
Cumorah Game profile


Apr 4th 2020, 1:25:44

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
ah bug deleted:( i need a new intel ally now lol

Which country was Bug?

Cumorah Game profile


Apr 4th 2020, 1:25:09

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
You seem to be doing ok....

I think 28 doesn’t realise spy ops to lower military readiness also break their gdi. Hehe

Cumorah Game profile


Apr 3rd 2020, 4:46:49

Every set I promise myself I won’t get greedy with land grabs..... follower the example of some of the top players with only one hit per country..... and then this happens. 😀

Cumorah Game profile


Apr 3rd 2020, 4:44:13

Work from homee

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 28th 2020, 2:52:52


Cumorah Game profile


Mar 25th 2020, 0:34:21


Cumorah Game profile


Mar 23rd 2020, 1:14:06

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by xirtam:
I agree with the hit for hit, but I would believe it should be taken within 24-48 hours tops, wouldn't most agree?

Nope, I retal when I'm ready, if you RoR we war.

💯 agree!

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 20th 2020, 21:39:14

Originally posted by bug03:
Today I learned that when people don’t know who you are in the early game, sometimes they grab you and give you free retals. Very exciting

That’s certainly a strategy worth considering...forfeit early 100-300 acres for a potential 3000-5000 acre retal.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 20th 2020, 3:43:32

China Lied. People Died.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 18th 2020, 23:36:30

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Grow consistently and retal as much grabs as possible, that's my advice to people returning or playing for first time here ;-)

Always retal unless you want to become a door mat.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 17th 2020, 22:52:53

Originally posted by 87Fresh:
I should switch to tech

Do it. You could win.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 17th 2020, 0:52:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by xirtam:
Not many techers this round. Lack of competition, means great selling prices!

I'm not falling for no no
. Haha - I was almost tempted.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 17th 2020, 0:52:25

Originally posted by Molotov:
I'm teching so I'll have a lot of labs for you guys before too long. Market will be nice and cheap.


Cumorah Game profile


Mar 16th 2020, 10:38:05

Originally posted by xirtam:
Not many techers this round. Lack of competition, means great selling prices!

Yes, I’m thinking I’ll need to spend a few extra days on my tech start to take the edge off.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 16th 2020, 2:00:46

I hope those techers don’t use Covid-19 as an excuse to have inflated tech prices. Maybe ok in real world - but not for my set here. Thanks 😉

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 15th 2020, 23:33:11

China virus

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 13th 2020, 1:59:17

Still vacant slot for a tech ally - I’ll do a good tech start so coming on over and send your request..

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 12th 2020, 4:10:15

Covid 19

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 11th 2020, 2:12:39

Originally posted by Hessman123:
Damnit Serp.. now I need a new def ally, lol

I can have an opening for def ally if you need one?

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 11th 2020, 2:12:02

Tech start if anyone wants an ally.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 9th 2020, 10:28:07

I fully intended on trying a different strat- but I’m not sure I can be bothered.

Cumorah Game profile


Mar 2nd 2020, 23:49:16


Cumorah Game profile


Feb 29th 2020, 22:22:09

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Originally posted by Ponti:
Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
It shld be a calculated risk.. last round ponti hit me and as much as i wanna give a return hug to ponti, i still cant find the extra juice to do so.. think ponti going to win this set again!

This sounds like its coming from a place of a anger. I definitely wouldn't have thought you the type to hold grudges. Well good to know I suppose.

Im not holding grudges bro! Just commenting since the topic was on hits on veterans.. Its not too bad for me cos i cant win that round anyway.. its just that i wanna have a retal if possible and see the grab amount

Sometimes that makes for the most exciting finish.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 29th 2020, 12:11:10

Originally posted by bug03:
Also I’m only going to make about 75m.

“Only 75m” - says all the poor buggers that never get past 15-20k net worth (the ones we farm) 😂

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 29th 2020, 12:09:53

Originally posted by Molotov:
#8 has to be the big favorite to win. Food prices have risen, his land is huge, and with dict 25%+ military and all that net, it's unlikely for someone to break him.

I don't really want to have stopped grabbing yet but at this point all the targets are gone.

Agree with your first paragraph. As for your last sentence - screw on some nuts and do a double tap 😉

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 29th 2020, 12:08:19

Originally posted by Ponti:
Also number (17) Cumorah is having a good set also. To me he could have a high net or a ok net all depending on how he finishes up. Hard to say with someone who has a very colorful news feed. He would have to be number 6 or 7 spot I would think.

Another player Friday Night Lights (80) I think will also be right up there as well. I haven't had a recent spy since our last interaction but I will say was running a tight country. He made 2 smart top feed exchanges that netted him a tremendous amount of land and been stocking ever since. This country does have the potential for a 6,7,8 spot definitely. He is the ghost pick for the round.

I will Be more interested in a final battle than trying to get a good finish this set.

Next set I might try to exercise a little more discipline and be smarter with my land grabs. I’d like to get at least beyond 50k acres.

Good luck everyone - it will be a fun finish to watch, especially to see if there are any late retals/land grabs.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 28th 2020, 1:44:59

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
Hehe this has been one of the best resets in a while!

I’ve enjoyed it too - disappointed I only attracted 42 missiles to date. I’m offended.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 26th 2020, 23:21:20

Originally posted by Ponti:
Well this is my third set with you all. And if history shows anything its I'm not afraid to play a little loose and dangerous. I tested the waters both times last two sets and made lots of risky grabs against the best players out there. And as a repeat of the last two sets I do love a good chase.

Serp ran the gauntlet on me last set and almost got me it was very close. The set before I did get smacked good by KoH on a retal I was sure I could hold. That was also at the 60k mark. If this set turns out to be the same then easy come easy go and if not even better.

Can Bug retal me Yes and no but that is no longer up to me the ball is in his court. Same with Red Redemption, that players skill is incredible. If he gets me then he deserves his revenge and spoils with it, same with Bug.

But one thing is guaranteed this is my favorite part of the set when the chase happens and win or lose I do feel like I won with enjoyment to the game.

Friends, Foes, people I give advice to each set everyone is on the table with me and it should be like that for everyone no discrimination.

Like Serp has said survival of the fittest!

And yes I'm playing face slap or as someone pointed out to me in game Ted Cruz face slap lol

A player after my own heart.

Worst thing a player can do is take the game too personally and hold a grudge set after set.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 26th 2020, 23:19:39


Cumorah Game profile


Feb 26th 2020, 23:19:21

Defence benefit is no guarantee, but reducing expenses (each turn) is.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 23rd 2020, 12:08:24

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
Shouldn’t matter who it is :) solo server... sometimes it’s not about winning but just playing the game :D

Amen brother

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 23rd 2020, 0:31:26

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
These guys don't know it's Ugo???? Next set will be interesting, if that was me getting abused, I wouldn't stand for it SMH no Sir.

I don’t care who it is. It’s too tempting and the set wasn’t going anywhere for me anyway.

I’m waiting for incoming missiles with a smile.

Good luck everyone.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 21st 2020, 1:36:27

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Damnit ....

KungpaoChicken (#84)
Rank: 32
Networth: 8,778,449
Land: 13490
Successful Attack Percentage: 70.83%
Successful Defense Percentage: 7.14%
GDI Member
On Vacation

He got scared. Knew he couldn’t compete. Chicken by name and by nature.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 20th 2020, 4:15:18

Originally posted by Hessman123:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

The only hot dem candidate for president

Well said. Hello Mrs President 😉

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 20th 2020, 1:44:47

Where is Tulsi Gabbard?

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 20th 2020, 1:42:51

Originally posted by Hessman123:
The Risk is that the guy finds his way back into humanitarian range and unloads 40 missiles on you :)

A few sets back I weathered 55+ missiles and still finished 7th.

Having 80% GDI helped. It was possibly the most inefficient use of 50+ missiles in a set that I’ve seen. Still to this day, it brings a smile to my face.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 20th 2020, 1:32:30

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
If you break GDI on people who have missiles, you lose your right to cry foul when missiled.

If I multi tap I assume missiles may come. Unfortunately I’m not amazeballs at grabbing land like some others do I have to take risks. Some sets it pays off, others it doesn’t.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 18th 2020, 4:23:47

Originally posted by Serpentor:
I was clear of humanitarian range. That’s why I didn’t get hit.

Played Em like a fiddle in a string quartet 👍🏼

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 18th 2020, 2:43:53

Originally posted by Molotov:
He's right to be frustrated, but not with you. The real bad fortune for him was with #77, who got multi-tapped by a few top players but sent his missiles entirely at 93.

It’s basic psychology. Others like Serp May have hit 3 times, but #93 did three in a row - which seems to irritate more than spacing the hits out. You can’t stay within humanitarian range and expect nothing in return when missiles are on the table.

I was going to farm #77 but then I saw the missiles so I thought I’d give it a miss. Glad I did.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 18th 2020, 2:38:30

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Molotov:
He's right to be frustrated, but not with you. The real bad fortune for him was with #77, who got multi-tapped by a few top players but sent his missiles entirely at 93.

I've been in that boat where I got missiles from a guy I accidentally double tapped and he sent all his skuds my way despite having 4 others tripple tap him, his reasoning was I was ranked higher of all who broke GDI, it happens, take notes and move on.

I’d take that approach too unless there was a sense of arrogance from another country. It’s always more fun ruining a higher ranked players set if they hit you twice.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 18th 2020, 2:37:13

Originally posted by Jeremy:
I've been messaging 93, I'm the guy that ABed him down 14k acres.

If you're in GDI and you grab someone twice, you're at their mercy. He should have known better. He's complaining that I didn't level 5 after he hit me twice, but he only broke once so I gave him a break.

If you're going to sit in GDI, follow GDI rules or get hit. Should be simple.

All is fair. You did what you needed to. Respect.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 17th 2020, 19:43:14

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Instructions? What are those?

2 hours later...

- honey, are you done putting our Ikea entertainment center together?

me- yes dear...but I have all these parts left over....

1 hour later...

- honey, the tv just fell off...


Cumorah Game profile


Feb 17th 2020, 19:40:53

Originally posted by GASCONADE:
hahaha! Well i normally don't play primary- but stockpiling isn't helping me neither. I just find it unfair that I can't hit someone back thats 4x my size. Those dudes take advantage of that

There is actually scope for both countries to use humanitarian blockage to their advantage. I’ve had countries retal before, then drop too low for me to respond, and then they keep jumping up to irritate me before dropping their net worth again and again.

It makes me consider carefully how many times I will attack them in future sets. There are some counties I won’t bother hitting at all, and others I know to only hit once unless I want a war.

Screw on some balls, grow some nuts, have some self respect, and earn yourself a name in the set and you will find it enjoyable to play in the future when other countries realise it’s not worth farming you.


Cumorah Game profile


Feb 17th 2020, 9:04:00

Originally posted by bug03:
There is no such thing as enough defense on this server. Half of us will ruin our entire set to make a retal. If you get grabbed early, retal immediately to dissuade the next person from grabbing you. Two or three early grabs can ruin your whole reset.

Quick start, get big early. Defend your land at all costs. I’m surprised more people don’t play commie Indy on this server actually. That’s the best way to not get bullied.

I think the number of commies is about right this set, maybe two too many. 😉

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 17th 2020, 6:26:50


Cumorah Game profile


Feb 14th 2020, 11:36:55

Originally posted by bug03:
And to be perfectly honest, overkill is generally the best policy, even with people you like and respect. (See 4 sets ago when I wrecked serp and caused him to get 2nd place instead of winning easily)

It’s always better to over-cater.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 13:53:21

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
lol so fast fireworks lighted.. it will be double the screwing if i take part also.. it's not going to be a 1 on 1 and feels kinda like a low baller for me to add salt onto his wounds lol.. i hope he doesnt take it too hard when i get my turns stock up and rdy

The entire set is watching - I feel sending a strong message will help in the future. Think twice who you double tap.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 10:54:55

Originally posted by bug03:
Also, koh, I feel like you took all the thunder. I was happily awaiting my ror so I could do stuff... but you already did it all. I’m jealous

I sensed action, so I got a PS in early.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 10:53:57

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Hessman123:
Originally posted by bug03:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


My first action will be with spies almost immediately

Does this mean I can find a new tech ally? lol

I'll be fine, he has 1 missile left, lucky spy dr kicked in, but I got the other 30

Haha disappointed you left 1 missile. It looks.... untidy.

Yeah, I didn't want to lose more spies, failed 4 due to his spy DR, did that first then moved on to missile deployment and then cherry went on top with a healthy PS :-)

Always like a cherry on top.

Cumorah Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 8:20:00

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Hessman123:
Originally posted by bug03:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


My first action will be with spies almost immediately

Does this mean I can find a new tech ally? lol

I'll be fine, he has 1 missile left, lucky spy dr kicked in, but I got the other 30

Haha disappointed you left 1 missile. It looks.... untidy.