
Cathankins Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 5:58:13

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black hole I know that you are trying to recruit more tags to your suicide mission as two of our allies have already reached out with your messages saying that we are bad dudes lol.

So figured I’d save the you trouble and let you know that we are friendly with Takers Freedom as I mentioned above we help kill their suiciders often.
We are friends with Bad4U and we have long standing peace pact.
FF1 which is my friend Sonak also has peace pact.
Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.
xUISX - darkness netting tag

As you can see you might as well stop messaging our Allies and trying to recruit them.

With us being friends and pacted to all the tags do u see why we kill suicider untaggeds now like you 3 rounds ago?

Anyways congrats on being in the top 10. I think that you guys are prematurely hitting your climax and peaking into the top 10.

We are gentle long lasting lovers. We are foreplaying you right now as we get bigger and we will love you long time. Will see who is limp and done by the end of the week and who is still mighty and hard….

Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.

Thanks Superfly. I’m
Glad we have your guys respect. That makes my day, I know my little group is legit now for you to say that.

What is the point of making pacts with all/most tags in this server? To prevent any warring and allow an all-x NW'er to come out on top?

Seems like the multiple pacts defeat the spirit of the server...

Well for me personally I enjoy them but I have 4 other guys on my team as well who have various reasons for not wanting to war. Some of them it’s time, some just don’t enjoy warring.

A big part of it as well is the war clans are so good at what they do you won’t find anyone who wants to take part in that. Mainly because it would just be self flagellation.

I think it would be great to have a few more legit war clans personally but good luck finding guys with the time and skill who want to play. I’ve propose “dumbing” down darkness play style to meet other clans halfway (so maybe they would agree to a war then) but they aren’t interested and I get that too, why agree to a one handed
Boxing match if you already have the title.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 0:48:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black hole I know that you are trying to recruit more tags to your suicide mission as two of our allies have already reached out with your messages saying that we are bad dudes lol.

So figured I’d save the you trouble and let you know that we are friendly with Takers Freedom as I mentioned above we help kill their suiciders often.
We are friends with Bad4U and we have long standing peace pact.
FF1 which is my friend Sonak also has peace pact.
Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.
xUISX - darkness netting tag

As you can see you might as well stop messaging our Allies and trying to recruit them.

With us being friends and pacted to all the tags do u see why we kill suicider untaggeds now like you 3 rounds ago?

Anyways congrats on being in the top 10. I think that you guys are prematurely hitting your climax and peaking into the top 10.

We are gentle long lasting lovers. We are foreplaying you right now as we get bigger and we will love you long time. Will see who is limp and done by the end of the week and who is still mighty and hard….

Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.

Thanks Superfly. I’m
Glad we have your guys respect. That makes my day, I know my little group is legit now for you to say that.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 17th 2023, 7:38:33


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 23:50:08

Gotta watch that Andrew guy I have a bad feeling
About him he plays with that snake team who the heck calls themselves a snake. I don’t know but I don’t like it

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 13th 2023, 18:02:27

Haha those are some great stories, the #1 comeback and the blunt smoking madman as well, RIP to your friend. I never knew him while he was wrecking folks but I’m glad his legend lives on, he sounds like quite an interesting character.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 13th 2023, 13:20:16

What’s the funniest thing or craziest move/country you guys have ever seen in this game?

Hands down most memorable moments in game history.


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 13th 2023, 13:18:21

Originally posted by Spiders:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Make an earth empires tik Tok page as well. They boost new pages so your basically guaranteed to get like 100k shares. I bet that would work well the app and the tik tok advertising. Use that initial viral boost to advertise the game.

Superfly has a TikTok. We can get him to start it up.

This would be great to attract new players.
Show cool video
flashes to a dance
back to some attack videos
flashes to dance and a dab at the end
EARTH EMPIRES fades into the screen

I can literally see this ad in my head

“do you want to conquer The world and smash and destroy your rivals”


*cuts screen*

Do you want to be the king of your own land?”

*flashes to welcome earth empires screen*

Well welcome to the community where everyone picks on poor old ratski, earth empires

*end commercial*

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 13th 2023, 13:14:53

Originally posted by Spiders:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Make an earth empires tik Tok page as well. They boost new pages so your basically guaranteed to get like 100k shares. I bet that would work well the app and the tik tok advertising. Use that initial viral boost to advertise the game.

Superfly has a TikTok. We can get him to start it up.

This would be great to attract new players.
Show cool video
flashes to a dance
back to some attack videos
flashes to dance and a dab at the end
EARTH EMPIRES fades into the screen

I can say that in my own experience having a young kid good with social media advertising skills made my clan go from recruiting zero players to an influx of players we couldn’t
Keep up with.

Unfortunately I can’t get ahold of him, he was some young kid from Indonesia but man was he smart at that. Wish I knew how to contact him still but I bet there’s others like him if we look. Im no computer guy but I’ve seen it done by a kid so it can’t be that hard, probally can source some overseas firm
To do it for $500 and do it well.

Advertising is the biggest thing on a business fails. If you can get your name
Out there you won’t fail if you have a good product. This game is hella fun.

But business with good advertising they don’t go under, sometimes even with a crappy product but this place has a community aspect you can’t find in any other game which essentially makes it priceless (you old farts here will find youth bring some good vibe back up in the place as well with their newfound love of the game, they won’t be burned out like you old farts)

Advertising advertising advertising. That’s what will ultimately decide this places fate.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 13th 2023, 13:06:34

*walks in*

*does 360*

*walks away*

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 13th 2023, 3:03:37

Oh hey milk :-)
Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Maybe we could propose a Facelift. Is there a way we could add a small feature to the game that could be cosmetic? I'm thinking like a Country flag that has purchasable cosmetics allowing some people to have a lil flair and generate some much needed revenue for this game to survive. This game was created in the 90s when no visuals in this game promoted compatibility. Nowadays its simply not necessary. but if we are gonna keep this game alive for a new generation of players we need to develop some form of steady revenue rather then the same 20 guys paying for premium(which is still a great option). I'm no coder but i feel like it wouldn't take much. Would it be a lot of work to implement something like that? Or any other suggestions for a cosmetic?

I want a skull and bones pirate flag :-)

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 12th 2023, 13:14:25

I am fairly certain Galleri volunteers her time. If anything I think we should have her get a paycheck for her work. If I ever get rich I’m sending her a $1 million dollar check so she can hire some help and buy some cool stuff for herself

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 12th 2023, 13:11:10

Too much negativity up in this mofo for me.

Pour you a glass. Roll one. Whatever, idc.

Good vibes thread.

When I first came to this community I had been gone for a long hiatus. I contacted players from almost every clan, skol, tmac, nitell, gerdler. Just to name a few.

What I found where all of these guys where extremely nice and went out of their way to help me. I found it to be a very positive experience and it was a fun time playing. I will probally leave soon and come back some years later but I just wanted to leave some good vibes.

I thought it needs to be said because I havent seen it said.

Thank you guys for going way out of your way to be kind and help me through no gain of your own. Truly there are some nice people I’ve found here.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 12th 2023, 13:06:36

What, you won’t report to my control center so I can teach you what to think?!?! What are you done kind of fascist control freak?!! How dare you power tripping fascists not declare me eternal dictator of your mind!!

Your thoughts are not ok!!! Report to the center.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 12th 2023, 13:04:47

Originally posted by HH:
Thxn for the explanation but ummm I'm still not satisfied. Basicly its alot of people fluffing on all sides? :)

Can’t give explanations. get banned, these are dark times we live in, shhh... Mordor will hear us. Just watch cnn or foxnews and believe everything they say and everything will work out fine. No chaos is coming. Everything is cool. Ban all free speech. Ban all medicine. Ban talking. Ban speeding. Ban humans houses and cats and dogs. Everything must be illegal. All citizens report to your local re-education cen... or uhh... criminal justice facility for classes.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 11th 2023, 15:32:08

Originally posted by Melvin21:
Running full techer. one of usual ally not playing this set. one spot available. Text me.

What’s your # I got you bro

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 10th 2023, 12:44:54

Sorry I was just kidding, i know nothing about all of that but anyone that has killed themselves I hope their spirit finds peace at some point. I would never make light of that or someone going through that. I was just messing with you.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 10th 2023, 1:12:25

Good game guys and what an exchange between Ferolicious and Western Star that was wild

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 10th 2023, 1:09:47

So many good players this set, what a match. Some good wars and a top ten that was very competitive. Congrats to Geta for the #1

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 9th 2023, 14:02:58

Originally posted by HH:
Can somebody summerize this thread, I dont wanna read it all! I have tried and get tired after a few sentances. Was LaF somehow involved in all of this?

Some guy was a huge **** and borderline threatens asian people and OP is a communist who wants to use that to censor your voice. Probally was superfly I think he’s a nazi trump supporter misogynistic homophobic genocidal maniac up to no good for sure

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 9th 2023, 12:44:53


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 8th 2023, 12:18:33

Getafix sure is hard to kill. We hit him for a week straight over on team, and then he ended up killing me instead.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 8th 2023, 9:46:28

I cannot read your teeny tiny country name from way down there. Send me a magnifying glass and I will attempt to locate this poverty stricken nation and send help

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 8th 2023, 9:35:40

Originally posted by guochel:
rocky, my love. now that you know i am back from the dead, know this:

i have been watching you. i have been observing you. i see your every move. i know your every breath. i understand your every thought.

know that there will be a time when you think everything is good and happy, and i will sweep in from the shadows and rob you of your happiness. i will tie you up and press my ***This part has been redacted. it might be OK for other nische publications like 9000 shades of BDSM but we are too young, too old or conservative for this. *** into your deepest most tender regions. once that is done, i will cry with you, as we share our most intimate moments together

i love you, rocky! i have always loved you! you made me into the man i am today, and what i will be tomorrow. you are mine! Forever! xoxoxoxo

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 22:06:24

Originally posted by Requiem:
Totally. I've advocated for the right-to-retal on that server specifically. I think if you farm someone (break GDI), and jump out of HR the _defender_ should have the right to hit them regardless.

That way an attacker cannot use the game mechanics to protect them from unfavorable behavior.

That’s probally the best idea I’ve heard in a long time

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 8:23:17

Originally posted by Tmac:
7.73928571429:1 for bushel:barrel ratio. You technically only need 6 turns for the destock. 1 turn of mbs, 1 turn selling tech, 1 turn selling goods, and 3 to recall goods. As a monarchy you have to drop land until you can sell at $35. Mbs lower the price while that 50k-100k mil tech is what raises it. If you can't get to $35 you'll have to destroy some mbs. You only need 1 since you can drop to 1 acre. Most people don't like the idea of 1 grab killing them so they keep a bit more land up to maybe 100 acres.

Cat's second post looks like something I wrote, but for a hybrid destock and missing some steps. That ratio would be much different because you do a 40 hour logout to inflate your pm as well as getting around 28x your acres in military tech. You need 9 turns for this because you must recall tech too. You don't drop any land with this one until after buying out your pm, then you drop land, burn oil, and buyout your pm again.

I did take a bit out, I was trying to protect some of your secrets haha I wasn’t for sure if you wanted it all out there so I went on the side of caution

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 4th 2023, 7:18:14

Make an earth empires tik Tok page as well. They boost new pages so your basically guaranteed to get like 100k shares. I bet that would work well the app and the tik tok advertising. Use that initial viral boost to advertise the game.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 3rd 2023, 4:21:02


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 1st 2023, 14:30:53

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Damn cheating ass admins how low will they stoop is there no limit

I'm assuming this is sarcasm, but I really can't tell. I also don't know if you were replying to me or not?

I dont think anyone here is claiming anyone, including admins, are cheating though. So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

I’m just harassing the admins is all

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 1st 2023, 14:28:43

Is three not enough? Imagine cheating and still losing in such embarrassing fashion.

Edited By: Cathankins on Jan 5th 2023, 15:01:46
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 21:46:23

Originally posted by TheStupid:
Requiem, I will not reply. You do not deserve any response.

Starting to think you are an elaborate troll

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 31st 2022, 21:43:55

Damn cheating ass admins how low will they stoop is there no limit

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 30th 2022, 21:20:17

>does 35 standard strikes in a row with 30m jets

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 21:02:25

Making these retals easy for me I like his style

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 19:36:39

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Yeah sure, I’ll break gdi on you over some forum posts so that you can do war attacks and launch missiles, haha

I said you sound like a fun grab and you decide that you’re now going to ignore the actual grab that just took your land

You’re like a lottery ball

I’m just having some fun rocky some stroke out on me old man ;-)

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 19:29:50

So basically you just have a big mouth and ain’t about that action, funny how you like to bully weak players but won’t play with the big boys. Bawk bawk

Should name you something besides rocky, we will call you butter bean from now on

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 15:48:56

Bawk bawk chicken chicken bawk bawk chicken head

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 15:48:28

Bet you won’t break GDI and just have a big mouth rocky

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 15:46:11

Behemoth bring it on I’ll just focus on you instead

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 12:00:04

War it is you better get read big boy because I’m coming for you now :-)

*anyone who has never played with me late hits I automatically suicide/war. Anyone who hits me this late has a guaranteed war every time. Go ask the game A guys if you don’t believe me. Or the old days 2015 players. My retal policy is if you touch me I may suicide even with good countries. Always has been and always will be, enjoy what’s coming friend.

Edited By: Cathankins on Dec 26th 2022, 12:03:33
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 11:59:40

Boy you just messed up big time darba

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:11:46

Try the tech start I posted on this board, if your country is built strong at the start you won’t get bullied as much. Try’s and get your warfare up too that helps a lot. Try again next set, the challenge is part of the fun ;-) all of us had to learn

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:08:50

Make sure you have the right oil:food ratio prior to doing this destock. Thanks to Nitell and Tmac for all the help

But if you have the correct oil:food ratio

1. Build a turn of mbs
2. Sell max tech
3. Sell max goods
4. Go monarchy
5. Recall tech
6. Recall goods
7. Destroy all buildings except mbs(KEEP THE LAND!)
8. Sell all food on pm($35)
9. Go theocracy
10. Drop all land to 100% mbs
11. Burn all oil on the pm
12. Buyout your pm again

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:07:06

Step 0 – Save 8 turns. Try and wait until the last hour if possible or as late as you can in the set to maximize your last bit of income.
Step 1 – Build 2 turns of military bases.
Step 2 – Make sure you have like 100k military tech minimum and needed cash to demo your buildings. Go to manage your country and see how much you are going to lose with a government conversion. Mine is 31% and I need 1.4 billion for demo costs. I would need $2.03 billion on hand when converting government.
Step 2 – Sell max military units, all bushels, and all barrels on the market.
Step 3 – Sell max tech on market.
Step 4 – Convert to Monarchy.
Step 5 – Recall Tech.
Step 6 – Recall Military/Bushels/Oil.
Step 7 – Demolish buildings then destroy acres 1,000 buildings at a time. Better yet go 500 buildings/acres at a time if you have the patients to fluff around. The lower amounts you demo and trash acres in, the cheaper the process will be.
Step 8 – Check the prices you can sell bushels at on your private market around 50k acres. Keep checking the prices every 1000 acres at this point until you get to $35 a bushel. Once you get it to $34 a bushel you much want to check price in 500 acre increment. Might not get to the point until you are down around 3k acres. STOP DEMOING BUILDINGS AND ACRES NOW.
Step 9 – Sell all your bushels.
Step 10 – Convert to Theo now before you end up forgetting.
Step 11 – Go back to demoing buildings and trashing the acres until you get down to just the MB’s you built.
Step 12 – Go to your private market and convert all your oil to generate military on your private market.
Step 13 – Buy it out. Buyout jets and turrets first, troops and tanks last as you will get more net worth for you cash out of those two first.I’m

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:06:38

More in depth write up. Not sure if T or Nitell gave me this one.

Step 0 – Save 8 turns. Try and wait until the last hour if possible or as late as you can in the set to maximize your last bit of income.
Step 1 – Build 2 turns of military bases.
Step 2 – Make sure you have like 100k military tech minimum and needed cash to demo your buildings. Go to manage your country and see how much you are going to lose with a government conversion. Mine is 31% and I need 1.4 billion for demo costs. I would need $2.03 billion on hand when converting government.
Step 2 – Sell max military units, all bushels, and all barrels on the market.
Step 3 – Sell max tech on market.
Step 4 – Convert to Monarchy.
Step 5 – Recall Tech.
Step 6 – Recall Military/Bushels/Oil.
Step 7 – Demolish buildings then destroy acres 1,000 buildings at a time. Better yet go 500 buildings/acres at a time if you have the patients to fluff around. The lower amounts you demo and trash acres in, the cheaper the process will be.
Step 8 – Check the prices you can sell bushels at on your private market around 50k acres. Keep checking the prices every 1000 acres at this point until you get to $35 a bushel. Once you get it to $34 a bushel you much want to check price in 500 acre increment. Might not get to the point until you are down around 3k acres. STOP DEMOING BUILDINGS AND ACRES NOW.
Step 9 – Sell all your bushels.
Step 10 – Convert to Theo now before you end up forgetting.
Step 11 – Go back to demoing buildings and trashing the acres until you get down to just the MB’s you built.
Step 12 – Go to your private market and convert all your oil to generate military on your private market.
Step 13 – Buy it out. Buyout jets and turrets first, troops and tanks last as you will get more net worth for you cash out of those two first.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:04:30

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yea team is a wierd market for sure. Lot of All X farmers who don’t really need to use the market. It should get a little better this next week though when everyone gets going but that is why you see so many fascists playing is they don’t need the market to destock. Everyone uses this new ffo oil destock that’s pretty cool. If you haven’t tried it you should it’s fun to run and a very powerful strategy.

Good insights. I'm not familiar with the ffo oil destock strat...

Tmac gave me this so credit goes to him. You have to have the right oil:food ratio or else do a hybrid destock and spend your extra $$$ prior to doing the final land drop and destock.

But if you have the correct oil:food ratio

1. Build a turn of mbs
2. Sell max tech
3. Sell max goods
4. Go monarchy
5. Recall tech
6. Recall goods
7. Destroy all buildings except mbs(KEEP THE LAND!)
8. Sell all food on pm($35)
9. Go theocracy
10. Drop all land to 100% mbs
11. Burn all oil on the pm
12. Buyout your pm again

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 4:39:31

Yea team is a wierd market for sure. Lot of All X farmers who don’t really need to use the market. It should get a little better this next week though when everyone gets going but that is why you see so many fascists playing is they don’t need the market to destock. Everyone uses this new ffo oil destock that’s pretty cool. If you haven’t tried it you should it’s fun to run and a very powerful strategy.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2022, 12:59:59


Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 19:46:06

Express destock

1. Sell max tech
2. Sell max goods
3. Go monarchy
4. Recall tech
5. Recall goods
6. Sell all food on pm($35)
7. Go theocracy
8. Buyout your private market