
ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 5:49:26

My money is on the team with SO in their name to win!

Have fun guys.

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 5:39:34

To be more clear,

Divine Revelation (#957) [Neofed] Dead

Is an original, not a restart Check its 0 hour stats, it started at 100a And got FA from Neofed only after tagging up to kill.

Regarding the other Tag jumper however you've got a bit of an argument, as for outside pacts. YOU declared war on them, with what almost twice their playerbase? Suck it up, people will defend themselves against overbearing odds. If they declared on you I'd have a different viewpoint but you FS'ed them. Tag it up with the tags that are FAing them to either get it to stop by calling it pact violations or use your expert foreign policy to get your allies to stop them. Oh wait, you have no foreign policy because you're a small fish in a big pond that doesn't understand consistency.

Edited By: ClayQ on Sep 8th 2012, 6:07:13
See Original Post

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 5:33:43

You should Check the tag records for 957, He wasn't a tag jumper as opposed to a recruit by neofed.

He didn't tag up elsewhere and jump he joined them to fight you, which should have been expected after your actions last reset.

I expect he'll join any tag that wants to kill DK on a whim. Assuming he doesn't mess with you on his own in boredom. Enforcing bad policies on untagged vet players is a good way to get set after set suiciders, or people who are willing to assist your enemies regardless of tag.

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 4th 2012, 7:35:28

I dont restart in oop wars. Tis how much I love them.

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 21:42:54


ClayQ Game profile


Aug 24th 2012, 14:02:57

Silly oil prices.

ClayQ Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 0:51:11

The list is shorter (and far easier) if I list the places I haven't played....

However, to have played for a significant and notable time... Sol and Sof

ClayQ Game profile


Aug 8th 2012, 15:55:31

Whats the tag? I need new farmland.

ClayQ Game profile


Aug 5th 2012, 11:21:15

Makis idea is nice, if not hard to implement and needing some tweaking, I can see abuses.

Its also a decent test implementation for similar suggestions on alliance...

As for speed, using gdi as a basis( and removing its normal function) could springboard the coding. As weve already got some of the elements in the game. I could forsee with some moderation a token implementation of it while the real code was worked out.

I dont know earths internals fully mind you but yeah.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 11:23:59

I told him he'd die before the end of the set, not exactly the way I expected mind you....

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 15:08:33


I love retal policy arguments, they are amusing.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 10:49:40

Its a trick question, I'll give some credit to the people who picked 0, they just missed order of operation, at least they fell for the obvious misnomer of the question....

However the ones that just completely got it wrong....


ClayQ Game profile


Jul 16th 2012, 20:00:42

I understand you're trying to make right for the unprovoked BR's and do appreciate the gesture.

But lets consider this for a moment; 81's BR's killed roughly 250 buildings before TSO joined in (No big deal, really) TSO destroyed what 4.5k? including a significant portion of CS. (Not to even bother calculating the loss of turrets and pop income.) The loss of actual structures reduces the amount gained on a grab too, making it neigh impossible to get rebuilt through grabbing the MIB3 tag.

All policing for me does is say, here you go #81, we'll protect your personal farm from being hit by anyone else.

Sure he's getting land shuffled from the rest of his team as opposed to just free land, but protecting from new threats doesn't replace the income or growth ability destroyed. And in all realty prevents me from having an excuse to hit others, as it stands without MIB3's ability to grab me removed, AND time to rebuild: #81 will profit and his team mates will suffer...

And the entire point of this entire exercise is #81 RoRing...

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 15th 2012, 19:52:44

Originally posted by Monex:
On this server there is really no code that any tags play by, it is more like whatever you can enforce is law... If you as a weaker tag want to be left alone you ask nicely beforehand and hope for the best. It is not uncommon to be killed for a single grab or even a retal.

If you want to be left alone best options are:

1 Untagged (or less than 5 tags for that matter) Make your intentions public ask nicely to be left alone and cross your fingers.

2: Create a team large enough to take over the server and enforce whatever you desire.

3: Join one of the big dogs (currently TSO or MIB) any enjoy the freedom of doing whatever you want with little to no repercussions.

I find the best option to being left alone, is prove that you should be left alone, and to make anyone who doesn't believe you suffer for it.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 15th 2012, 19:49:15

Originally posted by Agent K:
Actually you will be pushed around. Roll untagged and deal with the consequences. MIB has no policies when it comes to untagged countries. We will do as we please.

And in return your players will cry about how thier sets are ruined because of someone elses actions.

I do like my inbox at current.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 15th 2012, 15:03:45

*shrug* #81 felt like being pushy because he was big. Only reason he was able to triple tap (RoR's mind you) me to begin with was because I bought jets to retal #53, to whom I took two retals and messaged him that I wouldn't be taking anymore because I'd made my point.

Just because someone is untagged doesn't mean you can push them around. Performing harmful ops, RoRing (3x) and messaging that you want to make the player your farm, is a damn good reason to have "war" declared on you. Which is exactly what I did.... If it wasn't for TSO BRing me for no reason (another matter all together) I would be in better shape than before 81 hit me.

Now assuming MIB3 is actually MIB, I give them props for keeping their tags actions separate, however if MIB3 isn't actually MIB ...

Picking on untaggeds is a good way to get suiciders, what the nubcakes that AB suicided on TSO (getting AB'ed early slows you down sure, but in the end doesn't stop a good finish, just look at LaF in the old days when they got AB'ed almost every reset....) don't seem to understand however is that, ABing to just die is a waste of time. I'll only AB once I reach the point that I can't grab their land (and bushels) anymore (thanks #21).

Particularly on a server where the spirit of the server is Max of 5 players, Untagged are quite simply just a small tag and should be treated the same way. If you can't handle being retaled then don't land grab.

I'm very reasonable, instead of continuing to rape #53's land I hurt him (mostly because he did what 5 hits?) and messaged him. I didn't missile, I didn't AB. I didn't do anything Any Tag wouldn't have done. 81 decided to push, I pushed back.

81 is liable to die before the end of the set anyway, notice he's farming iScode? I mean really, its Imagnum all they do is kill stuff.... Its what they find fun in this game, why would you give them a reason to kill you?

As it stands right now, people have choices to be made. Because here's how I'm going to react;

Until I'm completely rebuilt, I will do my best to Retal Country:Country however if I am unable to do that I will get my land back by retaling in some variation of country:tag. Don't like it? Then don't hit me, or kill me. Once I'm rebuilt I'll return to normal Country:Country as the only option.

I'm going to continue hitting 26/10/21 until I'm satisfied they're dead or I'm dead.

Its that simple, I won't be pushed around. You want to push me around I'll bite back, in whatever way I need to (or can). I'm not unreasonable and I don't do things unprovoked. I'm just here to play the game, and although I'm untagged I play by the same code tags do (except that unfortunately solo kills are nigh impossible so "war" consists of landgrabs AB's and BR's to taste)

81 started it, and his tag is either going to have to finish it, actually attempt to make the peace, or wait until I get bored.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 8:02:08

The bunny carries the cookies on its head.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 1:03:21

Originally posted by cypress:
Don't hit me Clay!

Then give me all the cookies, and the Bunny!

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 8:27:54

I will not be you or anyone else's farm, Can't handle being retaled? Then don't make hits.

Offensive spy ops + RoR's?
I might not be able to farm one of your countries, But I will farm the others.

Feel free to kill me, I'll just repeat the process until I'm satisfied with the results. I don't mind carrying it into other resets or farming any of your unspirited tags.

Don't think I'll be like the others and just AB you and expect to die, because I won't.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 2:04:09

Big fatties should stop grabbing me in such ways that I get 150-200% L:L back before ghosties....

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 1:18:32

*shrug* he wants CAD, them things are worth pennies...

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 18:58:33

even if failed didn't... 1 troop GS successes don't hurt you much either....

fluff why do I give up my secretz.

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 7:50:35

Not yet! Just wait for it....

ClayQ Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 19:54:03

I'd say make a more applicable implementation of the declare war function, either on an alliance level or a country level.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 16:42:07

wrong button

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 16:40:08

2012-06-28 05:40 I forgot how to internet (#562) [DKnights] Last set sucked (#522) [LCNostra] PS Defended
2012-06-27 20:14 Last set sucked (#522) [LCNostra] I forgot how to internet (#562) [DKnights] PS 2,854A (+1,306A)


Let me guess;
- Someone hit Xelah, and made a profit on Xelah's inability to retal. Now Xelah is demanding L:L retals (which are voided by DH's usually anyway).

Sounds vaguely familiar.

Edited By: ClayQ on Jun 29th 2012, 16:42:52
See Original Post

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 15:41:39

Originally posted by Marshal:
tie gets tagkill but loses when pg flashes her b00b135.

That would mean they get to see her b00b135 no? isn't that a win?

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 28th 2012, 13:11:18

Id kill na over that response...

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 15:34:59

Originally posted by Nekked:
Anarchy = no rules!

Hardly, you should research the major political ideals some more. And what different words within a political rhetoric mean.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 13:49:15

You should reread the op; I stated as a fact that the team server is intended for 5 man teams. I also stated for a fact that the teams are actually clusters of "small teams" working in tandem, so basically just alliances of 1a only smaller and forced across multiple tags making the purpose of the 5 man team cap moot....

And I asked for someone to explain why. The best answer is thus far kumanders

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 13:44:08

lulz, referring to the fact that DKnights is attempting to kill 153 because 153 refused to accept L:L from them, and threatened to farm their land back off of any DK player necessary if they tried to enforce it?

Calling them the big bad bully.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 6:25:36

This still amuses me.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 4:44:56

You misssed the point. Try again.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 1:24:04

So the point of team is to have smaller groups (5...) Yet its pretty obvious that the groups are just one big group split over multiple teams, someone care to explain? Or is it just the classic we make a million ally chainage.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 25th 2012, 10:36:13

And its not dead...

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 25th 2012, 1:54:19

That country may not be Murf, but you did upset murf with your actions.

I'll be amused to see if you actually manage to kill it...

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 24th 2012, 14:41:00

120 turns on a two turn gov = 60 attacks... Sure your readiness drops but not so low to prevent you from attacking.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 10:24:40

I agree, but one country is hard pressed to kill another

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 21:17:50

Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

I didn't read most of the thread, but isn't this the same situation LaF put other clans in without even numbers?

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 21:10:57

RD is fighting :-p

I'll take whoever Imag doesn't kill.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:47:56

Evo vs LaF...

I've never seen any of the information regarding Evo as I was away. that said however;

Credit goes to one who notices their faults (cheating) admits their faults and attempts to move past it, as opposed to those who have their faults pointed out to them, then refuse to fess up and move past.

In regards to cheating there's a lot of accusations going around 10mil troops for instance, the end all be all is however that TC/hanlong where caught and still claim they did nothing wrong... regardless of what they actually did/didn't do.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 3:35:48

The attack again button is no faster than the good ole f5 enter. Its just more convient (and with the new js attack page f5 enter doesnt work).

The speed of attacks comes more from not having to worry about losses. Put a higher % of mil killed on the attackers side, and increase the effect of medical tech and this will change.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 6:27:45

Your post, is a thinly veiled threat.

A warning sure, but a threat none the less.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 5:48:45

Stupid phone.

Edited By: ClayQ on Jun 20th 2012, 6:26:12
See Original Post

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 5:48:15

If I was imag, id kill supernova on principle. His post is a threat. Threats deserve repricusions.

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 3:41:46

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 2:55:01

I'm scared to click the link.