
Detmer Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 21:04:12

I recall hearing that the head of TGA (Dragonlord or something like that) was over 500 lbs.

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
We should see who is the best looking earther.

This contest took place. Some euro with a big forehead won. IIRC Ruth was on the selection committee so she may remember more about this.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 19:08:15

Thanks all.

I especially like these facts.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 19:06:44


Detmer Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 3:22:55

That time comes for us all. Enjoy what you do.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 21:01:42

Originally posted by Marshal:
so if pdm does ab fs you get to act.

when... not if...

Detmer Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 3:18:10


Detmer Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 2:52:00

This was the best Super Bowl of all time and anyone who thinks differently will be sent to a reeducation camp!

Detmer Game profile


Nov 14th 2013, 23:50:51

c dommage

Detmer Game profile


Nov 13th 2013, 0:31:37

Originally posted by martian:
detmer: if you are thinking of eugene that much, maybe you secretly have a man crush on him?:P

Most likely.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 12th 2013, 2:31:42

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by galleri:
I can't wait until you explain to martian why you closed his thread :P

Because he violated the rules? =P

And Req, someone else did the first ~1/3

he is your boss :P

I answer to no one. I am a rogue mod.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 12th 2013, 2:30:10

Originally posted by galleri:
I can't wait until you explain to martian why you closed his thread :P

Because he violated the rules? =P

And Req, someone else did the first ~1/3

Detmer Game profile


Nov 12th 2013, 2:25:44

Consider yourself all warned regarding anything that makes me think of Eugene. =P

Detmer Game profile


Nov 8th 2013, 19:05:15

Originally posted by martian:
@Darrian: Probably. But given that most of the "RD revealed" posts are 3/4's + wrong it's unlikely that the identities will be publically known unless the individuals themselves reveal it.

How do you know they're wrong?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 8th 2013, 2:20:35

<-- doesn't care

I assume over means the free end is not the side next to the wall.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 7th 2013, 3:54:10

What for?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 5th 2013, 0:49:09

Originally posted by Vic:
we are making legit real changes to rid the alliance of anyone ever associated with cheating, and that's that.

Really? Ever? So your goal of an external review is to have someone to say "this person is a cheater and must go" and "we have no evidence of this person cheating so they can stay"?

I just want to be clear here. As many people here have pointed out, I have negative fondness for RD at this point so I have no doubt even these questions sound combative at this point.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 23:29:24

Originally posted by Vic:
we are taking all possible actions to rid our alliance of any cheaters, remote or blatant.

I'll give you a hint on where to start. If someone's display name in the RD site starts with "Mr." they should be gone.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 4th 2013, 23:21:12

Originally posted by Vic:
I am here to tell you today that the new face of RD is going to be vastly different than any before. Our culture will change, members will leave and new members will join, and when it's all said and done we hope that we can play this game we all love right alongside the rest of you fair and honest players.

So how is this different than last time RD made that claim? Grovelling for forgiveness when things don't go your way is typical RD SOP but in the end you always prove to just be lying your way out of the short term with plans to go back to your old ways the moment you can. I think RD had its chance and that ship has sailed. I am not sure what you could actively even begin to do to make amends, but simply asking the community to give RD another chance seems pretty much inline with any iteration of RD I have ever seen.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 23:54:11

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by martian:
I should also add that it's only about 1/3rd correct and most of those were people openly admitting that is who they were.
Some of the RDers used multiple colours. Some of the colours used multiple RDers over the years.
This is a nice attempt at troll though.

The screenshots are a nice addition though. Good to see nobody in RD leadership thinks Silver is guilty and he's not being punished in any way internally..

tellarion, I would've hoped you were smart enough to realize that there was more discussion going on than what was posted to google docs, that there were possibly discussions of moving forward in a manner that didn't include Copper or Silver, that possibly the failtroll OP of this thread intentionally didn't include anything that would have shown the fact that many/almost all of us had zero knowledge of what some have been accused of, and that said failtroll OP of this thread intentionally wouldn't have included the items that showed some of us showing extreme displeasure with what had occurred, and said failtroll OP absolutely wouldn't have posted anything that showed us working to do something positive about it. I know you and the rest of AT are great at conspiracy theories, so that shouldn't be too far of a stretch, right?

Rub those braincells together and make a spark.


no one believes you, if they do they are retarded

Detmer Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 20:56:00

Originally posted by Mr Charcoal:
is my lifetime ban still in effect?

Yes. In the even you reproduce your spawn are not welcome either.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 2:04:27

Re: the document

Pretty sure Milla is RD so that would be a female SoF head (if she still plays)

Detmer Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 0:55:21

If you choose to play in RD you choose to benefit from over a decade of cheating. You have to take the bad with the good.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 0:26:29

Rosco eh? The one I know?

Detmer Game profile


Aug 24th 2013, 3:08:03

Originally posted by Supertodd:
Originally posted by Stryke:

The city has a Gay Pride festival every June, and several business will actually sponsor and support it, but for those than don't, those employers will outright terminate your employment for no other reason than that you are gay or lesbian. And instead of having the spine to cite this as a reason will always, invariably cite some flippant reason like the need to 'cut overhead spending', 'having too many employees is costing the company it's profits', etc...

First off...

***DISCLAIMER*** I think bigotry against any group of people is stupid, and I have nothing against homosexuals. In fact, I just went to a wedding reception for a lesbian couple this weekend, but....

Of course those employers don't cite the real reason (if it is indeed that they fired someone for being gay). If they're firing someone for that reason, they can't tell the truth without being guaranteed of being sued.

If you're a business owner who disagrees with gay marriage, for example, you can't even refuse to involve your company with something with which you disagree on religious/moral grounds:

This is just plain wrong. The civil rights movement and the laws that followed did a lot of good. Elminiation of *government sponsored* racism was necessary. Elmination of your freedom of association (and the freedom to NOT associate with whoever you choose) was a very very bad outcome.

A black business owner should be free to not associate with whites if he/she so chooses.. and the reverse is also true. Nobody should ever be forced to deal with someone just because they're in a "protected class".

As a branch manager first, and now a business owner, I never fired anyone in a "protected class". I couldn't without risking an expensive lawsuit. Straight whites who needed to be fired got fired. Anybody else got their hours cut until they found a different job or decided to go on unemployment. That may sound stupidly paranoid, but I've actually got one employee who I know sued his former employer for "discrimination", after dozens of people in his position were let go when the position was eliminated. Rather than spend tens of thousands on lawyers and then possibly still lose to this frivolous lawsuit, they had to just settle.

Its time for civil rights laws to be reexamined, and for freedom of association to be restored.

Spoken like a true coog

Detmer Game profile


Aug 23rd 2013, 1:51:18

Originally posted by Cerberus:
This is all just a bunch of hooey. It's nothing more than a favorites list. Anyone can post up a favorites list. All this is opinion.

I've played in a lot of alliances over the years I've played, and I had fun and made friends in most of them. In any event, the top tier alliances of the past, were at least a match for the top tier alliances of today. So, dropping an alliance because they aren't around anymore is kinda stupid IMO. RoCK dominated the early game for a long time and went pretty much unchallenged until they just decided to quit. TGA had their day in the sun too. No one ever wanted to war TGA because they were killers, plain and simple. They had their rules and followed them to the bitter end. RAGE was fun to play for and play against, they probably had the greatest collection of fantastic people playing for them, there was never a dull moment. TIE was quite possibly the most organized alliance ever. People like Red Mist kept them under tight control and they performed well all the time.

Ah, the list could go on and on. There are some notables out there that are still playing, but laying low.

I had the most fun playing in the MI, great people all of them. A combination of old OOA players, TGA players, CULT players and a scattering of other alliance players along with a few newbies led to having some great fun.

Some of the former original MI players are still here, several of them play for LaF now, DrDial is now officially declared a PANGER!

If you think this is a favorite's list then you don't know me at all.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 18th 2013, 19:54:51

All I get out of this is that I am doing a good job and should stay classy.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 1:20:00

Yes, that is what I meant. =P

Detmer Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 2:43:51

Take care.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 2:42:24

I don't think the range cap (i.e. GDI) is applied. At least not in alliance.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2013, 1:22:21

What is DOTA? We'll challenge you to soggy waffle...

Detmer Game profile


Apr 15th 2013, 1:00:38

Originally posted by archaic:
The opinions expressed by Detmer do not necessarily represent the views of PDM or PDM's sponsers.

Confirmed. *I* know you're a bunch of limp wristed fluffes capable of nothing beyond internet griefing, but the leadership of PDM is not aware of that, to my knowledge.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 15th 2013, 0:59:21

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by bertz:
Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by Nausea:
*Warning* Failure detected. Destruction imminent.

We don't care. Congrats Evo on TNW and ANW

But you just gave them free land :-(

pffft, we have no land

And we never will!

*high five*

LaF gets nothing out of this. Sweet moral victory has already been achieved!

Detmer Game profile


Apr 15th 2013, 0:54:58

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Detmer:

I hear SoF gives the best rim jobs.

We do. Just ask your buddies in MD, they know all about it.

SoF has nothing to do with this. I like PDM as Ben and tisya know. You should really watch your tone though. You are still on PDM Senate and last time you ran your mouth on SoF it didn't turn out too well for you.

The only thing SoF has to do with this is that you have been LaF'S fluffes for years... they seem confident in achieving high NWs despite our ABs so they must be counting on help from somewhere...

Detmer Game profile


Apr 14th 2013, 23:26:48

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Set yourself up for a moral victory? Not this time assholes!


Sounds like RD and SoF have already lined up to FA them. I hear SoF gives the best rim jobs.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 7th 2013, 22:46:20

You were 9 when you started?

Anyways, you'll be missed.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 21:22:32

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by wari:

Unaided, Goku, darkness, ingle(?), and I would have all been 350-385 mil NW. I'd have likely finished the dictator rainbow who was suicided for 30k acres with a couple weeks to go in the reset.

I make 406m unaided, bakku makes the same NW he did, 394m. As does Titanium and his 377m. All you did was ruin a clean top 5, since you weren't going to make it without massive market aid.

You got 27M in a single package from #164 alone. You were not clean.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 14:44:55

Originally posted by Mr. Copper:
Detmer just stop talking. You keep digging a deeper hole...

You posted here more recently than I did. Seeing how I did not keep talking shows how wrong you are. It is really funny how all of LaF can only latch on to one incorrect calculation I posted all night because that is the only incorrect thing I posted. There is no hole. You are the one with the shovel in your hands. I suggest you put it down before you stick it in the dirt again.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 3:10:17

Originally posted by Requiem:
Wari, you'll never be #1 if you play in PDM.

Come to LaF we will teach you how to get #1 the right way.


Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 3:08:30

Originally posted by Forgotten:
play in PDM if you want to play nice. FA some guy who has no clue to try to get #1

FA <=> Market aid

Pick your poison.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 3:07:39

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Quick, maybe you can join vacation on AT and hide from your stupidity until it blows over!

Everyone makes mistakes. I know you are taken aback since I have never made one before but I will just move on and be fine.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 3:06:28

Originally posted by ingle:
480 mil - ($75M/day * 78 turns/day / $36 food = 162.5) = 317.5 mil bushels discrepancy

ohhh...wait...I think I understand now. He was getting FA'd the difference!

Thanks for the clarification Detmer! :)

You guys did the FA. We did some (less than accused) market aid. Get the forms of alliance support straight. LaF=FA. PDM=Market.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 3:00:55

Originally posted by ingle:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Your math is off in at least one place - his daily production was 480M bushels... at least based on a spy op of his I saw on March 31... so yeah... you intentionally lied or you made a mistake. Regardless you are wrong.

With 78 turns a day, you are making roughly 6.15 mil bushels per turn (480/78). At $36 bushels, you are saying he is making $221 mil/turn. Wow. That would be pretty epic...

Originally posted by wari:
Originally posted by Son Goku:

When you take away pdm's 180m+ nw worth of market aid, wari drops well bellow goku.

Baseless? Everyone saw the tech buyouts and we happen to have spy ops of his actual stock before his mass aid. Logic was never your strong point though.

180m+ aid?

Right. I stockpiled on 95 mil NW and wouldn't have jumped more than 160m.

I mean, nevermind the facts.

(facts -- 240 turns onhand w 150k acre rainbow cashing 72-75 mil equivilant/turn with 7 stockpiling days left = 59 bil cash, 262 million in the jump -- did i mention I stockpiled on 95 mil NW?)

You guys are running out of things to make up.

Oh wait...Wari said he was only making 75 mil equivalent/turn? I'm confused...221 mil/turn vs 75 mil/turn is almost 3x the difference?

Please enlighten me?

Already did. Too slow.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 3:00:21

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Detmer is either trolling like a boss, or his maths are the same as his leadership skills, non existent.

Protip: Everytime you deviate from the topic you are showing you are wrong. Stick to the facts. You actually had one in your favor here for once. My excellent leadership has nothing to do with whatever math mistake I made (I will chalk it up as a double click since I multiplied by 24 then 3 to get daily income and I was off by a factor of 3 it seems)

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:57:47

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
480m bushels/day? so over 6.1m bushels/turn, or the equivalent of being a 480k max teched fasc farmer?

You're suggesting had the income of a 480k farmer, on 150k acres, that is impressive.

That is impressive. Too impressive. I am really not sure what I typed before. I think I just lost at calculator. Well, I didn't lose since independent of my mistake SG's post was still inaccurate, but it was much closer than I gave it credit for =P

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:54:02

Originally posted by locket:
He could always open his profile up to show the tech sales and or FA which seems much more simple to me.

Also.. Detmer are you really trying to tell me he was stocking over 4 times more than I was? Give me a break.

If you were stocking less than 120M bushels/day then yes. The math is easy. It is even easier for me since I can see a spyop. Considering you guys had his market op I would expect you had a spyop too which would make it easy to verify his income.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:52:16

Originally posted by wari:
Originally posted by Son Goku:

When you take away pdm's 180m+ nw worth of market aid, wari drops well bellow goku.

Baseless? Everyone saw the tech buyouts and we happen to have spy ops of his actual stock before his mass aid. Logic was never your strong point though.

180m+ aid?

Right. I stockpiled on 95 mil NW and wouldn't have jumped more than 160m.

I mean, nevermind the facts.

(facts -- 240 turns onhand w 150k acre rainbow cashing 72-75 mil equivilant/turn with 7 stockpiling days left = 59 bil cash, 262 million in the jump -- did i mention I stockpiled on 95 mil NW?)

You guys are running out of things to make up.


Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:50:47

PDM beat LaF at calculator! Victory!

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:48:52

Your math is off in at least one place - his daily production was 480M bushels... at least based on a spy op of his I saw on March 31... so yeah... you intentionally lied or you made a mistake. Regardless you are wrong.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:42:37

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by BigBen:
PS: He would have finished $374M without any market help.

Wari had 750m bushels on the 28th. We have the ops.

I had 2.3b bushels.

374m my ass. He wouldn't have made t10 without aid. The real shame here is PDM cost TIE a legit t10. Anyone can FA a fluffty country into the t10, but only PDM can do it then complain.

Surely you are aware that he made like 450M bushels/day... assuming you didn't stock anymore at that point he would have caught you 3 days... you were no where near out of his ballpark.

The funny thing is that since you are a typical LaF sociopath you probably honestly believe that you deserved to get massively FAed and have Wari attacked because you can't understand that you were not capable of getting number one.

You arent doing very well Detmer. The claim by PDM is that he would get 374mill. Goku beat that without any FA or anything and so did 4 others. The argument put out by Laf is that Wari stocking at what he was would not have finished anywhere near top 10. I guess it can remain a disagreement since no one else will weigh in.

Our top players had all the ops and numbers. They did the calculations and mathematically he had to of got FA or Buyouts. maybe tier 3 players in PDM cant understand that but it doesn't matter what they understand.

To clarify - they did the calculations - lied to you so you you mindlessly do what they wanted you to do - and you did what they wanted. FA ahoy! Fire ze missiles!

You are a perfect lackey. I understand why you aren't in PDM anymore. Freedom doesn't suit you.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 6th 2013, 2:40:56

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by BigBen:
PS: He would have finished $374M without any market help.

Wari had 750m bushels on the 28th. We have the ops.

I had 2.3b bushels.

374m my ass. He wouldn't have made t10 without aid. The real shame here is PDM cost TIE a legit t10. Anyone can FA a fluffty country into the t10, but only PDM can do it then complain.

Surely you are aware that he made like 450M bushels/day... assuming you didn't stock anymore at that point he would have caught you 3 days... you were no where near out of his ballpark.

The funny thing is that since you are a typical LaF sociopath you probably honestly believe that you deserved to get massively FAed and have Wari attacked because you can't understand that you were not capable of getting number one.

You arent doing very well Detmer. The claim by PDM is that he would get 374mill. Goku beat that without any FA or anything and so did 4 others. The argument put out by Laf is that Wari stocking at what he was would not have finished anywhere near top 10. I guess it can remain a disagreement since no one else will weigh in.

I am doing quite well. You saying otherwise doesn't change anything. I am showing that you are not the amazing netters you claim to be - success!

I know you are incapable of doing the math to figure out what Wari could accomplish but I know your owners can do that they know Wari could easily get the NW Ben stated. It may be a disagreement in your mind but anyone who knows the facts know that is not the case.