
Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2022, 15:11:44

It certainly could be argued that it delegitimizes who is really the most skilled team and instead has the highest numbers. I could make 100 teams with total idiots and have them all launch a fee missiles and how does a 5 man team answer that?

Having said that I agree that loyalties will be had regardless amongst old friends. So both? My answer is yes and no

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2022, 13:48:31

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
I always enjoy helping out folks, I usually message a number of the smaller tags just to see how they are doing, and if they wish to have a DNH.

That being said, to answer the original question about best netter, I have only been playing for the last 8 sets I think, took a 5 year break. In the last 8 sets, I managed to get the highest series NW ever recorded in FFA (25b for series), out of the top 5 countries ever in ffa, I have 3 of them. In addition, out of the 8 sets I played, I only netted for 5 of them, and in 4 got top country (and at worst, 2nd or 3rd series NW). I also have the highest value of top 3 countries avg by 2b NW on the boards. Getting top 10 placements is more about how many sets you have played. Getting highest series NW is a finite thing, you have it or you do not ;)

Agreed and that is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen in this game without a doubt. Not even close.

All hail Kill4free King of Earth empires

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2022, 3:10:03

You know what my opinion is on the world and it’s current state. I didnt reply in the other thread where you linked the lodge not because I was trying
To be rude but because i received a 3 day ban so I will respect the mods wishes and not talk about it any more. I think it’s obvious big things are coming in the world, everyone sees it. Nothing else to say really. Good luck my friend. I’m
Just here to play the game and was jk about Putin and ektar.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2022, 3:02:35

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Maybe Ektar is actually played by Putin; they seem to have similar strategies

When Ukrainia "agrees to hold negotiations", are you current thing drones going to shift over to climate change refugees, Iranian nukes, or just bounce back to covid hysteria? You know the abortion and gun thing is stewing for reasons. When Zelensky has grifted enough tax dollars and sold 80% of those weapons, armor and ammo on the black market. Good luck with that Europe. 100's of Billions in payoffs to stfu about corrupt Western politicians and various business shenanigans. Pretending Putin has anything to do with gas/ energy price hikes. It used to be entertaining, but the economic and societal destruction, soon to be permanent, is in the hands of people terrified of being labeled -ist, or missing an episode on netfl*x. What's it going to take? The lights go off? Empty shelves (real this time)? 911 doesn't answer? Everything is fine until it's totally wrong. I love you all. Kisses and hugs. Besties to the end.

I don’t care about any of that stuff lmao I don’t care who wins this war either I don’t like any of them on either side

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 6th 2022, 1:02:02

Maybe Ektar is actually played by Putin; they seem to have similar strategies

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 5th 2022, 12:07:11

That is pretty funny. I used to always post under the name wartster of course at the time Warster was a mod so I’m pretty sure he could see who it was and had a sense of humor about it.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 3rd 2022, 9:46:50

I always thought patting yourself on the back was the most enjoyable part of the game *shrugs*

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2022, 23:08:00

I’ve done tech starts before but what I was wondering was a longer tech phase where you actually sell tech but he answered that question as well.

I tried that 3800 acre tech start you posted Gerdler and it works quite well, very fun to play.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 2nd 2022, 21:26:30

He’s an old player that came back recently. Plays RSA nuclear on most servers.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 1st 2022, 0:17:38

I think this is the most genius game ever made, even more brilliant than chess. Only 150 years from now will mehuls genius be appreciated like a modern Da Vinci. With the right marketing this game could easily be popular you just need to make it cool. You need a rapper to tell everyone to come play it or someone that’s “cool”. When this game has thousands or more players in a game it’s extremely fun.

Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2022, 1:40:36

When I hit 43 million as a casher on express I was cashing 25 million per turn. You need higher tech levels. Try a tech start. You need to make a proper country, and probally need to learn to stockpile. Based on your reputation here though you don’t listen to advice and continue to run your country improperly despite very good players telling you how to do better.

Get to making 20 million per turn by turn 1200 and then cash all of your turns out if you want to make top ten

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2022, 21:27:26

Ratski is the GOAT

Cathankins Game profile


May 29th 2022, 16:12:50

I will also say this about kill4free. He has been the most nicest helpful player I have found since playing here. It’s almost impossible to get any help from the veteran players but he has taken the time out to answer any and all questions I had and was extremely kind about it as well. Truly an example to follow and he has my utmost respect.

Cathankins Game profile


May 28th 2022, 16:04:00

This seems fair. Definitely nothing wierd about that even if superfly can be crazy this is obviously a clan or People playing as a clan

Cathankins Game profile


May 24th 2022, 14:56:34

I don’t even care about the game at this point, this is what’s important to me. Me and doug are cool unless he tried to harm me. We hashed it out and we are both only human so we got into it. Not a huge deal.

Cathankins Game profile


May 24th 2022, 14:16:35

Bye. I’ll be back in some months. Maybe next year if I’m super busy.

Cathankins Game profile


May 24th 2022, 14:15:59

Let me repeat, your threats do not scare me. You’ve only got on my bad side now.

Cathankins Game profile


May 24th 2022, 14:07:00

I never threatened doug or called him that.

I offered him a job and said I would send the Templar’s for him if he wishes.

A threat has to be actionable, obviously me sending the knight Templar’s to find someone is not an actionable threat.

It wants even a threat. Nor do I know dougs sexual orientation. I don’t care either about any of you guys see life.

I’m going to give this thread a few months. When you guys realize moshiach is here. Then I will return.

Goodbye. This is the last post I make until h The kingdom is established. I will return afterwards to finish this convo

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 15:01:45

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
Wow.. Just wow... I need to buy weed from this guy... lmao...

Thats actually what my grandfather said as well lmfao

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 14:32:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Anyone want to comment on Biden's 23m bots? Or maybe that's another right wing conspiracy like the laptop ......

The frog bots. That’s part of the agenda as wel.

See this thread about my israel posts in the PDM thread.

They are being used to divide the country.

Israel has to make America fall before moshiach rises to power. That’s why you are all being divided against each other.

Obviously it is working quite well.
All the bot posts, notice they pick both sides and always the most controversial position? That’s the point

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 14:29:46

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
I'm just waiting for all of the intellectually consistent folks to equally desire Clinton and Trump thrown in jail without jumping through mental hoops to defend "their side"

All of them are criminal is the most logical conclusion.

But no we have to go red team vs blue team don’t you know

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 14:18:26

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Originally posted by Primeval:
This thread derailed quickly into non-productive, aggressive nonsense. Stay on track and keep it game focused please. Save the rest for your social groups and any community meetings you may attend.

Quiet you. This is the most entertaining thing on AT in 20 years

Wouldn’t it be funny run me off only to realize I was telling the truth?

Gotta admit that would be funny in retrospect.

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 14:16:50

I can continue my story or not?

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 14:15:50

Originally posted by Primeval:
This thread derailed quickly into non-productive, aggressive nonsense. Stay on track and keep it game focused please. Save the rest for your social groups and any community meetings you may attend.

I apologize

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 12:01:57

Also you are lucky I didn’t really stir up some trouble, everyone in this game that has played with me is well familiar with my ability and I could have wrecked your stuff.

Consider it an act of mercy, and **** doug. I cannot believe you treat people the way you do. It’s shocking to me. You are a psychopath. That is clear from weeks of knowing you and I see why your clan is known as the “drama clan”

Cathankins Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 12:00:18

Here is a list of my complaints

1. You treat people like a dog. (People that don’t work for the government typically don’t treat people like psychopaths) given the current state of the country I am not surprised by your actions

2. I started very late in the set, super late and caught up with you guys and was passing you. Your skill level is so bad and you kept giving me horrible advice on how I should play if I want to suck like your clan does.

3. I was sent a message about hitting dude, i was going to self delete anyways because I was tired of the treatment and I’m not going to be treated like an animal by a bunch of apparent psychopaths.

Darkness I realize they are trying to put this off on me, I didn’t even know you were involved? They told me someone hit grumpy old man and ask to hit him so I hit.

I will probally mot play on alliance again after this experience, this left me with an extremely low opinion of this place.

All the other guys on other servers have been very kind to me and I’m thankful for all the firmed o made along the way but I think I’m about to take another vacation. This negativity and stuff in this game is top much for me.

If the mods want to save this game you seriously need to get control of this type of behavior. As it stands now the game deserves what’s happening to it.

Good day

Cathankins Game profile


May 21st 2022, 12:08:34

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
fluffing seriously!! Again!!!? fluff this bullfluff game! Hope the next server crash is permanent!!!

Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
Your people demand a tax rebate, lowering tax revenues this turn!

If you keep enough cash on hand to cover your expenses for your next turn, you can avoid cash shortages! :)

You don't understand. This game is fluffing with me. It did that on purpose. I was selling on the market. I have plenty of cash, except that exact moment I was within like $5 fluffing dollars. Bullfluff!! fluff you!!

It is true. We recoded the game just to mess with you at that exact moment, and only you. It was the only thing I could be bothered with doing as the DBMM.

Ahh yes another case in
History of a woman going mad with power. Oh the humanity

Cathankins Game profile


May 21st 2022, 12:07:44

Originally posted by SuperFly:
My favorite trick to generate cash to play turns is pressing Alt + F4 and hitting my power bar

^^^hot keys. They need to put the hot keys list on the site so the n00bsknow too. It’s unfair for the old players to be aware of this.

This trick will generate +20 percent income for those not aware.

Cathankins Game profile


May 20th 2022, 6:42:22

I make most of my money off building and destroying construction sites, elite hacker strat not many people are skilled enough to play. You have to use the building expense bonus and the bug will give you 10 billion cash per 300 construction sites you demolish so I like to build up like 800 and then destroy them all at once for maximum profit. Make SURE you use the building bonus or the strat doesn’t work.

Cathankins Game profile


May 19th 2022, 0:08:42

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Seriously man you guys need to quit being petty you are very clearly killing the game that’s not cool it’s not funny, I would ban you all for trolling if I was a moderator. I’m not trying to just be a jerk to you either but what I’m saying is true man.

I'm just going to ignore you from now on, you don't add anything of value to this discussion and clearly have no idea what you are talking about

Based on this gem you posted above, I think the best way to go about "clearly killing the game" would be for the developers to make you a moderator

Too long, didn’t read

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 13:47:59

Originally posted by guochel:
*deleted post*

i deleted this post because i don't want to get in trouble

sorry, i got carried away

*clicks view original post*

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 5:13:00

Seriously man you guys need to quit being petty you are very clearly killing the game that’s not cool it’s not funny, I would ban you all for trolling if I was a moderator. I’m not trying to just be a jerk to you either but what I’m saying is true man.

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 5:10:21

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Cathankins - this is a great quote actually
"All the griefers all have one thing in common... if you look at their profiles they never have achieved a high NW"

Let's take a quick look back at a few of the last several rounds of Tournament for Rocky

144th round: Mar 03, 2022 - Apr 02, 2022
Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Mischievous Badger (#1) 24,187 $29,512,240 RG

143rd round: Jan 31, 2022 - Mar 03, 2022
Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Mischievous Badger (#5) 16,587 $29,161,291 HG

guochel - this quote is just delusional
"rocky, we all know your purpose is to hurt as many people as possible"

I've never entered a set with the intention of hurting anyone, my intention is to play the game to the best of my ability and have fun doing it.

After all, Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.

Some players in this server seem to forget what this game is about and try to go an entire round without any attacking or defending, and other players forget that it is a game at all and take the strategic gameplay of others personally, carrying grudges over from one reset round to the next. I am neither one of those types of players.

I mean why would you just try and hurt someone for literally no reason other then to be a jerk. That’s some petty stuff. Only a **** type of dude would even do something like that you would get ran off the block anywhere in real life for acting like that so I’m not going to act like that’s not some petty lame behavior. That just makes me think your a snake, this is my first impression of you. I have no idea who you are other then this petty guy as of now. Pleasure to meet you.

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 2:14:23

Originally posted by guochel:
rocky, we all know your purpose is to hurt as many people as possible
you are not a peaceful netgainer. you are the opposite. your plan this set was to hurt as many peaceful netgainers as possible by creating 200,000 spies (at 1 million NW) so that you implement your griefy ops endgame.
now, your strategy is to netgain of course so you can remain in game A so you can do more griefy stuff next set. i will make sure that does not happen
in fact, any time i identify you, i will hamper your griefy efforts. you are very sly and intelligent, rocky, but unfortunately all your intelligence is dedicated to being evil

Agreed, I just showed up after not being here for years and it is quite obvious there are a handful of players that are actively trying to ruin the game and it is being allowed.

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 2:12:58

Yea ho hell got me last round in tourney game C and they hit Skol every single set in express. I have no idea why people are being allowed to purposely try and ruin the game. If you make war countries they won’t war because they suck. All the griefers all have one thing in common... if you look at their profiles they never have achieved a high NW. isn’t that funny. Almost like they are just seething beta males, probally got bullied growing up and now this is their cringe payback. Very cringy stuff.

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 2:02:04

Seems the game has just became the sub par players trying to ruin the game for the skilled players. Kind of cringy tbh makes me think we have a lot of beta males that got bullied here

Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2022, 1:34:45

I got attacked in the last few hundred turns as well, it doesn’t make you goof balls benefit it just lowers your NW and the person you hit. You should listen to and learn from good players, that’s how I learned years ago. I was an ok player and I studied the play style of the greats I played with (serpentor, cxlae, crest23, ebert, etc)

Every set JR (skol) gets hit by you guys who seem to have no other reason than just seething that he runs such good countries. Not a good look.

Cathankins Game profile


May 17th 2022, 18:32:35

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Too bad that actions like ABing someone OOP are not sanctionable offenses here when the intent has been made clear and public that the end goal is to wreck and push people out of a server.

Too bad that the bleeding hearts of netters can’t unite in team like they do in express where multi tapping and farming is enough to get you at least a sanctions warning…

Superfly....why are you acting like a noob?
This is not a solo server ffs.

Why is this always one sided? Why can there be sanction rules for greifing on server but not the other? Why can a mod still here an abuse players but calling them out about legit questions? Why do they even pay the power bill on this game? Just turn it off.

Honest answer?
SF and I have a back and forth thing. So I am not abusing him and he knows that. I don't think he needed you to stand up for him. He is quite the big boy.
If my post made you feel some type of way that is up to your feelings.

Secondly, he and I have been over this rule about 15 times. So he knows it applies to solo servers. It is in the first paragraph of slagpit's post on the announcements forum from April 9, 2021.
Link in case it is lost or you don't want to look for it ;)

I am not sure why we keep going on about sanctions, but if you all want to have something on team, we all can start a thread about reacting the spirit of the server rules. I am sure everyone remembers the last time that went down and team server ran off Tella? I think everyone pissed off Nate too.

Edited to add:

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ask your question in a reasonable way if you want me to answer it. I'm not your doormat.

Dear Slagpit,

Could you please answer why the team based servers are excluded from this? (FFA, Team and Alliance)

LoL - war is war.

Mr. Rd - aka gains wants game staff to stop people from conducting war! How the mighty have fallen.

Edit for clarity: *war on team based servers

Ahh I was wondering where tella went

Cathankins Game profile


May 16th 2022, 1:38:36

Good game and nice kill

Cathankins Game profile


May 13th 2022, 7:52:55

>act like retard
>get treated like retard

Checks out man

Cathankins Game profile


May 10th 2022, 16:36:11

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Im not doing too bad for FFA ;)

You have my vote, most impressive Country I’ve ever seen.

Cathankins Game profile


May 10th 2022, 10:04:26

Originally posted by bayrock:
Originally posted by Requiem:
We could save a lot of energy if the game developer(s) just made it to where you cannot attack a real player on a bot server. Let's be honest any sort of LGing of a real player causes an immediate reaction, and the pitchforks come out.

This isn't necessarily a statement on if this guy has coordinated or not.

What is a bot server? None of these servers has historically been a bot server. The only reason they are bot servers is because the players numbers have gone too low which has changed it to lame PvE game.

Unfortunately earth is just passed its day man. That’s the cycle of life. Nothing last forever especially when it’s really good so cherish it while it last and move on once it’s heyday has gone. It’s fun for old heads to come back and reminisce but it’s thousands of players heyday is long gone. Even with the best marketing I don’t think the young generation is going
To come, way too many good new cutting edge games out there. Or they are doing tranny stuff. Whatever that entails.

Cathankins Game profile


May 10th 2022, 10:01:51

Originally posted by bayrock:
Originally posted by Requiem:
We could save a lot of energy if the game developer(s) just made it to where you cannot attack a real player on a bot server. Let's be honest any sort of LGing of a real player causes an immediate reaction, and the pitchforks come out.

This isn't necessarily a statement on if this guy has coordinated or not.

What is a bot server? None of these servers has historically been a bot server. The only reason they are bot servers is because the players numbers have gone too low which has changed it to lame PvE game.

I think there’s an AI server the smart guys like celphi play on. Those guys are too smart it’s clearly cheating.

Cathankins Game profile


May 10th 2022, 10:01:01

Originally posted by bayrock:
Can anyone tell me how I can get my news log after the Express set so I can post all of the evidence showing that me and Jiklo did not coordinate and then we can try and get in contact with another moderator or qzjul or someone else higher than this moderator.

Once I post the evidence and the full set's log everyone will clearly see that me and Jiklo were not attacking or in coordination.

Please this moderator did not get any reports on me and Jiklo this moderator simply saw "bayrock" in the set and sought after any reason anything at all that could get us removed from Express again just like what happened 3 years ago. I assure everyone we are not the same person and we don't coordinate in Express.

No-one even reported us for coordination it was the moderator that went and did it all alone. NO-ONE REPORTED US FOR COORDINATION BECAUSE WE DIDNT COORDINATE

I’ll take you up on that offer. Be ready for the killers to come knocking while you sleep (figuratively speaking of course)

Cathankins Game profile


May 10th 2022, 9:59:11

Originally posted by bayrock:
ok just had some more issues pop up. sorry guys but i have to say the user interface and annoyances in this game is on an insane level i think the developrs need to start thinking about who they can pass this game on to because they are doing a pretty average job I would say not just now, its been YEARS possibly a decade. If i had ownership of this game trust me there would be massive content updates and way more new players. If you dont wanna maintain the game just give the game to someone else !!!!!!!!!!!

Are you by any chance a guy named mehul?

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2022, 19:16:54

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
As a neutral party I think Galleri made the right call. That player provoked all the countries that hit him Correct especially since he was trolling netters.

Now I still am confused as to whether Galleri is a transgender person or not, but What’s not confusing is who started all this ruckus.

I dunno man there are other netters who do the same thing in other servers. It’s all subject to personal interpretation by players of the server.

One of the biggest netter player and opposers of my so called “griefing” in express just did griefing in teams. And some of the guys who are against PVP farming in express farm people in primary until they quit the set. If the big netters in this server wanted pvp then we would have pvp farm fest.

Instead of petitioning the mods for BS. Petition the players to not be cry babies and bring back pvp. It will be the only way to make a change.,,,

Well I don’t think any of you guys should act like that, the game has very few players left and if everyone treated each other with a little more respect then maybe it would be more enjoyable and have less players leave out of anger.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2022, 19:13:28

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
As a neutral party I think Galleri made the right call. That player provoked all the countries that hit him Correct especially since he was trolling netters.

Now I still am confused as to whether Galleri is a transgender person or not, but What’s not confusing is who started all this ruckus.

There were several players who violated solo server rules. All were bannable. The mod only banned 2. Their guilt is based on a forum post. The rest who participated in kill runs are getting no sanctions. How do you weigh that? Equality?

Oh ok i wasn’t aware of that. Are you guys assuming they read this post or do you have proof? How do you know they were communicating?

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2022, 17:39:38

As a neutral party I think Galleri made the right call. That player provoked all the countries that hit him Correct especially since he was trolling netters.

Now I still am confused as to whether Galleri is a transgender person or not, but What’s not confusing is who started all this ruckus.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2022, 17:31:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Let me clear something up for all you noobs.

I was the guy playing as #9. I was the one that farmed some of you with under 100k jets cuz you had 0 defence units and all the damn bots where in 15+ DR.

What Galleri is eluding to when she says “#9 - nope, but he knows what he is close to getting.”

Is that I am about to get sanctioned aka banned from making attacks on this server and other solo servers.

You all gotta understand that hitting other players multiple times for fun or for the sake of growing land when you can hit bots that are heavily in DR is against the wishes of the player base in express. You can only farm and hit players in allaince and team server.

Bayrock, gonzo, etc.. you noobs better be happy attacking bots for 80-100 acreas and don’t even think about hitting good honest players for 400a grabs going forward ok.

In regards to multiple killing my country it is fine. I voided GDI on all of them so they are free to kill me as they see fit.

Now you all leave galleri alone. She is only enforcing the rules and guidelines that she is given. I can say that she is a hell of a fair mod who has deleted me previously and she does this “job” and puts up with all your crap for free using up her own damn time that she could use doing something more productive or enjoyable.

Galleri you have a good Sunday and Bayrock I’ll get you next time for PSing me and then accepting my defense pact offer you dirty scoundrel.

Needs to be enough bots that players don’t run out of targets. Maybe a war server and a netting server would be more appropriate so players could pick their poison. I think everyone understands the fun in what you are doing but it’s a huge gut punch to put in so much work to have it messed up so easily. That makes people not play anymore because they are emotional from the lost time. Surely there is a middle ground or solution somewhere.

Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2022, 15:49:36

Originally posted by bayrock:
bayrock (#385) on Alliance

Thanks for the offer but I already have joined a clan friend.