Message from meaTwad (#39) sent on Sep 27, 22:59
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You double tap someone who finished 11th last set?? You are clearly a moron. Don't ever play under this name again because you are banned from playing express.
Yea the names were me and nebula from MD, and kain I sent a message before the set to check and when we started our countries, nothing against the rules has happened. As for the other countries I have no idea.
729 was my girlfriend and dennington the restart was me. I finally convinced her to play this set and sent details to mods. I was told it was fine and to send our player names over which I did, hopefully the mistake will get rectified before we lose turns!
Imagine if SOF hadn't cried off to LAF this war would have been interesting to watch, it would be won on player ability team strength, and activity, and could have been anyones game.