
Heretodie Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 20:15:24

Im not a FA but if you do anything stupid to RD because your upset about what a detagged country did to defend himself from MDs attack on him there will be consequences down the road.

Now no ones spoke up about this so I will publicly speak out about it. (disclaimer these are not the views of RD as a whole but my personal opinon)

1) MD as a clan has to suck it up and control their players. If you anyone in RD had hit a player like that in MD you'd all be screaming bloody murder and calling it a act of war.
2) Get better at kill runs because if you cant kill a single country and he comes after you maybe you should have left a "sorry mom I broke the glass note" to those players who weren't involved in something that stupid.
3) Players who play under the umbrella of the MD tag fluff in your bed and MD as a WHOLE clan has to deal with that. The actions of the few screwed over the rest of you, again suck it up.
4)Be happy he didn't come after more of you because he was asked to stop by our IAs and FAs. As far as anyones concerned a detagged country under attack for no reason has the right to retal in whatever way shape or form he or she wants.

5)There should be 0 threats from MD about relations with Rd over the issue, yes it sucks for those players who had their countries fluff on, too bad. Don't ruin it for everyone else in that clan by making statements like "were not gonna trade, were not gonna pact you," Its beneficial to have these things or you'll end up like PDM and fluff outta luck when players multi tap you and jump out retal range.

Again not the opinion of everyone in RD or RD as whole just my opinion.

Edited By: Heretodie on Sep 22nd 2013, 20:54:31
See Original Post

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 16:23:03

yes any 2 or more players hitting a country to kill them can be banned for doing so weather or not its planned it still happens.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 21st 2013, 15:34:10

Nobody called you smart sheep, you should probably posted that week one of the set, not after your wars over.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 21st 2013, 0:23:48

Before you call people special Ford remember where all that FA came from, I personal offered to FA you a flaming bag of fluff but it was a no go.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 21st 2013, 0:19:53

Are you F##king kidding me?!!?!?! That statement "A French Canadian" implies those useless fracos do more then eat my tax dollars and whine about independence. Hes done a ton of classic cartoon shows... sweet bejesus

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 16th 2013, 1:08:13

all the commies raped the farmers so they quit, ALL farmers should be DNH until further notice

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 13th 2013, 3:36:05

Just delete your account and go play checkers. Double tapping DHs left and right is just sad.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 9th 2013, 5:00:06

poop on it Bonus :D

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 8th 2013, 16:57:54

Own up to your failure newb, bomb my banks and get hammered hard only to fail the first retal and then hit me again a second time 13 hours later. Just to fail the second attack as well, your a scrub but keep making countries for others to farm and dodge your fluffty retal attempts.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 17:01:56

Anyone teching the full set send a PM

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 2nd 2013, 15:55:55

OK ill choose to complain that your a moron for even posting this topic. If you don't like the forums get off and stop reading them.

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 2nd 2013, 14:28:18

Lets just remove DR all together and farm eachother for mass land every hit, that way anyone who runs a republic is boned due to the - military strength built into their country style

Heretodie Game profile


Sep 1st 2013, 23:53:50

LMAO well played

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 28th 2013, 18:00:42


Wow Vic, that sounded really quite threatening, very apt for the Mafia theme. Now if only you werent a dorky little fluff that would flinch and cry like a wimpy fluff if someone raised their hand to you it would be much more believable. [/quote]

If your dad touched you as a child you should make it less apparent by not posting on here trying to pretend to be tough over the Internet.

-Dr Phil still loves you

Edited By: Heretodie on Aug 28th 2013, 18:12:56
See Original Post

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 28th 2013, 17:55:29

Originally posted by TaSk1:
No the title of the post should say "WTfluff Pdm why are you FAing sol"

isn't that an act of war?

Depends on Police pacting, same likes been said for DK last set who then stepped in and declared war with 0 policing actions by LaF or SoF. Funny how the world is turned upside down when your on the other side.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 27th 2013, 21:03:52

Plenty of smaller clans not at war, pacted so you don't have to worry about getting hit lots. But if you run unclanned in a clan server expect to be farmed. Play primary if your happier not being Multi tapped daily.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 27th 2013, 20:25:42

It's 48 now Marshal... And climbing I want these lazy farmers to meet the servers needs so prices go back down....

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 27th 2013, 19:24:18

Pick up the pace, 10 dollars over night or atleast the last two days.... Come on keep that supply up RDs netting so you gotta work a little harder this set to keep up the pace and feed my starving children.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 15:11:21

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
1 LaF
2 MD
3 SoF
5 RD
6 Evo
7 Omega
9 Rival
10 LCN
11 TIE
12 Monsters
13 DK

Confused.... How does MD out rank SoF? What's the basis of these unfounded statements? I think ill join Rage who's clearly ranked too high.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 4:01:36

Unless I'm confused, Edbert hit 1st someone I have No idea hit second (likely not Vic because its a republic) then it's Ingle in 96 or what I was told was Ingle then you Braden. So was I mislead that 96 was ingle?

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 3:56:29

I'd agree with Locket join a medium sized established clan less politics more time to socialize and enjoy the game.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 3:52:35

By in peace you mean stuck in DR for life as the servers private land farm ;)

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 0:02:02

Well Vic called the top 2 I got the third right, congrats guys.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 14:46:06

LOL whos playing 92.... quad hit top feed and multi taps all over the place good luck finishing with anything but a sore butthole from all the ABs and Missiles you should take.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 14:07:32

Yah Locket we've had this conversation in Pms now, there's no land left to farm in 1A and DK is killing all the fluffing land farm there is.... which is separate topic. Don't be shocked if LaF wars with you, they are bigger then you and they need land farm so they can make an effort to get a top 10.

My opinion LaFs player shoulda been put into FARM for a week and if LaF didn't like it to bad. He made a 4 times hit on a player and forfeited his country. They want to declare war on you, next set you know what alliances to talk to who want to war with them.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 13:58:52

Its because he runs the same name week after week and barring a mistaken double tap on his part he finishes in the top ten. Who doesn't want to allied to a top 10 techer all set. Although he doesn't run the same allies week in and week out because I ally him most of the time when I tech. Having a ring of people who feed you tech is awesome but if they are all small and don't produce much tech... well that's useless. Lots of people set up 4 man tech rings and tech start, that's why prices have been fluff the last two sets opening days and jump back up once the tech start is over. But I say 96 wins closely followed up by Edbert whos ran a great set but struggles to out beat fat commies.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 23rd 2013, 3:38:40

It was me h20rich, I went to all that trouble to burn a turn stealing 1 tech point :D

Country #92 ;)

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 23rd 2013, 1:54:58

Please state your name so the whole server can laugh at your failed attempt to run anything more then land farm. Thanks for the double DHs as retals ill be more then happy to farm you later in the game.

PS sorry about the thousands of spies you sent trying to spy me and raid my food stores, your a moron smash your keyboard in frustration and the go out side and play in traffic.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 20:59:03

As the topic says, looking for information on where tech prices bottom out in the team server. 1000 like express? 500 like primary and 1a?

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 12:11:51

What's the hurry?

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 17th 2013, 12:16:02

To the guy who can't count, 3.5 is the correct amount with another 70+ alliance policing, don't speak unless your facts are straight.

Sure the message seems a little fluffy but whatever that's between SoF and their members.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 17th 2013, 11:28:42

At what point did you think it was smart to RoR multi tap a commie? 20 missiles gone before I parking lotted your trash country. Enjoy the rest of the weekend upon which you will spend every turn rebuilding and getting ABed back into the ground.


Heretodie Game profile


Aug 16th 2013, 14:11:05

Problems easy enough solving itself, let DR run out and hammer him for land. Right back into DR.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 16th 2013, 10:54:31

Actually I agree with Akira I looked at his news, yes lots of people retaled 44 after he top feed of your gonna pull up news pull it all up. Tons of SS and then e does nothing about them. Then for big hits and more SSes from higher and higher numbers 121, 130 something so on and so on. How interesting is that the numbers of players Multi tapping 44 keep getting larger....

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 15th 2013, 13:46:35

Haha yah I haven't been back since turn 450, guess we will see where it settles out at when I log back in, glad I grabbed GDI so I'm not the poor guy getting hammered early.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 15th 2013, 8:22:25

Is this new to anyone else? $99 jets on opening day of express? I smell "safe listed" accounts running CI for cheap military for "real accounts" to run casher. All terms are used loosely not to offend anyone who's new to the game and selling your military for far less then a normal value on day one when it's all small amounts hitting the market anyways.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 12th 2013, 18:20:10

Ill get you tech tommorow Syko I grew today instead of teching :P

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 15:28:13

Why don't you join RD and did out?

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 13:55:31

TDA is a known all jetter Vic he's posted multiple times about it, it's like trying to teach a Toronto Maple leads fan to give up and cheer for a team that might actually have a chance at the cup.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 13:46:57

I'm confused at what your getting at here, 1 attack be it PS or SS has always been acceptable and 1 retal PS or SS. GDI stops smaller countries from ruining the other players set by randomly GS/BR/AB or missiles which happens frequently by players who just mass WMDs and then laugh. Everyone has a equal chance to grow their countries if you didn't grow as fast and are getting hit perhaps you should try a different strategy? GDI isn't bs it's there to benefit everyone who wants to play the game and post good scores.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 5th 2013, 11:52:07

looking to replace a DA that went to war.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 3rd 2013, 3:51:00

How do you fail a PS and then decline the ally? Your a fluffing newb and that fluffs amusing as hell. Enjoy he bottom of life in EE

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 22:55:49

Looking at the chart, the price drops 40 dollars over 7 days, and 20 dollars over the last two days.... Now I only log in once a day so too me all I saw was 120 when I left one morning and 105-107 the next day. But as someone pointed out jets dropped as low as 100 at one point when I was logged out..... So not a true 20 dollar price cut I guess??? perhaps someone undercut twice at 10? 120 down to 110 down to 100? I don't monitor the actual amounts that closely I just sell at the going rate and hope for the best when I log in the next day. If it doesn't sell well then Ill have to recall and resell cheaper. Also you can see at some point using the chart but not recorded in the last 48 hours its as low as $90...... Good for the guys meeting all those orders placed, ill be happy to farm their countries for land in a week when they cant grow fast enough to keep up.

Edited By: Heretodie on Aug 2nd 2013, 22:58:38
See Original Post

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 20:14:12

I agree Mr.Evil (noted the biggest country in Primary) I merely stated the 20 dollar undercut is unnesacary 1-3 dollars I get, even 5 at the most. I have no problem selling my stuff but it only takes a few CIs to dramatically drop the market. Everyone has to do what's best for their country.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 17:15:15

Originally posted by crest23:
Oh yes, you so obviously have a solid grasp on economics. That why you can say people should 'band together and sell higher'. Why do you think people put their goods on the market for? Of course it is to sell them to they have money to run turns tomorrow. What do you think, they don't need they money?

You say as players grow their countries demand grows, but guess what supply is also growing, and your point is???????????

Akira created this thread encouraging undercutting? I see a thread about someone who doesn't know what he is doing, it been about a day now, why don't we wait for him to come tell us how that genius plan of stocking military half way through the set went.

Again no proof or reliable evidence to back up your claims. Just a fluff ton of spelling and grammar errors.... All be it I'm not always grammatically correct when trying to tell someone else they're dumb I would make a point to seem like I'm a little more intelligent. Go back to arguing but out prices upon which your wrong yet again, I will continue to encourage CIs to sell higher. If it doesn't happen so be it, yes we all need to sell goods to play turns, thanks tips I thought it was free. Again as stated above there's no reason things can't be sold for more, demand is still there.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 16:16:37

All I notice Crest is you like to shoot your mouth on the forums with no relative or creative response to the questions poised back at you. People undercut and fill orders because they need money or want a garuntee that they have money when hey play tommorow. I never said my stuff got stuck, merely stated the CIs should ban together and sell or higher. This thread was never started as whinning it was posted to encourage undercutting. But you seem to attempt to troll the forums daily wih little facts to back up anything you state. "You clearly don't understand economics" yet no evidence or reason behind that statement.

I did know about EE stats but not that I can look at all the ranks. So I did a tally 22 CIs with enough land to really control supply. As stated demand will only go up as players grow their countries, hence selling higher as things progress until players switch to stocking. But as previously stated that would require all those in the top 100 with decent CI land to stop selling cheap for a day, worse that happens you recall your goods 18 hours later make 1-2 grabs with left over money from undercutting days before and resell at whatever the going rate is.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 15:49:51

Out of the scores window I count 12 players with 15,000 or more acres as CIs or presumably CIs. Hard to extrapolate that to the top 100 but when I'm looking for targets I don't com across alot of CIs with more then 15k acres.

Heretodie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 15:46:02

This true you can double or triple destock between growing but that makes getting the 18 hour bonus impossible as your goods take 4-6 hours to arrive per sell down. Agreed things would get jammed up but only if there wasn't demand for it. With tech prices at average and farmers/oilers doing well selling higher isn't unreasonable, yes some players on the lower end would struggle to keep up but there's plenty of demand from the top 100. Not entirely sure how many CI there are but I can only see 20-30 guys with decent land to push supply above demand.