
Frisky Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 3:29:47

well unsanction hits by 542, farming rage.... reps time

Frisky Game profile


Jan 20th 2011, 4:21:50

Icez pops back up too,how you been icez!

Frisky Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 17:01:58

old ragers pop up very randomly, uusally after drinking

Frisky Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 22:12:13

Rage cannot survive with the current structure in rage. most of us wanna just take it easy after years of leading. we do not have the numbers or the activity to survive against any war clans. it is in our best interest to join SoF because they are active, lots of ex ragers and the membership feels it is best for rage. ill put it this way. how do you fight a war with no care to win or fight within your leadership. you cant. for rage to survive in this game we need to step back and rethink, redo and play with friends.

ragers dont want to leave the game. so its this or we leave the game

Frisky Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 2:29:51

reread my post its mentioned for pang trumper on purpose

Frisky Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 16:40:04

and rage was justified to kill them last set. yay for justifications. this has been discussed enough. it is what it is. ergo unless people want to hit sol, do it or just let it be. your useless "facts" ie pang's justification or lcn hitting rage is mute and therefore restating is pretty redundant and a complete waste of time.

and for anyone who will say im stating useless facts, its on purpose just for pang. :)

if lcn decided to restart at a nominal rate theyd have their top still alive. you dont win wars by staying below 400k nw while your top get wrecked.

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 15:38:51

speaks the troll

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 15:34:56

war alliance give up... intriguing, notion considering a good FS. you cant say LCN didnt have a good FS because they did

and why would anyone want an oop war, its pointless and boring dude. yes rage's shenanigans, you cant even admit you messed with rage just as bad last reset. seriously. admit it and we can all move on from this round about crap and LCN can admit they have a grudge. they messed with us we messed with them, now they messing with us again because ruining rage netting set isnt enough, they gotta be manly and hit half their size. its funny just admit that LCN has no validation for this war and admit they just wanted to bully us into accepting them LGin us. its what its about really, they want us as landfarm and we dont care for it. , point-finale.

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 14:21:03

i personally did ops on some of those suiciders, they had lcn allies mate.

i gave the info to my upper leadership. thats all i could do.

the rager got his land back and them some, because if you did remember the last set, LCN refused to work out anything , and HAD lcn said SS we want to kill him. thats their right but they didnt do that. they suicide in response. anyone who worked in a leader role in any alliance knows suicide means death. had lcn told me i would have approved a suicide kill or a request we kill it.

this whole rage had it coming business as Servant said could have been avoided.

this entire grudge match could have been avoided. Granted the grudge is on LCN's side, Rage finds this funny.

i cant control SS nor DL. but im pretty sure whoever SS talked to wasnt exactly willing to compromise much either. take atleast responsibility too guys because it isnt just rage's fault. it isnt just lcn's. but you chose to carry it over. you killed us last set, you ruined our netting set last set so we ruined yours. how hard was that to understand?

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 4:45:42

or rather their suiciding worked well. whichever people wanna look at it. and me. your attempts are weak in your spinning. upper leadership knew LCN has a grudge. LCN made the grudge everyone knows that

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:57:09

to be fair we knew LCN wouldnt say bygones be bygones. they did encourage a suicider last set. and croatia is a common name by lcn that player does it all the time, same theo build set after set. strange how just after lcn encouraged a suicider to hit rage, the next set rage gets suicided on by a few more countries early set. say what you will but LCN looks pretty desperate in the need to avenge something of their own doing in the first place.

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 2:31:48

last set was because of a suicider that was even encouraged by their leadership, they were very very slow to prepare to "kill" the suicider. this set croatia suicided on rage and then tagged LCN, so naturally we killed him.... and they are the ones thats upset... interesting logic.

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:50:15

ouch im so hurt... now back to reality im sure your rebuttal was well thought out and im sure it was meant to be intimidating but kinda makes me wanna pet you like a lil fluffy you are acting like. its cute

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:34:01

that was so intelligent... wow..... im awe struck at your quick wit

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:27:13

all you need to know is its confirmed, ergo, whine and dine me for more

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:23:44


Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:23:22

and fluff to all

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:22:58


ex prez of rage