
Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 17th 2018, 21:42:32

I1 where are you bro?

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 17th 2018, 21:42:07

Originally posted by AnimalP0P:
Top 100 again!

One day you will be able to remove those zeroes.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 17th 2018, 15:14:34

Down again this morning for half an hour.
I m not trolling or spamming but we need a thread that points out all the downtimes players are experiencing. Because I don't think they realize the magnitude of the problem. Its too frequent and for too long. Please see my other post titled "please fix this" If it's a money issue, we will give. But don't give us any more downtime.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 17th 2018, 15:13:49

Down again this morning for half an hour.
I m not trolling or spamming but we need a thread that points out all the downtimes players are experiencing. Because I don't think they realize the magnitude of the problem. Its too frequent and for too long. Please see my other post titled "please fix this" If it's a money issue, we will give. But don't give us any more downtime.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 17th 2018, 15:04:34

Congrats to all.
I think the big commie was going for a record
What's the highest land record on express in recent times?
Congrats to Kal and sfbob on personal best.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 20:58:21

Down freaking again!!!!
Couldn't access today from 255 PM EST to 315 PM. This is one of the most important times of the set for express. Right before when bots dump billions on the market, you put mil on the market to make the NW jump. Since the website was down, couldn't access the market and put anything for sale in time. Seems like too many players accessing the market crashed it. This is like all your work for the set amounted to nothing, you work hard for 4 & a half days and at the end you don't see any fruits of the labor. This problem is growing like fluffroaches and getting worse by the day. 4 -5 sets of the last 12 I have played had major outages. What's the point in playing if you know about half the time you won't get to the end set without an outage fluffing up your set?

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 20:32:26

7&$&0!'&*$34-//!:: Down Again!!!!!!!

This couldn't happen at a worse time. Couldn't access from 255 to 315 pm EST. Right at one of the most important time of the set when you put stuff on the market for the bots market squeeze. Seems like a few players accessing the market at the same time crashes it.
It is beyond ridiculous at this point. Seems like they are just seeing how much punishment we can take before we quit this game. Another set fluffed!! up for a stupid reason.

Edited By: Chutya123 on Dec 16th 2018, 21:05:30
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 19:51:05

I had downtime for 12 hours on Friday. Wouldn't load, no matter what I tried.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 19:49:26

Originally posted by Marshal:
Those are getting too frequent again, last night (late afternoon canuckian time) I got to play turns hr late cause game was down and this morning (late night canuckian time) couldn't get bonuses since game was down (tried 30 mins to get site load but no avail).

Question to QZ: Isn't there anything to be done to those downtimes? Those strike on bad times.

I agree, this is too much. Especially when the issue is not that hard to fix.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 19:43:39

Originally posted by sfbob:
I like the downtime if you close your eyes slightly you can almost believe it's still 1999.

Back then site went down because 100k ppl were trying to login at the same time. When school was over lol
Don't understand why it should go down now with only 100 people.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 19:04:51

Originally posted by jailed man:
cgi rules unfair. if attacked, then why can you not counter attack? its unfair!!! it makes you a sitting duck unable to defend your self!

This game don't have computer graphics so no cgi

If yr talking about gdi the rules are different for each server. Please tell us which server you are talking about so I can enlighten you more.

Edited By: Chutya123 on Dec 18th 2018, 22:36:16
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 19:00:26

I posted this in Bugs & Suggestions

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 19:00:09

Site being down is becoming too big of a problem.
On Friday I couldnt login for whole of half the day. I tried login in at 5 - 6 different times from noon to late night and it wouldn't load. On express it becomes a big issue bc site being down for half a day pretty much fluffes up all your planning. Its all your week's hard work going down the water. It creates perverse incentives where it rewards poor players and hurts the good, dedicated players proportionally more. Because to Max out yr strategy, you log in certain times and being able to plan out things around certain times is important to a high final finish. It makes people want to not play anymore. This is becoming too big of an issue, it negates any incremental improvements you are doing to the gameplay. It's retarded that this goes on for so long when it can be fixed for a few pennies a day. I am sure if you are willing to move it to a place with reliable, uninterrupted gameplay, people will contribute money to keep the game going. Especially express players since it hurts them the most. We already invest so much in the game, with our time which is more important than money, so we wouldn't mind contributing a little if you can guarantee better game availability.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 16th 2018, 18:59:30

Site being down is becoming too big of a problem.
On Friday I couldnt login for whole of half the day. I tried login in at 5 - 6 different times from noon to late night and it wouldn't load. On express it becomes a big issue bc site being down for half a day pretty much fluffes up all your planning. Its all your week's hard work going down the water. It creates perverse incentives where it rewards poor players and hurts the good, dedicated players proportionally more. Because to Max out yr strategy, you log in certain times and being able to plan out things around certain times is important to a high final finish. It makes people want to not play anymore. This is becoming too big of an issue, it negates any incremental improvements you are doing to the gameplay. It's retarded that this goes on for so long when it can be fixed for a few pennies a day. I am sure if you are willing to move it to a place with reliable, uninterrupted gameplay, people will contribute money to keep the game going. Especially express players since it hurts them the most. We already invest so much in the game, with our time which is more important than money, so we wouldn't mind contributing a little if you can guarantee better game availability.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 13th 2018, 21:31:55

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Then desperation kicks in, multi-tapping becomes more frequent and wars break out...

And oilers benefit?

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 13th 2018, 17:42:57

Originally posted by AtticusRex:
Sorry for being grumpy.

I did come back for alliance, so correct there. And we do nerd out a little bit discussing the alliance market. Those discussions did inspire my express attempt, but express isn't discussed. We only had 3 members until this week, actually, and I don't know if the others play anything but alliance.

I think it was a little bit of a perfect storm. I started looking at bot mix because prices were so terrible last set. I didn't realize going in that there was a favorable mix.

I was fattest by far for a long time that reset, caught a huge sale overnight. Played the lottery and sold a bunch high 4ks. From then on I had my hands in everything and spent a lot of time in game managing prices.

I'm a nerd. I save a bunch of screen shots so I have points of comparison (old e2025 habit). If you have Line I can show you some of what I was doing.

Ok, just downloaded line app on my cell phone. Figuring out how to use it now.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 13th 2018, 17:40:12

Originally posted by AtticusRex:
Sorry for being grumpy.

I did come back for alliance, so correct there. And we do nerd out a little bit discussing the alliance market. Those discussions did inspire my express attempt, but express isn't discussed. We only had 3 members until this week, actually, and I don't know if the others play anything but alliance.

I think it was a little bit of a perfect storm. I started looking at bot mix because prices were so terrible last set. I didn't realize going in that there was a favorable mix.

I was fattest by far for a long time that reset, caught a huge sale overnight. Played the lottery and sold a bunch high 4ks. From then on I had my hands in everything and spent a lot of time in game managing prices.

I'm a nerd. I save a bunch of screen shots so I have points of comparison (old e2025 habit). If you have Line I can show you some of what I was doing.

Thanks for being so amicable. I am the same way, I like playing with numbers and projections. We could be best buddies!
Yes, that was a favorable mix and conditions, you will definitely, definitely won't see that kind of tech prices often. I haven't seen it in 3 months I have played here. You were landfat early and that helped you with high TPT and high high tech prices. Yeah, I saw you do the tech sale at 4000. You managed prices well on the last day.

Would love to compare notes and have fun with numbers with you. Are you on IRCCloud?

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 13th 2018, 9:20:10

"Not what happened, I do not collaborate. I do not know navii and only ran into him by chance.

Navii and I briefly spoke in game. If I recall, he was playing Tyr techer, and my demo techer was beating him(and everyone else) in land. He jokingly told me to slow down.

I explained to him my understanding of DRs, and lamented the price of tech, saying I needed it higher. I did not tell him when, which techs, what price, or otherwise suggest he should or could participate."

That's fine bro. I am not accusing you of anything above. Wow. You are very thorough and precise in your answers. It's great that you are active in in game messages. I am too. I find some of the best moments of the game meeting n talking to new people in game. That's how the good old earth 2025 was when I last played. Navii is a buddy of mine and I trust him. Thank you being gentlemanly with him and others.

I was not saying you and navii were a pair. I was wondering if you posted something on some clan page and had other clan members join on the wagon from there. I said "it seems like" because I was not sure but that's what it looked like the way navii posted it. Think about it from the perspective of some1 who is never a part of any clan and only plays solo. We non clan members have no way of knowing what goes on in clans and what information they share, we can only postulate. And even though I haven't been here long, in the short time I have been, I have seen some funny business by clown members. There was a post a while back here that some clan members acknowledged sharing some info. but finding nothing wrong with it. My point was to bring out how that kind of activity can be wrong.

"In fact, had he joined it would have hurt my margins. "

Your this point is not correct. Yes, if he or any other player you just met in the game half way thru the set, decided to take advantage of the fact that you were trying to keep prices high, he would have to know your price floor and selling price to undercut your price to sell his tech and benefit for this 1 particular kind of transaction. But that's not what I was talking about. I was thinking of this scenario:
Let's say at the beginning of the set You declare within your clan you are back and are going to keep tech prices high this set. You are known to be a good netter and other 3 mediocore clanmembers know you will succeed in keeping prices high. Because of this knowledge they plan their set from the begining for high tech prices and adjust their land goal and BPT accordingly. This gives them an advantage.
Secondly all 4 of you gain because of the multiplier effect. On a relative scale, you won't gain much more than the other 3 from high tech prices initially but all 4 of u in the group gain relative to the out-group players. This is because all 4 players trying to push up the prices will reduce the spread available to any 1 player but will move up the lowest price point and the highest price point thus resulting in an overall high average prices. I.e. Let's say if you were doing it alone, you would buy at 1500 and sell at 2500 and when 4 of u do it, you buy at 3100 and sell at 4000. So even though your spread is 900 instead of 1000, the high tech prices on the absolute scale are beneficial to you. You can move the money into other tradable assets and force bigger market squeezes there because you are starting out with a bigger amount of money. You know how to use the money better than the other three, so you will end up much higher NW than the other 3. And those 3 will end up lower than you but higher NW than they otherwise would have. Thus all 4 benefit from this compared to the out-group players. With you benefiting the most. The double whammy is that the higher absolute value of tech prices i.e. 4000 help you four guys ever more because you have the correct landsize, BPT, growth trajectory and teching pattern for it. If you had gotten landfat and start spending your turns teching late in the set, you would benefit from both high tech per turn (TPT) and high tech prices vs an out group player who has less acrages and spent his turn teching at a lower TPT based on a normal historical pattern of low i.e. 1500 and decreasing tech prices at the end of the set. This further reduces tech supply on the market and feeds into the cycle of ever increasing prices. Making it easier to hold the higher prices.
Of course you have to have a good exit point and I know there are more complexities and variables involved. But you can't just say that it's a negative. It can go either way positive or negative. You can ride the wave on the way up and benefit from it hugely. The only way it can go wrong is if the other 3 chicken out. Or if you and the other 3 have hugely different ideas about what constitutes high tech prices. It all depends on whether all in the in group believe in your capacity to keep prices high. And I started this scenario with clanmembers believing in your capacity to keep prices high, that's why I thought this scenario plausible.

" I had to periodically rotate out of techs just to stay ahead of people chasing the prices I created for myself. "

That's how it always it. I do it too. It's s game of whack a mole.

" As a demo, playing the market is expected. Saying I am going to do so is like saying you're going to click the cash button as a casher. I spent billions buying tech (and food and oil) to floor prices. "

Of course it is. No1 is against a solo player playing the market. That's what we are supposed to do. The spirit of what I am saying is that it should always be a single player competing against other single players. without knowledge of others to keep it from being unfair. Think about it. If 2 big players declare & decide to play a certain way, that's enough to tilt the game play for rest of the server in the direction they want. Depending on how their relationship with rest of their friends is, they can almost dictate a market outcome by Fiat. That's why it's best policy for clan members to not share info. about their countries or play strategies on solo servers, at least not in the beginning of the set.

From the Navii's post I thought you said something along the lines of of "I will play a techer this set, let's keep tech prices high" in your clan. Which is why I made this post. In your introductory post you mentioned you came back because bc a couple of your friends asked you to play. So I assumed you were a clan member. I saw tech prices as high as I have never seen So I assumed the above plausible scenario might have happened. I know, I assumed. My bad.
I know AssUMe makes an ass out of u & me.

"You ARE trying to take away from my finish, which I was extremely excited about, by tarnishing it with suggestions of collusion, and have done so since the beginning of this thread. Instead of fluffting on me you should try talking to me."

Only a dedicated netter knows what a netter goes thru. I know that exciting feeling man. What for do we play this game, if not a little recognition mixed with some fun? We do all the we calculations, put in the time & effort for a week hoping for a big payoff at the end. And when it's wrongly denied, it's a big injustice. It's like stolen honor. I sincerely apologize for that. It was never my intention to put down some1 who deserves to be honored and congratulated. I was just looking out for any undeserving vermin. You did a good job of market buyouts, I have never seen any1 hold up prices that efficiently, for that long. You say it was a mix of unique bot conditions and you but I will never know until I have a large enough sample of sets with similarly unique bot conditions. I congratulate you for the win and the finish. That was a good show and hope you keep on putting out good performances!

Edited By: Chutya123 on Dec 13th 2018, 15:29:32
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 13th 2018, 5:08:55

A breast of fresh air!

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 12th 2018, 19:46:08

Originally posted by Naviii:

i know this is not much for most, but i finally broke 30M NW and got 6th place. lol! πŸ™‚

Congrats. Its a good achievement. Dont belittle it. I finished at 31 mil. You almost took my spot. Keep it up. Are you playing this set I1? Hope to see you there in top 6 again this set.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 12th 2018, 19:42:21

Originally posted by Naviii:
congrats, AR! you kept your promise of keeping the tech prices up. haha!

So looks like some1 posted on some clan website that they were gonna keep the tech prices high. And other clan members followed. This makes it much easier to follow thru and keep them prices high. An individual without this knowledge and acting alone would have much more difficult time keeping them high all the time without co-conspirators. You dont have to actively collude, just having the knowledge that 1 big player is going to do this, makes others plan & act accordingly, which in turn, makes the 1 big player's job of keeping them high easier. Just like how when Federal Reserve signals its gonna lower interest rate, market participants front run it and already lower it to Fed's desired range even before Fed acts to lower them. Similar concept. With only 2 dozen real human players on this server, 2 - 3 players deciding to keep price of something high can easily do it if they are good.

Not taking anything away from AR or anybody who did well, just saying as long as clan members keep bringing their clan influences and advantages to solo servers its never gonna be a level playing field. In an ideal world, clan leaders & members would self-censor and not post anything that would give themselves or other members any advantages. Clan leaders would enforce policies that go against the individualistic spirit of solo servers. But that would require guts and honesty. Other than that, the only way a non-clan player like myself can level the playing field is by having a gang of 2 - 3 players myself and collude just enough to create certain market outcomes without crossing over into official collusion territory.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 12th 2018, 19:07:11

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
just that express is my favorite server and for better or worse I like it the way it is now.

Mine too. No politicial baggage, nor clan leaders egos and whims, more individualism n freedom. And having more turns at hand allows more flexibility and creativity.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 11th 2018, 19:36:28

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 11th 2018, 18:11:59


Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 11th 2018, 18:11:36

I have got 1662 turns
Worse off than all of you. I started late.

This is my 1st set crossing over to primary from express and I m being farmed left & right. I have got nothing against that. I support more player interaction on principle. Just know that I will retal 1:1. So many ppl trippletagged, quadrupletapped & quintupletapped me when I was down. Now that I have jetted up n started retaling, better not cry now and accept the retal. Let it be a warning, if you grab me you will probably lose more when I retal you back.

My finish is messed up this set anyway, as I miscalculated the land, BPT growth trajectory on this server. Its different from express. So I m gonna have fun rest of the set enjoying doing those retals.

Edited By: Chutya123 on Dec 11th 2018, 19:38:17
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 11th 2018, 1:54:55

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
GDI is also well suited for people that like to keep mostly to themselves and net in piece.

I disagree with you. It's quite the opposite. GDI good for people that like to net in peace and not in pieces. 😁

But not being in GDI has it's advantages too. Not worrying about the 6 hour before the end of the set time limit, you can steal, grab n pillage all the way till the end. If you can make it to the end of the set without catching attention of various gdi salesmen.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 10th 2018, 0:28:11

Need some bot info. Just counted 56 bots out of top 100. That's a lot more than I thought. I was under the impression there were about 30 on this server.
Is there a particular set time interval that bots always play? I think knowing bot behaviour is a good chunk of getting a top finish. I know bout the bots market buyout at the end. But besides that, are there any regular patterns they follow? Like playing every 4 hours etc. If there are people who have access to this info. it would be a huge advantage over those that don't. If the devs have a set pattern for bots that's secret, that's fine. It levels the playing field. Thanks.

Edited By: Chutya123 on Dec 10th 2018, 0:32:34
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 10th 2018, 0:12:35

Congrats. That was a good finish. That will be my benchmark to meet when I play commie indy after a couple of sets.

With tech prices this cheap this set, it had to be a non techer.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 5th 2018, 16:25:23


Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 5th 2018, 7:12:18

Originally posted by galleri:
I have been on vacation the last few days becoming a fat ass.

That's ok, you are married. You are allowed to get fat. ☺️

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 5th 2018, 2:41:19

Sorry, for the late reply. It was my first time winning and have been celebrating n partying last couple days. Just sobered up. 😁

Thanks everyone. And congrats to all who made it or were close.

It will be good to see a mod play this set. Since I m new, I don't think I have seen you play primeval.

I agree in principle that nobody should shove their playstyle and preferences down others throats. More human interaction is good. This should be a fun set. Good luck to all.

Chutya123 Game profile


Dec 2nd 2018, 3:18:24


Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 26th 2018, 1:23:48

I would say tech prices were artificially high this set. Res/Bus $3000 till the last day.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 26th 2018, 0:49:47

Butt stuff's profile was private until 10 minutes ago & is public now.

AtticusRex, an introduction is in order.

Which player's start over profile are you? Thanks.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 26th 2018, 0:46:34

Country Land Networth Special
1 Ready for Butt Stuff (#5) Game profile 19,648 $59,215,768 DG
2 Afk (#93) Game profile 32,364 $42,272,966 DG
3 Savage Axis (#72) 18,952 $35,657,831 TG
4 elbow deep stuffing the bird (#67) Game profile 26,704 $32,521,518 CG
5 Dharma Dhawaj Rakshak (#99) Game profile 22,773 $31,201,557 DG
6 How to Train Your Dung Beetle (#25) 18,535 $30,533,776 HG
7 GobKnobbler (#29) 24,219 $24,033,813 CG
8 crack pipe massacre (#96) Game profile 15,131 $22,716,922 HG
9 Vacuum Cleaner (#86) Game profile 21,149 $22,178,088 CG
10 Mr Papaya (#8) Game profile 25,589 $21,464,936 IG

Congrats to top 10.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 22:50:19


Edited By: Chutya123 on Nov 22nd 2018, 22:57:04
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 22:34:58

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
The rates are correct. The BPT you see is based off of your government not the spyops thus why it appears wrong. Try spying someone when you are a Dict or Theo

Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.
Was it always this way?
I thought in previous sets when I played Demo I saw BPT adjusted based on targets govt type & not mine. I.e. I saw Theo with +40% and Dic with -30%
Does anybody else remember seeing correct BPT for bots in previous sets ?
I could be wrong tho.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 21:32:57

Discovered another bug on express.
It is showing wrong building rate for dictatorship bots as well. Saw a bot with 349 CS and building rate is showing as 92. It should be 30 % lower bc of the 30 percent penalty.
So so far both Theo bots and dict bots are showing wrong building rates.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 21:32:17

Discovered another bug on express.
It is showing wrong building rate for dictatorship bots as well. Saw a bot with 349 CS and building rate is showing as 92. It should be 30 % lower bc of the 30 percent penalty.
So so far both Theo bots and dict bots are showing wrong building rates.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 21:21:36

On express server, when I spy bots.. the theocratic bots don't have a 40% increase in construction speed. For example on spy report, I see a country has 166 CS but building rate shows as 46 instead of 65. So
1) The bonus is not working
Or 2) This is a deliberate move by devs to change things up a bit unannounced? Or
3) Bonus is working but spy op page is messed up. It doesn't show the right building rate.

I haven't checked if this Theo bonus affects human countries bc I haven't spied on them yet. But all bot countries I have spied on are showing incorrect building rate.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 21:18:10

On express server, when I spy bots.. the theocratic bots don't have a 40% increase in construction speed. For example on spy report, I see a country has 166 CS but building rate shows as 46 instead of 65. So
1) The bonus is not working
Or 2) This is a deliberate move by devs to change things up a bit unannounced? Or
3) Bonus is working but spy op page is messed up. It doesn't show the right building rate.

I haven't checked if this Theo bonus affects human countries bc I haven't spied on them yet. But all bot countries I have spied on are showing incorrect building rate.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 21st 2018, 2:34:05

Originally posted by sfbob:
First top ten for me!

Congrats. Hopefully you repeat it every set.