
Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 20:00:24

The more he talks the more he ridicules himself

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 15:52:10

But I babbled so much @ myself here. .....

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 15:09:40

Hey suici,

Sorry but Syko is telling the truth here.
Everyone was on strict orders not to do anything to Weezy unless Weezy hit a SOLer.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:45:59

*Eats the snickers*

NO I will not have THE TALK with you Makmomma!

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:44:56

*Slaps forehead* Maki we need to have THE TALK ................. again *sighs*

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:44:26

Mak eat a snickers!

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:43:48

Well I thought it was.... *pets maki*

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:43:33

That was not even remotely funny mak, jesus.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:43:09


Elders are the new netters!

HAH BURN! .........

Makinso Game profile


Aug 7th 2018, 7:38:36

While I strongly disagree with suiciding on a SOLer or suiciding at all no matter who it is.

I'd like to make the official note that: Weezy (like Syko) has been an upstanding SOLer, we will kill him for suiciding on SOL like we would do to any SOLer that would suicide on our tag. The same goes for Drunck (Edit:"we're not killing Drunck!!, was saying he was an upstanding member !!) . The fact that Syko and Weezy got into an argument leading to Weezy suiciding Syko is a sad sight. Alas things go as they go. As a (was going to say wise but knowing where the phrase comes from I'll not haha) man once said: "kill them all and let god sort em out!".

As for Sui!, guess it's in your name ;). *blows a handkiss*

Makinso Game profile


Aug 3rd 2018, 9:47:35

Fixing this game is only doable by tapping into new sources for a playerbase. All Other solutions are at best, bandages on a large open wound it Will bleef straight through.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 1st 2018, 14:09:35

I can understand that galleri,

Because former diagnostic tools allowed those diagnostics, and worldwide (western countries) it was decided that diagnostics should not be changed based on modern insights.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 1st 2018, 9:16:05

Oh wow, from a fun jab to full flex personal insults about career and life? That says more about you then me.
If by any chance you assume that things people say or do in an online text based game reflect what they do in real life then oh my do I feel truly sorry for you........

Anyways Derrick in this game we ain't each others fans (though your consistent attempts of trolling me do make me think you're part of some kind of maki fanclub) but I'm also human.

So as a professional courtesy I'll get into your claim about bipolar schizofrenia. It confuses me and also worries me. Bipolar schizofrenia does not exist. You can be bipolar or you can have a form of a schizofrenic disorder but both is unusual and far as my knowledge reaches not possible. Bipolar disorder and schizofrenia can have similar symptoms but in no form or way are they the same or a co-morbid disorder......

Solution to the problem if you show symptoms to both disorders there is a schizofrene type diagnose. It's called Schizoaffective disorder. There are evident treatment protocols for that specific disorder. So I hope whomever diagnosed you or is helping you knows what they are doing. When people say bipolar schizofrenia either their knowledge is outdated or they're making mistakes. Which could also mean you get treated wrong which could only strengthen your symptoms or problems.

Now that I took you seriously I also have to assume you might be trolling in which case LOL. Good attempt but also a fail :-) I just explained to you why :)

with <3 - Maki

Makinso Game profile


Aug 1st 2018, 6:48:10

Lol @ Derrick you sour much

Makinso Game profile


Jul 31st 2018, 12:03:20

Originally posted by aliyah:
Red! I love this idea! LOL. My dogs also approve because in the mind of two, all people except me are evil and should be bitten.

Maki, uh no. Considering I've still not seen this set's FA, I wouldn't trust you dorks as far as I could throw you. Nearly went all chompy face on Pheebs for those GS. :P Cuz I was expecting a war and got nada. Hoped that would start something.

I'll go stomp on a member. You were supposed to get that 2 weeks ago or so.
Truly sorry here I'll go fix that for you. I kinda did not follow up on it trusting it would be handled.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 31st 2018, 11:59:54

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ahh. I knew vamps was in sol more recently than elders. If he's not there this set it doesn't surprise me. He's been hardly active in this game all summer. Wasn't an attempt at spin. He was legitimately there last set.

I also tried to explain fluff to maki that flys way over his head. Mostly about Not being lame af and making the game fun for everyone. He's anti fun tho

Also vamps was not In SOL last set. You actually told me you hid vamps in stones last set so he could be a surprise waller...... LOL

Makinso Game profile


Jul 31st 2018, 11:59:21

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ahh. I knew vamps was in sol more recently than elders. If he's not there this set it doesn't surprise me. He's been hardly active in this game all summer. Wasn't an attempt at spin. He was legitimately there last set.

I also tried to explain fluff to maki that flys way over his head. Mostly about Not being lame af and making the game fun for everyone. He's anti fun tho

Narcism and borderline much?

Makinso Game profile


Jul 31st 2018, 11:57:18

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by Makinso:

If Evo even just had sent a trade pact paying 50M in cash for a start we would've looked at this differently. But all we've seen is deflection and no effort made by evo to pay reps at all.

Pardon my delay as I've been away for 3 weeks.

Last I recall, Maki and I were in discussions on IRC. The last direct message that I have with him is from 6/27 asking him what he wanted to do about the FA. I had no response. His inability to stay online or idle in a chat may have contributed to his inability to communicate things well. I've been on IRC 24/7.

It looks like it didn't matter though since he was already planning to blindside evo.

Dear rasp, how hard is it to send 1 forum message to a person? And thanks for actually confirming we reached out, not our fault you never responded (forum msg would have worked). If you were actually so concerned about fixing the reps you owed, you would've used every means neccesary to find SOL.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 29th 2018, 23:48:40

Originally posted by Gerdler:

Now if those reps had been accompained by something other than threats of more suicides unless we don't police etc it would be epic. Also the namecalling does not improve your credibility or garner you any respect from an almost all adult AT crowd I should think. :)

I tried explaining that to Derrick...... A lot of times..... He just doesn't get it.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 29th 2018, 23:47:50

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Requiem:
What about Vamps? Maybe you didn’t direct them but you know who many of them are. You could prove your position by exposing them.

Its just frustrating to deal with this crap and other netting alliances do not.

As far as I know, Vamps has been a member of SOL for some time now including this set. We actually were discussing not too long ago how it's kind of boring that Vic retired and gains was promoted. There's hardly people there worth hating but you're doing a good job making a case for your griefers rn. Way to call out an ally. Two thumbs up on that. I did however forget oma was included in that block war, but that makes more sense. I know there was a handful of tags we didn't hit but maki was pulling the strings on that one and we openly refused to hit a couple of tags involved (albeit not OMA or red). So kudos. You've managed to name something that happened over a year ago (while at that time saying I was fighting ghosts lol).

If my paying reps legitimately serves no purpose and you're just going to blame every suicider on me anyways, explain to me what the point is? Why don't I just suicide laf right now? Am I just a good guy or what?

I'm trying to make things better between us and azn has done the same. Ultimately if there's no point in doing it, I'll just stop.

Really vamps is in SOL?

LOL I very much doubt that to be true dear Derrick. But try to SPIN this more. Doofus.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 29th 2018, 23:43:46


Makinso Game profile


Jul 26th 2018, 9:11:19

Makinso Game profile


Jul 23rd 2018, 20:18:41

Did we never dec on you imag???

If so I am truly sorry. We should have.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 23rd 2018, 18:11:02

You remain an entertaining troll Derrick

Makinso Game profile


Jul 23rd 2018, 17:29:18

Hey Marshal,

If this was so important to you? Why not reach out?

Not to say you guys never started paying off the first reps? Which were actually discussed?

Edited By: Makinso on Jul 23rd 2018, 17:31:34
See Original Post

Makinso Game profile


Jul 23rd 2018, 11:49:04

Dear Yank,

When we hit someone, we go talk to them and make our offer for reps.
When you do someone wrong, Marshal talks in circles? He needs to pass it to higher ups, or Evo is going to war so no reps for SOL this set. Or makes some witty ass remark about how high the reps need to be.

If Evo even just had sent a trade pact paying 50M in cash for a start we would've looked at this differently. But all we've seen is deflection and no effort made by evo to pay reps at all.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 22nd 2018, 22:56:08

Feels monty python like, but i'm unsure and couldn't name which title by heart though.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 22nd 2018, 22:50:16

Well you know the irony about posting about reps etc in a dec only to have to pay some more yourself during your FS ;-P

At least we pay our reparation costs!

Makinso Game profile


Jul 22nd 2018, 22:42:34

Oh my,

I am going to have to slap some SOLers around

Makinso Game profile


Jul 22nd 2018, 22:35:13

Over the past years we've been nice to each other.
We tried to hold hands and sing kumbaya....

We've been more then fair with evo. Whenever we made mistakes or had suiciders in our tag hitting you we would pay. (22k acres, 350M in cash etc etc). This and last set there were slip-ups in your tag. You haven't compensated SOL for either despite us asking you to do so. You didn't even make an effort to settle things with us.

So if you don't pay, we will gladly play and take what is ours + interest.

SOL Declares war on Evo.
We wish this could've been different.

-The Sons of Liberty.

Edited By: Makinso on Jul 22nd 2018, 22:39:04
See Original Post

Makinso Game profile


Jul 21st 2018, 10:25:21

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by Makinso:

Yes thin market supplies have been a thing.

Thanks Makinso - wait a sec..... you are still around after all these years? I remember you from when I was a Head/VP at LCN. More correctly when we were getting our butts handed to us by SoL/IX once upon a time (it was still Swirve!)

Oh I remember ;)

How you doing bud? And yeah I'm stilll around. Have been gone for a year twice I think since that period. But always get suckered back into leading SOL for a period haha.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 19th 2018, 7:32:39


Yes thin market supplies have been a thing.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 18th 2018, 9:28:17

LOL @ Zen.........

I laughed and at the same time was wondering how apropriate or not that was.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 17th 2018, 8:22:03

[quote poster=Makinso; 45490; 864057]
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Barack Hussein Oba:
mods, i find this very offensive. especially in today's political climate. it should be bannable.

I am waiting on some good offers to offer up who you are ;)


Ill pay 2.5 buck(shots) to the face!

Makinso Game profile


Jul 17th 2018, 8:21:38

Originally posted by galleri:
For the best offer and fee paid I will tell you it is :P


Ill up the offer 3 buck (shots) to the face

Makinso Game profile


Jul 17th 2018, 8:19:05

Edited By: Makinso on Jul 17th 2018, 8:22:14. Reason: Had to top it

Makinso Game profile


Jul 16th 2018, 13:36:12

wow he called you dumb Zen feel the insult?

Makinso Game profile


Jul 15th 2018, 0:16:48 hobo! Get yer butt back in

Makinso Game profile


Jul 12th 2018, 22:53:46



Jul 12th 2018, 15:45:47

They can't even touch me

@ Buch I accepted that challenge. I must say that went pretty easy lol

Makinso Game profile


Jul 11th 2018, 13:39:38

Not to mention Derrick I've seen worse wars. Especially when it involved ICN LOL

Makinso Game profile


Jul 11th 2018, 7:15:47

Thanks Joe.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 11th 2018, 6:28:19

Dear Derrick

Its funny How you twist Words into your own or my words. You get weirder by the way. At least I dont lie to make myself look good and others bad. Some people would call that narcism.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 11th 2018, 6:24:17

Lol this post is horrible,

Its a summer set what do you expect.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 9th 2018, 17:55:41

So you guys are so ungrateful I expected more thanks for the boobies SOL, instead of this pissing and moaning contest! Sheesh!

Makinso Game profile


Jul 9th 2018, 8:55:39

Pfftt Derrick is a multie

Makinso Game profile


Jul 9th 2018, 0:41:33

:-P I must not pay attention then lol MB