
Man Bun

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2024, 17:42:09

Send them my way! I'll make sure he gets them.

Man Bun

EE Patron

Feb 16th 2021, 20:49:44

I know why and it isn’t because of cheating.

Man Bun

EE Patron

Feb 14th 2021, 19:47:38

SuperFly that is kind words from you! That is also funny because you are my childhood hero. WOOOOOOOOOO

(if you would like to inquire about membership, drop into your DMs, Real Men know Real Men when we see them)

Man Bun

EE Patron

Feb 14th 2021, 19:15:37

I have a Hershey's Kiss for you.

gl hf :)

Edited By: Man Bun on Feb 14th 2021, 19:26:14

Man Bun

EE Patron

Feb 13th 2021, 14:06:21


Man Bun

EE Patron

Jan 30th 2021, 14:20:42

The war room buttons are not disabled yet. As SuperFly (my hero) said:

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I am always a jerk.

Let me get ready to AB some useless netters lol

Man Bun

EE Patron

Jan 30th 2021, 4:02:50

When privileges are abused:

More to follow!

Man Bun

EE Patron

Jan 30th 2021, 2:56:31

Real Men are a peaceful collation of man bros. If you tread on us you get tread upon. For weeks, and hundreds of turns, you have been assaulting us. We offered a pact; was denied. We offered peace; you denied. Now we offer the iron!

We will not wait for you to trespass us again; we are an army of many men. You are an army of little girls.

Anyone wishing to join in on our mission of vengeance please let CNB know; we offer unlimited beef jerky.

This is but just a small sample of the vicious cowards who wish us harm even when we offer peace:

The time is now, time to take back the game!

Man Bun

EE Patron

Jan 29th 2021, 13:01:56

I say hurry up and attack so that the contingency plan can kick in. Assemble team!

Insurance plans come in the form of unknown numbers, some say imaginary numbers - no limit soldiers. Time to change the paradigm of the game. No more being soft.

Man Bun

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2020, 19:14:57

The bomb even delivers on Sunday(s) *wink wink* the mail man ain't got nuffn’ on that. fluff off Amazon prime.

I will personally see that the Real_Men are fed well. I bought 3k kilo pounds of beef jerky.

Don't interrupt my yoga sessions and Evo survives the set. Netting in peace.

- 💣 #1 netting alliance

Edited By: Man Bun on Oct 23rd 2020, 19:18:23

Man Bun

EE Patron

Aug 24th 2020, 20:15:45

I’ll bring the carbonated alcoholic beverages with a splash of fruit flavor (but you won’t taste any fruit, fluffing liar marketing bull fluff now I have a whole pallet of beverages I can’t drink)!

Man Bun

EE Patron

Aug 16th 2020, 3:34:13

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pancetta capicola biltong pork meatloaf pork loin tri-tip. Strip steak flank pork, ball tip shankle pig pork chop swine chicken salami fatback pork belly venison. Short ribs ball tip tri-tip shank, jowl short loin pork chop. Frankfurter ham ham hock tenderloin, cupim alcatra ribeye drumstick fatback landjaeger. Meatball shankle boudin, tail t-bone shoulder sirloin.

Meatloaf brisket beef salami short loin, kevin ham hock ham burgdoggen shoulder filet mignon pancetta. Bresaola pork loin kevin rump flank beef ribs cow venison alcatra beef brisket. Beef meatball corned beef cow, biltong beef ribs pork pork belly pig jerky strip steak boudin tri-tip kielbasa turducken. Beef fatback flank pork chop shankle andouille prosciutto t-bone burgdoggen brisket beef ribs tongue.

Man Bun

EE Patron

Aug 15th 2020, 19:03:22

How else would a Real Man be a 0 Research Lab 60k point per turn teacher?

-- This post was Real_Man approved

Man Bun

EE Patron

Aug 14th 2020, 23:41:57

Greetings man with manly facial hair and man who is real (fro' real dawg), I come to you in great admiration for your achievements. A Real Man needs everything to be big-- and you didn't disappoint with the size of your fluffentry (country) last set.

I too have obtained great success in a short, but girthy, amount of time. If you allow me to ride you (ride with you) we will win this game.

In case you are still thinking about it, I don't know why you would, I will also bring a shrubbery.

So what say you, ride the sidewalls with me your girthy accomplice or throw hotdogs down a hallway with these other pathetic sacks.

Edited By: Man Bun on Aug 14th 2020, 23:44:06