Feb 2nd 2013, 17:47:11
mrford, great deer. To put mine more in perspective the worst part of it was the brow tines. Only about 2.5-3 inches each. The next 2 points on each side were 8 inches and the last point or 9th one was 3. the mass was about 1 inch more around than yours the entire way and the main beans measured 22 inches. The way they score him as a Booner he would be about 136 or so. So, not a 170 Booner but for sure qualifies for Pope and Young. I got him in Kirksville MO and field dressed hw weighed about 185. He was 4.5 yrs old. Not a true mature deer but not one most would pass up either.
My biggest ever buck was a giant 9 pointer i got in 2009 with a 50 cal muzzleloader. It scores in the mid 150's with 6.5 inch brow tines and 24 inch main beams and in SOL i did post pictures of it. I will try to get help and post pictures of me holding both racks and return here and post them... I am not great with computers so that may take a little time.
As far as my words being wrong, when i say i bought my new both this year i am referring to this past hunting season. Next years hunting season starts sept of 2013. I know its kind of crazy but here in Missouri hunting and fishing season begins in March and goes through the end of Feb on the following year. So ya, i posted in a way a fellow hunter would understand and i am not surprised you used it to try to make me look bad Marshal.
As far as my knee and ankle goes they both still suck.. It looks like ill never be able to run again or ride a bike. Walking down steps or hills does not work well. And once i take my boots off after a hard days work i am like a cripple. I do have HOPE of improvement but that gets a little less as months go by. (for those who don't know in may of 2011 i suffered a bad accident helping a friend and tore my ACL, PCL, MCL, dislocated my knee cap into my upper thigh, my tibia went through were my knee cap was supposed to be, and the distal tibia- or big ball of ancle- busted apart). And all on my left leg. It has made hunting much tougher but as they say you cannot keep a good man down. I do limit myself to going into the woods no more than 1 mile now though. I tried 2.5 once and swear ill never try that again.
Hope to get those picts here soon and please anyone else with good deer picts post em here. Mrford- awesome buck. You should be proud.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!