
Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 8:13:08

Originally posted by neversilence:
hehehe. That is another key... def allies... spam people on your score list looking for them asap. You will probably have more luck than posting on here with your currect country.

That's what I did last night, I woke up today and had a request off someone and im just waiting on this other one to accept.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 8:10:33

I had the same problem, you basically just have to deal with it, 300,000 jets to them is probably only a few turns.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 0:12:34

Thanks for the help so far everyone! :)

Also looking for defensive allies if anyone is interested in helping out :)

Edited By: Kingshaun2k on Apr 10th 2014, 0:20:02
See Original Post

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 9th 2014, 10:09:37

Waste of money, lol

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 9th 2014, 6:12:19

Originally posted by hsifreta:
judging at how you play and what your country looks like without a spy op, i'd say you don't have much indy tech and thats why you're not growing. dont need too many jets to bottomfeed, sell off those jets, and put production on 100% turrets. explore to 9k acres, before you start grabbing again, and dont retal using special attacks because that reduces your DRs and makes you farmable again. Just take hits, and ignore them and grow until you have the power to strike back. once you have a good indy tech level (150% min), store turns and put production on 100% jets to do a couple of good topfeeds/retals. i'd keep 4-5m turrets until you have good tech, then switch to 3:2 jet:turret ratio for gaining on these top guys.

I'm currently on 150% Indy tech, I usually just produce jets to sell them on the market. Plus I'm always producing 5% spies at all time while producing 95% of turrets or jets.

Edited By: Kingshaun2k on Apr 9th 2014, 6:33:16
See Original Post

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 8th 2014, 22:42:43

What's a good ratio of jets:turrets?

I currently have 6173 acres, 3.9million networth. 2 million turrets and 2.4 million jets, currently 400k of them on the market.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 16:10:45

#92 double tapped me so i hit back with a ton of AB destroying a lot of his acres, he hits back with a lot of spy ops and stuff like that and it stops then exacty a minute later I get triple tapped by #101.... He couldn't have made it more obvious that he runs both countries.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 15:59:36


Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 12:09:42

As the topic title says....

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 3rd 2014, 13:45:31

exactly! People must be stupid to pay that much for them!

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 3rd 2014, 13:35:26

You having a laugh?

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Apr 1st 2014, 20:39:48

I'm boosting tech now, what's the best way to use my turns as a communist/Indy to produce units to sell on the market?

Thanks for all the help so far.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 17:32:45

Originally posted by LATC:
Right, so basically the point of maxing tech is to have the same production level at lower land. As a top 20 player, I'll tell you, the way I pick targets is, find countries around 1/4 my NW and then start spying on the guys with the highest land. If there is no threat of retaliation by missile, AB, or spies I'll go ahead and hit the target multiple times.

So the trick is to blend in with those around you in NW. And once your tech levels are good and you've amassed some cash.. then you get more land and consequently more NW right after so you once again blend in w/ those around you. Although the best alternative is to get out in front and stay in front since top players don't hit top players because of the eventual retal that would happen.

I'll buy some tech then, should I max them all?

So what's the best way to use turns as an communism / industrialist?? Should i just produce one thing and sell as many as i can?

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 15:10:20

Originally posted by LATC:
Maybe stop getting land for a few days and beef up your tech levels? You can have the same level of production having high techs and lower land. Try something different to break the cycle instead of doing the same wrong tactic over and over and then complaining about it.

Everyone starts off on the same footing every 2 months, there's a reason why the top players always finish on top, it's because they've figured out how to get there instead of complaining and just quitting. You can blame the game rules all you want for your mistakes, but that won't change anything. Instead figure out how the top players got there, we're all giving you hints in this thread and you're just choosing to ignore them because blaming the game is easier than trying to change.

What I'm trying to say is they can grab me but I can't hit them back because 99% of them have GDI because it's free! I can't really do anything I'm just stuck at around 2mil net worth , beefing up tech won't exactly stop them from hitting me, lost over 2k acres and 1 million turrets in 24hours. What exactly can i do??

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 20:16:15

Just lost another 500 acres off a lot higher players, think I'm about to quit. It's a bit pathetic now if you ask me....

Your forces will not spy on such a large opponent!

Can't even retal them with spy ops but they can easily attack me. Hmmmm

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 17:53:05

I last played this game about 10 year ago when it was called Earth 2025 so I have a basic understanding of how to play. I attack most days and gain some acres, log off and come bak on the next day and I've lost them all again so it's pretty much impossible for me to grow, I'm having to sell as many jets on the market as I can to gain money to build those acres up that I captured just to lose then again withing 24 hours. I've barely got any jets left now

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 17:42:55

I have 7k acres and 2.6million turrets. The guy who is number one in the primary server has less turrets than me, why don't people in the top 10 attack him for larger grabs instead of feeding off the poor.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 16:12:51

That's the problem I'm struggling to grow because everyday I've logged in I've been hit multiple times losing quite a bit of land and losing lots of units!

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 11:35:23

I'd just like to give you my opinion, earth empires seems to favour the top players as they just easily bottom feed the lower players as they see them as easy pickings, I've been attacked off just about every top 10 player on primary and it's impossible to attack them back due to their size! I tried to send a missile back but noooo he's protected by the GDI, I tried to do a guerrilla strike but once again it was blocked by the GDI because he's protected! I mean he's 10 million in net worth and I'm 2.3million, should something not be done to stop this kind of thing and make it fair for all and not all one sided.

No wonder there is only 500 or so people play the game, it has great potential to grow but I think it's this that puts many people off from coming back in the next set to play another round, I'm still debating whether to carry on playing or not if it keeps happening which I'm guessing it will.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 10:55:50

I can't even send missiles at him because he's GDI, what the fluff!?

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 10:50:22

Got hit twice again off someone in the top 10, should something not be done to avoid this, it's like the top people bully you, no wonder not many people play the game as the probably get sick of it!!

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 29th 2014, 22:10:43

Next set I plan to go all out tech and get as many missiles as possible and teach a few of them a lesson ;)

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 29th 2014, 9:57:48

Theres to many bottom feeders its impossible to defend against, i was attacked 5 times last night, 2 people from the top 10 and 3 just out of the top 10. Sucks doesnt it, its not really fair on the people that are 5x smaller than them.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 29th 2014, 9:41:27


Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 27th 2014, 11:26:23

Why do i keep failing attacks, the last 2 attacks ive failed, first time was a planned attack and i sent over 1 million more offence units and it was the same the second time as well on a standard attack.

Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 27th 2014, 11:23:33


Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 9:03:12


Kingshaun2k Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 21:42:17
