
Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 19:36:02

Also, as an idea, for each individual slot you could have a drop down with your countries/clan mates depending on server, and have it not include those which are already full at that pact type.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 19:35:27

Non-clan servers I'd say go with your scores page potentially, not really a big deal there.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 19:30:15

Originally posted by Fatty:
Bacon is..


Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 18:30:10

Originally posted by ZIP:
nice, just think with what bout 1200 est. people playing what countries are represented?

Confirmed active:

Almost certainly:
New Zealand

I knew people who played from other countries, but I can't verify if they still play. Like 1200 people is like 6/country average, but obviously the bulk come from US, UK, Canada, Australia now a days.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 18:00:57

Originally posted by ZIP:
to clarify - not a mexican that ran across the desert to the US, use a wi-fi from taco bell, no a mexican living in mexico

There used to be.. Domado, Adhemar (or something like that I think) and some other dude... I am sure there were more, but those three from PDM were Mexican.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 17:56:34

Klown, very valid point. If something like this is fixed without instant replay, then instant replay is not necessary.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 15:08:46

PDM needs more Mexicans! I miss the three amigos!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 2:51:43

I have reproduced this bug by creating a tag, dropping it and then recreating it. Sounds like someone took it and dropped it.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 2:00:02

Should the call be overturned and become a perfect game?

I think so.

I like the historic, human nature of baseball, but that was unanimously a mistake, and not just like a missed ball vs strike call in the third inning - it was the last out of the game - THE defining play. I was opposed to introducing replay to determine fair/foul calls, but for something like this there needs to be an official manager challenge or something, like in the NFL. Maybe the manager only gets one a week, but there has to be a method to overturn this madness. Bud Selig is making a huge mistake by choosing for the call to stand. I don't think this opens up the flood gates to revising history. This is a clear case of RIGHT NOW, not 1919 or anything else. In 1983 the commissioner over ruled the call of an umpire so it is in no way unprecedented.


Detmer Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 18:14:45

What is the basis for female menstrual cycles synchronizing? Is it behavioral or biological? Can the internet link the periods of all the women across the world? (or at least those interacting with one another on the internet many hours a day?)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 17:02:20

Originally posted by Pangaea:
it's not a theme, this game is just a front for our waste management business

why do you think I'd put all my time into remaking the game? it's an important element in both our money laundering & racketeering operations!

That does actually make a lot of sense now that I think about it...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 15:34:31

Particularly if two countries place the same order, who gets priority?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:23:38

Anything can be used as a weapon, but a gun is unique in how difficult it is to defend against. How to collect existing guns would be a unique challenge, but really stopping sales and letting guns peter out over time would be more effective than continuing with the status quo. At least criminals would need to begin to use arms dealers rather than your local gun store. Its a lot easier to stop crime when you are dealing with a few points of control rather than a distributed network of legal operations.

Making punishment stop people from using guns would be great, but the death penalty has even been shown to be ineffective in deterring crime. People get in their heads that they have nothing to lose and that crime does pay.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:02:24

Clever country name.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 21:01:15

The bill of rights was meant to protect people. There are provisions for changing the government to reflect modern times, that is what an amendment. If people find that the second amendment allows for greater infringement of their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness than it enhances it, they have a right to repeal it.

So your approach to the issue is, we'll make it illegal to kill people and then turn a blind eye when people keep getting killed?

Clearly there is a direct relationship between owning guns and killing people with guns. Sure, most people are responsible and don't use their guns for illegal purposes, but it is the availability and access to guns that allows them to be used illegally.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:15:20

Originally posted by braden:
i believe jefferson made them add that. If it was a true democracy, you would be allowed to be shot to death by a criminal. To live otherwise is living under fascism. Not in America.

The notion that owning a gun is somehow freedom from government is out-dated. When the military consisted of people with their personal fire arms that was one thing. If the US military were to mobilize its citizens, the US would be better prepared than the population of Britain... but until people own private tanks guns are nothing more than a symbol of the past, something used to kill defenseless animals and something used to commit successful home invasion.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:09:31

Originally posted by snawdog:
Uh...That was in England...

I am pretty sure he was trying to express his right to get shot by a criminal by sarcastically saying that these crimes only happen in America when he can find an anomalous case in a place that has a gun ban.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:06:28

Originally posted by qzjul:
it's continuous; much easier to code than piecewise

Yes, but that effectively means changing govt at low nw is cheap, and VERY expensive at high nw, which, to me, is probably how it should be

.14*small ~= small
.14*big ~= big

I am certainly fine with it the way things are, I just see no reason why it needs to escalate.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:04:34

I suppose for the purpose of this tool, one hour is a good limit. Any more detailed searches can be done on boxcar, which I feel only people with boxcar would really care to look up.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 19:18:18

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The one hour limit is artificial.

So you are saving ALL of the market data, rather than just min,max,volume in an hour interval? Any reason you chose to ceiling the input? Does it have anything to do with hitting intervals with no sales? I see now that there is a bug where if you search from the earliest to now in one hour intervals on mil strat you only get this:

Current Market: History
Current good: Military Strategy
Current time: Jun 2, 19:17
Time start Time end Min sold price Max sold price Avg price Total volume
May 31, 01:00 May 31, 02:00 $1011 $1011 $1,011.00 39,000

whereas if you do 12 hour intervals you get this:

Current Market: History
Current good: Military Strategy
Current time: Jun 2, 19:16
Time start Time end Min sold price Max sold price Avg price Total volume
May 30, 19:00 May 31, 07:00 $800 $1089 $1,043.21 158,857
May 31, 07:00 May 31, 19:00 $849 $999 $960.67 40,315
May 31, 19:00 Jun 1, 07:00 $800 $899 $842.50 18,750
Jun 1, 19:00 Jun 2, 07:00 $800 $850 $843.45 12,560

I assume that shows the consequence of hitting a blank interval, which I would consider a bug.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 19:03:01

Looks great. Seemingly no bugs. Too bad 1 hour is the smallest increment allowed, but I can certainly understand practical reasons for that.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 18:58:36

Right, but isn't that supposed to be decay on bushels sitting on hand, not produced bushels?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 18:42:28

Clearly Mehul had a reason? hahahahaha
I do wonder if that was a result of some sort of feedback on game mechanics.

I feel like it might be from the concept of "the bigger you are the more you lose" but then in some way rather than destruction growing linearly with size it was selected to require an increasingly larger percentage. I suppose that would reflect having to get things down to some "base level" to be have been completely overthrown. I do think we have an interesting view of these revolutions, where they are a tool to improve the country, rather than people revolting for better lives ;)

On a related note, did you guys make the loss rate a continuous function or piece-wise?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 18:10:50

I suppose it depends on the nature of spies... I feel in the current situation that doesn't make sense. if we adopted a more Utopia-esque intelligence system where you choose how many spies to send on an operation then that would make more sense.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 17:33:42

I think they should be flat. I can't think of any compelling arguments for a non-flat switch.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 15:03:18

Well I feel that is what 'Attack Intelligence Centers' is for.

Not like it would be worth it, but I don't know how I feel about being able to lemming someone's SPAL down.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 3:25:45

1) College Football
2) NFL
3) MLB

I would give my first born and a large potion of my salary for the Huskies (Bow Down to Washington). I follow the Huskies obsessively online and never miss watching a down, in person or on TV if I can't see it live.

I like the Seahawks and watch football every Sunday.

I sort of keep up with the Mariner's and follow baseball enough to run a shoddy fantasy team.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 22:37:47

Originally posted by galleri:
Ruthie : marshal is actually right on that one. I am terrible at breaks LOL

He is wrong about the rest.

At Detmer I am disgusted

Glad I can do my part!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 19:48:05

Originally posted by bore:

clearly the mods are roleplaying with themselves.

Pang runs his DnD campaign out of that forum.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 18:55:02

That is a pretty good deal actually.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 17:34:06

Originally posted by UncleC:
I will only accept Doug as leader of PDM


Detmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 17:32:59

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
the 2 biggest backstabs i witnessed in earth were most definetly perpetrated by men....i think... you see you never know online...;-)

You never know... like honestly, who HASN'T posed as a woman on the internet at one time or another?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 2:12:29

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Speaking of which, is there a reason the "Batch Explore" hasn't been written out of the game yet?

Because they tried to reproduce Earth 2025 as closely as possible

Detmer Game profile


May 30th 2010, 20:40:30

Originally posted by AoS:
guys. Think about the wardecs and such.

"We regretfully announce we will be attacking "x". We hope, that in the future, our two alliances can work together and be the best of friends, but for now, "x" are fluffs, and we would be so happy if you could put us on DNH. Hugglies!

or the fa talk.

"Hey! Why did you hit us? That wasn't very nice of you."
"I know, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. You can have your land back. BFF's?"
"Of course. You can keep the land as an act of goodwill. Now lets lez out."

You've never actually spoken to a girl before, have you? ;)

Detmer Game profile


May 29th 2010, 22:07:39

Alright, well if I knew their frequency I could make a suggestion on how tech could enhance this. I suppose it would be another netting tech for people to buy whereas most techs now are for war. (well, netters have use for many of them as well)

Detmer Game profile


May 29th 2010, 17:40:36

I have never paid much attention to these factors since they are out of my control. How much do they affect production?

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 20:08:04

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 19:06:29

Originally posted by qzjul:
i dunno... does anybody know what mehul's reasoning was?

TBH i don't think it really makes a huge difference other than selling bushels at the end of the reset, and even then you usually have a market clearer....

I think Bushels are the biggest issue since it has the stablest prices and the largest volume. I do think that when it comes to end up set bushel peak and decline that the order does make a difference and it is more fair to sell the older ones first.

As far as market manipulation I see how it is somewhat advantageous to buy off the newer ones first however you still have to get through all the lower prices to get there.

I am guessing Mehul did LIFO because it was easier to code. I doubt he gave it much thought. I suppose in a realism sense, given the choice of two otherwise identical products people will preferentially buy the newer one.

Basically as far as I can tell from "fairness" FIFO makes the most sense, but empirically this doesn't seem to be a big deal, so if it took more than ten minutes to fix I'd probably say it isn't worth it to change.

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 18:08:00

Alright, I'll trust you guys. I admit I certainly never payed it as close attention as many might.

So, I don't know how much of a hassle it would be to change that, but are there serious pros one way or another? I admit I have never felt the market it to be broken in that regard.

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 15:30:21

Sir Batman Bu! Another Camelotian back to rule PDM!

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 15:27:00

I am pretty sure swirve was FIFO. I suppose I strictly speaking never tested it, but I feel like when cycling through huge swathes of bushels that the older ones were cleared first. I never bothered to really keep track of that sort of thing though.

Why is LIFO superior in your opinion? Just from a country playability thing I feel like FIFO is better... as snawdog pointed out, first person to sell can really get screwed that way unless they sell really cheap.

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 14:28:27

Should be FIFO... after all the grocery store always puts the milk with the latest expiration date in from the back!

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 2:35:34

Originally posted by silverbeet:
Not replenishment, but I guess you'll get a greater replenishment per day. 100k is what about 50mil start and 20-30mil NW a day to spend your stockpile on? Rather than an ever increasing public market.

Also means you could stockpile slightly longer.
Recall is so powerful.

I only see that being a valid scenario if you forget to destock until really late so you need to blow your entire stock in like two days and you quadruple your acreage to jump as a plain theo - or something along those lines. Increasing your acreage like that increases your private market costs way too much to be an effective mbr jump.

Detmer Game profile


May 28th 2010, 0:01:41

That last part was a typo... beer and nudes (all accepted) to Detmer

Detmer Game profile


May 27th 2010, 13:26:58

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alicia:
Detmer is correcte on all accounts~

Really, all 50 top countries parroting one another is a good thing? Most of the in-clan netting guides not needing any revision for years on end is a good thing? Hoping that top players can repeat the same strat set after set and not get bored and leave is a good thing? 1/3 of the countries on the server not running turns for the last week of the set is a good thing?

I don't know how you define parotting, but the fact that there are a few ways established as the best for producing high networths, I see nothing wrong with that. There are definitely still ways to improve every single strat and its not my fault if people don't choose to be innovative. The whole stockpiling thing is a construct of the players, not the game... I say good for the players for figuring out that there is more to achieving high networth than attacking and producing military ad nauseum.

Detmer Game profile


May 26th 2010, 21:57:55

[quote poster=qzjul]

10, Defender_Acres*MIN

) ???

ok, I clearly can't count.

MAX(10, Defender_Acres*MIN(1.5,MAX(.5,((Defender_NW/Attacker_NW)/2)))*30/(250+ETPA)*Current_DR_system)

That *should* be right

Detmer Game profile


May 26th 2010, 21:52:42

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by Devestation:


think i can beat that with just a 1/2 hour of clicking.

That would be quite a bit of clicking... I am extremely skeptical of that... assuming you can just click refresh to get a view, that would be about six clicks a second... I encourage you to try though =P

Detmer Game profile


May 26th 2010, 19:31:08

I count 5 each way.

Detmer Game profile


May 26th 2010, 15:48:24

Originally posted by archaic:
This is why I think the gaining formulas should be modestly randomized each set.

I just don't get it, Dave is a Canadian - he knows that diversity is a good thing, his government tells him so.

Why? I think all governments have a place in this game. Not all governments need to be equally good for achieving maximal networth - there are other ways to have fun in this game that other governments are superior for.

Detmer Game profile


May 26th 2010, 14:14:57

Originally posted by ZIP:
I saw that too, blatant internal farming, gs into dr to protect land.

what the hell, if you can do it and get away with it go for it.

the internal farming thing is creeping in from the FFA server.

Omega did this on a small scale in E2025 however there was a community backlash so they stopped. The idea has been around for a long time.