
Cable Game profile


Nov 14th 2015, 0:55:52

Originally posted by Vic:
hehe in your case, it isn't a lack of talent buddy? :p

No I can win as long as I don't do stupid things... which is 90% of the time, but I enjoy the warring side of things and still finishing with major net worth. If JoH was here still he would screw with the all jetter players... little 10 tap for having no defense and then bomb their airbases and farm them into the ground.... man I miss the Express Super cop, keeping players honest.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 23:35:18

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by Cable:
There were just a lot less eyes watching what was happening back then.

dude, my record was this June, 2015 :p
and no i'm retired from express but give 'em hell.

also getafix could win a bunch in a row if he wanted but he has more fun in game than me :p

Oh you won when every stopped playing the game :P j.k like I said its not a lack of talent, I just find it time consuming winning.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 19:23:34

Side note, I'm not saying your not talented or motivated enough to grind out 4 wins on this server in a row. There were just a lot less eyes watching what was happening back then.

Are you playing this week? The more skilled players that play the more competitive the top10 is, and it will push the limits of the game. I'd like to see Blid and you come back for a week and see where the top 10 starts and stops.... be a 25 million or better week to compete.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 19:19:45

Originally posted by mrdodge:
Being proud of cheating 4 times in a row, must be a boston thing.

Back in the day there was lots of ways to win through DAS and AAs all without FA and then there's just knowing people in the game who kindly feed your war machine by letting you take their land with Retal because they respect or like you.

Back in the day Rich used to multiple hit players and they were plenty capable of fighting him and didn't. I'm not saying it can't be done, but back before the Mods looked into coordination there was the opportunity to use and abuse it.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 6:22:08

Atleast your on the right path to responding like a good doggie

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 6:03:33

I didn't admit to anything, but if your gonna refer to me as being something don't be surprised when I speak up.

If I make a comment to she-males, it will directed to you intentionally or not, and I expect you to reply.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 5:42:23

Originally posted by the Temple:
It's easy. When a sentence starts with 'You' and that you isnot You, you're not being addressed.

You're talking about me in context, if you made a racist comment that started with "you" you'd be addressing everyone of said race. Is this making smoke come out?

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 5:37:49

Originally posted by the Temple:
You do struggle with reading comprehension don't you Typhus. Where did I address anything to you?

By referring to me in context you're addressing me, or is that complicated.

If I said the temple talks to much, I would be addressing you weather intentional or not. When posting on a PUBLIC forum you are addressing everyone you're talking about in whatever context you're using.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 5:28:48

You left out being the biggest nerd raging wind bag cry baby after Typhus. [/quote]

2. things here, 1 it wasn't me doing the interview, thus I left nothing out.
1. I never rage when I make a choice to double tap players and they exercise their right to start a war.

You must be a related to Caitlyn Jenner because you bring up more useless fluff from weeks gone by then any other women to grace this game. You suck at this game, at trolling, time to find something else that maybe you'd be good at.

Cable Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 4:21:52

Originally posted by Vic:
i will host a live chat in this thread starting now and ending in 30 minutes from now.

... am i the most legendary player of all time?

- good question. while i don't like to place myself with the true legends of the game, I certainly understand why lots of you consider me the single most legendary player of all time

... is it true that you hold the express record for consecutive wins?

-another fairly good question. yes, in fact that is true. 4 consecutive wins - the entire month of June ... and it would have been 5, had my techer not been cowardly topfed be NERRUS! a few guys have gotten 3, ebert, h2o, and a couple others, but 4 has only been accomplished by myself.

... is it true that you are currently hazing ebert in laf for no particular reason?

-well, yes and no. i am definitely hazing ebert in laf, but it's for a good reason. i see a lot of potential in him and I brought him to 1a and he's already placed back to back t10, so I really try to get him that pledges welcome which is what happens to all laf soon to be stars.

... is it true that you predicted h2o would destroy records like he did, before anyone else was able to identify this?

-yes this is in fact 100% true.

... is it true that you ran fazer and some other annoying n00bs out of the game?

- that is all true.

... what do you think of cx's poetry?

- i quite like it. highly recommended.

... blid?

- legendary. also may owe me a message, not sure. plans to play alliance in 2016

... getafix?

- send shovels up north, winter is near. also, legend.

... relax lah?

- nicest guy in the game

... superfly?

- even though he picked bibi over me (who me and superfly had declared eternal war upon just three sets earlier :p ) in team ... "mistakenly" ... i aint mad at cha

... viva?

- viva!

... ford?

- total front, sweetheart irl. frequents cheers

... s w?

- what a guy!!

...KoH ???

- when you can rock a tye dye t shirt like this guy, you've arrived. miss ya buddy

crimson ?

- this is a guy you do better to have on your side, has more heart than most people here

... ti anni ... ?

- pass

... cable?

- wb nubface :p

Im sad I missed this :( You left out the discussion about you being Mr.Smoke and Cloacked being Mr.Clear and Tellarion all at the same time in 3 alliances. As well as a mod... next time we can talk decade of game history about lengends old and new.

No ones had a 4 win streak in express except you? Hmmmm......... sounds fishy

Cable Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 4:11:46

Originally posted by Viceroy:
I'm pretty sure Celphi was not referring to anyone's ability to copy and paste


Originally posted by mrford:
And GDI does not protect against special attacks on tourny? Even with declare war? Since when?

The point is GDI information is easy to find, and doesn't need to auto

Cable Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 2:05:15

Thank you for being a member of the GDI.
Your GDI expenses of $ 15,845 are shown within your alliance expenses

The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) is an open organization dedicated to the protection of our members. As a member of GDI, you will receive the protection of GDI forces. Unless you have attacked a country twice or more, that country will only be able to commit the following attacks or harmful spy ops against you: standard strikes, planned strikes, steal tech, bomb banks, burn oil, and burn bushels. However, we require your assistance in return. You will be required to pay $5 per acre of land you own to the GDI fund as long as you are with us. In addition, you will not be allowed to commit offensive acts which are not standard strikes, planned strikes, or beneficial spy ops against other countries unless they have attacked you more than once. You can only join GDI if you haven't attacked or done a harmful spy op and cannot leave after joining. In the final six hours of the game, you will not be able to engage in any offensive actions against countries that have not hit you at least once.

You will be assimilated now

Cable Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 1:23:30

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Celphi:
All players should start in GDI., with the option to leave it.

That supports stupidity..... let natural selection sort them out.

It does not support stupidity. It protects ignorance. The difference is as subtle as it is important.

No one week on the server getting bombed to hell protects ignorance, or a helpful thread where everyone tells you to join GDI. If you've played more then one week you should know to join GDI.

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 23:46:45

Naw its cool, I thought I saw him alive in all out war, but maybe it was the ordeal with the wolves he was in just before the all out war comics.

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 23:35:48

H20 won as a farmer, and I know the farmer strat pretty well, only thing ive never seen win is a techer.... and this set teching is off to an ugly start. Ill bust my ass to prove you wrong though :P

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 22:17:16

Originally posted by Hneftafl:
Originally posted by Cable:
That's a ruthless spoiler if its true..... I'm not up-to-date on walking dead and I was chocked about them killing him off in the show when he's a big part of the comics.

Glenn is long since dead in the comics. Maybe this person is just hoping he's not dead on the show? I believe there are several Twitter hashtags to that effect.

What comic did that happen... I thought I saw him in issue 20....

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 19:31:13

That's a ruthless spoiler if its true..... I'm not up-to-date on walking dead and I was chocked about them killing him off in the show when he's a big part of the comics.

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 18:27:03

Originally posted by Relax lah:
I did decay points last set, up to 100%.
But like I was whining about, bank robbers hitting me all the time. I think it was so good that they started doing the same on my countries cross servers. lol

Think it's pretty fluffty on solo servers unless u have awesome spal. I had 2 mil spies last set, wasn't enough.

Just wondering, anyone does luck all set?

This is my concern, its not hard to run a low land high spal Dict that steals mass amounts of cash from players. I dislike that GDI doesn't stop this but that's been a long debate. More on point I think if youre like H20 and up there in acres its nice to have the money from building but you forfit the ability to run turns once you've destocked. Unless you can make it affordable to run turns. Looks at h20s countries he did a bang up job staying ahead of the curve and was always making money even after destocking and jumping to the 100 million mark.

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 15:10:13

Originally posted by Celphi:
All players should start in GDI., with the option to leave it.

That supports stupidity..... let natural selection sort them out.

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 6:02:27

I know Blight tried the Decay points one set and that seemed to go well, Im curious what other players do, this set im going with Building costs as I intend to farm my way to the top. Is it worth holding onto 50 billion dollars with bank robbers running around? In express last week, I lost 500 million to having my banks being bombed and then out of anger I attacked one player which nailed the coffin closed on any chance of a 35 million finish.

Cable Game profile


Nov 11th 2015, 5:38:23

yah that's werid....

Cable Game profile


Nov 10th 2015, 19:27:24

Borg got the T-Virus???

Cable Game profile


Nov 10th 2015, 14:12:51

How high do you think the market "should" have went? I sold troops st 150, jets and turrets at 180 and tanks at 550/600/700.

Cable Game profile


Nov 10th 2015, 4:28:36

Originally posted by currydubs:
Originally posted by Relax lah:
lol wake up at 6.30am, half hour earlier than usual. Put all tech on sale at $1000, repeat twice. Jump and hope that the next fat commie run out of steam

Didn't run out of steam. The market died and couldn't play my last 160 turns.

That is the exact definition of running out of steam..... Side note the market was good all set for CI. I personally resold alot of items all set well above 150 a unit.....

Cable Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 4:14:34

Originally posted by the Temple:
If Typhus wasn't you then I beat you harder. But it was.

I'm not interested in who you were but who you are

Like I said, if you cant figure it out I picked a name easy for you.

Cable Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 3:59:21

I was Bullet to my head bank robing and missiles and still net more then you ever will.

This week if you cant guess my name your a bigger idiot then you portrait here.

Still never said Typhus was me, there's that reading comprehension we talked about last week.

Cable Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 3:43:44

Good race for the top10 setting the bar nice and high

Cable Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 3:38:02

Originally posted by the Temple:
And another one who claims you always beat me. You do realise eestats exists, right?

The fluff waving Is so much more effective if you tell the truth.

Net this coming week and see just how high you can go, because all I see is a top 20,000,000 which I could get with my eyes closed.

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 19:38:30

Originally posted by CX LaE:
SuperFly -- this is where you retal him hard and AB him a bunch :P

He GSED him the guy was already ABED into DR, he's a classy player

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 19:03:07

Originally posted by the Temple:
So we've established you were typhus, which you denied, and that I've beaten you, which you denied. What a bullfluffter

All we've established is you beat a player who warred, and you claim immunity when warring for your fluff performances. Like I said if you want to see whos the better player, then don't make any excuses and net next week.

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 18:25:28

Out Netting a guy who got hit this much isn't exactly hard.

2015-10-18 22:37:40 GS BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 22:22:30 GS BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 22:22:28 GS BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 22:22:26 GS BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 21:05:10 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:41:18 CM BaDonkaDonks (#98) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:41:13 EM BaDonkaDonks (#98) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:41:06 EM BaDonkaDonks (#98) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:40:54 NM BaDonkaDonks (#98) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:13:01 EM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 9018MU
2015-10-18 19:12:57 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:12:04 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:12:03 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 284B 23262 C
2015-10-18 19:12:02 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 19:11:13 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 296B 17293 C
2015-10-18 19:11:10 NM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 17:41:00 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 308B 17294 C
2015-10-18 05:02:35 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 119B
2015-10-18 04:51:28 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 121B
2015-10-18 04:51:28 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 123B
2015-10-18 04:51:27 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 125B
2015-10-18 04:51:27 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 127B
2015-10-18 04:51:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 129B
2015-10-18 04:51:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 131B
2015-10-18 04:51:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 133B
2015-10-18 04:51:24 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 135B
2015-10-18 04:51:15 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 368B 17868 C
2015-10-18 04:51:09 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:09 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:08 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:08 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:07 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:07 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:05 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:51:00 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 143B
2015-10-18 04:51:00 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 145B
2015-10-18 04:50:59 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 147B
2015-10-18 04:50:59 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 149B
2015-10-18 04:50:59 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 152B
2015-10-18 04:50:56 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 154B
2015-10-18 04:50:48 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 156B
2015-10-18 04:50:48 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 159B
2015-10-18 04:50:48 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 161B
2015-10-18 04:50:47 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 165B
2015-10-18 04:50:47 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 167B
2015-10-18 04:50:46 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 170B
2015-10-18 04:50:46 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 172B
2015-10-18 04:50:45 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 175B
2015-10-18 04:50:43 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 177B
2015-10-18 04:50:27 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 180B
2015-10-18 04:50:27 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 183B
2015-10-18 04:50:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 186B
2015-10-18 04:50:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 189B
2015-10-18 04:50:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 192B
2015-10-18 04:50:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 195B
2015-10-18 04:50:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 198B
2015-10-18 04:50:24 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 201B
2015-10-18 04:50:23 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:50:18 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 204B
2015-10-18 04:50:18 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 207B
2015-10-18 04:50:16 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 210B
2015-10-18 04:50:09 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 213B
2015-10-18 04:50:09 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 216B
2015-10-18 04:50:07 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 220B
2015-10-18 04:49:31 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 223B
2015-10-18 04:49:31 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 226B
2015-10-18 04:49:30 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 230B
2015-10-18 04:49:30 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 234B
2015-10-18 04:49:29 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 237B
2015-10-18 04:49:28 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:49:22 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 241B
2015-10-18 04:49:21 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 244B
2015-10-18 04:49:17 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 248B
2015-10-18 04:49:09 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 618B 17736 C
2015-10-18 04:49:03 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 262B
2015-10-18 04:48:56 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 266B
2015-10-18 04:48:50 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 270B
2015-10-18 04:48:46 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 274B
2015-10-18 04:48:43 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 278B
2015-10-18 04:48:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 283B
2015-10-18 04:48:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 287B
2015-10-18 04:48:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 291B
2015-10-18 04:48:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 296B
2015-10-18 04:48:24 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:48:23 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:48:16 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 301B
2015-10-18 04:47:57 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 306B
2015-10-18 04:47:56 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:47:55 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:47:53 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:47:45 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 35B
2015-10-18 04:47:39 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 311B
2015-10-18 04:47:30 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 316B
2015-10-18 04:46:25 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:46:24 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:46:23 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:46:20 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:46:16 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:45:21 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:45:14 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 324B
2015-10-18 04:45:04 EM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:44:59 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:44:55 NM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:44:51 EM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 29459MU
2015-10-18 04:44:44 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:44:43 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:44:40 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:44:02 NM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 1073A
2015-10-18 04:43:57 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:56 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:56 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:55 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:55 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:54 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:54 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:49 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:49 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:47 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:34 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-18 04:43:22 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 22:42:06 PS Typhus (#13) BFD (#86) 356A (551A)
2015-10-17 22:41:05 PS Typhus (#13) BFD (#86) 350A (598A)
2015-10-17 22:41:01 PS Typhus (#13) BFD (#86) 339A (647A)
2015-10-17 20:38:18 EM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:38:17 EM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:38:16 EM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:38:11 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 692B 23539 C
2015-10-17 20:38:10 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 692B 23539 C
2015-10-17 20:38:09 CM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:37:26 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:37:19 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:37:15 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:37:13 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 383B
2015-10-17 20:37:13 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 390B
2015-10-17 20:37:12 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 397B
2015-10-17 20:37:09 NM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:37:08 NM BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) DH
2015-10-17 20:37:03 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 406B
2015-10-17 20:37:03 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 413B
2015-10-17 20:37:02 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 421B
2015-10-17 20:37:01 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 429B
2015-10-17 20:36:59 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 437B
2015-10-17 20:36:59 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 446B
2015-10-17 20:36:59 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 455B
2015-10-17 20:36:57 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 464B
2015-10-17 20:36:57 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 473B
2015-10-17 20:36:55 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 482B
2015-10-17 20:36:52 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 492B
2015-10-17 20:36:52 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 503B
2015-10-17 20:36:52 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 512B
2015-10-17 20:36:52 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 522B
2015-10-17 20:36:50 AB BFD (#86) Typhus (#13) 532B

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 18:19:41

Originally posted by the Temple:
Plus I beat you three weeks ago. Which is a bit more recent than never

You beat me three weeks ago? That's amusing, "I win in sets I don't war" yet your referring to me owning the country of Typhus who went to war. try harder

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 17:34:49

Originally posted by the Temple:
It proves if you've beaten me every set as you claim.

I'll play the same name.

That it would, but we can do that by Netting next week. Now Preferably people will leave you alone, but I doubt it after your play style today.

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 17:26:38

Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Cable:
Temples a loser couldn't net his way out of a paper bag so he trolls the forums and the game. Typical LaFer

Lol. I beat you when I finish without warring.

At least Ive got the balls toplay the same name.

You've never beaten me in NW during a set, but keep on dreaming

Open up your profile then. Let's see. You won't though

Try to net next week, I suggest changing your name though so people don't kill you and give you an excuse for losing. Ill need and avoid warring, open my profile doesn't prove anything. I only came back to the game a month ago, in which I have top10 every set.

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 17:09:07

Originally posted by silentwolf:
Originally posted by Cable:
Temples a loser couldn't net his way out of a paper bag so he trolls the forums and the game. Typical LaFer

and why are you bringing laf into this ?

u have a beef with laf .. u have a beef with me too.

Its not with LaF in general but players and their "mindsets" produced by their culture.

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 17:03:02

Originally posted by the Temple:
Originally posted by Cable:
Temples a loser couldn't net his way out of a paper bag so he trolls the forums and the game. Typical LaFer

Lol. I beat you when I finish without warring.

At least Ive got the balls toplay the same name.

You've never beaten me in NW during a set, but keep on dreaming

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 16:01:01

Temples a loser couldn't net his way out of a paper bag so he trolls the forums and the game. Typical LaFer

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 14:47:23

Looks like with all the gang around bench mark for top10 will be 20 million+ whos gonna make it?

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 6:48:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
you guys talk about noob v pro but who is the biggest noob in the game at this moment?

NCC1701-E that's who!

Ben Carson (#121)
Rank: 98
Networth: 730,630
Land: 1909
Successful Defense Percentage: 0%
GDI Member

this piece of trash player makes a country every set to steal cash lol

5.9 hours ago
Ben Carson (#121) attempted to raid your food stores! You killed 3688 enemy spies.

5.9 hours ago
Enemy operatives stole $1,891,182 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Theres another player who stole cash from me this set, so far Ive lost 400 million cash. Which is almost 2 million overall NW, Id have warred him if his country had any merit, but it doesn't so gotta suck it up.

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 1:05:22

Hey Alan long time no see #46 is my guess :)

Cable Game profile


Nov 8th 2015, 0:18:58

Alins playing.... hahah crazy

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 23:40:45

$39 @ 9,386,524

after commissions that's $.66 a bushel.... winner winner chicken dinner!

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 23:28:23

No farmers are using the private market, or prices wouldn't be 38 before commissions :(

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 23:15:26

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
You must be near the top then.

Most sets im in the top 10 yes, we will see how things play out this week. Food market is still crap and im scared it will be crap all set.

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 23:08:37

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Which country are you Cable?

if I told you that thered be 5 players go all jetter just to screw me ;)

I have many fans

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 22:04:44

No that's not getafix, getafix is always the lobster sighting

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 17:45:52

Given that their are 0 good CI players this week, Id guess that is him..... or he took the week off. The only other "fat" CI is a guy whos country isn't anywhere near as good as id expect from Viva and he played turns much faster then normal as well as multi tapped Getafix.

Anyone who knows Getafix from years passed doesn't multitap the Lobster....

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 17:15:38

2015-11-06 15:40:05 PS Layajana (#89) the Temple (#29) 91A (213A
2015-11-07 12:32:42 PS the Temple (#29) Layajana (#89) 884A (1250A)

If this is Viva im sad... hes the only good CI this week.

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 16:55:46

Originally posted by Cerberus:
The best advice I can give you is to play the game fairly. Only attack a country for land one time, and no more. Anything over that results in warfare operations being done. For example, #114 is learning this lesson even as we speak.

This is a retarded statement, "play the game fairly" everything is fair in this game, you make your decsions. You don't want a war be "nice" and don't double tap and don't do harmful spy ops.

Cable Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 6:02:47

BiBiGoN (#53) BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#36) 177A (337A)
BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#36) BiBiGoN (#53) 1805A (2572A)