

New Member

Nov 27th 2011, 17:10:50

LOL, I was just thinking some Meth would probably improve my game...


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 21:41:49

Compulsive Lying Symptoms
It is not easy to spot symptoms of a compulsive liar, as the lies are mostly too subtle to catch ones eye or these compulsive liars are very skillful in presenting their lies. Compulsive liar symptoms become clear mostly to the near and dear ones of the patient. Things begin to open up when close ones can easily spot the lies from the truth. The compulsive liar symptoms are as follows:
•Attention Seekers: There are certain people who need to be the center of attention wherever they go. In order to maintain their high popularity rate, they begin to build up attention seeking white lies. These lies soon become a part of their personalities and they never find it necessary to shrug off the harmless lies.
•Create Stories: Creating stories of valor and great deeds about oneself all the time, is a compulsive liar symptom. They make up such great stories about themselves, that they lose their charm once the cat is out of the bag. For example, someone claims to have fought a bloody fight with a goon at the local bar, when actually he is known to get scared or has even fainted at the sight of blood.
•Covering Up: When a compulsive liar gets caught in his web of lies, he will cook up another story of how he is falsely accused or will deny it totally with another story to back up his claim of innocence.
•Same Story, Different Characters: Plagiarism becomes another part of obsessive compulsive liar symptoms. One may not realize mentioning the same lie to the same person, more than once. Each time he says the same lie, the basic concept remains the same, only the characters, place, date of occurrence, etc. may change.
•Poor Self-Esteem: The hallmark of compulsive liar disorder symptom is low self-esteem. An inferiority complex forces the person to make up stories, that makes him/her feel worthy and appreciated.
•Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): This is mostly apparent in compulsive lying disorder in children. Even adults suffering from ADHD with impulsive behavior, exhibit compulsive lying symptoms.
•Bipolar Disorder: People suffering from a bipolar disorder are always suffering from mood swings, that range from depression to a manic behavior. During this period, their impulsive behavior is switched on, that forces them to lie through their nose.
•Other Addictions: Drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, etc. who are into similar activities that causes them to fall into trouble more than often, may exhibit compulsive liar disorder. They may keep lying to help themselves out of sticky situations, get out of financial mess, hide the truth about themselves, from their family and friends.
•Reality Denial: People who are unable to face the truth or unable to admit truth are true compulsive liars. They may turn on an elaborate emotional display that takes the attention away from their lies

Edited By: JJ23sRoommate on Nov 22nd 2011, 21:44:39
See Original Post


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 21:31:55

JJ n me had no idea. Could you please PM me or JJ with the details about changing IPs. Now we can cancel dialup JJ! yay


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 19:58:16

YA!!! me n JJ go way back! who needs em! kick "us" out for playing to win... we dont want no stinkin war. "we" no.1!!!


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 19:52:36

Crest you should put JJ's name in there... i think you hurt his feelers cause hes the BEST u know!!!


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 19:50:52

Ya!!! we dont give 2 fluffs!!! we dont need no stinkin dial up!! cause i do exist!!!


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 19:48:02

Was i 110? its hard to keep track sometimes. But what JJ said.. play to win or go home, homey!!


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 19:24:43

Hi there fellas... I just wanted to stop by and tell everybody that i do exist! Even if it is just in the imagination of just one person, the same way the Easter Bunny or Santa exists in the minds and hearts of millions of little boys and girls all around the world! Can anyone really prove that I dont exist? or Santa? or the Easter Bunny? the answer is NO! Thats why we need to trust people like JJ, to do the right thing and not get more "roommates". Its getting very crowded in this one bedroom basement suite.

JJ and I will be playing a few sets and we were hoping to get put on the safe list again, so those silly mods dont delete us again for playing on the same computer. They really have it in for poor ol' JJ! they just dont know him like i do, he's really, really, really, really a great guy!! ;) And thats the reason i let him farm me and my country if ya know what i mean, lol

Well have a great day fellas and now that you know without doubt that i do exist take it easy on my lil'buddy JJ!!
