
Detmer Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 0:45:02

I was going to say someone... then I read the poster and saw it was you.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 23:42:58

Originally posted by mrford:
5.0 near the boarder 16,800 meters below the surface

that's what my usgs app says anyways. You would be supprised howmany sub 5.0 quakes happen world wide daily. I get a notification bout one per hour. He'll, Baja California, Mexico gets about 4 a day

Why would you possibly get updates on sub-5.0 earthquakes? I study earthquakes for a living and other than in select regions I filter out everything below 6.0 =P

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 22:00:57

Originally posted by Ruthie:
lol ... Althena wasnt is ?

Yes, the lovely Empress Althena! Leader of the Berserk!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 21:59:51

I think he clearly means lightning =P

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 21:52:54


Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 19:45:06

People in tall buildings should potentially be able to feel that out to maybe Twin Cities to the west and Charleston to the south.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 19:15:01

I somewhat enjoy Olbermann. I feel like Maddow is much worse about hyperbole and tends to present things in a certain light by ignoring certain facts.

I am entirely unfamiliar with Ed Schultz.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 17:32:21

Awesome! Thanks Slagpit!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:58:17

Originally posted by qzjul:
you can cancel dead allies currently; it just doesn't happen automatically

The issue is newly added in the past 72 hours allies who have died.

Edit: and now thinking about it... clearly the change was exactly to newly adedd ones... since clearly you could remove old ones anytime you wanted before.

Edited By: Detmer on Jun 23rd 2010, 16:58:47

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:54:05

Originally posted by qzjul:
you guys are boggling my mind -- we were just talking about giving like X(0) rather than 0(0) where X = 72 OR 96 OR 100 OR 101 OR 120 depending on the proposal? ie we'd only have X more turns in the set anyway heh

enshula is on the mark i think:

Normal turns in the set:
Normal turns + one 3 hour bonus per day
Normal turns + one 6 hour bonus per day
Normal turns + obsessive logging in every 18 hours

so this would merely add a further X to that total, which wouldn't be a bad idea

This is exactly what I am suggesting. I am not entirely sure what anyone else wants anymore.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:51:39

Earth was changed in the early-mid 2000s iirc such that you could cancel dead allies.

Edit: and I am pretty sure that included new ones

Edited By: Detmer on Jun 23rd 2010, 16:51:57

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:44:20

yeah, definitely mono for the restart... let them choose anew. They are scavenging a previous country in my eyes that has no necessary bearing to the previous regime ;)

And good point, they can always sell goods if they want.

Maybe give them enough cash for free such that if they have positive cash flow they get one bonus turn cash or if they have negative cash flow they have just enough cash to spend one turn selling on the market.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:38:19

Awesome, the history/current events I think will be the kicker to keep going.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:34:51

Yeah, adding 100 acres would clearly be necessary. I'd maybe even say MAX(100,NW/2000)... that depends though... then it might be hard for them to build up... onthe other hand no acres but big expenses could be a problem too... I guess if you're land killed you probably have almost no military left anyways...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 16:17:39

I agree... if they went to the effort to destroy it you shouldn't get it back.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 15:53:09

I'd have to check the PCI growth formula to see if that is the case. 1% could accomplish the same thing for sure though ;)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 15:50:00


Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 15:41:43

... unless you have already crossed FBI, which is unforgivable and you shall be your own sacrifice.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 14:13:50

You are so leet Neil!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 14:09:58

Originally posted by enshula:
yes what i mean is that the damage done in a first strike will be reduced since more of the kills will be GS's that wont be damaging the restarts as much as BR's would

therefore an unprepared target that gets blindsided gets a bigger benefit from restart boosts than a war prepped alliance that people expect to stonewall and has more troops therefore more of the kills run on them are BR's

I see no problem with that at all. If a clan wants to BR to reduce the effectiveness of a recovered country that is their prerogative... nothing is forcing them to select GS because it is the lower break.

Also, for your formulas... even if they happen to work out they make no sense... I see no reason why you should be dividing by networth.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 14:03:09

Originally posted by enshula:
i dont really care too much, but the idea of a reset based game with 60 day restarts that anyone who is not around during about a 2-3 day period cant compete limits the player base

if we reduce the penalty somewhat then more people might play

vets/netters might miss one or 2 more days yet think they can still do well end of set

and newbies join up might get friends to sign up a day later

and later in the set we should be trying to make the environment less unforgiving so that the experience is more fun for new players

If people aren't following the game and already knowing when the round starts we can't assume that when the round starts will have any impact. All people starting/coming back are assumed to join at some random time. If we start at 0(0) then there is the greatest probability they will join sometime when the round has started but they will not have lost any turns. If it is a new player they really have no conception of starting late and its adverse effects, so that won't hinder them unless their gameplay suffers as a result. As a new player their gameplay will probably suffer as it is. So that means catering to current players by letting them play more, sooner, or catering to the possibility of a vet randomly showing up in a four day period out of two months vs a two day period out of two months.

I'd rather cater to the people who actually play.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 13:57:26

I suppose there are a couple schools of thought on this.

We can start at 15% which is functional but far from ideal. A new player does not realize this because 15% sounds reasonable and has no conception of the formulas. Over time they will or will not learn to improve that.

We can start at a very good tax rate and thus make it essentially a non-issue. I think this is not a good idea because tax rate is something that you change once or twice during the round now. I feel like if it is a part of the game it should be some sort of factor.

We can start at a poor choice for tax rate. 0% is an obvious choice because it clearly brings you no income. As long as people start with a little cash so they can realize they are losing money and have to change something before they completely run out. The advisor page could have text for say tax rate below 15% saying "Our tax revenues are low. Consider increasing tax rate." Conversely above 59% there could maybe be a message saying "Our people are unhappy with our high taxes and are leaving our lands. We should consider lowering taxes." These two extremes are around 70% efficiency for tax rate (assuming certain bushel prices) and seem like good end members to keep new players competitive but not just telling them the best tax rate. Someone at 30% tax rate is at over 98% efficiency so its really not a huge deal if they haven't optimized beyond that. I feel this is the best option as it makes people consider their tax rate and can't just take it for granted.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 3:28:25

Why should we encourage people to start late? This suggestion still gives about two days of leeway... why is it so important to you that people start late?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 3:21:12

BR is already preferable to GS in that it destroys buildings and has a higher minimum civilian kill limit. Additionally for GS the offense and defense cost the same but for BR the offense is cheaper (as governed by PM prices) than the defense. The reason you perceive it to be less preferable is because people tend to carry many more turrets than troops.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 3:17:48

That system encourages people to start late after tech has started hitting the market. Can't let people go beyond the normally storeable amount of turns.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 1:01:43

What fraction of your buildings were CS? How many times were you BRed?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 22:31:38

Someone want to fix Communism?

Edit: Communism done. Tax rate done, random links fixed on pages. Added a terminology category and added the first term (reset). I think this might be ready in time for new players!

Edit2: Switched farming with landgrabbing, added farming as a term, cs, bpt, retal, tech start, grab, landgrab

Edited By: Pang on Jul 15th 2014, 22:06:17
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 21:07:36

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
By that logic the only two Presidents fit for the job were Washington and Gerald Ford.

I am alright with that assessment.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 18:08:01

whatever you say lah~

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:24:16

That is even more accurate.

Everything zen.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:19:17

12:08 Revolver Can I be FBI President ?
12:08 ZEN|WORK Hell ya you can
12:08 Detmer You can definitely be president
12:09 Detmer leading FBI was too much stress
12:09 ZEN|WORK I am the court jester and detmer is someone we fluff out

This is closer to how it actually went down!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:17:52

This is bullfluff! I've been framed!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:17:27

Yeah, I think the best starting values would be 99,100 or 120. 96 would also be workable, once you are there you might as well go 99 or 100

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:15:55

Yeah, it is amazing how many turns newbs spend building. I think that is some of the fun cutting your teeth that way... but there needs to be some hint that more CS is better ;)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 15:25:05

Originally posted by de1i:
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
- Douglas Adams

Truer words have never been spoken

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 15:24:19

ok, so it sounds like you're saying the same thing as everyone else and I must have misinterpreted what you meant

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 15:04:27

I am not seeing the point you are trying to make...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 15:01:33

Well there could certainly be separate ops for bunkers. Spy on military storage/Sabotage military storage. I do think bunkers are a very workable idea. The numbers would need to be run to figure out what is appropriate but I think they could work well.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 13:43:43

Originally posted by The Saint:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Obama saved America's economy. What should have happened as a result of this is a portion of all the mortgages should have been considered paid off ... seeing as how these same tax payers paid for the bailout its better than leaving them on the hook and making them pay twice.

Obama saved our economy, you been drinking the Kool Aid again. I see you were educated in a Gov. School, and I'm sure you beleive the US is a Democracy.

So you think it would have been better if the banks that contained a large portion of American's money just disappeared, leaving those people SOL? I am sure that magically vanishing the average American's money is going to help the economy!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 13:03:40

Why should people ever start with 50 turns llaar? Why not just start everyone with 120(+), regardless of when they start? I think azmodii has written it best, about starting at 120 and then the later you are the more turns you accumulate until after 40 hours you have 120(120) and that is the cap for starting.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 3:25:14

I feel like that defeats the purpose of market orders. Now it is just a matter of people all camping and refreshing madly a minute before something is going to show up.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 3:23:56

So you are saying penalize late starters?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 3:21:58

Forgotten - the thing is D2 hardcore is an option that a minority of people select that requires essentially no work for them to implement. It is something I have only done a handful of times while playing that game who knows how much (like, I last played it yesterday). I certainly would not have stuck with it if complete reset was the only option.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 3:18:39

llaar, these are incentives to give people a vested interest in not starting a new account as a fake referral.

I see no reason why bonus turns should be related to skill. Seems like encouraging people to do fake referrals. Plus who is to say we will retain new players by driving them to get high networth? I think that if people are playing and having fun (just spending turns) that is a better indicator.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 0:00:31

Obama saved America's economy. What should have happened as a result of this is a portion of all the mortgages should have been considered paid off ... seeing as how these same tax payers paid for the bailout its better than leaving them on the hook and making them pay twice.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 22:08:30

Originally posted by Ruthie:
He's the one with the glasses.

I figured as much.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 21:33:56

Which one are you?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 21:00:43

ok, well now you can see my correct message, quoted as if it was the original.

Sometimes I amaze even myself.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 20:59:36

Originally posted by Detmer:
I am wearing a Columbia brand t-shirt. It has 'The Periodic Table of Fish Lures and Flies' on the back.
I am wearing a pair of forest green cargo shorts with the front button missing.
I am wearing a brown leather belt with a silver buckle.
I am wearing a paif of brown sneakers with maroon and gray accents. These shoes are old and need to be replaced. There is a hole in the top front of the right shoes such that you can see my dirty white socks. (the socks were clean this morning, but it was a torrential downpour as I walked to work this morning and the red from my shoes soaked in and stained my socks. I know this because I had them drying in my office on the air control (heater, A/C). As an interesting note my office was 85 degrees until recently to get my socks dry.

To figure out what else I am wearing, as well as the answer to your other questions, you'll have to join PDM.