
Crowgora Game profile


Mar 21st 2013, 21:27:55

Well, sell your oil cheap. Ill buy it and then profit within two days lol

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 21st 2013, 16:22:04

Lol ouch, thats a huge difference. At least it was dirt cheap

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 21st 2013, 7:46:03

ive sold all my 60 oil after buying all the 50 dollar oil lol
ill take that any day i think

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 21st 2013, 5:00:50

I posted about this on primary also, but oil dropped to 50 bucks lol i just swapped my oil for cheaper oil and made a pretty penny. Kinda legit lol

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 20th 2013, 9:27:29

But how on earth is oil at 61 lol, im pretty sure at this point most fascists are losing more than they are making with these prices. Two of the most in demand aspects of this game, and people are really letting prices go for this low? Ill be honest though, stocking up right now and selling later will yield insane profits.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 20th 2013, 8:58:09

Hm, ill double check on a person one rank below me tomorrow. seems legit though

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 20th 2013, 8:55:37

pft. i lost 1k acres at the last minute lol
surprising since i just bought an extra 3mil turrets, threw me off a little but thats life

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 19th 2013, 22:41:23

But it wouldn't let me do a country spy op, thats where im confused

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 19th 2013, 18:57:54

is there a way to not blind attack based off of their net in tourny?

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 19th 2013, 8:03:32

Id like to ask why my generic country spy ops wouldnt work on the tourny server. Unless "Declaring war"

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 18th 2013, 0:00:37

dang it all, had a shot at top 20 until someone decided it was a good idea to send enough jets to break a d ally and 11mil turrets. owell, cheers until next set!

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 17th 2013, 23:59:27

For the non wild members, i enjoyed ffa, will i come back, possibly. But for people like the detaggers in wild, theres a good chance you can solely help the ffa server crumble. Imp was awesome, awesome people in that clan, again, thanks for the support and war knowledge. But for clans like WILD, theres no point in playing if your sole intention is to make the game dumb for new people. I had a blast verbally jousting on here, but for ffa, this is my last post on this section of the earth forums.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 17th 2013, 19:59:12

Wow, this is still going on lol look, we had 95% of our clan not war ready and turnless. Logic says they are dead even before some detaggers got them. We were not out for war, or even close to ready. So come at me with those numbera some more, and ill throw out that a group of trained ffa players went after a group of untrained unprepared players. Which makes them a group of noobs. Thats how you cause the ffa server to dwindle even more. Good job there guys! How dare unprepared players move to a clan that offers some training and organization. There is no world where someone is going to accept suicide and watch 16 countries get offed when they can go somewhere else and happen to not restart 16 countries this late in the game.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 17th 2013, 5:17:05

Hes also on his way to france lol so theres a good chunk of time that he cant be on.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 16th 2013, 8:09:52

not the 18xx series lol
i lost a couple decent countries, only 1 that was prepared so that was impressive. I lacked troops and that was my ultimate demise sadly. Its funny to see that one of my countries killed around 500k spies though. no one really got through there

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 16th 2013, 2:47:50

Lol old news bro.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 16th 2013, 1:18:47

No offense, but you seem to have stuck your nose in everyone's business. And are still crying about the most idiotic things. Just stop it, no. No more.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 14th 2013, 16:03:01

bummer, atleast you have tons of turns. share the wealth over here!

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 14th 2013, 14:20:02

thats the plan, i just wanted to post this so he knows to expect tons of retals, because hes been double tapping quite a bit, but I enjoy the dr protection this early on.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 14th 2013, 13:30:13

Lol #71 probably wont finish this set with motives like that. Or even attack returns like that, 150 acres is all yours bro.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 14th 2013, 3:39:57

Lol i played ages ago and was on hiatus. I just never paid attention to the most minor details. I just want to win express lol so i care now.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 23:22:05

can we get turret prices above jet prices lol
The server seems set up for land grabs pretty easily already

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 16:56:08

I always assumed it was a net/acre thing. Ive never really paid attention to protection until now. Strat tinkering :)

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 15:06:27

At what point do you finally come out of protection? Is there a certain net or acre point?

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 4:07:43

I always thought the theo tech startup to reseller/casher was better. Faster building and no military weakness. Plus the batch explores could be more efficient.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 2:00:26

See, my best finish was a theo casher lol my one try at republic casher resulted in a million attacks and every one and their mother getting at least 300 acres. So im just shooting for some strat ideas since there seems to be a lack of places for them

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 13th 2013, 1:55:01

Why don't we all just go on express and have an ol western shoot out?

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 23:43:22

out of curiosity, what is the late turn explore casher? ive top 20 express once and i dont even understand how people manage 26mil net and 25k acres. any pointers?

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 19:18:21

Unwritten rules are bogus for 1, but in a serious look at the way everyone is carrying on, we are owed retals, but because we took shelter in a bigger clan we cannot receive them? That sounds like some legit logic. We never were out for blood, we just talk in a straight forward way and hate when anyone tries making a game not fun. So here we are in a situation where a band of tools are making this game extremely annoying for people. There was the quite unnecessary attacks, the bogus crap of telling us we are "hiding" when we are quite here and still telling wild to show up. I for one didn't ask for my countries to be killed, nor did i do anything to deserve it. I just enjoy the fact that people are all over this. There are so many people here that have no word on the situation, and the two cents are not needed, nor called for. So call us out some more, when in all actuality WILD only attacked us because they knew we didnt have turns. When a game is fueled by turns there isn't much we can do. Thats the whole story, I would rather have alive countries and not restart when the set is in the home stretch. I play this game for fun, not to have to restart my countries weekly.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 21:40:06

If i 1:1 retal, wild owes me roughly 500 retals. So lets say we all follow those rules, lets make it happen :D

As for the conspiracy nonsense, ill stop it there. We had no affiliation with any clans until this point.

But for real, WILD owes us a decent amount of retals, as long as you want us to abide by rules everyone else should, right?

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 17:32:30

We keep getting called runners, but we are sitting and waiting. No ones running. Looks like wild became a bunch of wussses and would rather call us runners than come at us.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 16:35:54

Truth coming back to haunt us? We did in fact lg him, and he definitely came back and killed off some early countries. Those are facts. Then we were peaceful until an untagged player came at my group of countries with spies and missiles. So of course i took action and we killed him before he killed us. So yes the triple tapping and all that happened and there was a spat, but that got sorted out after all was said and done. Shortly after these events a band of tools came after us knowing we were at a supreme disadvantage turn wise. So smart, but provoking a war on an unorganized clan "that has numbers" even though 80 percent of our clan was around 200k net and not knowing what they were doing. So then you have undead zeus, leo and i, undead zeus had 3 of his top countries killed and im pretty sure he just quit the set, and leo and i lost our top countries. So if you would like to jump in on a topic you have no clue on, be my guest but you will look like a moron doing so. So in this particular situation of WILD killing TA countries, you have no dime to put in. So go aide a clan that was here doing whatever, just like we were, considering we didn't attack any clans after the first couple days. But, i welcome all WILD challenges. Lets see that bravado now champs.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 12:11:42

Technically the remaining Ta members dont even play, considering their nets haven't changed. So i really really hope i see more crying on the forums. Also, if someone wants to help me figure out why so many people are crying id also like that.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 12:09:31

The point of war is to survive, we definitely survived. Also, we can't fight back with a lack of turns lol idk what you see different in the fact that we literally had no turns. But if you all have a masterful opinion, come find us and lets make things a bit different. Actions are far more powerful than crying that we did something that another clan did. The only thing we did wrong on ffa is not immerse ourselves with a site and organization. TA was literally created so we weren't untagged, and could house rookies so they didn't have to go through what we are currently going through.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 5:30:36

I feel like they are the island of misfits at this point.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 5:23:46

Not an argument bro, just facts. You know we aren't hiding, just knock on our doors :D

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 4:27:47

Again, look at the clan and see how many low low nets there were. Those guys knew that which is why they did that. Its whatever now, but my money is on them not coming around again and retagging with their original clan.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 4:15:44

Pm me if anyone is interested

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 4:11:59

No warster lol referring to wild and them detagging to mess with us. But we weren't part of imp at all, and our first contact with them was them offering some help.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 3:44:49

I agree, just funny that they did the same thing they are crying about lol. Owell, cowards they are i guess.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 3:38:03

Yea, kinda sad. Owell i guess. Just means i can buy way more tech early on.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 3:36:34

Im just saying, when killing a country with just shy of 20k acres, its logical to steal land and kill. But they want to reference us as hiders, which we arent. They just saw an opportunity and took it without warning. They ditched their original clan so they didn't have to worry about ticking people off there. Which makes them kind of a bunch of wusses.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 3:01:05

Hey, we aren't hiding bro :D also, check the clan again and look at all the sub 400k net countries. We housed noobs to offer protection and answer questions. You used a million turns, not actually attacking but using missiles because you wouldn't have broken our defense. But again, we definitely aren't hiding :D

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 21:09:44

I just set everything at 160, and left all alone. If it didn't sell i found other ways to get some cash lol

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 18:59:35

wo, thats kinda crazy. I didnt know the shared market deal. interesting for sure. But, for some reason since returning to this game i've noticed that people like making less money overall, which is why i mention turrets and whatnot selling for atleast 50 dollars less than market value

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 18:57:05

No way man, the rules of express are, have noobs bring the market down because there cannot be any other to generate cash. So generate as little cash as possible, and never come close to a decent set. ha

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 18:55:49

lol on this server, i dont care so much about peoples feelings. Its anarchy here, and im along for the ride that people send themselves on.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 13:53:05

No they didn't declare, until killing our top countries that were primed to compete, minus the fact we used tons of turns fending off a spam attack by an untagged player. Otherwise things would have looked different. So the war started without us, and the newly formed wild tag played japan in this.

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 13:09:05

Turrets hit 114lol

Crowgora Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 13:08:28

Its funny you declare after the fact. As for your "lessons", look back at the old posts and look what we said about the reason for ta in the first place. Im not sure the bottom half of our members played daily. So the numbers game didn't work in our favor. Also, since when does a random tag of people decide they want to police untagged kills without logic lol. As for merging with imp, its not hiding. We are clearly still around, you are just put on notice and seemingly worried about consequences now that people have turns to use.