAR POWER

Oh I see. Creative accounting. =D

Also more is spelt wrong.... sorry bro.... I can help though
Hooked On Phonics Master -‎


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Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:47:28

Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Hneftafl:
Where does the *3 come from? I thought PS was *1.5.

He's counting the def value, so troops = 1, turrets and jets = 2, tanks = 4. So PS jets are worth 3. Makes him feel MOAR POWER

Jets don't have a defense values but yet the basic math is that. Then SS is equal and PS is 1.5* attacking power.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:43:03

Originally posted by the Temple:
My basic maths = 3000+ acres

Typhus basic maths = bounce.

Sept like I stated earlier, I didn't op you I just attack, and failed. But thems the breaks some times.

Also I think loses are 7.5%? 8% would have been an exact million lose.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:37:55

Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by the Temple:
Ah, right, i see.

I just count jets and turrets as equivalent. You need more of one of them.


Actually as it turns out, you needed more of both.

That was actually funny, still you've proven so much about you in this one little conversation.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:37:00

Originally posted by CX LaE:
I calc attack strength differently than that, Cable. Maybe he does as well.

And I believe one loses 8% on an attack w/o Med tech.

Lots of people calc breaks differently, I just use basic math..... I wont point that out on here as the above comment humors me.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:35:28

Originally posted by the Temple:
Ah, right, i see.

I just count jets and turrets as equivalent. You need more of one of them.


Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:32:56

This makes me cuirous now though, if you had 9 million jets @ 14.2 million NW. With 14k acres, you must not have had much tech..... In order for me to bounce a 14ish million break.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:30:43

Originally posted by the Temple:

LMFAO Point proven

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:27:43

are you dumb! that's 27 million attack strength over 26 million, god your a
Originally posted by the Temple:
Are you on crack Typhus? I broke you with 9 million jets.

God your dumb 9 million * 3 = 27,000,000 + your weapons tech, yet alone that's still over 26 million. Thanks for coming out.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:24:34

Originally posted by the Temple:
No dumbass, I sent 200,00 troops and 20,000 tanks. The point is your break was nowhere near 26 million, not that it was easy.

Though, as it happened, it was.

I break was over 26 million newb and the proof is in the units I lost.

I had over 25 million in turrets alone, plus weapons tech, not to mention the troops and tanks I had. But again keep lying to yourself, whatever helps you sleep. Do you tell Tom brady to leave when hes done sucking you dic? Or do you you let him spend the night?

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:20:02

I mean you're such a classy player why would you lie Temple?

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:16:50

8.8 hours ago

A brigade from The Temple (#37) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!

They took:

1724 Acres (2460 Gained)

2460 Buildings (736 Stolen)

5980 Bushels


15,840 Technology Points

Your military lost:

75,852 Troops

941,650 Turrets

3890 Tanks

Their military lost:

11,780 Troops

805,386 Jets

1678 Tanks

Next time your gonna lie atleast make sure theres no way to prove you wrong. I didn't lose 75k troops out of 200k I didn't lose almost 1 million turrets because I was an easy break.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:10:33

You should know Ford, whats the exact % lost during an attack with no medical?

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:09:33

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Cable:
This is a game of math, this is why Brady is labeled a newb in the NFL.

He dropped the land after the attack, which is more benifical because returns are based off buildings that are built. The more built the better for returns....

I'm always suprised how many people grab my landfarm when I have 5k unbuilt from a batch.

Theres alot of bad players on this game.... even when you run no defense they still don't get max returns half the time.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:07:15

Originally posted by Tom Brady MVP:


Does hash taging it here even go to social media? How am I bad at this game, state some facts troll. Or just get your mouth of the temples fluff.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 18:05:06

This is a game of math, this is why Brady is labeled a newb in the NFL.

He dropped the land after the attack, which is more benifical because returns are based off buildings that are built. The more built the better for returns....

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 17:59:46

Originally posted by the Temple:
Wah wah. 26 million break my arse

Glad you're bad at math, you attacked me with troops,jets,and tanks. If need be we can go over the math with you.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 17:42:35

Thrice the hangman crys! Ford took out a big country this week

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 16:38:57

Should have oped him first, instead I just sent 13.2 million in breaking strength, based off his NW and what I had for defense at the time he broke me country. I was pretty surprised not to break him, meaning at 140% weapons he still had over 5 million turrets and enough jets to break my 26 million break.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 15:59:02

Originally posted by TDA101:
I think the bot dynamic makes it near impossible for a farmer to win.

(they don't stock food, they don't use enough food and 1 farmer bot is more than enough food for like 25 players)

That's the point, is to push Vics skill level :P

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 15:30:28

There's ways to fix that Marshal

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 15:19:18

Originally posted by CX LaE:
Vic should play next week

I said that last week :( If he plays next week he should show us how good he is and win with farmer ;)

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 14:55:28

Vic didn't play this week, hes too good for us he said.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 9:03:56

Hahaha man you Crack me up, but hell you got a big set of balls to top feed and keep the same name week in and week out that's for sure.

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 4:57:24

Its funny because you don't @.@

Cable Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 1:48:30

Originally posted by lee99:
I always sell my tech at reasonable price :D

This would be the first problem.... if you're here to win you need to everything you can make the most out of your country. If your gonna give away your good "for a reasonable price" name your country the land of Hipsters.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 22:48:32

Hahah, stellar, I see a few more wars going now this is good

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 18:31:30


Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 16:22:29

Haha well done, Relax got the cheater so that makes 2

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 15:59:11

Come on, oils not that high that you guys cant punish those players not in GDI.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 15:43:29

Gotta mass tech and convert on primary... get out of that rat race.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:48:56

Originally posted by the Temple:
Right, forward counting against retals that haven't happened... Did you work for Enron?

Oh come on, even you cant be that dumb that you don't think past the tip of your nose. Every decision is a cross roads waiting, even not counting retals yet to happen hes +600 acres

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:39:27

I missed the 200 acre gain vs crocs, that's a total of 600ish acres, just huge gains..... did you double tap the 0? Or are your fat fingers too?

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:36:52

Ah fluff TDA fumbled???

Doesn't that make my YouTube video that much funnier?

"This looks like a job for me"

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:35:17

He's gained 400 acres on the grab vs you, and he will lose land when he getd retaled by the players yet to come. Like I said grabbing players to gain land doesn't count because that wasn't what I was referring too. Even when I told you that your still seeing so much red that you didn't read it. "I will grab you back" always takes his reals.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:18:35

Ah yah I saw that little DH bummer, there can't be a science for why thing is good, I would have expected it to be cap after Relax won last week. That's Murphys law for me, winning strat usually sees the newbs copy it and tank the market.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:16:25

First of if your gonna call me a cheater get some proof other then your but hurt theory. Secondly he's been retake twice for and lost the majority of what he gained. He has a nice retal on the Rac though. Clear your reading comprehension is shot because when I said he loses more then he gains, I'm not referring to him making gains in grabs just what he's been retaled for moron.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:04:17

Ah is that the kind of demo you are? Haha well done sir, well done, and even better if you can get your hands on sub 36 dollar bushels..... lucky!

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 13:01:36

I laughed pretty hard, I'm not gonna lie, that player isnt very bright though.... makes poor grabbing decisions and loses more then he gains.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 12:49:48

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Who else got some of that $19 dollar oil? I wish my SO was set for more. I only bought 100000 barrels.

Zzz that sounds a lot like coordination again, Oil should have been auto bought out that low....

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 12:47:19

Originally posted by the Temple:
7.13 hit, 7.15 post including typing time. Amazing prescience multi Typhus.

f5 f5 f5 f5 on the news feed. You'll give yourself repetitive strain on your other hand.

Multi? I'm not running a multi you cry baby little she boy, I just happened to be looking at your juicy country wondering how it hadn't been hit and then bam! You got hit so I copy and pasted it before eestats even updated. Ask marshal to look into it, he will confirm that other player is not a multi, keep on crying though.

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 7:15:44

Forgot to pull up your panties?..... better buy more turrets

PS Nov 14, 07:13 Too Much Tuna (#15) The Temple (#37) 909 A

Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 1:37:41