
FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 6:58:15

St Paul, Minnesota, well Burnsville now.

Which is light in the unemployment compared to other places, I couldn't even imagine what some people have to do to make ends meet or where they have to work.

I know a former boss of mine headed to McDonalds when they did their open recruitment drive day.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 5:46:01

They like to do fat32 on stuff, I think to waste your time some.

I would highly suggest not using their software, especially if it is only a trial.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 5:26:23

No, just a realist. We won't get all the jobs back. I lost my job twice to moving work overseas before the decline. Was lucky just to have my income cut and keep my job afterwards.

I have several friends with families that have lost their houses.. Most of them get to keep them because their is no interest currently in them. Some that were ejected get to watch their house sit empty for years now.

The jobless rate has only gotten worse, the only time they see improvement is when large batch layoffs run out of unemployment as they are not counted anymore.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 5:11:01

They know no better. Because obviously the US Postal Service has been a smashing success left to run as a business.

I think the economy is gone now, it's too far beyond recovering all the way.

It's time to contract the government, slash their pays, get rid of special retirement and medical services for them. How can Medicare and Social Security be balanced when the people who control it don't use it and don't have to pay into it.

You can't tax the poor and due to ever increasing unemployment the middle class aren't paying their taxes...

No answer though for what to do, a federal sales tax could work but that would probably stop retail sales and drive them down. They tried opening jobs with tax breaks to business that would hire and all that happened was businesses abused it so no real employment improvements while they still got their tax breaks.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 4:39:33

I don't think you remember me though. I didn't talk and wasn't in NA long. I played in LAE until the whole multi-nonsense and then stopped playing.

Symac used my account though after he was banned. My original forum account was too inactive it seems. I was Earth Watcher.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 2:11:26

Originally posted by mrford:

you make me lol Symac. how long till you are banned again do you think?

i dont like apple products. i own one and its a good one. only someone as dense as you could read my entire statment and think i worship steve jobs. i just hate idiots like you, who hate an entire company because of a few abstract events/customers/products more than i hate apple.

you think its hip to hate the people who think they are hip.

Not bad, but just a touch off ;) Same family.
Slightly different take on your post though. I will give you a hint, I played in NA and LAE with you. I am in one of the alliance that just came back this set.

I hate the company because of what it does, the products as I said I don't hate I even consider the laptops.

I gave you all this credit and all you did was look at IPs...
Poor performance.

Edited By: FutureGhost on Jun 24th 2011, 2:24:13
See Original Post

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 17:04:15

So is the board filled with mainly children that can only hurl insults?

You are very out of the loop if you think an apple device has ever been cutting edge.

They refresh their computer hardware often and it is never upto par with the current technology of the time.

If you are saying the iPhone yes, for awhile it was one of a... oh wait Microsoft and RIM had been doing it for years. The iPhone popularized with the kids and teens first. Apple only truly innovated in the MP3 player market... It snowballed into their phones.

I don't know what device you are accusing me of judging 3 years into it's life, as I don't think any device is still sold by them that old.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 16:29:22

E3 Marines...

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 16:10:15

It's not a troll, it's the truth.

This entire thing would have been avoided had they pacted out early. Instead they held out probably wanting to see where other pacts went.

Although yes, I think I misread something with the hitting of LaF.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 16:02:17

On the music and media front I really can't hate on Apple, their store has been pretty powerful and painless for years. They are good at getting the licensing deals together and getting popular stuff out fast.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 14:54:21

mrford, You sound like a total douche. You wish to call me an idiot because I won't jump on and suck Steve Jobs fluff like the rest of you fanboys. I am sorry I like high performance and reasonably priced tech. You are just another fanboi, it's written in how defensive you are.

"I have an iTouch and I love it."
My wife has an iTouch and of all the offerings from Apple it is likely the best and most reasonably priced. It is still underpowered and overhyped. The new ones with cameras are a little bit better though.

"No I didn't buy it with my parents money you stereotypical idiot, lol."
Yes, because I said that everyone who owns an apple product must use their parents money. Wow, seems you are the stereotype of a fanboi.

"I actually use my iTouch over my Droid Incredible when I'm in a wifi area."
To each their own, personally I don't own an Incredible. I prefer to carry as few things as possible with me.

"The apps that are in the apple store far oitclass any other carrier or manufacturer"
That is an opinion, one that is usually shared by you and your kind. I see so little difference in apps personally.

"and like it or not, apple is kinda here to stay."
No, they aren't. Why are all the analysts saying different? You think the fanbois will be eternal? They are there until it's not fashionable. Android is already more popular, Windows Phone 7 will get traction, and we will start to see more Windows 7 capable small form factor computers. I really hope Windows 8 will not interfere with that anyways. Apple will never survive with out Jobs.

"Not I'm not an apple fanboy."
All fan boys say this after they prove they are by tossing insults at anyone that questions Lord Jobs.

"I actually used to be just as ignorant as you and hated on everything that had an i infront of it."
My stance is one based on the opposite of ignorance. I know the specs, the hardware, and the software at a nearly intimate level. It is not a blind hate, but knowing what they do and why.
You will likely never change your stance and that is fine, every company has it's sheep.

"My iTouch was a gift feom my wife and I reluctantly used it to appease her. It is a great product and does what it is designed to do extremely well."
It does what it is intended for yes. No one is disagreeing that apple products do what they are intended. They do it though exactly as Apple wants it done and when a feature is not intended it is taken away from you like you are a child and shouldn't be playing with that toy.

"There is also a reason why iTunes is the worlds largest music market now as well."
Because you are forced to install that bloated, buggy, and invasive piece of fluff if you own any apple product?
I would say piracy is the largest music market now.

"Wether you like it or not apple is an execelent company that creates their "cult following" as you call it."
It is an abomination of a company. It uses it's patent portfolio as a weapon to stop innovation and force their competitors into tedious court battles that only continue to increase the cost across the board of technology. They are patent trolls.
They use their strangle hold on their app store to bully app developers and steal their ideas to add into iOS. App developers are punished with anti-competitive rules forcing them to develop ground up there by locking them into the platform. Should we talk about bullying of Samsung and other suppliers? How about the horrible conditions at Foxconn caused by Apples demands of them. How about being the worse environmental company in numerous studies?

"Would I but a apple computer? fluff no because I hate the OS"
Actually I was considering the MBP for awhile until people talked about all of the driver problems.

"but do I hate on all apple products like you apparently do? No."
Who said I hate them? I just think they are locked down, overpriced, and under powered.

"It's really ironic that you hate on a fad because it's almost equally as popular to hate on it. If that makes sense. I'm posting this from my iTouch and I'm too lazy to edit it."
It makes sense, but the hate on that fad is rarely hate, either people sick of seeing the apple fanbois and there ridiculous claims or people that want to get a rise out of fanbois. I am simply a realist calling in the facts.

You have an iTouch which i do too, well my wife. It is a decent device but there are and have been better ones and there will be better ones in the future.

"2 sets ago on FFA I fought an entire war against NBK using only my iTouch. I walled, hit, broke, attended chats, everything on my "crappy fad of an iTouch that I bought with my mommys money""
Good for you, you bought a product from Apple and was able to use it to perform a task many devices can also perform. You are grown you should have used your own money to buy it, or at least pay back your mother.

"get over yourself you tard and stop hiding behind a new nick every other week."
Over myself? So because I came here with an opinion that is not consistent with an iTard, you have taken it on yourself to preach on behalf of your god Steve Jobs? You are just another fanboi.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 9:48:15

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
According to SOF these wars are quite related. Our allies are tied up, they are planning to war our allies for sets to come, we are on an island, so they hit us to keep us from helping our allies. That is a precise ditillation of what SOF told me.

How exactly did LaF hit you??!? You FSed them they began killing you. You guys even posted a declaration of war right here on AT.

All you guys had to do was pact out in the beginning of the set.
SoF already geared up to hit you by the time you offered them a pact, why wouldn't they continue with it? Doing what you did you have signed NA up for several sets of war.

Drop SoL and you wouldn't have these kind of problems. When you are FDPed to the servers most hated alliance, one that has tried it's best to ruin this game for others to the point an admin of the game even said it in public, war is all you will see.

PS: I hope my alliance doesn't have to downgrade our pact I don't think it's fair, but something has to be done.

Edited By: FutureGhost on Jun 23rd 2011, 9:50:19
See Original Post

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 3:47:19

I know i'm being a fluff to NA some, but wtf were they thinking with this. They want to net... but then come crying when they didn't take steps to at least try to ensure they could. Then they hit LaF which I am sick of seeing the bad guy although they seem to piss many off, entering NA in no less than 3 to 4 more wars.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 3:22:44

I was more messing around! ;p read my post above.

Although your logic is pretty much awesome in that, more suiciders should think this way before they do what they do.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 2:44:14

Actually I like you just Reckless is reckless with his mouth. I won't suicide you guys just being a fluff.

As for the strat, I could see doing that to open up to something different, but we are well past the 1500 indy point. When SoF spied them they should have long abandoned indys and went to what ever their end game strat was.

Unless market price was insane and it wasn't in fact the first set I don't do tech start, I get screwed by so many indies killing the prices.

I don't have the spyops so I don't even know what their ratio was. It is just hypothetical...

I can't see netting with a rep indy past some random hard limit of say 2k indies. More than that and your production outweighs most any other strat side farmer even then at some point rebuild is going to outweigh low food prices. I really don't think a casher can do a 2k indy start and be optimal. NA should have been no less than 5k acres.

With prices almost anything beats indy unless you need heavier military.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 1:54:31

Originally posted by locket:

You do know you switch from indy to casher or w/e after the startup? And I bet any of the top netters could do that and get top 10 :P

Surely cash start is much more optimal past the first 1000 buildings... Well for this set anyways. If so many it would look like an early set war to me... Again I don't know how many they ran.

Reckless, you guys wanted to netgain you got hit to keep you out and you decided well why not devote the next 10 sets to warring. Got it...

On a personal note.
I know my alliance is going to join this fray next set and coalition style wars are tedious, So I wasn't planning to play.
However, you seem like an asshat so I will be suiciding NA instead of stopping playing. Grats and thank you for keeping me interested in the game.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 1:32:11

[RE: Rep Indy]
*wtf happened to my quote*
I didn't say it wasn't valid even for netting... It is surely suboptimal though.

I was just going off of what Chevs said of your spyops llaar.
If I seen a bunch of rep indys I would assume war too...

I have no clue what you guys are running nor care. I like NA usually but hitting LaF to run away from SoF, should of just kept it classy and not looked like a complete puppet. You want to stay out than pact out and in the beginning.

SoF may have plans for you, yeah but had you pacted them before the set started you could have known you wouldn't be hit.

Edited By: FutureGhost on Jun 22nd 2011, 1:36:48
See Original Post

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 20:34:37

Well if you were who they talked with, how in the world are they to understand that?

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 20:16:53

Originally posted by Akula:
they don't let me have magic markers, so i can't shove one up my nose
i use chalk instead :D

Don't you sneeze it out?

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 20:15:58

Why? because I am curious why there is 4 sides of this story going around?

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 19:36:14

NA is a very shady bunch. I won't say SoF isn't shady but NA they put on 1 face on AT and must put on another in back-alleys.

SoF are pretty much just thugs, but NA you never know what's next.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 19:01:05

Originally posted by SolidSnake:

To be fair, stop hating on apple, their products are good, hence why people buy them, and i dunno about where you live but i'm willing to bet apple products are much bigger draws to people with jobs, than those leeching off their parents.

Some are good, and for those they are heavily overpriced. People buy them because they were an original apple cult member and since are starting to regret their devotion as they are alienated by over control and pandering to the iTards or because it is fashionable hence just a fashion fad.

Let's face facts
A: Over priced
B: Under powered
C: Over hyped
Choose 2. Every one of their products can be described in this game.
iMac = A+C
iPhone = A+C
iTouch = B+C
MPB = A+C Some iterations even achieve the triforce fail.

All of them are over interfered and locked down too far. All of them are idols to a false god more than work machines.

I have seen more kids displaying iCrap badges of loyalty than I have executives. Unless these kids are bypassing child labor laws I would assume they are getting their money from mommy and daddy.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 17:24:12

Or perhaps up another hole...

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 17:21:29

It's called magic markers shoved too far up their noses.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 17:18:18

Well explain the Rep Indies, llar?

I'm not saying it's a terrible netting start but seems a little less than optimal.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 17:13:02

To be fair, Apple thinks it is trendy and will bring more iTards to give them all of their or more likely their parents money; and they are right.

I will be glad when the iFad is dead and gone and Crapple is back to being a cult fetish.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 14:30:43

Okay so SoL will just sit there next set when they don't get pacted by someone and let said alliance FS if they wish or maybe that alliance will decide they aren't strong enough and back out and try to get a pact.

Sweet logic.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 14:26:00

Mark my words, Tiger is done.

This will be his replacement, the guy they will ask in the magazines "Best ever?". Tiger was good probably the best but he wouldn't have been anything if he wasn't hyped as much as he was.

This guy is good and has the star swing so they are going to hype hum as much as possible. From what I see when a player is being hyped from media to the announcers of the event and all the fans they play better.

Get use to it, because until he shows he can't take Tiger's place he will be the focus.

He was good before, he strung some wins and decent finishes together enough to show he is champion. Now he is going to be the star. He is young too which makes him the perfect candidate. Age plays a huge factor in golf these days. They want them young and prodigal.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 14:17:56

Yum yum!

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 6:23:30

Well such reading comprehension skills are likely why SoL is the most disliked alliance in the game.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 5:03:45

Lion piss.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 5:03:06

Here's SoL to back up their butt buddies.

Logic was to wipe them, they did. Anyone with a braincell would pact SoF in the beginning of the set, especially knowing SoF is not so close to them.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 4:30:48

Too late too little, I am not a moron here. It was straight from Helmet.
They felt the pact was your attempt to exit your own plan to FS them. If you had no plans why not pact them before the set even started.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 4:26:51

They need the next tiger to bring big numbers back.
NBA did the same with Lebron "choke" James, they needed the next Jordan.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 4:06:21

Hitting LaF kind of proves that. You had no business else in that war. LaF was a uNAP stupid clause or not. You were engaged in war with SoF.

LaF is garbage at warring usually, but one thing I have noticed is they usually do get their revenge. SoF wanted to war you, sounds like they felt you were gunning for them. You should have fought your war.

You pact how SoL tells you.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 3:24:20

So if I am in MD and hit SoL do I get retaled?
If I am in NA and hit SoL do I get retaled or do you just kill me?

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 3:15:56

I will donate the peroxide and rubbing alcohol.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 3:06:43

For some reason de1i + back alley just makes me think praetor will need a back alley abortion soon.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 2:57:20

It's probably because you guys have your head up SoLs ass and keep flirting with SoF, when SoF finally decides to sex your butt you run off and try to mate with LaF.

Congrats, you are the fluffs of the alliance server.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 14:51:51

If they love war why all the whining? Why would they want NA to come in on LaF? Why were they planning to blindside LaF this set?

I just don't get the feeling of love for war from these actions. If they loved war they would have one where both alliances wish to participate.

SoF will eat them, they know it. MD could likely solo them, they know it.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 13:59:54

Dagstar, I know you are basically mentally handicapped so I won't bother to point out too much.
An alliance prepared for netting is basically the opposite of an alliance prepared for warring.

The members login to the site infrequently, the countries are low military, no turns stored, high land, low spal, no or few war techs, and all around lazy especially leadership.

You can talk about member advantages all you want but the FS is powerful enough to instant win a war, warring alliances shouldn't lose to netting alliances, just like no war alliance is going to beat a netting alliance.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 13:47:28

SoF can be overly arrogant at times, but they war to war, they look for challenges. SoL is only able to win early set wars and against netgainers or someone with severely less members.

Look at the threats that SoL has posted on this board? Telling LaF and LCN that they will pay for this when SoL has blindsided both of them in the past and tried to isolate them through threats from their friends. All but telling MD that if they stick around they will suffer the same fate. I am sorry but SoL is bad for the game.

When SoF has lost it hasn't made excuses. SoF generally tells it upfront that there will be war, not hiding it or trying to blindside netters. SoL was going to FS next week on LaF and likely to drag LCN in too.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:17:33

Wait a second... Aren't your allies SoL well known for their aggressive tendency to blindside netting alliances completely out of the blue?

Wasn't in fact SoL preparing to war next week.

Hasn't in fact SoL been the ones that have knowingly isolated alliances from their friends with threats and revenge tactics?

So it is okay for SoL to continuously hit netgaining alliances? Because we all know netgainers love to war so much and would never quit the game over warring. Where as warrers are refereed to as pansies and war will surely drive them from the game?

TL;DR Version...
You are a fluffing idiot. That's coming from someone not even involved. Just think how they must regard you.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 2:10:38

For the lulz.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 18th 2011, 6:54:22


FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 10th 2011, 21:19:18

Originally posted by martian:

@Futureghost: you realize that almost every single human civilization has made/abused alchohol (and that ones that never did made/abused tobacco or hallucinogenic plants) and also one of the reasons why cities came into existance :P

No places abuses like the American and Roman Empires.
I find it odd that why are there not entire civilizations of stoners then?

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 10th 2011, 19:50:06

It should be banned and carry the death penalty. Same with tobacco. I hate to say it but in this country alcohol needs to go, too.

Americans on the whole can't help but abuse anything that can be abused.

For the smokeables I am just tired of my clothes smelling like fluff and having to be near that fluffty tasting smoke. I am glad that the US is all but done with it. It makes you smell bad, makes you look bad, makes everything around you stink, decay, and discolor.

Can you name me one thing that Americans don't abuse.

If they legalize it, no one will do anything... Just sit around getting high. A country of burn outs.

I would rather see them legalize cocaine and heroin instead. At least riding the dragons claims the addicts fast.