
IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 0:03:24

I hit you once. What the hell are you crying about?

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 22:16:09

Like I said, whatever you have ill buy out at 36. 85M. 900M I dont care.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 22:10:44

Im taking it seriously? Your the one whos tripple posting whenever you think of something you consider "witty".

Buddy, I was playing this game when you were in grade school. Most of the records for Tournament were set by me. NW, Land, everything. And thats on old Earth, where people actually had skill and you weren't competeting with 30 people in Game A.

but please, Enlighten us with the math on how a 12k Techer, loses to a 6k techer.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 21:53:44

I'll buy out everything you have at 36 train.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 18:56:30

Yeah dude you really don't know what your talking about. It's kinda cute though.

First it was 6.5k Is optimal.
Now its Best Strat is 8-10k TTR.

How exactly can 6.5k be optimal, but 8-10k be better then optimal?

Disregarding the retarded contradictions, What your saying is beyond stupid. It's like saying a Casher making 5M a turn, is better then a Casher making 10M a turn.

So, in short, you are the dumbest person I have ever met.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 17:47:51

Originally posted by JJ23:
i wish i could win with indy like the old days... but in express when you gain land that fast suiciders go to town, and its impossible to gain land at the rapid rate needed without dbl tapping. =(

Already told you my plan for next set. <3

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 14:18:58

Fascism is terrible inefficient mathematically. There is no logical reason to be a F Farmer.

Ironically enough I just got LG'd for the first time in the set, with 10 hours left. Seriously. I wish i could suicide on that kid just for how stupid it is.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 13:01:41

FFA? /shrug

Farmer is garbage. I'll make top 10, but who cares about that.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 12:58:06

Originally posted by Warster:
clearly you have no idea on how to play a decent farmer

Are you just ignoring pure math?

@JJ23, Farmers have to sell food on the market in order to make decent money. In order to do that, it takes time, people undercut you, etc. Depending on the server, that time could mean you have virtually no defense.

It's much more likely that farmers are much weaker then Rep Cashers, even with -10%.

I won't play a Fascism Farmer again until they get changed. I mentioned the exact math involved, There is just no reason to play one over a Demo. And next set, I am targeting all farmers early.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 18:57:56

Thats odd. Prices are so low in Game B that Cashers are cleaning up.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 17:23:43

Fascism Farmer not having to buy food is irrelevant. Im not sure how that's even a argument.

Farmer sells food. 6% Tax. Farmer buys Units. 6% Tax.
Casher buys food. 6% Tax. Casher buys Units. 6% Tax.

There exactly equal, except a Casher makes a lot more with same land same tech. Hench a Casher will always be better.

Destocking is also irrelevant. Even if a Casher pays 6% more in total for stock, hes going to make much more then 6% over the course of a set then a Farmer.

If standard food sales are at 42$ average over the course of a set, a Casher is going to make 1M more a turn. That's 20% more then a Farmer, giving it a 14% total bonus after stock/destock.

Thus, a Casher is 14% better then a Fascism Farmer. We already went over how a Demo Farmer is better then a Fascism Farmer.

Fascism needs a bump in food production to even compete on the same level.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 4:54:16

6.5k acres is not even close to the optimal size. I think that is funny though.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 4:38:12

They are strats. If a casher is X% more effective then a Farmer, theres no reason to play a Farmer when you can just naturally do more as a Casher.

Comparing F Farmer to D Farmer.

Its the exact same playstyle. Make Food, sell food, profit.

Demo's however have access to ALOT more then F's do, which is the issue. Theres just no possible way a Demo Farmer doesn't make more then a F Farmer.

F Farmer makes 120k at 9k acres same tech
D Farmer makes 105k at 9k acres same tech ( I just switched from F to D in express ).

F Farmer sells 120k at 40$. 4.5M Profit after taxes.
D Farmer sells 105k at 40$. 4.2M Profit.

Now a D Farmer spends 42M ( 10 turns) on jets at 100 each. 420k Jets.
F Farmer spends 45M ( 19 turns ), on jets at 100 each. 420k Jets cost 4.45.

The difference is now 50k a turn. Naturally. F Makes 50k more, in a straight farmer strat, a turn.

Any Tech purchases, Resells, anything puts Demo way above F.

Edited By: IHaveSexForTech on Nov 20th 2010, 4:47:58
See Original Post

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 21:30:43

@qzjul: The idea is that its a self sustaining government. You and I both know that Public market was never created with the intention of having so much influence on who wins or loses.

Well lets brainstorm then. A government with no access to private market could easily be explained as Anarchy. Anarchy also opens up some interesting play options in Stealing mechanics.


No Private Market
-30% Spy Effectivness
-30% Tech Effectiveness
X% Money, Food, And Oil stolen per SS/PS

Promotes attacking, which the game desperately needs imo. Skill intensive Government. Makes other countries control there money management more efficiently. Makes standing orders more prevalent.

I couldn't come up with a rational % for steals. Something like 15% SS/30% PS seems proper. Gains get DR'd natually in %'s of totals. Someone could 5 hit a stocker for huge gains, but is probally going to be destroyed shortly after. Its a pretty Finesse based gov.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 17:40:39

Lack of changing and lack of public market access is entirely the flavor of the government type. You could take away the No Changing, but you cannot take off the Lack of Public Market.

The market is far to vulnerable. They set chain events off that essentially determine the winner, assuming all skill is equal.

Additionally, you start Monarchy. You could wait to switch to Totalitarian till you have purchased whatever you might need on the market.

We really need something new here pang. ^_^

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 13:57:18


+40% Food Production
+60% Indy Production
+50% Tech Effectiveness
-20% Land Gains
No access to public market
No Government changes

This government has very little variance. It isn't dependent on market fluctuations, and winning actually takes skill.


IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 13:40:03

If you have 7k land and your getting hit for 250 with no DR something is horribly, horribly wrong. :-P

Im playing a farmer this set, and mathematically it makes no sense to even try playing one.

A 9k F Farmer with 220% Agri produces 120k food per turn.
A 9k R Casher with equal # Tech, produces 5-6M a turn ( 5 standard 6 cash ).

To make 6M a turn, a F Farmer would have to sell his food at 53.

Cashers also aren't subject to the market wars that Farmers get into constantly.

Then there is the issue of Destocking, which F's are traditionally terrible at. Cashers don't have that problem.

Now Mathematically a F farmer will always make more in pure food sales then a D farmer. The issue is that Demo farmers make much more overall as they have the ability to resell. A Demo farmer could easily buy out a competitors food, thus increasing the price of there food, and MAKE money on the food purchased. They also have the ability to stockpile much easier, and can drop food at 39 in PM with 130k~ish Mil Tech.

To make Demo and Fascism even remotely close to the same tier, you would have to up Fascism to 25% Bonus.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 14th 2010, 19:04:59

What JJ posted was the most accurate, although he is missing some efficiency, but it wont ever be enough to determine who wins a set.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 10th 2010, 2:14:27

Was messing around with dictator with the changes. In the process of switching to techer. Probally just self tech since prices suck.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 9th 2010, 1:11:07

Hopefully your not hackkill, because i just ravaged him. Who are ya so I know not to hit.

Im having fun with my little dictator. Was gonna switch at 10k acres, but our game is wierd. Like 80% of people are either cashers, or techers.

IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 13:15:35

Didn't think Id ever come back to this game. Though I suppose I didn't, technically.

Has anyone ever beaten my various records anyway?