
Detmer Game profile


Jan 6th 2013, 4:04:20


Detmer Game profile


Jan 5th 2013, 4:47:09

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Detmer:
I still have a picture from their wedding for some reason...

1. perv.

2. wedding fanatic.

3. just want to watch other eathers happiness.

4. something else.

1, 4

Detmer Game profile


Jan 4th 2013, 21:56:22

I still have a picture from their wedding for some reason...

Detmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 23:52:49

Originally posted by BILL_DANGER:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Everyone's taxes went up, don't be fooled, peeps, you WILL pay more!

In your fantasy world, maybe. In reality that isn't actually what happened...


I misread his post as income tax. My mistake. I do think my point is defensible because letting a temporary decrease expire is not the same as an increase. It's like saying you salary was cut because you didn't get a bonus - not technically true.

Detmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 23:15:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Everyone's taxes went up, don't be fooled, peeps, you WILL pay more!

In your fantasy world, maybe. In reality that isn't actually what happened...

Detmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 22:54:52

Originally posted by Requiem:
hawkeyee right now its a tax bracket system. Different income levels are taxed at a different rate. Also different forms of income are taxed at different rates. There are loopholes, there are ways to get out of it, our tax code is too complicated and doesn't work very well.

America is in need of a tax code reform. No reason it needs to be so complicated yet so in effective.


Also I am sorry to hear your taxes went up.

Detmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 22:51:57

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Klown:
Go fluff yourself, buddy.

Very constructive. Thanks for telling us how you really feel.

Detmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 22:51:45

Originally posted by crest23:
Two 40 year old men live in the same state and one paid more money in taxes this year than the other will make in his entire working life and yet the big tax payer is EVIL.

Come to find out that that idiot than created Facebook that has being campaigning for Obama to increase taxes on the rich, well it came out last week that Facebook had some pretty ingenious strategy to avoid paying any taxes at all.

Public corporations are beholden maximizing profits. Individuals aren't.

Also, I personally don't believe in corporate taxes - just property and income taxes. I think the rich need to pay more in taxes but I have no issues with companies not paying any (in a Utopian society - not under our current system).

Detmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 22:49:20

Originally posted by Klown:
Horsefluff. Republicans gave up their number one principle, not increasing taxes. What did he give up? Nothing. What did we get? A piece of fluff bill that does nothing to address the massive deficit. But that will be Obama's legacy. Refusal to address the big budget problem that we all see coming.

Agreed. I don't see why he doesn't man up and slash the military budget in half like needs to happen.

Detmer Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 22:32:22

Life is good. Got married and a new job recently so all is well here. Still up to your ears in laser tag? ;)

Detmer Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 22:20:55

Sup Barry? Been a long time.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 25th 2012, 6:37:30

The bath update was nice

Detmer Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 7:49:09

Originally posted by Son Goku:
There's always going to be winners and losers, some people are driven by the desire to compete and win, others don't care and want to have fun. The people who are more competitive will always spend extra time/effort to make sure they win, the "casuals" won't. It's always been this way and always will be this way. Everyone can't win all the time. This isn't preschool, everyone doesn't get a trophy no matter how hard people complain. Those who spend the most time playing the game will more than likely become better at the game, who in turn will beat out the more casual players. Period. This is no different than real life.

And some people "try" so hard they actually cheat...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 7:46:52

Yeah... there is less than no argument to made here... this isn't even a masked trick it is simply dropping the non-repeating portion of the equation...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 6:26:02

[quote poster=Mr. Copper; 21912; 404309]
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Mr. Copper:
Detmer my point was about overall violent crime yes but what makes you think mentally unstable mass murders will be different than violent offenders.

Because it will be much harder to commit mass murder without these weapons...

Should we ban the following as well since they are capable of killing tons of people?:
Fertilizer (used to make bombs)
Gasoline (both used for molitov flufftails)

The weapon ISN'T the problem.

I am not sure why it is so hard for you to understand my point...
^ he gets it

I understand your point but you are wrong. There will always be crazies. We definitely have major societal issues where we foster this terrible behavior, relative to other societies, however since we can not solve all mental illness we need to stop distributing tools designed for mass killings.

None of those things you listed are made for the express purpose of killing. All of those things are much harder to use to kill people.

The weapon is the problem.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 4:01:35

Originally posted by Mr. Copper:
Detmer my point was about overall violent crime yes but what makes you think mentally unstable mass murders will be different than violent offenders.

Because it will be much harder to commit mass murder without these weapons...

I posted statistics related to gun ownership rates vs murder rates, you didn't post anything to back up that gun ownership is linked to violent crime...

Because that is not my point... I am not sure why it is so hard for you to understand my point...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 4:00:19

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Buch you need an assault rifle to hunt?

i can assualt you with any rifle in the world, does that make them all "assault rifles"?

the word "assault rifle" is a term liberals use to demonize a sporting rifle.

Originally posted by Requiem:

Why were guns invented?

they were invented for killing things, people, animals. the purpose of our 2nd amendment is to arm citizens to protect from a govt overstepping their bounds. i would say privately owning military weapons is a good idea, since going up against a govt with bolt action rifles would be a joke.

look how well not having guns worked for germany in the 30's....

Anti-regulation people are the ones who introduced the term assault rifle into this thread.

Your comment on guns in Germany in the 1930s is a complete non-sequitur. That is meaningless. The Nazi party did not gain power through gun regulation.

of course they did, if the population was armed they wouldnt have been able to occupy the country nearly as easy as they did.

The Nazis didn't occupy Germany... they were the political party in power (you know a political party, like Republicans) and the people willingly went along with them. By the time people were dissenting it was against the state and military. Most people were just mindlessly going along with it and following their orders without question.

I would ask where you learned your history but it is clear...

The military defections in countries which have recently and are currently attempting to overthrow their governments makes me optimistic that in modern days that the military would resist something so brutal as what the Nazis did.

ok im sorry, let me be more clear. if people were allowed to have guns it would have been MUCH harder for hitler to slaughter millions of jews. if you argue that point youre just being ignorant and biased.

Uh, most of the Jews just docilely gave up their possessions and did as asked, assuming the government would not commit genocide... as a Jew I can assure you I am only biased one way and it is not in favor the Nazis... guns had nothing to do with it...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 23:09:16

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Buch you need an assault rifle to hunt?

i can assualt you with any rifle in the world, does that make them all "assault rifles"?

the word "assault rifle" is a term liberals use to demonize a sporting rifle.

Originally posted by Requiem:

Why were guns invented?

they were invented for killing things, people, animals. the purpose of our 2nd amendment is to arm citizens to protect from a govt overstepping their bounds. i would say privately owning military weapons is a good idea, since going up against a govt with bolt action rifles would be a joke.

look how well not having guns worked for germany in the 30's....

Anti-regulation people are the ones who introduced the term assault rifle into this thread.

Your comment on guns in Germany in the 1930s is a complete non-sequitur. That is meaningless. The Nazi party did not gain power through gun regulation.

of course they did, if the population was armed they wouldnt have been able to occupy the country nearly as easy as they did.

The Nazis didn't occupy Germany... they were the political party in power (you know a political party, like Republicans) and the people willingly went along with them. By the time people were dissenting it was against the state and military. Most people were just mindlessly going along with it and following their orders without question.

I would ask where you learned your history but it is clear...

The military defections in countries which have recently and are currently attempting to overthrow their governments makes me optimistic that in modern days that the military would resist something so brutal as what the Nazis did.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 21:08:03

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Buch you need an assault rifle to hunt?

i can assualt you with any rifle in the world, does that make them all "assault rifles"?

the word "assault rifle" is a term liberals use to demonize a sporting rifle.

Originally posted by Requiem:

Why were guns invented?

they were invented for killing things, people, animals. the purpose of our 2nd amendment is to arm citizens to protect from a govt overstepping their bounds. i would say privately owning military weapons is a good idea, since going up against a govt with bolt action rifles would be a joke.

look how well not having guns worked for germany in the 30's....

Anti-regulation people are the ones who introduced the term assault rifle into this thread.

Your comment on guns in Germany in the 1930s is a complete non-sequitur. That is meaningless. The Nazi party did not gain power through gun regulation.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 21:03:01

Originally posted by Buch:
1) Google also says guns are good
2) what's stopping people from driving drunk oh that's right a law same thing that should have stopped this dumb ass from shooting up a school
3)I own many guns as well even the bad nasty semi automatic ones I have never even thought of killing any one you gun control people are all the same you have never handled a gun you just hear and assume their only purpose is to kill people

1) The point is I was showing him there are people opposed to alochol
2) The point is that alochol as multiple regulations as well
3) The point is that access to these weapons allows mass murders and serves no purpose other than to feel macho. I have shot guns before. I know you are brain-washed into believing that anyone who doesn't believe you should be handed a gun once you can walk is a liberal, hippy, democrat, socialist, etc but the truth is you are the one without perspective.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 18:38:38

I haven't checked the EE formulas but defensive losses in E2025 were randomly 4, 5, 6, or 7%. (5.5% average)

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 18:36:38


Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 18:22:06

Originally posted by Magellan:
1. Where are these people? Last I check it was not a national debate and when it was made illegal it was repealed.
2. There are more rgulations on guns than alcohol. The only regulation on alcohol is to be of legal age. THAT'S IT!
3. I own many guns and have never killed anything, besides hunting animals.

1) Google makes this easy.
2) THAT'S NOT IT! You aren't allowed to drive, operate heavy machinery, etc after drinking for an obvious one...
3) I own a fire extinguisher. Just because I haven't used it to put out a fire does not mean that its purpose is decoration.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 17:52:18

Originally posted by Magellan:
Why are you guys so so passionate about gun control yet more people die to alchohol related events than guns but nothing is said about alcohol.

Is it because its a more "sexy" topic?

1) There are many people outspoken against alcohol
2) There are many regulations on alcohol
3) The purpose of alcohol is not to kill

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 16:35:42

Originally posted by Requiem:
I can see where we wouldn't need an AR13 assault rifle... I own guns but do not one one assault riffle.

Why don't I have an assault riffle? Well because I don't need one! I do agree with you on the point that weapons such as that are not needed or necessary in any way for an ordinary civilian.

But again I think our society needs to focus on the violence we are exposed to. What's the difference between today and say 60 years ago? More people had guns back then and more people carried their guns everywhere with them. I think one major difference is the society that they lived in vs what we do today. You cannot deny our society today is far more violent than that of the past.

I agree our society is overly violent and has become increasingly violent.
I do sort of doubt more people carried their guns with them everywhere. I don't know any statistics on that but it seems improbable to me. I do know that by some metrics gun ownership has declined.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 16:24:38

Originally posted by Requiem:
I knew it would turn into a gun debate.

I wish we lived in a world where it was as simple as that, where it was as simple as saying "Ok no more guns" and all the bad things just stop.

Sadly I think we live in a much more complicated reality than that...

Detmer-- your taking the focus off of mentally ill people and placing it on gun control. That's fine but you're ignoring the other issue.

In china 28 people were injured by a knife weilding man:,0,5592318.story

I'd rather investigate our culture of violence before taking the easy road of blaming the gun.

I am not ignoring the other issues - I recognize that we live in a society that glorifies killing, gun rampages (if you don't think so watch a movie), etc. Couple that with the lack of mental health services provided and I agree there is a reason we have so many psychos compared to other places. The other component is access to needlessly deadly guns which is something that is more on the capabilities of this country to address.

And it is a good thing that guy in China didn't have a semi-automatic gun. Looks like you can't stamp out insanity...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 16:06:16

Originally posted by Pain:
Detmer, places with stricter gun laws dont have a lower rate of crime then areas without strict gun laws, in alot of cases it has a higher rate of crime. besides "assault weapons" account for hardly any gun crime. so what does a ban on them help?

1) Actually most facts I see show that stricter gun laws do reduce gun crime. I am having a hard time finding any concise source to portray any sort of gun control information.

2) Trying to lump statistics on "traditional" gun crime to mass killings is completely misleading. We aren't talking about the bulk of gun crime here. I know guns nuts like to jump off the deep end and assume everything is about a complete ban on fire arms to create world peace but that is complete nonsense.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 6:03:00

Originally posted by Mr. Copper:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Klown:
If guns are outlawed what am I supposed to do when a criminal enters my house with an illegal gun?

It is a problem how lack of gun control has disseminated guns so widely in this country. Gun control has to start sometime though. Escalating the problem does not solve it. The threat of being shot is a deterrent to sane people - not criminals and mass murders. Removing access to these super dangerous tools is what is needed. I am not even saying that guns need to be entirely banned - but there is no need for a civilian to own a semi-automatic or gigantic clip of ammo other than to commit mass murder.

Completely inaccurate.

Assault weapons are used in less than 2% of all gun violence.

I plan to purchase an assault rifle here soon (especially since the dems are trying to ban the sale of them). Do you know why? Because I enjoy target shooting with the weapon. I'm not a hunter, nor will I ever be because I personally do not want to take the life of something that I don't need to. There are TONs of assault rifles sold at gunshows all over the united states, do you know how few of those are used in gun violence?

Someone posted a great paper/study, it is long but if you seriously want to have a discussion you should arm yourself with the facts. No pun intended.

You are wrong. That paper has nothing to do with these mass murders - their thesis is basically that guns do not affect violent crime rate which is not news. I am talking about these relatively rare events where many people are killed. I am sorry you did not understand the context of this discussion or what you are blithely linking.

You don't need to own an assault rifle for target shooting. You can rent one at a shooting range. Furthermore target shooting is a completely secondary use of guns right in line with knife throwing. Guns were not invented for the purpose of target practice.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 5:28:03

Originally posted by Klown:
If guns are outlawed what am I supposed to do when a criminal enters my house with an illegal gun?

It is a problem how lack of gun control has disseminated guns so widely in this country. Gun control has to start sometime though. Escalating the problem does not solve it. The threat of being shot is a deterrent to sane people - not criminals and mass murders. Removing access to these super dangerous tools is what is needed. I am not even saying that guns need to be entirely banned - but there is no need for a civilian to own a semi-automatic or gigantic clip of ammo other than to commit mass murder.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 5:09:03

Originally posted by Pain:
clearly by that example knives must not be capable of killing people right?

The purpose of a gun is to kill people. Knives have many purposes. Knives are also much less efficient at killing, particularly en masse.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 3:05:13

Originally posted by Helmet:
The 31 states that have "shall issue" laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. The nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.


Detmer Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 2:09:25

Originally posted by Schilling:
Originally posted by locket:
The evidence does not prove that but alright. You chose to ignore what I said so go blow yourself. I'm not reading a 50 page report when you simply ignore school related incidents or any number of other things. There are reports out there that support both sides of this argument so congrats on finding one to suit yours. Meanwhile I'm going to continue happily knowing that almost every person I meet today does not have a gun or easy access to one! You enjoy watching the news.

And I'm happy knowing that if a guy does happen to have a gun, with evil intent, I have one of my own. I would not have a problem relinquishing my weapon if law enforcement had a better record of dealing with violent crime in a timely manner. The fact of the matter is, they don't. I'm not going to rely on someone who is minutes away when there is something that is going to happen in less than 3 seconds. I refuse to play the victim. I will, however, be proactive in my own defense and the defense of others. The guns aren't the problems here, as far as I'm concerned. But that's an whole different discussion.

I did hear a good suggestion about offering security jobs to retired/disabled police officers in schools. It's a good job creator, and acts as a heavy deterrent to this kind of thing in the future.

Schools are already drastically underfunded. I am not sure how they could begin to afford such a measure. And lets say that were to happen... that kid could have still killed a lot of children. Prevention is the answer, not reaction.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 2:56:09

I liked it better when people viewed PDM as the middle east... Canada... yeesh...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 2:53:51

I associate myself with Washington and Wisconsin but I actually live in Texas now.

Detmer Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 5:57:34

I ignored this before since I thought it was only $1,000,000... $1,000,000,000... that requires some thought...

Detmer Game profile


Dec 7th 2012, 4:58:53

Nope! =P

Detmer Game profile


Nov 30th 2012, 4:57:39

I feel like GB is pretty popular everywhere - they were my number two team long before I moved to Wisconsin. I feel like they have a sort of Canadian vibe...

Detmer Game profile


Nov 29th 2012, 5:42:12

Oh West Virginia... or should I say Wet Vagina?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 29th 2012, 5:40:06

I think we know who would be #1 if Vancouver were included. I know that the Canucks are the most popular NHL team in Seattle and I think those feelings are pretty reciprocal.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 26th 2012, 4:17:22

clinched 7-5 this week in the m0m0 bowl

Detmer Game profile


Nov 26th 2012, 4:15:36

I forget the numbers but it is a function of your private market price if I recall... If you are a theocracy and/or have military bases and/or military tech those will all influence your maximum sell prices.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 26th 2012, 4:14:16

I can't answer the first one - but I play Earth when I have to on my Galaxy Nexus and it works well enough. I would not want to do it that way all the time - but there are lots of things I can do on my phone that I wouldn't want to. I don't own any tablets to compare.

Ok, fine I have a Kindle Fire although I only use that for e-reading and movies. What makes something good for kids in your eyes? Kindle Fire is easy to use. Dunno what sorts of parental controls exist for it... I think it may be setup so you have to have CC info saved to buy stuff easily. I would be leery of that with a kid but again I have never looked into disabling it really... also it may not be that way sooo... yeah...

Detmer Game profile


Nov 24th 2012, 22:28:05

If you have specific questions I can pass them along. My cousin is a medical doctor and I wouldn't mind asking him for you.

Also, iNouda, I am a doctor.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 20th 2012, 5:18:38

Xinhuan is an apple fanboy

Detmer Game profile


Nov 10th 2012, 5:31:46

Klown, give it up - you're wrong.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 17:26:34

Originally posted by iZarcon:
Originally posted by ZIP:
and how the hell can i have 3 views if i just clicked it ?

sometimes google indexer crawls new/updated threads quite quickly.

As per the original topic.... i didnt think Detmer was still around

I've had a lot of real life recently.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 17:26:06

Originally posted by iZarcon:
Originally posted by ZIP:
and how the hell can i have 3 views if i just clicked it ?

sometimes google indexer crawls new/updated threads quite quickly.

As per the original topic.... i didnt think Detmer was still around

I've had a lot of real life recently.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 0:24:12


Detmer Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 4:37:47

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Hannity:
“I think we have to face a reality that maybe America is no longer the center-right country that it once was…America has been conditioned now to be an entitlement society,” Hannity

You need to get conditioned to the fact that America is a diverse nation with lots of different colored people of lots of different ages. Hannity's America has not existed since 1855. If the GOP does not broaden the tent a little bit, they had better get used to losing.

Entitlement society? You mean like Mitt's daddy? Or like tax subsidies for Exxon? You've been duped, they feed you the God, guns, gays and old Glory bullfluff to get your vote, then they pump the fat into Goldman Sachs and Halliburton and Koch while laughing at all the sheep carrying tea party signs.

Chrysler repaid their loan and added thousands of jobs. I figure they all voted Obama last night.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 7th 2012, 5:34:39

Originally posted by CKHustler:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by CKHustler:
Yea, it's because of the precincts remaining. Cuyahoga county would be the main reason.

It was a win for Obama, but the Reps are looking to pick up seats in the house. So, no mandate either way which brings us to a stalemate for the next 4 years. Probably better than our government doing anything to cause more problems.

There is never a mandate. Ever.

Also, the biggest thing the "govern"ment does to cause problems is Republican obstructionism.

Yes I have personal political beliefs. Get over it and attack me personally.

AM I SUPPOSED TO YELL NOW??? Why get personal when we are forming analysis?

Yes, yes you are supposed to yell now. If you had analysis you would have presented it long ago. ;)