
Junky Game profile


May 17th 2012, 4:48:06

quick AB your app, I hear LCN has a 20 Book Application pre-join thing where you have to read.... and read..

join LaF and $10 will get you the perfect country.. every set.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 17th 2012, 4:23:23

Homer in hell?.. more... mmm... more... mmm... more.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 17th 2012, 3:56:31

12 pieces is just too much.. I can't eat too much of the same thing or my stomach starts getting upset...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 17th 2012, 3:53:19

My Country was sponcered by Exxon Mobil, your car runs on it... and so does my country... 10/10.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 17th 2012, 0:02:59

I watch The Travel Channel, Comedy Central, and The Walking dead.. I try and skip the Reality stuff, unless its food related like Bizzare Foods, or No Reservations.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 16th 2012, 22:11:58

Originally posted by bigdogcwg:
I'm not really a cat

Obviously you don't take your spy Training Seriously enough...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 15th 2012, 21:09:00

and here I thought the expanding waistline was just our stomachs getting filled up.... boy was I wrong.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 15th 2012, 21:07:29

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Fatty:
Next time the Malaysia's need war time to support they can to pee on a flat rock.

Many Americans died saving their peril from Japan.

Lest we never ever forget.

And without France we never win the American Revolution, so next time you see a Frenchman, ask him if you can suck his fluff k?

How does a president who (without ever having stood trial in America since he is above the law apparently) seemingly committed war crimes equal them being ungrateful for past assistance from our country? George Bush is not America.

you mean the people who didn't show up til close to the very end of the war cause they didn't know if we would win or lose?
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 15th 2012, 7:25:51

Got on, the Char creator got me.. time to sleep.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 15th 2012, 5:49:27

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Junky:
Every alliance has Family feelings for our members, after 10+ years of being around each other, its hard not to think of them as anything other than a brother or sister, son or daughter for the older folk, you know who you are.

fact is.. LaF has been killing off families more than the rest of these alliances, Earth probly wouldn't be in this stage if LaF held off on farming, maybe even made rules that helped with dealing with getting retaled.

my question is... why think about the game now, where were these concerns when Earth was actually thriving... well losing less than the hemeraging it had gone thru.. we're supposed to feel bad about losing people now that LaF is feeling the blows?


Laf is the only one who farms?
Laf is somehow the only reason the game is at this point? Wow.

how many alliances actually made a member of a tiny alliance create an account just to Dec on them? when I say farm, I don't mean the way every alliance LG's.. I mean to actually farm the alliance, any hit against them an act of war and more farming. LaF is the only alliance I know that actually had LG rules that were made for almost the sole purpose of farming the smaller alliances. how many DNH's have LaF given alliances that are almost not even a tenth the size of them?
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 15th 2012, 5:05:01

Every alliance has Family feelings for our members, after 10+ years of being around each other, its hard not to think of them as anything other than a brother or sister, son or daughter for the older folk, you know who you are.

fact is.. LaF has been killing off families more than the rest of these alliances, Earth probly wouldn't be in this stage if LaF held off on farming, maybe even made rules that helped with dealing with getting retaled.

my question is... why think about the game now, where were these concerns when Earth was actually thriving... well losing less than the hemeraging it had gone thru.. we're supposed to feel bad about losing people now that LaF is feeling the blows?
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 14th 2012, 4:01:29

never watched this series.. should I get into it, or leave it be.. I'm loving my Walking Dead Series's.. sept the Dale part.. stupidest way to die ever...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 21:08:04

Dillwad... aaaaahhh.. the things said now days.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 21:06:30

I almost didn't know what you were talking bout zygotic.. I was looking at Man and then utd.. thinking ok, there is man.. but whats this utd thing.. I was eyeing it for like 3-4 minutes..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 20:31:14

noone accuses me of cheating..... I'm feeling kinda left out over here.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 19:31:33

Damn it woman you know the goverment is pro life... those are lives your talkin bout killing. :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 19:28:48

nope.. just Sauve for that kinda coverage.. this isn't a charity Case issue :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 19:26:16

but they don't have the pie you like... Also as a kicker... Join SOL one of the clans attacking LaF.. *insert joke*

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 19:23:26

I don't make the rules.. I just tell you what I heard from my wiretap in the whitehouse. also usuable is Johnson&Johnson
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 19:17:21

Originally posted by Trixx:
Will KY be covered by the health care mandate? I suppose technically with it being associated with anal sex it could be considered a contraceptive

No... only Bengay will be supported.. Bengay Maxx is questionable though..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 3:28:24

as much as I dislike LaF, I could only see it going til the end of next set, after that, you run the risk of losing people needlessly.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 3:22:21

I play in SOL... we've been gang banged for reasons less than housing Cheaters, shiet happens, deal with it.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 3:02:16

youuuuu guys. Quiting after 1 death in a set.. take your medicine, and then start over again.. its what earth players do... if everyone quit after the first time the die in a set.. this game wouldn't have made it past 1a.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 13th 2012, 1:20:43

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Collzaboration:

I'll buy you a new keyboard if you allow me to remove the caps lock button from it

If you need a keyboard just for that then you are lost without a clue? I have 5 you can have one. What is your mailing address?

is this how my posts look when I type... if so, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry... sept when talking to LaF... I'm not sorry.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 12th 2012, 1:32:07

well least its not the 5000th topic.. I'd be unerved
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 11th 2012, 23:46:54

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 11th 2012, 21:38:31

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by mrford:
Quite possibly the greatest automotive icon of the last century.

Henry Ford would prolly disagree

oddly enough the person posting this is... Mr. Ford :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 10th 2012, 23:06:33

may I ask how you "heard" .. well "where" you "heard" this crap about KJ posting on Hanlong's work forum?
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 10th 2012, 19:19:32

If people really respected the saintity of Marriage... our Divorouse<sp rate would be 0... how many people get married just to get divorsed 2 months down the line.. people are not trying to force Religions to marry gay/lesbian couples. They could easily get a marrage certifucate<sp from the local courthouse, or where ever you go to get one.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 10th 2012, 5:36:17

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 9th 2012, 23:35:04

I don't find this post Ironic in the least...bit
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 9th 2012, 22:53:53

I will support Gay Marriage, because we are in the United States.. were EVERYONE is defined as equal, if Gay/Lesbians cannot be married, by the State/Goverment.. then no man or woman should be allowed to get married... simple as that for me.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 9th 2012, 17:31:04

Murf fluffed the will to play right outa them :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 9th 2012, 5:26:45

well we could always use Fleet Wars to recuit people to try Earth.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 6:31:20

thought you'd post this one...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 6:24:00

Originally posted by WarTime:
Originally posted by Junky:
The President can't declare war... but he can, send troops into combat for up to 30-60 days without their approval... and it'd still be legal for him.
Exactly my point. I know what the presidents powers are. Congress did absolutely nothing to deter him.

well they can't until the time is up, but ya right after the time was up they shoulda brought the troops back.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 4:49:18

thats what I'm talking bout... you go have your land trading.. I'ma run all jets, and watch and wait.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 4:30:56

The President can't declare war... but he can, send troops into combat for up to 30-60 days without their aproval... and it'd still be legal for him.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 3:30:20

Farm the Farmers!!!!!!! Safe the new people!!!!!
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 0:37:17

I'm in SOL :-P I woulda been ok with trying to Anklebite LaF to death, least with the new LaF countries being made we have company down at the restart level :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 0:19:03

to give LaF false hope of coming out on top still?
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 8th 2012, 0:12:30

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 7th 2012, 22:08:26

I like I Think it was Swedish school theories.. where they go out and do, insteada just sitting in a school.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 6th 2012, 18:12:49

I'm sure everyone was abit angry they couldn't run turns when they wanted, well maybe not angry, but annoyed.. The trolls couldn't be fed.. some almost starved to death :-P
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 6th 2012, 18:08:14

Originally posted by Wolf:
-If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough.

The two presidents with the highest IQ's were Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Consequently they both got themselves into fluff.

Bill Bellichick is probably the best coach in the NFL and he also got caught cheating.

The list goes on but you get the point. Anyone with the competitive drive to win WILL consider bending and even breaking the rules. The most successful business' commit some of the most immense white collar crimes imaginable, that effect the entire world economy.

It is not that I condone cheating but it IS human nature. Humans are impusive not instinctual, they FEEL biological desires but can choose to take the moral highground, avoid the default setting.

In The United States we have three branches. Judicial, Executive and Legislative. The reason why we have THREE branches is because if one gains too much power, the other two will gang up on it and bring it down. (albeit them all secretly being together and shadow government similar to RD.) But this game teaches us alot that we already have observed about humanity.

People will cheat. Then we will catch them. Then there will be consequences. Nonetheless, throughout history many have sufferred for the actions of few. What we know is that Hanlong and TC cheated. They are being dealt with. Lafamilglia as a whole should NOT be condemned as any clan in their position. The main reason why they are suffering so much heat is because they are a formiddable superpower many would want to see go...

And as USA was a superpower, the european union began, a similar superpower. Similar to Laf vs SOL/MD/EVO and if you think for a second that a dramatic balance in power in SOL/MD/EVO favor wont have consequences, you are sadly mistaken. I say be neutral and take a moral, ethical stance. Stand up for the better of the game.

I'm not getting, a don't cheat vibe from this post....
If people took up a moral Ethical Stance to better the game... LaF wouldn't be around to break more rules.. as this community doesn't take kindly to cheaters...

People will cheat, and when they get caught IRL the business that they ran/owned/worked at, end up paying the price... Cheating is not something that is natural, it is something Greedy people do to only benifit themselves, a selfish act of hate towards people.. there is nothing natural about it, it is not in our genes, it is not in our nature.. it is something that only things with more advanced Thought processes do.

If people had only there animal Instincts to guide them, they would not bend/cheat/break rules... they'd would follow guide lines to the 'T' and not look for ways around them..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 6th 2012, 4:07:30

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 6th 2012, 4:01:22

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by dagga:
Whats been lost in the hooplah of LaF adding to its Hall of Fame for cheating 'Dons' (spew) is the fact that they have treated the rest of the server (their allies included) like fluff for well over a year. An entire alliance is responsible for that. Respect isn't a word that is high up on their list of values. More prominent words would be 'sneaky', 'manipulative' or 'cowardly'.

The last thing you deserve is a fun war. An even war. A good old fashioned 'better man wins' war. You deserve to be gangbanged for 6 months straight and then farmed for weeks on end. You haven't earned what you have been given by Sol/MD - a chance to prove you can actually achieve something worth talking about, worth putting in your history books.

You've been given the mother of all opportunities from two alliances that had every right to gangbang you into oblivion, but have chosen not to. You don't deserve it, but you've been given it. Id like to think you'd be grateful, but it's probably gone over your heads.

md/sol outnumber and out stock laf significantly, lol

if SOL wasn't 99% restarts.. your point would be valid, with the stock part... we really wouldn't outnumber them unless they were like us.. almost totally all restarts..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 5th 2012, 2:14:15

SOL said, "I'm never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down, always gonna be around..."
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 5th 2012, 0:05:15

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Junky Game profile


May 4th 2012, 23:58:39

I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.