
Cathankins Game profile


May 8th 2022, 0:23:34

Thanks but I’ll be ok ive got settled in with this account now. Thanks though

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2022, 4:33:33

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
I didn't realise I had played that many years when I saw my name inside lol

I definitely remember seeing
You play either a big commie or big cashers in primary in the old days. Commie wasn’t it?

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2022, 4:30:02

You attacked them 4 times. Why would you lie when we can see the news?

reddot (#27) 404A (679A)

2022-05-06 01:58:54 PS bayrock (#6) reddot (#27) 469A (861A)

2022-05-06 01:56:14 PS bayrock (#6) reddot (#27) 497A (896A)

2022-05-06 01:52:21 PS bayrock (#6) reddot (#27) 530A (933A)

Cathankins Game profile


May 7th 2022, 1:17:29

Well played guys

Cathankins Game profile


May 6th 2022, 21:27:38

Me too, dumped all my stock as a mono before I switched to theo. It happens, maybe next time.

Cathankins Game profile


May 6th 2022, 12:52:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
He's frustrated he can't suicide efficiently, my suggestion is to not share the mechanics so that he continues to fail at it.

Must be the guy suiciding everyone right now, I multi tap noobs. They should ban him it’s very ibobvious he’s just trying to ruin the game for people why is this allowed

Cathankins Game profile


May 5th 2022, 10:29:09

Originally posted by MemeTeamMarine:
There is no where in the written rules on the page linked "rules" that joint attacks are illegal. The point of this game is to win, and destroying your enemies is one way to accomplish that. Considering that it's not written in the rules, I'd also think a warning before country destruction would be warranted.

Mod: I originally thought you killed my country because I may have been logging in from several different locations, that's the only reason I brought up the VPN.

Have a nice day

This is a good point, if there were no communications it’s not *really* coordination. See my scenario as well. This is a seemingly gray area.

Cathankins Game profile


May 5th 2022, 10:27:23

Yesterday in primary one of my allies were farmer by a bigger guy, I though about hitting him a lot just because I like that guy. Would that get him deleted as well? I refrained from doing it because I thought this scenario may happen. But it would have been solely my doing, never told my ally my intentions.

Cathankins Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 4:16:23

I’m sorry but I will never be ok with using your authority to hurt people and be cruel to them like I’ve seen in this country and use a excuse like medication to do it. It’s ridiculous and barbaric.

Cathankins Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 4:15:09

The only reason I brought up freedom is it’s the founding idea of your country and your people don’t even respect it. Americans don’t even seem to care their citizens are abused the way they are. So why would I care lmao The last few years watching it all crash and burn I have found it pretty amusing and well earned.

Cathankins Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 4:12:00

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Serious man, I’ve spent my entire life watching boomers and American gentiles thank the boot on their neck. I have zero respect for these cattle. They have zero respect for themselves. Drug laws are the main bs reason used to harass them and abuse them, “pull over mam I need to inspect your car for a lortab”

Then off to the systemic torture dungeons where they lock you in the cage to be torture by “them”.

I won’t say who they are but we all know, we just aren’t allowed to say, aren’t allowed to talk about the violence by them. Welcome to America, the land of the free.

This is why you lost visitation rights with the kids. You wasted our Disney World fund on fertilizer, a CNC machine, bullets and MRE's. There are containment zones for "you people". Back to court ordered therapy Rufus.

For the record I don’t believe any of they redneck America crap about “much freedom” and all bs. It’s clear Americans themselves don’t care about it freedom as it’s been stripped and they still defend the people who turns their country into a police state.

You would think They would at least stand up for the founding laws of the country but no then don’t even do that.

Now besides the fact that obviously Americans have no problems with their constitution being trampled, the founding idea of the country itself goes against my religion, Judaism.

I believe in following Gods laws when it comes to women’s rights, when it comes to race and multiculturalism, I believe in the torah.

Americans obviously do not, they take great pride in the fact that their country is built on defying Gods laws and freedom from God.

Built on equality, lucifers dream of us all being equal. But that’s not what the torah says is it?

But these America’s you compare me to, they don’t even respect their own satanic laws, you certainly can’t expect me to.

Their ruling clsss I watch abuse them and break all of the laws the founding fathers set, the courts don’t follow any of the founding laws whatsoever. then I watch the citizens not even care.

I geniunekly believe Americans are the ultimate shabbos goyim, no man with self respect or a love of God would be a part of a nation such as that. Truly a godless bunch of Satanists.

Cathankins Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 3:59:22

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Serious man, I’ve spent my entire life watching boomers and American gentiles thank the boot on their neck. I have zero respect for these cattle. They have zero respect for themselves. Drug laws are the main bs reason used to harass them and abuse them, “pull over mam I need to inspect your car for a lortab”

Then off to the systemic torture dungeons where they lock you in the cage to be torture by “them”.

I won’t say who they are but we all know, we just aren’t allowed to say, aren’t allowed to talk about the violence by them. Welcome to America, the land of the free.

This is why you lost visitation rights with the kids. You wasted our Disney World fund on fertilizer, a CNC machine, bullets and MRE's. There are containment zones for "you people". Back to court ordered therapy Rufus.

I’m a zionist Jew, I want to enslave the gentiles. No idea why you would compare me to Christian cattle. I respect my bloodlines and race, Christians obviously do not care about their own people nor do Americans. No idea why you think I would want to associate with either one of those groups.

Yes I do agree your courts are corrupt and abuse their citizens though, I agree this is a likely scenario for speaking out against corruption. It’s very obvious the ruling class in America have betrayed their constituents and Ethnic people.

Cathankins Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 3:52:25

Yes that’s some bs

Cathankins Game profile


May 1st 2022, 11:23:43

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Serious man, I’ve spent my entire life watching boomers and American gentiles thank the boot on their neck. I have zero respect for these cattle. They have zero respect for themselves. Drug laws are the main bs reason used to harass them and abuse them, “pull over mam I need to inspect your car for a lortab”

Then off to the systemic torture dungeons where they lock you in the cage to be torture by “them”.

I won’t say who they are but we all know, we just aren’t allowed to say, aren’t allowed to talk about the violence by them. Welcome to America, the land of the free.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 30th 2022, 10:54:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by cordycsw:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't use any calculations outside what my eyes see in spy ops, then again I've never finished better than 3rd lol, also, what g0nz0 said.

then u r hands down the best player bro :)

Best of the worst 🤣

It does seem almost incomparable that there’s guys doing mad-scientist calculations to run their countries while you get stoned and just play. Wish a smarter guy would invent an earth empires calculator for the important ones that pulls up on your country toolbar.

I prefer shine, i despise drugs, lost good friends to them :-/

I despise meth and crack and all
That stuff too for the record. I’ve come to despise drug laws after watching several family members with cancer abused by our lucrative medical and law enforcement system because they were so desperate to not be in debilitating pain.

I know I’m the odd man out that most Americans don’t support freedom and want to be slaves, I say give them what they want and let israel bring moshiach and let the good little goyim be slaves. Then we will all be happy we will have our freedom and Americans can live like shabbos goyim

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 30th 2022, 10:49:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by cordycsw:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't use any calculations outside what my eyes see in spy ops, then again I've never finished better than 3rd lol, also, what g0nz0 said.

then u r hands down the best player bro :)

Best of the worst 🤣

It does seem almost incomparable that there’s guys doing mad-scientist calculations to run their countries while you get stoned and just play. Wish a smarter guy would invent an earth empires calculator for the important ones that pulls up on your country toolbar.

I prefer shine, i despise drugs, lost good friends to them :-/

Yea Medicine is truly horrible, i know some woman who has cancer and takes opiates lmao what a piece of crap. I have a cousin who overdosed on marijuana, truly horrific stuff. Don’t want to end up like Elon musk or Johnny depp or Hunter biden

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2022, 23:25:59

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by cordycsw:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't use any calculations outside what my eyes see in spy ops, then again I've never finished better than 3rd lol, also, what g0nz0 said.

then u r hands down the best player bro :)

Best of the worst 🤣

It does seem almost incomparable that there’s guys doing mad-scientist calculations to run their countries while you get stoned and just play. Wish a smarter guy would invent an earth empires calculator for the important ones that pulls up on your country toolbar.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2022, 23:21:25

Originally posted by cordycsw:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't use any calculations outside what my eyes see in spy ops, then again I've never finished better than 3rd lol, also, what g0nz0 said.

Interesting, I don’t do equations either and my high score is similar to yours with my old account (70’s mil)

I’m wondering if it’s possible to push it higher than that with our play style?

lol then now u r 2nd best :) behind koh

Well I already know I’m the best player, the problem is I’m trying to get the earth communities recognition on this accomplishment as well instead of them thinking noobs like you are. Due to their math-privilege they cannot see the diamond in the rough that Is myself and KoH. Clearly we are the best.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2022, 0:36:00

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by paradise:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Then how did you sign up here without the email? You need one to confirm.

Wait! How do you live in this world without an email? I thought it was like a necessity just like phone and internet now a days lol

I’m from Appalachia we don’t really even have good jobs here much less need an email, I got by mostly by the grace of God to be perfectly honest. It’s not too uncommon for people around here to not even have electricity in some of the older hillbilly families, we just do our own thing I guess. fluff I want an email for I don’t want people to be able to get ahold of me haha if you can’t find me you don’t need to find me

Moonshine is a way of life out there 🙂

Maybe in the old days, my papaws papaws generation said that a lot of families in this area would have starved if it hadn’t been for corn and copper. Even as it was a lot of them ate beans and biscuits enough that I’m sure they were malnourished growing up in their little wood shack they had.

Years ago there was the pill billy gold rush where everyone’s uncle had a pill for sell, the streets are dead nowadays though. it’s just not worth it to hustle like that anymore. The people that do are out there on meth but they are falling like flies either prison or dead, none of them really are successful, not like the old days when there were a lot of people in the Appalachia’s that they did beat the system. I do remember those days but it’s not like that anymore.

True but that shine is still the best in the South.

I have never tried alchohol off of a copper double thumper despite being in this area, popcorn was a semi-family friend, my aunt knew him through the grapevine and met him once or a few times possibly. And one of my great papaws was a shiner and used to sell to the sherriff of this county. Supposedly he still has some shine in a certain area, I’d like to try a jar of it.

He had a old moonshiners trick passed down to help him hide and find stuff after walking out into the wilderness...old timers gps... see he would look for a...... well I can’t give out all the secrets ;-)

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2022, 19:53:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by paradise:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Then how did you sign up here without the email? You need one to confirm.

Wait! How do you live in this world without an email? I thought it was like a necessity just like phone and internet now a days lol

I’m from Appalachia we don’t really even have good jobs here much less need an email, I got by mostly by the grace of God to be perfectly honest. It’s not too uncommon for people around here to not even have electricity in some of the older hillbilly families, we just do our own thing I guess. fluff I want an email for I don’t want people to be able to get ahold of me haha if you can’t find me you don’t need to find me

Moonshine is a way of life out there 🙂

Maybe in the old days, my papaws papaws generation said that a lot of families in this area would have starved if it hadn’t been for corn and copper. Even as it was a lot of them ate beans and biscuits enough that I’m sure they were malnourished growing up in their little wood shack they had.

Years ago there was the pill billy gold rush where everyone’s uncle had a pill for sell, the streets are dead nowadays though. it’s just not worth it to hustle like that anymore. The people that do are out there on meth but they are falling like flies either prison or dead, none of them really are successful, not like the old days when there were a lot of people in the Appalachia’s that they did beat the system. I do remember those days but it’s not like that anymore.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2022, 19:46:09

I found a clan to net with thanks though
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by paradise:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Then how did you sign up here without the email? You need one to confirm.

Wait! How do you live in this world without an email? I thought it was like a necessity just like phone and internet now a days lol

I’m from Appalachia we don’t really even have good jobs here much less need an email, I got by mostly by the grace of God to be perfectly honest. It’s not too uncommon for people around here to not even have electricity in some of the older hillbilly families, we just do our own thing I guess. fluff I want an email for I don’t want people to be able to get ahold of me haha if you can’t find me you don’t need to find me

Where in "Appalachia"?

Over in the hollar over yonder by the baccer patch where that barn with the sigogglin tin roof is

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2022, 7:42:48

Originally posted by Tmac:
You can absolutely get 100m that way if you're very good at getting land. Just get lots of tech, bonus on expenses, and skip stocking. As long as you have a good "feel," you'll do great =)

Awesome, thanks man. Just the guy I wanted to hear that from actually.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 27th 2022, 22:38:29

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't use any calculations outside what my eyes see in spy ops, then again I've never finished better than 3rd lol, also, what g0nz0 said.

Interesting, I don’t do equations either and my high score is similar to yours with my old account (70’s mil)

I’m wondering if it’s possible to push it higher than that with our play style?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 27th 2022, 22:36:15

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Some players use complicated equations and some just play by the seat of their pants.

Which do you do and who is the very best out the of the non-mathematical using players?

are you referring to attacks or economy?
Attacks you can do with simple math. Round the numbers. Send extra 10%.

Economy has calculators on

Eventually you get to a pattern recognition phase and calculations aren't as necessary as "goals". Land, tech, turns, etc.

Whichever, if you guys use calculations to figure out when to stock or other things.

Is it even possible or has anyone hit 100 mil + in primary without doing a lot of math?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 27th 2022, 14:10:14

Some players use complicated equations and some just play by the seat of their pants.

Which do you do and who is the very best out the of the non-mathematical using players?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2022, 0:12:02

It’s mam

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2022, 6:26:03

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BoomSchitk:
LOL it is like an episode of charlie brown hearing mostly wah wah wah.....

You mean it’s mostly you saying wah wah wah?

Is this you superfly

I don’t know who you are Cat, so not clicking whatever link you are posting. I assume you might be another alter ego of my friend above? He loves YouTube links…

Just messing with you. It’s deezy, call off your attack dogs please and spare us a war we just want to net. I didn’t know geta was going to do that

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2022, 23:14:24

Originally posted by galleri:
I have decided to sticky this thread. It can be updated as needed.

Thank you a wise decision and very humble to backtrack, you would make a fine leader.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2022, 20:36:52

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BoomSchitk:
LOL it is like an episode of charlie brown hearing mostly wah wah wah.....

You mean it’s mostly you saying wah wah wah?

Is this you superfly

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2022, 17:34:15

What’s with all the passive aggression did you overdose on tranny medication

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 19th 2022, 23:51:20

I wouldn’t normally bump old threads like that but I thought that is unique and a part of earth history and deserves a bump. This place needs a ball of fame on the front page as well with players that have achieved whatever milestone is decided by the community.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 19th 2022, 13:29:40

Mario Day (#44) 65,607 acres $170,104,628 RG- Gerdler

Cashing (#22) 66,692 acres $167,885,591 RG- Tmac

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 19th 2022, 13:24:18

Earth needs a hall of fame

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 16th 2022, 5:02:45

Originally posted by paradise:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Then how did you sign up here without the email? You need one to confirm.

Wait! How do you live in this world without an email? I thought it was like a necessity just like phone and internet now a days lol

I’m from Appalachia we don’t really even have good jobs here much less need an email, I got by mostly by the grace of God to be perfectly honest. It’s not too uncommon for people around here to not even have electricity in some of the older hillbilly families, we just do our own thing I guess. fluff I want an email for I don’t want people to be able to get ahold of me haha if you can’t find me you don’t need to find me

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 12:15:09

Oh never mind you already hit him, if he’s bigger you should have stockpiled for a week so you could really put some damage in with your strike

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 12:13:40

Pump your warfare and go all jetter to retal, missile them later

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 14th 2022, 22:09:07

“I was just pretending to be retarded”

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 14th 2022, 18:18:34

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Are you Doug's long lost twin?

Haha why do you say that

You talk too much....

Ok Karen, maybe get your estrogen levels checked. Because you just came to a message board and complained about people talking lmao retard

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 13th 2022, 8:58:34

Originally posted by paradise:
Oh cool thanks. I wish there was a wiki for new players or even casual players like me.

Yea because it can get a little confusing after the start up walk throughs, and most of the walk through a don’t touch on how to run the different strategies and how to use turns. Like how do you spend turns as a casher, attack—-> build—-> explore or do you attack—->build——>build CS it whats the strongest way

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 19:44:24

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Are you Doug's long lost twin?

Haha why do you say that

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 17:58:14

I would like to play if any clan just wants a good netter, if there’s a war I will check earth estats to see who to hit. I would like to for a good clan though if I’m going to.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 17:56:46

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Then how did you sign up here without the email? You need one to confirm.

I could sign up but then everyone expects you to be present at times that sometimes I just can’t. So I don’t want to join a clan just to BS them around plus having to keep up with communications, email or whatever

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 17:55:25

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Then how did you sign up here without the email? You need one to confirm.

My lady helped me I don’t really mess with email or social media or stuff like that

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 15:33:07

Originally posted by paradise:
Oh congrats! Well played and welcome back! I am also a returning player from many years ago.

No need to post your scores as there is a link to it online under the top players section.

I wasn’t aware it showed my build in the scores that’s cool

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 15:32:11

Originally posted by paradise:
Oh congrats! Well played and welcome back! I am also a returning player from many years ago.

No need to post your scores as there is a link to it online under the top players section.

I was posting the build so that new players could see how many bpt and stuff I was running. When I started playing I couldn’t find as many examples as I would have liked.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 11:38:10

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by farmer:
We can all identify as what ever we like

I made it a habit of using the ladies room when the men's room is closed for some reason, I've been confronted and I simply say "I feel like a woman today, sorry I didn't make the rules" and go on my merry way.... so satisfying!

You may spark a real movement if you keep peeing on the women’s toilet seats

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 11:37:01

Originally posted by farmer:
We can all identify as what ever we like

Noahide law incoming 2022. Woops I’m not supposed to spill the secrets forget I said that

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 11:34:58

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I don’t think I ever knew to begin with to be honest. Not sure we have ever played together

Who were you before? I have played since Arrow.

Deezyboy, I never played alliance much, I maybe played with stones once and I didn’t care for all the structure, I prefer the chaos of the single servers. It’s awesome what their big guys do it’s just not my thing.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 11:28:12

I would but I’m phone playing and don’t have email and all that stuff to sign up. I’d like to net with you guys though

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 10:22:47

I would like to announce that the top nation has accepted my terms and surrendered. Thereby making me the winner of alliance this set. Good luck guys. I shall now be leaving the alliance server forever. One set and one win is good enough for me.

Message from In a sky of a million stars (#339) sent on Apr 12, 10:08
Report this message
yes sir. im a slave for u

Set winner: Deezyboy (#443)