
Makinso Game profile


May 27th 2018, 23:20:57

Also Buch,


Makinso Game profile


May 27th 2018, 23:19:41

Lol it was supposed to be arranged. Untill Elders / Stones blindsided us :-P

Makinso Game profile


May 26th 2018, 14:55:38

Originally posted by drkprinc:
what a noob, keep your troops at 2m or less then buy up when you get hit why would you waste stock like that buying troops for someone to SR?

calling someone noob and then talking about SRing troops............... hahaha j/k mate but that looks weird ;)

Makinso Game profile


May 25th 2018, 17:34:59

Atleast they are open about it buchy boy

Makinso Game profile


May 18th 2018, 21:54:58

Hey buch enjoying purgatory yet?
you died :-P

Makinso Game profile


May 18th 2018, 6:28:08

Bitter much vamps? Lol

Makinso Game profile


May 18th 2018, 3:04:31

Btw Derrick once again lying through your teeth huh :) good thing I kept all those logs

Makinso Game profile


May 18th 2018, 3:01:59

We dont have Numbers lol Réunion sets never do

Makinso Game profile


May 18th 2018, 2:49:29

Hey elders good luck upcoming few sets :) I Warner Derrick :)

Makinso Game profile


May 18th 2018, 2:47:37

So from arranged war to blindsiding us

Makinso Game profile


May 17th 2018, 13:40:48

Honestly if PDM blew stocks, crunched turns and boosted SPALs, they could probably beat you to snot :P

Makinso Game profile


May 17th 2018, 7:27:02

What makes you think we do?

Makinso Game profile


May 17th 2018, 7:23:19

That is honestly true

I just talked to lcn :)

Makinso Game profile


May 17th 2018, 6:07:08


Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 19:10:58


Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 16:18:16

because................. I dunno it seems the way to go?

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 15:36:04

Ghall is a possibility...

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 12:16:32

Dear Slick,

you realize you no longer have to wait 18 hours for login bonuses? They are automatically given to you now based on time? Even if you stay logged in 24/7 you receive bonus turns...

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 11:33:29

Oh my that's a LOOOONGGG Time ago :P

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 11:16:51

WOW slick!

Long time no see brother. You playing?

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 11:14:19

Cheers :)

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 11:11:31

Anyone playing in LCN wanna contact me?

Forum PM
im on EE IRC or SOL IRC aswell #SOL

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 10:49:20

Oh and I forgot,

Are my netters safe in the TKO tag? :P

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 9:41:55

Im sorry I haven't been paying attention as i'm peacefully netting.

The gary the pug string gotr killed? Im assuming that was MacD? Since I see no other reason you would opt in to kill TKO :-P What did I miss?

Makinso Game profile


May 16th 2018, 9:18:17

No way in years would I think I would agree with Derrick.....

But I learned of this just a few hours ago. I and for that matter SOL sees absolutely no reason for this.
LCN you can contact me if this needs solving. You guys are deserve to be netting no reason for this silly goose chase.

I'll see what I can do to get that done. Forum PM or find me on #sol. Ill hang there. I'll figure out if we can set something up to prevent something silly.
Imag if you wish to were there are other ways to do it! You can likewise contact me.

Makinso Game profile


May 10th 2018, 23:17:55

Awesome pang :)

Sounds good let's hope this results in some extra players :)

Makinso Game profile


May 9th 2018, 10:43:17

Used to have his contacts but lost it all.
No idea how to reach him now. Maybe there's laffers who know?

Makinso Game profile


May 3rd 2018, 13:31:47

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by MadNudist:

Actions were taken and misunderstandings occur, this is a classic example. IMP felt provoked by LoC, so they FSed, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Situations arose that caused tensions between the clans, but were never addressed beyond a single conversation between Prime and I. But if you want some truth, here it is, yall jumped to conclusions and now look bad. I have asked Prime several times to engage in a true arranged friendly war with no drama, but he said nobody was interested. So LoC started netting, and we continued to do so this set with clear intentions. You want to talk about clear intentions but yet IMP played in deceit this set, and I'm not accusing knowing that I haven't played in deceit. This is not the pot calling the kettle black, I've done wrong and I have owned those wrongdoings. But to act like you are in the right here and have been clear about your intentions, far from the facts.

I'm just correcting your members and Makinso that think it should have been a fair and fun war. Some things weren't misunderstandings. If we look bad to LoC members, well, *shrugs*. It's unfortunate considering we all have friends in LoC. LoC looks bad to us right now, though, too. And I recently heard Zach getting hit once or twice was enough reason to suicide random netters in IMP, so considering one of your leaders ran solo tagged just to hit me last set, I feel pretty justified here :P For what it's worth, we did damn good living in harmony for the last year. Probably the longest peaceful period in FFA history, but eventually tensions reach a boiling point.

Sorry not in LoC nobody "leads" me there or you would actually have some bad ass cuontries up against you right now lol.
I'm just saying I always see IMP being self justifying every iffy action they make on these boards.
I just want to share my neutral observation on IMP. I returned to FFA 3 - 4 sets ago and this is the pattern I tend to see:

Let's not forget I have nothing to win or lose in this war, I just recognize the behavorial pattern IMP has as a tag.
You are almost like 1as Elders. Impulsive, you guys look (don't say you are) easily offended by the simplest things. Chest pounding easy wins which always seem to be filled with deceit (keeping 5- 10 untagged strings, refusing FA talks to solve things etc. etc.). When things like this happen in vice versa situations you are so offended that you start threats or threaten to run individual players or tags off the server.

While doing this you usually seem to ride the holy grail as crusaders, claiming holiness and everything for the good of the server yet most things just seem to fit your own agenda. Same seems to go for reps and retal policies those always seem to be bended in your favor if possible. If not possible, anything from direct and indirect mild to extreme threats seems the way to go. I'm not a fan of what CC did under different leadership then mine (which was long ago) hence I left the tag immediately after I learned. However in your case it's pot calling kettle black a lot of times.

Wether this is the IMP way or not.... (personal opinion: it always has been really, even in the days that guys were rampantly cheating and botting in FFA, together with the Takers/NBK crew) I don't care really.

But if it is the IMP way just man up and say it out loud. If you don't it just makes you look like a tag with a borderline personality disorder.

Once again I'm not out to offend anyone but that is how I personally see and have experienced IMP in the last year. What you do with observations of a third party is of course completely up to IMP and it's members.

Makinso Game profile


May 2nd 2018, 7:32:37

Wish someone would actually get some balls on this server and arrange a fun late war to actually compete in war instead of this ludicrous steam rolling.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 18th 2018, 11:51:14

Elders are so old ...... their ***** will fall off soon.....

Makinso Game profile


Apr 17th 2018, 22:15:26

that's a challenge.

Ill put IA to the test.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 17th 2018, 10:52:29

He has played with us before,

He shall submitt again!

Makinso Game profile


Apr 16th 2018, 17:22:45

I do not wish to discriminate but can’t Martians read??

I see no application as of yet!

Makinso Game profile


Apr 15th 2018, 22:04:42

Hush Martian,

That apply button right there should be the only one thing you need to remember clicking at this moment.
Further instructions will follow

Makinso Game profile


Apr 15th 2018, 8:34:41

Dear EE men and women

January 1998, a lone ranger called NorCal joins forces with m1ke after taking over leadership from Iron Gauntlet of an unnamed alliance. This was the birth of legends, the birth of the Sons of Liberty.
Ever since that date SOL has been warring phenomenon that has known it’s all time heights and depths.
We’ve killed literally everything and anyone. We’ve killed to protect our tag and policy, killed for sports and fun or to fight off cheating on a massive scale (Vingthor bot with 2000 countries for example).

When it comes to war we’ve done it all, we’ve been on the receiving end of many gangbangs, have dished out our part of gangbangs. We’ve had many first strikes against our enemies, received just as many. We’ve done coalitions, broken up coalitions, we’ve done dirty politics, we’ve done honest politics, we’ve won, we’ve lost but have never ever given up or quit.
But THE most important aspect: the Sons of Liberty have always been a group of friends and family.

The upcoming set the Sons of Liberty celebrate and reflect back upon 20th anniversary! Anyone who wishes to join us for that occasion is welcome to do so.

So if you were ever a SOLdier or always intended to become one apply now or leave us a msg to reactive your account.

Http:// -- see you there!

Makinso Game profile


Apr 15th 2018, 8:26:41

Happy to hear about this he can keep the fight going :-)

Makinso Game profile


Apr 12th 2018, 13:36:32

uhhmmm GHQ for the win

Makinso Game profile


Apr 12th 2018, 10:12:14

It was fun, thanks to Elders and friends for having a fun set.

What caught up with us at the end was the fact that SOL was mostly understocked. We had nearly no techers as we planned on production strats. When QZ added bots halfway into the set and we converted to start grabbing....... we got smacked up the head LOL. Income tech stayed above 4K all set and it costed way to much to get it up to par. Converting back would have been even worse.
So week into the war we had no stocks to speedbreak left making Elders guys coming on with tons of stock hard to impossibvle to kill.

Bad luck for us *Shakes fist at QZ* you friggging mehulled is dude (how's that for an insult of an admin! haha)

Makinso Game profile


Apr 11th 2018, 10:54:13

I think he does lol

I was kind of surprised to see that jump.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 11th 2018, 10:52:37


It could either be a bipolar disorder or a borderline personality disorder. He just loves to hate you. Or Hates to love you.... unsure here.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 5th 2018, 12:43:31

The formula was once created because anything under 10 members was usually considered a spamtag.

When that formula the smallest tags had at least 25 - 30 members if tags dropped under 20 they merged with others or into the top 10 tags. So yes the formula is kind of outdated. On the other hand I can also understand changing it with always scale into someones favor.

Tricky way to get a solution for it.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 5th 2018, 9:52:27

Same here,

If there's an address

Makinso Game profile


Apr 5th 2018, 8:03:51

Organize something agree to something like a late week 6 war!

Makinso Game profile


Apr 5th 2018, 8:03:24

In light of this.....
War? IMP vs LoC ? Maybe something arranged and friendly?

Makinso Game profile


Apr 4th 2018, 20:24:26

like said botched my whole finish :-P I could've atleast done 1B.

Back to techer next set :P

Makinso Game profile


Apr 4th 2018, 19:49:06

I screwed my jump hawk lol,

I accidently botched a ton of bushels in conversion, thought I put em on the market, then managed to sell as theo with MBs.

LOL I was quite angry nearly costed me a mouse haha. Better luck next set.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 4th 2018, 10:39:10

want a free player? Ill net ill war.

Just kind of tired of random people trying to ruin finishes for whatever reason they intend whenever we run a 2 - 3 man tag.

Makinso Game profile


Apr 3rd 2018, 8:02:42


Makinso Game profile


Apr 1st 2018, 20:17:12

Those are .....

Well yeah the 5 digit guys are obsessive.....

Makinso Game profile


Apr 1st 2018, 19:00:38

Yeah you don't count without a 4 digit post count.