
Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 19th 2018, 0:29:07

didn't pay attention this set, busy on other servers

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 17th 2018, 21:41:02

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Or someone buying out his buddies oil for him

That would suck

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 17th 2018, 20:27:17

Its Probably people coming over from other servers who forgot oil is different on express.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 17th 2018, 20:25:45

Lol at oil $599 on express. Its cheaper than that on private. Bots dont buy it. Hope whoever is doing an oil buyout knows oil is available on private on express.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 17th 2018, 19:08:19

Originally posted by Chutya123:
Originally posted by Marshal:
yea and besides why the hell you want to buy pricier goods rather than cheaper?

There are reasons. If you are manipulating the market or preventing some1 else from profiting doing it.

Thought of another reason.. If you want to recall your goods.. you can just buy it back on public market. If you are a demo with 0% commission, its no loss. Much better than spending 3 turns.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 16th 2018, 17:16:50

Originally posted by Marshal:
yea and besides why the hell you want to buy pricier goods rather than cheaper?

There are reasons. If you are manipulating the market or preventing some1 else from profiting doing it.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 16th 2018, 0:35:35

Yes go to preferences at the bottom of main page and change it. This is a smart thing to do if you are playing the market and want certain kind of outcomes.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 16:56:56

Originally posted by Marshal:
^that remains to be seen.

One of them # 20 is already dead. Some haven't played their turns.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 16:54:11

Originally posted by Primeval:
I went ahead and took a peek at it. Nothing noteworthy.

Appreciate your time & effort. Thanks.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 16:41:03

Originally posted by Celphi:
Yeah., no reason to say "they". It was me. Lol. Elders all got purpled because they attacked me.

The SotS rules were meant to prevent 2 teams vs 1,. but Elders hated me so much that they decided to attack my country with 3 different clans near the end of the set. The end result was all their countries got purpled and I got about 1500 defends.

Once the set was over they ran Tella (game mod) off the server and promoted Elves to game moderator, who removed the SotS rules all together.

That's why if I see anyone of that era complaining about the ZZ tags I ROFL in their face. Karma.

Can you fill me in on some missing relevant info? What's the continuity between elders, your clan and zigzag? Who and where are their offsprings and heirs continuing their legacy now? Where's Elves now? I don't have any background knowledge about all this politics. I am a 15 year returning player, played express last few sets. You can find me on express forums.
Would help to know who's who to figure out what's going on on this server.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 14:37:15

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I am excited this set to see so many new players on this server. Let’s all band together and drive them back out to alliance.

Let’s take back our server and let us have easy top 10 finishes!!!

It's good if they are real players. Not if they are multies created by cheaters. Somebody above already identified a string of 5 countries most likely created by 1 person.

If we got more human players coming over to express, that's exciting.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 6:29:20

Alright 👍

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 2:16:30

Feels like we have too many countries this set for this time of the set. 100 countries made already. Usually we cross that figure on Wednesday or Thursday.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 2:15:02

What's up with MountainYeti turning his public profile off again?

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 0:49:33

Originally posted by Invictus:
Originally posted by Atticus:
13, 15, 16, 20?
...LOL...I wonder what team that is? 🤔

Lol. Good find.
We got some work for Galleri already.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 14th 2018, 0:46:37

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Essentially spirit of the server was a method in which teams were kept as teams and couldnt be expanded.

Say tag A attacked tag B. If a third clan hit either tag they would be deleted for a rules violation. There was more to the rule than that, but that explains it simply.

The rules were scrapped when the mod was attacked for a delete on elders (before my time) when they hit another clan. As I've heard the story it went something like this. Elders was vocal about their intention to hit someone. The day before elders was supposed to hit them, they hit a 2 member tag so as to initiate the SOS and not allow elders to kill them. Elders hit anyways as they intended and were deleted for SOS violation. After much protest over using a loophole to avoid getting killed, the rule was scrapped.

Ok makes sense. Thanks.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 13th 2018, 16:09:10

Can anybody tell me what were the spirit rules? Was there anything more to it than what's posted above? I tried searching for it but can't find anything meaningful.

Edited By: Chutya123 on Nov 13th 2018, 16:12:07
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 21:49:33

One of these days when I have made enough netting records, I will disguise as a bot and have me some fun :-D

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 21:43:29

Originally posted by sfbob:
Chutya I think you've nailed it there apart from you haven't mentioned that bots - (or countries disguised as bots) - have a silly name like 'Admiral William Darkmoon' or 'Extrapolated Toothbrush'

I mentioned it in the linked thread post

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 21:42:42

Originally posted by VicVixvi:
Hey System Glitch, welcome back to earth. Here is a small file I wrote up to send to a couple of new players I've chatted with over the sets. These are based on notes I gathered from forum threads when I first started playing again. Good luck and if you have any questions, just inbox me and I'll help if I can. -v


NEVER attack anyone

Usually a 2 or 3 word name (although can be 1 or 4 words)

Every first letter in name is capitalized (except some may have lower case 'von' or 'of' 'the', etc.)

65 build per turn (240 CS or 166 Theo or 350-ish Dictator) unless attacks have destroyed a few.

Normally have a LOT of unbuilt land, especially early in the round.

Almost always have used all their turns. If you see what looks like a bot that is stocking turns, it's a trap. There ARE people who impersonate bots trying to get you to break GDI.

Will usually have been attacked multiple times by multiple countries.

Helpful Websites:
Stats, rankings for EarthEmpires games. Go to this site and select Express, then Ranks. You can see how many attacks a county has had against it or made against other countries. Remember, bots NEVER attack.
- Select Express and the 'countries' selection, then click 'show selected reset'. - Earth IRC chat. Available via the "Chat" button on earth empires menu.
/join #express - gives real time attacks information
/join - gives real time market sales information

If a target is in GDI and you are not sure if it is a bot, only attack once as most human players will only retal once so they don't break their GDI (and open themselves up to more harmful attacks such as GS/AB/missiles/etc.).

Yup, good info.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 18:40:29

You can check the news of the country # that you want to grab and if u see lots of attacks on the country and no retal then u know it's a bot.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 18:34:36

Hi new buddy. I was a new player myself 3 months ago n nobody told me bout bots. You cant find anything concrete about them on official earth pages or wiki. Theres good info posted on them on various forums, you gotta search for it. I believe some veteran top players close 2 devs have complete info. on them which gives them n their clan members unfair advantage. As a solo non clan member I have been able to gather the following
Rules governing bots:
They never attack 4 land, only explore. So you can SS n PS them forever without fear of retal.
They play their turns according to a predetermined script designed by devs. Meaning sometimes they make stupid decisions like buying overpriced tech, selling goods at ridiculous low prices. Bots' presence increases the pool of players n is supposed to make the game n public market more stable. It also creates safe space for human players who want to attack for land & grow without getting into a fight with other humans.
Bots have been given common strats to follow such as casher, farmer, techer, commy-indy etc. They follow these strats just as a human would n build the required types of buildings n buying required techs. I.e. if it's a casher bot, it builds Enterprise zones & residences n buys business n residence techs. They build out construction sites till they have 240 ( adjust if govt. type is Theo or dict) n spend rest of their turns exploring n building required types of buildings n buying military and tech as mandated by the script. Some are rainbow bots by design. Different servers have varying numbers of bots. Some don't have any. On express I believe there are about 30 bots.
I have got some good info. on how to identify bots in this thread:

Edited By: Chutya123 on Nov 12th 2018, 21:44:58
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 14:45:45

Where was iiivan this set?

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 14:41:43

[quote poster=sfbob; 46077; 876507]
Originally posted by Chutya123:
Originally posted by Helmut:
Congrats MountainYeti & everyone else in t10.
I squeezed in at 2nd. I didn't get to unload all my tech & still had a bunch left on the market. :(
Priced it too high being greedy...
It was a fun set tho..

Same here.
Also, was playing the oil markets and got stuck with 7 million barrels of high priced oil that wouldn't sell. Stupid unambitious fascists kept selling it too low. Had to use the oil to generate PM at the end. Made a loss on that trade.
Yeah, but was a fun set.

Maybe the 'stupid fascists' had actually priced it right if you couldn't sell it? [/quoteYe
Originally posted by sfbob:
Originally posted by Chutya123:
Originally posted by Helmut:
Congrats MountainYeti & everyone else in t10.
I squeezed in at 2nd. I didn't get to unload all my tech & still had a bunch left on the market. :(
Priced it too high being greedy...
It was a fun set tho..

Same here.
Also, was playing the oil markets and got stuck with 7 million barrels of high priced oil that wouldn't sell. Stupid unambitious fascists kept selling it too low. Had to use the oil to generate PM at the end. Made a loss on that trade.
Yeah, but was a fun set.

Maybe the 'stupid fascists' had actually priced it right if you couldn't sell it?

Yes I know. Whining n trying 2 b funny, don't take it seriously.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 1:14:51

Originally posted by Helmut:
Congrats MountainYeti & everyone else in t10.
I squeezed in at 2nd. I didn't get to unload all my tech & still had a bunch left on the market. :(
Priced it too high being greedy...
It was a fun set tho..

Same here.
Also, was playing the oil markets and got stuck with 7 million barrels of high priced oil that wouldn't sell. Stupid unambitious fascists kept selling it too low. Had to use the oil to generate PM at the end. Made a loss on that trade.
Yeah, but was a fun set.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 1:08:41

Originally posted by Invictus:
Thanks bud , but yours was wayyy more impressive..conrats.

The way you are going, just a few more sets, you will be in the top 3 before you know it.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 0:31:06

Buddy Invictus congrats on #11. That's still a good finish.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 0:09:33

Congrats MountainYeti on # 1. I am number 3.
I feel this set was the trade wars. Many top players were trying to outdo each other in market cornering. Do you feel so MountainYeti?

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 11th 2018, 18:19:03

Originally posted by Invictus:
Dam... hours of time wasted! I thought GDI protected better. Why can a country you didn't even attack, have the ability to still SS or PS so many times. I think there should be a limit until you at least respond no?

Hi Buddy. On express you can SS n PS anybody as many times u want bc landgrabs r not considered harmful. But u can't do special harmful attacks like GS AB BR missiles first. However the country that you landgrabbed more than once has the freedom to do all of harmful attacks in return. And then you are allowed to do special attacks back. So the country being attacked gets the first go on doing special harmful attacks if u grab them more than once, which is a beneficial advantage to have. So the rationale is that most people will not consider receiving AB BR GS missiles in return for more than 1 landgrab worth the risk.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 9th 2018, 19:43:38

Galleri did you even look at the full video after 0:45?

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 5th 2018, 14:54:18

Originally posted by kal:
Had $1 billion.. got busy at work and couldn't log in!!.

Good finish.
You had a high NW/land ratio.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 5th 2018, 14:49:51

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Originally posted by Chutya123:
Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Looks good for big techers. Tech is stupid high this late in set. I am boycotting it.

What happened? Y didnt you stick to your word?
You should have continued the boycott and not play your turns so I could finish # 1.

I did boycott that high priced tech. I didn't buy anything over $1500 in the last 14 hours or so.

You must have bought tech in the last 3 hours then. I sold some tech below 1500 with 3 hours to go.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 5th 2018, 5:08:23

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
I played I was #99. GG's everyone.

Ok. That was close for the #3 spot. GG.

Was it you going for the market cornering? I remember your 57M finish last set and thought I saw your fingerprints over similar movements in the market this set.
Why dont you make your profile public?

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 5th 2018, 5:00:18

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Looks good for big techers. Tech is stupid high this late in set. I am boycotting it.

What happened? Y didnt you stick to your word?
You should have continued the boycott and not play your turns so I could finish # 1.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 5th 2018, 4:52:19

Good win beerdrinker.
This was a fun set. I front ran a market buyout and I think thrawted somebodys attempt to make $$ and corner the market. Still made some errors but this was a learning experience. Will take 3 - 4 more sets for me to be a pro at market manipulation.
I was supposed to log in about an hour before the end of set to make a profitable trade. But couldn't bc of real world time constraints. My NW would have been much higher. But , I am not complaining. There is always another set.

I wonder if MountainYeti played this set? And if # 1 # 91 were his countries?

Noticed GDI salesman didnt show up till the very end this set.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 5th 2018, 1:50:41

Originally posted by VicVixvi:
does a 7-tap ROR's on a fully built C/I sitting there with 290(120) and a 40-1 SPAL?

Answer is here...

Sucks to be sitting there with all that military but no food, oil, buildings or money to buy any of those. What a dumb arsk. -v

The set changed. Cant see anything from the old link. Let me get the new link for you:

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2018, 6:33:26

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Chutya123:
Poltergeist is one of the cult classics that I havent seen. I have been thru one of those experiences. Swear I was stuck in a temporal loop for one day. Have to experience it to believe it.

So you are this woman? (start at 0:45)

The black lady? Nope.

You are the woman with the powers?

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2018, 20:21:59

Same way here. I used to play sometime 2001-2005. Dont exactly remember. Its blurry bc it was high school/college days. Remember playing with thousands or tens of thousand countries. Came back a couple of months ago. Now its a few 100 countries and a few dozen real players. But its mostly good people left. Game is still fun. Game is growing albeit from a low base. Check out the game history on wiki. Been thru lots of ups and downs but credit to the devs/admins for keeping it running. More interaction between players bc you preety much know all the good players.
Welcome back.

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2018, 20:13:18

Poltergeist is one of the cult classics that I havent seen. I have been thru one of those experiences. Swear I was stuck in a temporal loop for one day. Have to experience it to believe it.

So you are this woman? (start at 0:45)

Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2018, 20:03:29

Whats up with # 93 and # 94?

Check out 459th round: Sep 10, 2018 - Sep 17, 2018

Same pattern.

Chutya123 Game profile


Oct 29th 2018, 4:05:59

Originally posted by SuperFly:
After all the top feeding bs I max sold my jets and turrets at $230 which I seem to have sold as I logged out at almost $18mill NW and I see that I finished at $10 mill as I wasn’t able to login to buy out my PM.

Oh well better finish next time

I remember seeing your shark country near the top of the score page in the afternoon. When going thru the scores page again at the close of the set, did a double take when saw you at the bottom. Figured you must have sold yr mil and got no chance to log in to use your money.

Chutya123 Game profile


Oct 29th 2018, 3:55:40

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
There were 120 countries in the Express server.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 (#93) 32,188 $57,315,780 DG
2 (#94) 13,649 $31,060,795 HG
3 Walther P38 (#81) 19,281 $27,232,537 TG
4 Echoes in Tenement Halls (#89) 27,267 $27,088,174 CG
5 Yamadut Dharma Dhawaj Rakshak (#97) Game profile 17,750 $25,751,644 HG
6 My dog says the craziest things (#88) Game profile 20,995 $25,155,268 FG
7 Daddy Sharks Bad Decisions (#7) 19,803 $23,394,340 CG
8 smash against the wall (#78) Game profile 22,371 $22,630,722 DG
9 Jesse The Body Ventura (#8) 16,614 $20,755,549 H
10 FFS (#22) Game profile 36,515 $17,791,373 HG

11 imnotabot (#72) 15,245 $17,686,727 HG
12 Romba (#102) 16,931 $14,213,769 HG
13 1 (#2) 17,465 $13,747,935 HG
14 Annnd Sleep (#14) Game profile 13,657 $12,743,267 HG
15 Abyss In B Minor (#30) Game profile 14,569 $12,692,615 FG
16 Spouh (#103) Game profile 21,640 $11,784,378 H
17 Yellow Ledbetter (#106) 16,053 $10,954,706 HG
18 Super Shark Doo Doo Doo (#4) 22,019 $10,875,331 CG
19 Get a room Dood (#61) 19,599 $10,567,841 TG
20 A Multimillionaire (#100) 15,941 $9,953,144 TG

21 Little Blue Bug (#9) Game profile 16,215 $9,020,106 DG
22 Zena (#1) Game profile 5956 $8,972,274 D
23 I Prefer Fantasy Football (#99) Game profile 19,461 $8,916,224 CG
24 Friends of Donatel (#32) Game profile 5159 $8,250,963 D
25 Cheerful Fox (#56) Game profile 12,788 $8,241,416 F

I am at the top of people with open profiles so that makes me # 1.

Chutya123 Game profile


Oct 29th 2018, 3:54:25

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Congrats to the winner and all in the top ten!

If you are My dog says the craziest things (#88)
I wonder who is you like my beer belly # 58?

Chutya123 Game profile


Oct 29th 2018, 3:13:38

2018-10-26 03:51:05 PS Yamadut Dharma Dhawaj Rakshak (#97) Yellow Ledbetter (#106) 756A (1072A)

2018-10-24 18:21:17 PS Yellow Ledbetter (#106) Yamadut Dharma Dhawaj Rakshak (#97) 108A (147A)

I took 7 times as much land on this retal but the 14 Acre one takes the cake.

Edited By: Chutya123 on Oct 29th 2018, 3:46:42
See Original Post

Chutya123 Game profile


Oct 29th 2018, 3:04:44

I am off & on recreational lifter. I believe playing sports, doing manual jobs, strenous everyday activities are better for functional strength. Hate the Gym Rat culture. Just made this country name because it's a funny meme.