Jul 11th 2011, 4:55:08
so you saying this retal policy is the same for SoF, SoL, pdm, LaF, Na? all of those clans accept this completely ludicrous policy? now you know our policy, i expect them to be shipped to us ona date of our choosing. dont like sorry thats our policy, you could have
A. talked to a Fa beginning of set
B. not killed a country for a ridiculous bullfluff policy that im sure you laugh at.
C. talked to riddler
you did D. none of the above
if you want to be respectable your policies need tweaking. no interest in warring us? are you kidding me you chem kill a country and you say no interest... where on earth did you get your leadership skills... libya? not to mention your top guys all bought troops and jets and beefeed up their tanks. strangely before killing our guy. thats a heck of a no interest move there.