


Jul 13th 2024, 4:37:33

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Drow:
so long as it's rare/medium rare, who cares?
Tertius, I might have to counter pre emptive FS you for the well done steak, that is a crime against humanity, and huge manatees!

Drow - you need to come to me or Devo for these discussions. How could you ever believe these AT lies about me? I'm a med rare man through and through.

Don't trust him, Devo.

Tertius eats his steak with a spork.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Jul 2nd 2024, 21:32:38

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Good enough, thanks. If no one else posts then PDM will be the undisputed greatest alliance of all time.

Originally posted by Marc:

Round 88 - GARGLE

I was literally the first post doing exactly as you asked, no questions, and yet no love?

This is number one bullfluff.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Jun 27th 2024, 1:47:12


Round 88 - GARGLE
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



May 23rd 2024, 4:37:49

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Marc:
Question: if two posters get banned for fluff banter and fluff talking, does fluff talking one or both of those banned members after they've been banned also risk a ban?

Asking for Josey Wales.

Hmmmm…. I think it depends upon the critique.

For example, commenting on how the dook has engaged in egregious, unforgivable spy ops is germaine to the game. Nobody is suggesting that he beats his dog. But speculation and proven fact within the framework of the game seems to be legitimate for critical commentary. I don’t even know that the dook is banned, and to be honest, I would be the first one to defend his freedom of game speech even though it has been a typical example of underdeveloped prefrontal cortex with an apparent lack of emotional control. But who am I to say? I’m just hoping that the harmful spy ops will stop so that we can Net in peace.

You must be a vegan with this amount of word salad.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



May 23rd 2024, 0:12:16

Originally posted by Devo:
I patiently wait to hear the next evil thing we've done that we didn't do. Please don't disappoint me

I heard that Evo have gotten rid of gendered bathrooms at their HQ.

You lot deserve to be AB'd for such wokeness.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



May 23rd 2024, 0:09:31

Question: if two posters get banned for fluff banter and fluff talking, does fluff talking one or both of those banned members after they've been banned also risk a ban?

Asking for Josey Wales.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



May 22nd 2024, 7:17:18

Originally posted by Coalie:
Heloooooooo Cath? Where art thou

Probably consulting the voices in his head to confirm if SF is actually in Evo or not.

Or cutely folding toilet paper for Josey's next good idea.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



May 22nd 2024, 5:08:59

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Confirmed. Superfly has been conducting harmful spy ops. Not goo for him. Decidedly not good.

I have it on good authority that SF is hiding in Evo.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



May 22nd 2024, 2:11:06

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
All they have is an allegation, no evidence whatsoever, could be me and they're sending to jail the wrong person 😂

It's actually me and I'm hiding in Josey's tag.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Apr 29th 2024, 23:39:43

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Thank you Marc for letting us know the truth is not of importance to you. I actually appreciate that because I was just describing this exact dishonorable behavior in general of the men here to OP over on team, thank you for giving him a real world example so he knows I am giving him an accurate version of events. I am well aware you are not men who should be respected as men but I feel like others should be aware of that and that being the main reason as to why this little community full of angry narcissistic sadists is slowly dying and whining about it in such a humorous fashion.

The universe will give you back that energy you put out and that’s easy to see happening here with this crowd it’s no wonder any one of decent moral character would come and then go, Ive never seen a crowd of people who proudly and openly defend lying.

I am replying to let you know that I didn't bother reading any of that.

That's all.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Apr 29th 2024, 8:26:41

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Looks like things escalated pretty quickly

Check the last few sets threads in the forums if you are really interested. As usual these guys are being dishonest, there was quiet a bit to the story.

If you go back a few months ago i was always attacked by superfly for being a “netter” who never warred (check my player history and scores)

Only after a lot of lies and silliness did I become a war monger. Which I am now and make zero apologies for. You are welcome to come war with us. I would advise staying away from the merc/darkness crew and joining monsters. Those guys are actually pretty decent guys. The merc crew lies and has endless drama. That’s why I mess with SF is he’s a piece of work (look at his player profile and how many deaths he has from trolling on every server and his scores)

Our profiles and who lied to you in this thread and who isn’t is pretty indicative of how things always are and reflect our true character.

Lol, why you giving out homework like your drama is important enough that others should care?

Just die quietly.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Apr 24th 2024, 21:45:18

Originally posted by Josey Wales:

Poor Clem is down 29 Constructuon Sites.

You want to join us Clem?

I wasn't talking to you, comwood. If I want a whiny fluff yapping in my ear, I'll call Cathakins' mom.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 19th 2024, 23:14:44

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Marc:
Sorry, how does Evo fit into all this?

Cathy played in Evo for a short while. LaF executed the Evo crew in the last couple weeks of a set last year because they were warring Mercs and couldn't net. He held that grudge (justified) and last set discovered a former LaF player had joined Evo and trashed him. He has since been banned and stripped of titles in Evolution. He wants back in but that door is locked. The other reason being Evo is a netting clan and this new suicide squad wants easy targets.

Oh, that makes a lot of sense then.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 19th 2024, 21:48:20

Sorry, how does Evo fit into all this?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 18th 2024, 21:09:52

Originally posted by BEM684:
I like how you raced to AT to post this. You must have a miniscule member.

<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 14th 2024, 4:28:47

So.. is this drama done now? Like, is the tl;dr:

* BlackHole outs himself and Milk for running multis
* BH posts screens suggesting that Doug from PDM running shady deals in PM
* Mods purple cheaters
* PDM replaces Leto with Drow as President
* Some PDM members leave

What else is left?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 14th 2024, 3:27:43

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Eek, I dunno. I get real freaking itchy from grass. I'd go with astroturf!

That is pathetic.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 14th 2024, 3:26:57

Originally posted by HH:
I will only speak to Lady Guinevere

I used to have cybersex with her when I was like 13 and she was like what 25? lol

I would like to know more
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 13th 2024, 0:15:55

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Any other questions?

What's your favourite type of grass to walk on barefoot?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 12th 2024, 1:25:11

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I think I'm gonna start flirting with Superfly next, though.

Go anywhere near my SuperFly and I will fluffing cut you with rusty scissors.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 4th 2024, 3:06:36

Originally posted by Devo:
That's interesting. Perhaps the dead country could request being respawned and the clan leader could accept?

I like this.

Restart Bonus may only be applied to a country that was in a tag of at least X number of countries, and may only be granted once a restarted country has:

a) Re-tag to the alliance they were a member of when they died; and
b) The tag leader has approved the granting of the restart bonus once the restart has re-tagged

Means that countries that were tagged can't then use their restart bonus to then go off and take revenge actions untagged. They can still go and grief if they want but they'll have to build up without the restart bonus. Sort of like an incentive for countries to both restart and re-tag, and a drawback to not re-tagging.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Mar 3rd 2024, 22:56:15

I honestly really liked My Kitchen Rules.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Feb 20th 2024, 4:01:00

I am the Marcs leader and I gave the go ahead for Cath to tickle Evo and Monsters because he let me date his mom. It was a wonderful date at a candlelit Italian restaurant that did gluten free pasta. She ordered the linguini vongole and paired it a lovely falanghina, as she insisted that the freshness of the wine really brought out the depths of flavor in the clams. I wasn't thinking about those clams, however. Anyway, we finished with some limoncello before I walked her through a nearby park. We talked a lot; about life, love and our children. She was very proud of her children, she beamed as she spoke of them. I told her I had not seen mine in a very long time. Some very deep hurts kept us apart. She was easy to open up to and I appreciated her advice to reach out. In the starlight, I could have kissed her but I'm a gentleman so instead I told her that her eyes were like two never ending streams twinkling the reflections of the starry skies above. I gazed long into her eyes and her into mine. We didn't speak, it felt like an eternity. And then I walked her back to her car and watched her drive off into the night, until the red glow of her brake lights were no longer visible.

Then I walked back to my car, fired up Pornhub and jerked off into a tissue in the drivers seat.

Anyway, fantastic performance Andrew Mose, and really.. All of the top 10. You are all an inspiration to the rest of us to keep reaching for those stars. Whether that star be a Top 10 finish, or being tricked like a dummy into attacking the wrong people.. Shine bright, people. <3

Love Marcs
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Jan 29th 2024, 22:04:10

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Drow:
shame that two of your countries, after jumping into your tag, decided to skip out and leave you holding the bag eh?

Where did they go?

Hiding in Evo, I bet
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Jan 28th 2024, 21:57:11

What's a comjam though?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Jan 22nd 2024, 23:15:41

Originally posted by BEM684:
My favorite orchestra is trans AND siberian.

Mine is mortal and unknown.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Jan 22nd 2024, 6:31:05

Originally posted by Cathankins:
If I’m a blood from north side and go hang out on the south side I don’t get to just pretend all the times I banged on their homies didn’t happen that old beef is there til it’s over my boys

You're not a gang banger from any side though. You're a nerd playing an online text game.

With the rest of us.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Nov 5th 2023, 19:44:18

I love LaF.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 23rd 2023, 19:55:49

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You can also grow a pair of balls and farm the bot farmers.

The claaaaaaassic SuperFly comment.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I got the bloody thing pinging my Apple Watch which is why I laugh when some loser gets all mad if I wall them within 10 seconds. They accuse me of having no life and sitting at my computer when I am actually on top of their mom / wife / girlfriend / etc… living my best life and I just run a few turns cuz my watch said so lol

My mum actually says she finds it quite rude that you get your phone out to play a few turns mid-deed. Even if you are a paying customer.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 6th 2023, 3:44:57

Originally posted by Primeval:
Moved to GT for obvious reasons. A few posts edited and some deleted earlier due to language. Time-out issued because it continued.

Of course it continued, I never received a warning for the use of language. I know it's in the rules but there's a swear filter on, and most people here are old enough to be parents/grandparents.

Still, I'm not arguing against my ban. I'm just explaining why.

All the best, KoH.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 23:09:54

Originally posted by Auk:
Originally posted by Marc:
Which is why he's not in jail.. So..

It's like you asked a question, I gave you the answer, and you're giving me the same answer back.

It's to do with him paying his bond, 10% of it. If he didn't have that kind of money to spend, he would be sitting in jail, just like those who can not afford to pay for such bails.

It'd be nice to see reforms so that people don't have to go to jail to await trials and such. Especially for something that isn't dangerous to others.


I would have thought the answer to KoH's question about why Trump/Biden wasn't in jail was literally basic common knowledge.

I don't know why it needed to be asked but it was..
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 22:28:18

Originally posted by BlackHole:

And still, fluff you.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 22:28:05

Originally posted by Doug:
It’s refreshing that Matt Gaetz is finally fuxking a boy over 18 now. Even if it is Kevin McCarthy.

Ps.. if you don’t get that joke you never will.

Doug, does the joke get funnier after your eighth attempt at telling it?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 22:26:57

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I mean...the dude has been under investigation since 2016 and they still can't throw him in jail, meanwhile other politicians that have committed crimes are walking freely..... I like Trump because his policies worked and he didn't take fluff from anyone, I do not like his loud mouth, shut the fluff up and run the country but in your view I must be a "Maga Muppet", all I want is someone who can actually fix this fluff show, there's not one single 2024 candidate I trust, including Trump, I don't trust any career politicians anymore and most Americans are in same boat, Trump votes are fluff you Republicans and Democrats vote, people are fed up, that's he's getting support again.

Your vote for Trump is because you're fed up with both Republicans and Democrats?

Ironic that you complain about eroding democracy but still back the guy responsible for inciting the Jan 6 Capitol attack.

Ironic that you complain about libtards being MSM brainwashed sheeple but still can't admit to having lacked any critical analysis of Trumps own claim to have had his fraud cast thrown out.

Ironic that you have little faith in the Department of Justice being able to fairly investigate and prosecute Trump, but you still want them to go hard on Hunter Biden.

If I've mistaken you for a MAGA muppet, it's probably because you seem to fit the shoes so well. The MAGA tent is as wide as an ocean, with the intelligence depth of a puddle. No doubt you fit in quite well.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 21:20:44

Also, fluff you again Blackhole.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 20:45:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Marc:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
LOL he's no god but he did open the eyes of many Americans who believe everything the media says, and the difference between the two parties and their allies in the media, if he is guilty why isn't he jail?

Because he's not guilty until it's ruled properly in court?

And white collar, rich people crimes don't usually send people to jail?

The fluff happened with the rest of this thread.

Last time I checked we still live in a democratic society and you're innocent til proven

Which is why he's not in jail.. So..

It's like you asked a question, I gave you the answer, and you're giving me the same answer back.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 20:28:24

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
LOL he's no god but he did open the eyes of many Americans who believe everything the media says, and the difference between the two parties and their allies in the media, if he is guilty why isn't he jail?

Because he's not guilty until it's ruled properly in court?

And white collar, rich people crimes don't usually send people to jail?

The fluff happened with the rest of this thread.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 4:29:44

The libtards, at least, seem somewhat capable of both recognising the fluffty corruption on their side and making a gross joke about it:

Trump supporters very much seem a "SEE HIM AS A GOD OR BE OUR ENEMY" sort of lot.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 4:23:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Softball answer to softball investigation, you can't see it because you are not capable of critical thinking.

Again, you parroted the claim that Trump made which suggested the court had thrown out his court case. Well, Trump said 80% of the court case had been thrown out.

Which is factually incorrect, as publicly stated by the judge and reported on by Forbes, the same source you linked to with your original claim.

Which says more about you than it does about me when it comes to critical thinking ability. But we're not here to measure our intellectual e-penises, are we?

You said:

1. His "fraud" case..... thrown out by the court
2. I also find it interesting that now that Biden is the president nobody is questioning anything / I'll ask same question about the Biden family and why aren't they being investigated by the justice department?
3. it's very easy if you're not lazy to fact check all the vomit they feed the sheeple every day.

The facts are the Trump is still in court and his fraud charges haven't been thrown out, Hunter Biden is still under investigation.

You seem very passionate, however. Which is great. But I don't know if you're out of the glass house yet to be throwing around accusations of poor critical thinking.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 4:15:57

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

If he's guilty by all means lock him up, my point is that if you're not a globalist swamp politician (both parties) you don't get laid back nothing to see here it's not important's disgusting and it took the arrival of the big bad orange man to expose how US politicians are as crooked as 3rd world politicians.

The point I was more getting at was that, in your OP, you made a simple claim that parroted Trumps mistaken claims that the court had thrown his fraud case out.

It's a bit hard to trust you when you take the Orange Man's word as gospel over something so easily debunked.

But more specifically to the new points you're making above:

1. Even if Trump is guilty, you and others are already convinced he has no chance of a fair trial. So your "if he's guilty, lock him up" sentiment is hollow when you already have an out for if he is found guilty.

2. No offence, but you'd have to be decently naive if you've only just discovered US corruption since Trump was president. The US doesn't even make the top 10 least corrupt countries in the world list.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 3:20:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
His "fraud" case..... thrown out by the court


[[“Statutes of limitations bar claims, not evidence,” Engoron said Tuesday when debunking Trump’s claim, as quoted by the AP. “I want to emphasize: This trial is not an opportunity to relitigate what I have already decided,” he added, referring to his earlier order that allowed pre-2014 evidence.]]
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 3:16:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Marc:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Marc:

1. What are the chances that the case against Trump isn't actually a politically motivated witch hunt?
2. Are you convinced that Trump is innocent?

I'll let the courts decide that, so far they are making Trump look like the victim, I'll ask same question about the Biden family and why aren't they being investigated by the justice department? How much more evidence of corruption do you need to launch a full blown Trump style investigation? It only took a fake dossier to launch Trump's Russia Russia Russia fluff show....

Hunter Biden is under investigation still, is he not? By Trump-nominated US Attorney David Weiss?

You call that an investigation? LOL stop it

So factually: Yes, Hunter Biden *is* still under investigation.

But your personal opinion is that you are dissatisfied with it?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 3:08:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Marc:

1. What are the chances that the case against Trump isn't actually a politically motivated witch hunt?
2. Are you convinced that Trump is innocent?

I'll let the courts decide that, so far they are making Trump look like the victim, I'll ask same question about the Biden family and why aren't they being investigated by the justice department? How much more evidence of corruption do you need to launch a full blown Trump style investigation? It only took a fake dossier to launch Trump's Russia Russia Russia fluff show....

Hunter Biden is under investigation still, is he not? By Trump-nominated US Attorney David Weiss?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Oct 5th 2023, 2:34:21

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's amazing this doesn't make any headlines meanwhile the persecution of the former president and all the attempts to lock him up are endless...

His "fraud" case..... thrown out by the court

I also find it interesting that now that Biden is the president nobody is questioning anything, pretty sure this thread will be deleted or moved to general by a libtard.

/end rant

1. What are the chances that the case against Trump isn't actually a politically motivated witch hunt?
2. Are you convinced that Trump is innocent?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Sep 11th 2023, 4:23:02

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
BH you're such a media talking heads regurgitating tool lol

A tool, eh? Nice Ko. Hope your treatments are going well for you.

Is this what you're going to do every time I offend you? Bring up my illness? Low life

Blackhole: please tell me you’re not doing this? I try to find the good in all people as you know. But I want this to be the last time during any back and forth exchange/argument of the game that I see a sleight of hand mention like that. Again, I’ll assume you meant no offense, but please please leave that out. Feel free to attack, belittle, ridicule, analyze, debate, fight, argue, insult, and offend in any other way but the way KoH just described. Please.

Don't tell BH what to do.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Sep 11th 2023, 3:41:23

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Marc:
Isn't the obvious reason for low player numbers is that people just aren't interested in playing a text based game where you can use spreadsheets to succeed?

fluff sounds like data processing work.

I don't think so, because there are other games similar to this that are doing decently well.

What do you reckon are like the top examples of web-based text games that are thriving? And other games that are similar to EE?

I just checked and they supposedly have about 6,500 users online right now, with around 11,000 in the past hour. A quick look at NationStates claims to have about 9,000 users online currently.

Astro Empires looks like it could be smaller than both of those?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Sep 11th 2023, 0:41:53

Also, the game is sort of ugly. And there's no app.

Really, is the market actually there for a game like EE?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Sep 11th 2023, 0:39:36

Isn't the obvious reason for low player numbers is that people just aren't interested in playing a text based game where you can use spreadsheets to succeed?

fluff sounds like data processing work.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Sep 11th 2023, 0:36:02

The earth *is* flat though, right?
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B



Aug 2nd 2023, 8:57:19

Just for fluffs and giggles, let's just open the flood gates and let whoever wants to run 30 countries do it for a set. Might shake things up.
<Earthnews> BR - Covid Booster 3 (#53) [GARGLE] -> Neal (#483) [iLaF] 6C 7B