
Helios von DOOM


Dec 11th 2010, 11:24:56

I forgot to mention.

Upcoming 72 hours we will be tagging over. Any hits on us will be retalled ofc.

Helios von DOOM


Dec 11th 2010, 11:18:44

That SOF and DOOM will be merging.

After alot of discussion we have decided that it is within both our interest to merge. For now DOOM will be merging into the SOF tag. Tagnames might change later on etc.

We consider all DOOM pacts to be carried over into SoF and vice versa. If this is a problem plz contact Aponic, Myself or any other DOOM/SoF leaders and we will discuss things.

Thank you :)
Helios von DOOM.

Helios von DOOM


Nov 23rd 2010, 20:05:34

Ingame or on these forums?

Helios von DOOM


Nov 23rd 2010, 15:42:23

Ah that explains some stuff.

Thanks usefull info guys. If you come up with more lemme know.

Helios von DOOM


Nov 23rd 2010, 15:27:49

hhmm removal of 2B is fun and I toyed with the standing orders thingy. Seems fun aswell. I Read some fluff about mil tech changes ?

Helios von DOOM


Nov 23rd 2010, 15:25:06

A war hungry war tag to war against in the Feb/March set.

We are trying to setup DOOM where we will war a pre-organized war against one of the war hungry tags in this server and net the other set. We simply don't have the knack or energy for fighting blindsiding wars or grudge wars. But we do enjoy a war every other set.

So if there is an alliance who wants to claim a nice spot as a worthy opponent for the Feb/March set you can do so all set long upcoming set. You can simply contact Sammael, Mdevol, Akula or myself about this.

Just making the offer early so people can consider :)

Just to make it clear we are not looking for war upcoming set.

-DOOM Leader.

Helios von DOOM


Nov 23rd 2010, 15:19:55

Originally posted by KeTcHuP:

New clan comming- Doom22... not sure what they will be doing maybe a combo.

Very true. We will be trying to net 1 set and then organize an organized war with a warring alliance the other set. Hoping to combine both aspects of the game. We are far from looking to get into grudgey wars as we simply don't have time or energy to do that.

We just want to relax have fun @ netting. And war every other set to keep things interesting. We'll likely try to war on agreed terms though so no blindsiding etc.

Helios von DOOM


Nov 20th 2010, 22:43:51

Will be netting upcoming set :)

So since I kinda came back to EE without having any former experience with it as the last time I played this game Mehul owned it :-P

Any big changes I should know about regarding netting formula's etc?

And what about Alliance TNW/ANW records what are they in FFA and who owns the record(s).


Helios von DOOM


Nov 6th 2010, 7:11:59

So when you contact LaE they kill your other countries.

Alot of class in LaE it seems. *scratches head*

Helios von DOOM


Nov 6th 2010, 6:17:51

Am there no one alive ?

Helios von DOOM


Nov 6th 2010, 6:05:02

So why did you exactly kill my countries?? Tagged DOOM.

There's no real cause for LaE to kill those countries. I assume LaE will be contacting me to talk about reparations for those 4 countries? This is utter rubbish and if this is how FFA is played in general it's kind of tasteless :S

Edited By: Helios von DOOM on Nov 6th 2010, 6:09:55
See Original Post

Helios von DOOM


Nov 2nd 2010, 23:50:31

We'll be attempting to do a bit of both.

Mainly because we simply don't have the time or energy to fight set after set after set. We want to play relax get some crowns and fight some good wars every now and then :-)

Helios von DOOM


Nov 2nd 2010, 23:45:03

Dear FFAers.

After trying out EE for some time now again me and some other friends decided it would be fun for us old sk00lers to start an FFA alliance again. So after much consideration we decided 2 attempt to establish a tag here in this server and have some fun @ the different styles of playing.

So I am proud to present that as of next set Project DOOM22 will be playing in the FFA server as a new tag/alliance.

We are open for pacting regarding next set. At this moment the best way to contact us is through forum PMs. We're in the process of setting up ICQ and IRC. As soon as those contact forms are established contacts will be released.

Current Leadership:

-Helios von DOOM.
-Sammael von DOOM.
-Akula von DOOM.

We hope to reach out to most of you in the upcoming weeks :) Right now DOOM has a tag setup where we want to test out a few things. It would be apreciated if our tag can be put on DNH.

Current tag: DOOM22

With regards!
-Helios von DOOM,
DOOM Leader

Helios von DOOM


Nov 2nd 2010, 23:36:56

More killing!

Helios von DOOM


Oct 27th 2010, 14:19:41

make love not war!

Helios von DOOM


Oct 26th 2010, 14:19:22

Can everyone just be friends?