
Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 3:06:17

"The missile killed him, his teenage cousin and at least five other civilians "

well it certainly doesnt say it killed any enemy combatants, basically stated is the only people a drone strike can legally hit, and honestly a drone strike in a restaurant clearly is going to have other people in it, where is your common sense?

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 2:30:10

well, lets be simple, this article stated that 7 people were killed, and the only person of note was not the intended target, so i could be simple and say lets not drone strike united states citizens in another country in a restaurant with no intended target and along with 6 innocent people, can you not agree to that?

Just because the government does it and says its ok, certainly does not mean it is. Idk what kool aid you drank but i do not think the government should have this kind of power and idk why collateral damage or any of these things need to happen.

Let me ask you agree with the nsa too right? or ndaa? or patriot act? what about having the ridiculous amount of people in prison for non violent crimes also costing insane amounts in tax payer money. I mean are you that guy?

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 2:13:41

oh, so since your arguments made no sense, you didnt answer anything i asked you, you had no rational arguments to back what you said up, so you curse my ideals in the name of "realism" again, i find you insane and to be the problem.

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 1:46:27

clearly you would know that i dont defend the patriot act, or ndaa, or any of the other retarded policies nowadays, maybe if people didnt defend those actions they wouldnt be so easy to push on the american people. And yes its quite easy to call someone insane who defends the killing of 7 people when no actual target is declared or for no reason at all. Please tell me how that is acceptable? if it was you or your family or friends killed then would it matter?

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 1:27:27

Any and every american citizen has a right to a trial. Any argument you use to defend this action basically has no grounds at that point. And most certainly the government does not have the right to kill innocent people to target one guilty person.
and as the article stated, him, his cousin, and 5 bystanders were killed, so if he wasnt the intended target who was?
at what point is it wrong to ask questions and get answers? at what point has the government gone too far and even nut jobs like you will question it?
this is a quote to consider.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

People like you who defend a government overstepping its bounds are basically the problem with america and the world today. You are the problem mrford.

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 22:23:36

pains right, ford youre insane, do you really think the united states cant possibly find another method but a drone strike? are you saying that with all the money and resources we have we cant possibly capture one person in a restuarant without drone striking him? also as the article stated, the father was killed already 2 weeks prior, so the drone strike was meant for a 16 year old american citizen, none of that is acceptable and idk what country you are from, but here in america we dont take kindly to such things.

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 20:36:40

I dont believe you read the article, his father was killed 2 weeks prior to him at a completely different location. He had also no contact with his father for years, so again i Dont believe you read or fully understood this article. If my dad was put on a terrorist kill list, and i am killed becasue of this in a drone strike, you think this is acceptable?

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 18th 2013, 19:22:07

I'm with you, this is bs for a number of reasons.

Should america have the power to kill its citizens with drone strikes, NO.

Should america target 16 year old children in a public restaurant killing 6 other people, NO

And clearly if the government has this power, and exercises it, obviously it should have to explain the reasons why.

Im not sure how you can appreciate your freedoms so little that you accept blatant misuse of power. What happens when the government just accuses anyone of terrorism? Anyone can be killed in the name of protection and they will not have to answer for killing them? what protects you and me from being put on a list for literally no reason?

Leovalentine Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 20:00:52

Ive had nothing but terrible experiences with this game since ive been back, I played on swirve in 2001, but for example,

This set i tagged up swords, thought we had enough members to make it count, and i played just out of protection and lost all 16 of mine in one night because i was on a flight home from vacation. Idk who did it or whatever the point was, but that was definitely enough for me.

I try one round of team, and i got killed twice in a clan without any sort of idea what happened. I try one round of alliance, and was also killed by the biggest clan on the server for reasons i still have no idea.

Definitely nowhere near as fun as i remember.

Leovalentine Game profile


Jun 22nd 2013, 23:36:23

why does being gdi not prevent bombing banks?

Leovalentine Game profile


Jun 22nd 2013, 23:34:46

stole mine for about 30 attempts

Leovalentine Game profile


Jun 10th 2013, 12:41:37

hmm, those were mine i didnt play them because i was packing and coming home from france, very cool to come home and see them all dead, wooo to the people with too much time on there hands eh

Leovalentine Game profile


Apr 26th 2013, 18:30:48

and if everyone stopped using the word "fluff", how gay

Leovalentine Game profile


Apr 26th 2013, 18:08:12

correct me if im wrong,but didnt you complain the last time that he posted about the same topic, the redundancy of your words is ridiculous. Must have a lot of time on your hands.

Leovalentine Game profile


Apr 25th 2013, 18:47:06

Hes right, you need to take those tampons out bro, seriously though

Leovalentine Game profile


Apr 25th 2013, 13:29:45

What is the point? Why is it cc vs imp every set? It begins to seem very redundant to do the same thing every single round. I dont see how this rivalry and pointlessness of persistent grudge holding against a clan that is literally made up of different people every set is like a fun and logical concept. You may literally have nothing better to do then relive the same sets and rounds and pointless wars every single set, but some of us new players would like to enjoy the game in a different light. You people need to change.

Leovalentine Game profile


Apr 5th 2013, 20:08:34

haha exactly, Thank you

Leovalentine Game profile


Apr 5th 2013, 19:00:10

im 79, please explain?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 7:55:01

You have noticed the way we are being tlaked to as well? its absurd. We made a choice not to get slaughtered for no reason. same as wild is making by not pursuing it, so all in all it seems likwe made the right choice and we are still being ridiculed for it. how weak

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 7:37:40

realistically this is a war game, so if people can just declare war and kill my countrties for no reason, Then how is it less tolerable to join a bigger better clan to avoid such nonsense? You guys are really like talking to a bunch of uneducated children. Nothing you say makes any sort of sense. my point was that they wanted an easy target to kill for no reason, now that they dont have one they arent interested. seems mighty weak to me not that i care what a bunch of useless old school losers have to say.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 5:14:33

hey youre the one that stopped after we joined imp, whys that?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 3:59:23

hes right, wild would and should gladly accept around 1000 retals from me and crow, not to mention they went to war with us for literally zero reason, so it kind of appears as if these guys should be the bad guys eh?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 17:58:29

haha you might add that my pm to him in fact reflected exactly that point captain emerald, just for your information. I see you take quite the active role in the bs talk, its rather becoming of you.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 17:33:45

Well yes i would say he is the one with no diplomacy and let me explain why. for these reasons,

reason 1, I was new to the server, i would have accepted a message letting me know i did wrong and then a country or 2 killed for my mistakes which seems fair, not my entire chain killed.

2, i asked him why he was attacking me not knowing i had done wrong, and he didnt reply and continued to attack.

3 Then this man takes a pause after i remake all of my countries back all 16 and retag myself. i think oh wow finally he is done killing my countries, so i go on playing as normal instead of gearing for war, then what does this punk do? he kills more of my countries and dismantles missiles, i message him, he says he feared that i made new countries to kill him...seems like his attacks there were quite unwarranted, so i got a little heated and said mean things to him and i started to attack since yes i built my countries ready for a war, and guess what? i messageed him suggesting diplomacy and a truce instead of killing his countires off, which i assure you i had enough missiles to do.

and then your punk rockman self get involved for no reason and attack crowgora who realistically had nothing to do with it.

these are the reasons i disagree with how it was played out and how it nearly made this set unplayable and unable to be figured out ,
if he wanted to educate me on proper game rules and structure, he could have used words and cleared the situation up very easily and made us both better off for it. Do you know that he retalled and never left a retal message even? Now that is murky as it is.

anyways Instead of trying to be a cool guy or even an angry but fair guy and at least educate me, he took the jerk role. and thus he made an enemy as long as i play this game as well as yourself.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 15:29:12

I dont believe imp condoned its allies actions just that it stayed true to being an ally. Seems like gray area but obvioulsy the right call. Now you on the other hand, i got myself invovled with sas, me alone in ta, sas tried to teach me a lesson by being a dink with zero diplomacy and kill off my early countries, and then you, for whatever reason, joined in with him. So i feel as if anything you have to say is quite nothing more than dribble, and honestly i laughed quite a bit when i found out imp took you out. I guess if you cant beat em join em right?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 13:31:49

warster, ya seem like an ok guy, and i have not had any massive objections to what you have said, so you are cool, but i dont foresee ta coming back anytime soon, i guess numbers count for everything here and we are already on one of the biggest clans, it jsut makes the most sense, but thank you for being cool

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 9:01:45

you're an idiot.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 8:54:27

good one bro ;) Anyone would quit a game that isn't fun, is that not the purpose of playing a game? common sense dictates yes. But hey instead we found another option so that we can continue to play a game with remarkable universal geniuses such as yourself. Lucky me!!!

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 8:42:03


Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 8:41:25

Again, Your opinion is highly appreciated, Sooo appreciated in fact that i will again reply. I play this game to have countires, not to have them die for no reason and remake them 1000 time. Youd prefer, i lost all of my countires, and quit the game? YOud prefer to limit the amount of players in this server because you feel our move,(which was clearly the smart and tactful choice) was cowardly. Please read what im about to say and think about it. Everyone seems to have something to say about what everyone else does, and im sorry but not one ounce of it warrants even the slightest intelligent response. I feel like im playing this game with high school drop outs. Its simple, we didnt didnt want our countries to die and not enjoy playing this game to the point of quitting, so we moved on. And imp was so kind to as welcome us into a larger less able to be picked on for no reason clan. so with that said, Please take your idiocy to people who wish to hear it. Thank you.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 8:26:55

Again, Thanks for your opinion, its very well considered, we care deeply what you have to say, perhaps could you instruct me what the non "coward" approach would be? here let me fill you in so you can surely make us know the right way, an untagged man with 4 countrties attacked crowgora 40 times, so we used our turns and resources killing those 4 countries. Then very shortly after, i sign in to see 5 of my coutnreis dead, along with 2 of crowgoras. so 32-7= 25 left, with zero turns, very little resources and little choice but to just lose. So perhaps the smart play was to to do what we did. But clearlyyyyyyyyyy you know better becuase you are a great and wise and professional earther. Please enlighten me on the ways of being a true man and just losing all of my countires thus ruining the set and making me not play.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 5:53:08

Proper procedure? who exactly determines what proper procedure is? Length of play? more countries in one clan versus another? who are you to say what is right and wrong, clearly there are no rules, just guidelines as i surely appreciate your opinion i find it quite shallow and narrow minded and thus quite pointless. Me and my buddy try to enjoy this set and fight it out and its been nothing but bs from you old school punks and frankly its getting quite old. We joined a bigger clan, lesson learned on thinking having numbers in our made up clan would stop people from making the set suck for no reason. Anyways, we are part of imp now and I think they are great dudes and have done nothing but try to help us at this point. End of story.

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 11th 2013, 5:06:56

our clan was just a tag, we werent organized we didnt have a site, it was just for numbers. Only me and crowgora played together. regardless, its our first ffa set, we clearly needed a real clan and found one. Its simple its over oh and btw, Rockman you died though, maybe you should have joined a real clan too eh?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 7:22:45

Figure i should join a real clan so punks dont war me after watching i blew my turns on an untagged :)

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 6:28:11

leovalentine is a new name, i almost always used gotham or midian

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 6:23:16

thank you, no i have no clue, i was 12 years old, half my lifetime ago, again, why is that relevant

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 6:14:42

and who lies about that? haha

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 6:14:31

im 24, i was in 8th grade in 2001, 12 years ago, 12 plus 12=24,so i was 12, why is that relevant?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 5:59:48

i have no idea it was 12 years ago? i was in middle school?

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 5:50:21

the untagged countries hit one of ours 40 times, so yeah we killed them, oh well, you win CONGRATS!!!

Leovalentine Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 5:37:01

why? half our countires are noobs, we blew all our turns killing untaggeds yesterday, and you attacked killing our main guys before declaring this? what is the point?

Leovalentine Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 9:43:15

it will be fine, we are playing smarter, less grabs and everything has been fine, he simply wanted to post a recruitment so we can keep up with you other clans that control the server. Very simple, none of the rest of the commentary was necessary. You can hold grudges and be punks about it and that's fine, its just a game after all.

Leovalentine Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 9:00:44

haha what is wrong with you dudes? get off of this thread if all youre going to do is run your mouths about it, seriously, me and him both played earth on swirve in 2001,i assure you that makes us pretty far from noobs, as for you guys all being bros with each other, i get it, you guys sit around in a circle jerk all day talking each other up, but let some other people get in this game and enjoy it without hearing your commentary about it, and seriously? fluff? this is the cool earth word, Really? Go fluff each other and leave us alone eh?

Leovalentine Game profile


Feb 22nd 2013, 21:34:03

sas freaked out after a couple of land grabs, no retals, just war, sure i checked out ksm and was on the site and was considering joining, all the while sas had not stopped attacking my countries every single day, over a few land grabs? no messages no diplomacy just attacking, so if you consider it a suicider tag for defending myself over a few land grabs then so be it, but you guys surely need to lighten up, the war is over with us and we havent so much as land grabbed another person since. Relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax.