
Mr Snow


Aug 7th 2012, 7:39:48

Btw, drow and locket. Athletes are getting better and faster continually, which makes it difficult to compare Thorpe and Phelps due to their different peaking periods. Thorpe was the best at his peak, and Phelps the best at his...likewise, Spitz was the best at his. However, Thorpe did set all his records while wearing the full-body skinsuit, which detracts a little from his record.

Mr Snow


Aug 7th 2012, 7:29:51

pp, as usual your whining makes little to no sense.

I think the nbc coverage sucks (coverage, times, graphics, etc) and I don't think you understand the definition of jingoistic. You might want to look it up. I was cheering for the Russian women (against the US) tonight in gymnastics. Summary: you're a tool who jumps to conclusions and tries to use big words (for you) and fails at both. Likely that's a pattern.

I'm sorry that pointing out a few simple facts upsets you so. It's very relevant re: US and China medals, and brought it to your attention since you started complaining about it. I won't apologize for rooting for the US, and wouldn't ask anybody else to apologize for rooting for their country. I imagine you'd prefer it if nobody cheered for the US since they're not the underdog. Give me a break. Relax a little.

And keep your chin up, buddy. :)

Mr Snow


Aug 6th 2012, 7:07:05

Women's marathon was great. Couldn't believe that Russian caught the lead pack and ended up with bronze.

Mr Snow


Aug 6th 2012, 0:50:57

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by locket:
The tape delays are only there so that they can cut whatever footage they want. The Olympics have a ton of amazing stories that you never see I guess. Too bad but I guess it is good you are so high on yourself.

What do mean that the tape delays are only so they can cut out footage? I don't watch in the afternoon since I can't but I assume they show live events then. But starting in NBC's primetime coverage at 7pm Central all the events are tapedelayed because at that time it is the middle of the night in London. So... kind of hard to show live stuff haha.

Also about the other great stories you are correct, there are a lot of events I will never see. I don't have cable so I can only watch NBC coverage. Also don't know how much free time you have on your hands but with a full time job I can't sit in front of a TV and watch the Olympics all day (though that would be pretty sweet :D) So anyway of course with so many events happening simultaneously and with the time difference I will not get to see some of the events.

You don't understand the tape delay. They tape delayed even for the live events from what I have heard. Examples of things they cut out are things like a tribute to terrorist victims in a British bombing and such because it had nothing to do with Americans.
cut out in favour of an interview with Michael Phelps, because he doesn't get enough media exposure during the games


Mr Snow


Aug 6th 2012, 0:49:54

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
China: 1.4 billion people, and state-sponsored athletics.

USA: 300mil(?) people, and no state-sponsored athletics.

China should be destroying the US and the rest of the world (I find it hilarious that PP is so jealous of the US yet he abbreviates 'rest of world' as ROW; even he sees how important and wonderful the US is. :P ) Just pointing that out for the haters.

PS. Love the olympics, and winners from any country as long as it's a good competition. Marathon is awesome.

PPS. Every. Single. pro. Damn those pro Kenyans.
dunno what the hell you're talking about, I'm whining about the US media spinning US medal counts into making it seem like the US is winning (in Beijing), not about *who* is actually winning

ps. stop being so jingoistic and getting offended by anything bad about america

pps. ROW is a commonly used abbreviation (infact type in "row" on wikipedia and go to the disambiguation page)

ppps. go run a marathon fatty, i have.

It is patently obvious to anybody with a brain that the US is actually kicking ass, as usual. Yeah, I'm American. No, I don't care much if you whine about the US...just taking a moment to point out how good the US is doing. You should recognize that, rather than whine and complain about something most people don't even notice or care about. But then again, you're a one-trick pony. It just gets old that you complain so much...try just rooting for your team rather than bringing others down.

Btw, I just got back from a 24-mile run. I thought of going 2.2 more miles and calling it a marathon, but I'm just in training. I have a 50k in a few third one. I've run multiple marathons. Signed up for 1/2 ironman in March. Full ironman to follow. Have you only done one marathon? lol
I've run three, internet toughguy.

But hey, way to divert and talk about something random instead of addressing the point that I was making about you just going on a random "OMFG ITS PP HE MADE EVERYONE THINK RD CHEATS MUST BE ANGRY AT HIM".

And you weren't "pointing out how well the US was doing." You were having your typical "omfg PP" rage attack and said something retarded. I'm looking at your original post here: outside of the postscripts, literally nothing is a good argument.

This proves you are a petty troll, nothing more, nothing less. After my reply, I'm an internet tough guy? That's irony defined.

Here's on topic: OMG THE US CHANGES THE WAY THEY COUNT MEDALS, ITZ THE END OF TEH WORLDZ!!!ONE What a horrible thing. What a pathetic reason to be whiny. Almost nobody cares or even notices it except people like you. Bitter, whiny people who would rather look for something to moan about rather than congratulate. Bringing up RD in a thread about the Olympics is further testament to your one-trick pony status.

Outside of the 'row' comment, everything I said makes perfect sense. As usual, you're too bitter to admit it. The Chinese should be dominating the Olympics and they're not. What's wrong with that?

Try to be a little positive and say something good about the Olympics. I can't wait for the men's marathon. All the running events are amazing. Since you've run a few marathons I'm sure you're excited about the last event of the games. Chin up, buddy.

Mr Snow


Aug 5th 2012, 20:09:55

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
China: 1.4 billion people, and state-sponsored athletics.

USA: 300mil(?) people, and no state-sponsored athletics.

China should be destroying the US and the rest of the world (I find it hilarious that PP is so jealous of the US yet he abbreviates 'rest of world' as ROW; even he sees how important and wonderful the US is. :P ) Just pointing that out for the haters.

PS. Love the olympics, and winners from any country as long as it's a good competition. Marathon is awesome.

PPS. Every. Single. pro. Damn those pro Kenyans.
dunno what the hell you're talking about, I'm whining about the US media spinning US medal counts into making it seem like the US is winning (in Beijing), not about *who* is actually winning

ps. stop being so jingoistic and getting offended by anything bad about america

pps. ROW is a commonly used abbreviation (infact type in "row" on wikipedia and go to the disambiguation page)

ppps. go run a marathon fatty, i have.

It is patently obvious to anybody with a brain that the US is actually kicking ass, as usual. Yeah, I'm American. No, I don't care much if you whine about the US...just taking a moment to point out how good the US is doing. You should recognize that, rather than whine and complain about something most people don't even notice or care about. But then again, you're a one-trick pony. It just gets old that you complain so much...try just rooting for your team rather than bringing others down.

Btw, I just got back from a 24-mile run. I thought of going 2.2 more miles and calling it a marathon, but I'm just in training. I have a 50k in a few third one. I've run multiple marathons. Signed up for 1/2 ironman in March. Full ironman to follow. Have you only done one marathon? lol

Mr Snow


Aug 5th 2012, 7:23:38

China: 1.4 billion people, and state-sponsored athletics.

USA: 300mil(?) people, and no state-sponsored athletics.

China should be destroying the US and the rest of the world (I find it hilarious that PP is so jealous of the US yet he abbreviates 'rest of world' as ROW; even he sees how important and wonderful the US is. :P ) Just pointing that out for the haters.

PS. Love the olympics, and winners from any country as long as it's a good competition. Marathon is awesome.

PPS. Every. Single. pro. Damn those pro Kenyans.

Mr Snow


Jul 20th 2012, 5:57:47

I haven't played 3. FNV is slow going at the start, but the story is kinda cool once you get into it. Played it on ps3. It probably froze the ps3 maybe 3 or 4 times in the total time I played it, which seemed like a loooong time. Other than that, the bugs didn't bother me.

Though, to be honest, I wasn't real impressed with FNV compared to BioShock 1/2, any FF game, etc...

Mr Snow


Jul 15th 2012, 6:32:28

Originally posted by Vic:
So good to see old LaF names!!
I always remembered hanlong as gentle, kind, and damn smart!
Son Goku sounds familiar too!

Go LaF!

That's pretty funny right there. Do a little research, then get back to us.

Mr Snow


Jul 13th 2012, 7:10:33

Originally posted by KeTcHuP:
Originally posted by iScode:
yeah i dont know whose worse, the guys who did it, or me going through with FS when i knew about it.

Definatley you are worse. Anything that happens in a text based online game is WAY worse then getting beaten almost to death. Lets be honest, who cares if they almost die, but if their country dies.... that could be the end of the world.

I was thinking the same thing, but glad you said it.

Mr Snow


Jul 12th 2012, 6:46:04

The fact this ant problem thread went to 50+ posts makes me realize, that unfortunately, I'm in the right place.

Alliance talk.

Mr Snow


Jun 15th 2012, 6:24:15


I have had a Dell Streak 5 for 1.5 yrs now. So basically it's pretty weak in power/capability/etc compared to the new phones out, but the real estate is nice. :)

Mr Snow


Jun 15th 2012, 6:10:19

From a huge boxing fan friend of mine: Pacquiao was robbed in this fight. However, in at least two previous fights, Pacquaio was handed the fight in a similar manner. Should've lost, judges gave it to him.

Never bet on boxing.

Mr Snow


Jun 13th 2012, 6:37:10

Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Pain:
it has nothing to do with alliance, its not relevant.

theres nothing more to say.

That's your opinion. Here's mine.

It has everything to do with Alliance, it is relevant, I have a whole lot more to say. And just in case you don't know me as well as Seth does, I will be saying a whole lot about it here going forward, he can bet his bottom dollar on that. You all can. I'll cry about it all I want, whine about it all I want.

Fixed it for you. You and blid are the only ones doing the crying and whining about something numerous people said doesn't involve the alliance server.

Mr Snow


Jun 2nd 2012, 6:46:22

I think a point hidden in blid's comments are that people that called Bush a murderer are likely now giving Obama a free pass on that whole 'murder' thing they so greatly detested about Bush's wars.

blid isn't saying that, but I his other comments made me remember parades of protesters carrying 'Bush is a murderer' signs...

Mr Snow


Jun 2nd 2012, 6:36:32

So basically just swap republicans for democrats and call it NPR?

Mr Snow


Jun 1st 2012, 6:00:23

That a bill like that is being proposed is sad, but not unexpected in the current USA (no matter who is in the presidency).

Makes me think more and more of buying that house in Nicaragua, or Ecuador.

And no, that kind of propaganda should never be legal.

Mr Snow


May 25th 2012, 5:42:16

If I ever got to over 700 posts and realized all I did was whine on a forum, I sure hope I'd reassess some things. Like stopping whining. And finding a way to get the huge chip off my shoulder. And the hurt out of my butt. Maybe if you did #2 or #3, #1 would follow. :)

And, please stop suiciding me. Hahaha

Mr Snow


May 21st 2012, 5:30:44

I'd be okay with a fat tax, as long as the govt also starts a fitness bonus on which the fat tax is spent.

Pay up, fatties.

Mr Snow


May 21st 2012, 5:08:35's almost as bad as Huffpost.

Mr Snow


May 18th 2012, 5:57:09

1. Wrap smokies in bacon.
2. Pour brown sugar over smokies and bacon.
3. Oven.

Mr Snow


May 16th 2012, 6:07:27


getting tin foil to make hatz

Mr Snow


May 11th 2012, 6:13:45

I don't believe that much extra water is necessary, unless you're going someplace you could get lost. Maybe if you're not in good shape, or sweat more than normal, or... Depends on how far/where you're going. But I do agree wearing anything on your neck will get old fast, especially a water bottle.

I love this water bottle (1-liter Touch models):

The nalgenes are nice as well.

Mr Snow


May 2nd 2012, 3:28:44

Haters gonna hate. Hahahahaha

Mr Snow


Apr 30th 2012, 6:21:32

I don't know what that means, cause I could hardly stand to watch the Simpsons (but the video game was seriously fun).

But, I will simply say what I hope for is that when a movie is made of a comic book, some turd doesn't go and do what happened with most of the Marvel movies: complete mixing of timelines from 40 years ago until today, a clownification of the superheroes, and a general dumbing down of everything for the masses. Just make the movie the way the comics were. I have some hope for the new Spider Man movie coming out. Spider man 2 and 3 were progressively worse, while the first one was quite good.

Maybe Iron Man 1 wasn't too bad...until the end where he declared himself Iron Man....dumb as hell.

Mr Snow


Apr 27th 2012, 6:34:25

Nobody cares about Sweden, unless you're talking about Volvos. Stop getting on this forum and go make me a car.

Mr Snow


Apr 27th 2012, 6:25:45

Considering x-men first class and Iron Man 1 weren't that great, and Iron Man 2 was horrible, I rate my expectations after your review a 3/10.

Not holding my breath. There's a reason the Dark Knight movies have been incredible.

Mr Snow


Apr 13th 2012, 7:33:57

Lol. I heard Slash say in an interview that Chinese Democracy actually sounded pretty good. I listened to it a few times, but there were only a few songs I liked much. Can't say I remember anything Slash ever did since GnR, besides the drama. Lots of drama.

Axl may be crazy, but without him, GnR would never have existed. Without Slash, GnR would've probably been marginally different.

Funny, I see Slash on some Sundays on Mulholland Drive. I'll give him your contact info, archaic. :P

But really, nobody cares that Rush still hasn't even been nominated? I'm more upset at that. Screw GnR, Axl, and Slash. Slash probably couldn't play Yyz. :|

Mr Snow


Apr 12th 2012, 8:29:27


Mr Snow


Mar 27th 2012, 18:07:37

But, if you say something 100s of times, eventually it becomes true! Keep up the PR campaign. :)

Mr Snow


Mar 23rd 2012, 6:03:20

I was going to FA you. :(

Mr Snow


Mar 22nd 2012, 17:06:34

Hence why the tag doesn't exist once again. Luckily it will stay that way this time.

Mr Snow


Mar 22nd 2012, 6:02:02

Ah, people only say that when they already know someone from their alliance will win ... oh, wait.

Mr Snow


Mar 20th 2012, 19:31:27

Drow, you could definitely put a decent-sized pleco in with your oscar. The oscar wouldn't get very far with the pleco's spikes. He will try, though. A friend has an oscar and a pleco in the same tank, no problems.

I've tried occasionally to add some colorful fish to my tank with little success, as shown above. Every time, one of the fish brings some disease and ends up killing themselves and sometimes others. Very frustrating. We're going to try one last time. I really want some pictus catfish, neon tetras, rasboras, and maybe a silver-tipped shark.

Mr Snow


Mar 20th 2012, 7:03:53

Whoever got the most aid? ;)

Mr Snow


Mar 20th 2012, 6:55:13

Two dojo loaches and a plecostomus, 38 gallons. The loaches are awesome fish.

Recently had some additional fish: 3 Rasboras and 3 Neon tetras. Unfortunately the tetras brought ich and they're dead along with the Rasboras who were doing great. Very small fish don't survive ich very well. Bummed. Damn pet stores.

The loaches have been solitary for a couple years since their best friends died, a 6 year old goldfish and a 7-inch pleco.

Mr Snow


Mar 20th 2012, 6:49:09

I just saw on the right side of the youtube page, videos of some movies coming out this year. Looks like it's gonna be better than last year.

Prometheus, new Spider Man, Avengers, Men in Black, Hobbit, X-Men 4. Just hope they keep them truer to their comics/original stories. Unfortunately that means Avengers and X-Men are pretty much toast. Spider Man is hopeful. Prometheus looks badass.

Mr Snow


Mar 20th 2012, 6:40:30

Orkin, read again. Dork.

Mr Snow


Mar 19th 2012, 19:13:01

The comment about the crappy canadian drugs was a joke...

Yeah, that's it. It's only because the fish have higher tolerance to impurities than mammals, so they're cheaper. Nevermind the extreme controls on raw materials, validating, manufacturing, processing, stability, quality, etc, etc, that go into human drugs. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.

You have no clue about the process of making and assuring the quality of drugs. If you want to talk about the difference in price due to price gouging, that is different, and has nothing to do with the differences in making fish vs human drugs. :\

Btw, I think the OP is severely retarded to be taking fish antibiotics. At least get the dog/cat drugs. But then why not go to the doctor and spend $20 on a copay, and $7 on a real prescription? Queue someone asking 'What if he doesn't have insurance?'

Mr Snow


Mar 19th 2012, 6:37:58

The fish antibiotics are 1/10th the cost of the human ones for many reasons.

If they were cat or dog antibiotics (ones you can only get through either the veterinarian's office or a real pharmacy), then the cost should be closer to human antibiotics, much closer.

Not many people care about fish like other pets, hence the controls in place to manufacture fish antibiotics are definitely not as rigorously maintained/pushed by either the manufacturer or a governing body.

It's not a conspiracy that human drugs cost more than fish drugs. I'm sure in Canada the human drugs are made in the same crappy conditions the fish ones are, that's why they're so cheap. :P

Mr Snow


Mar 17th 2012, 6:02:49

Just think you two could've just yelled down the hall and saved us all the...entertainment. :P

Mr Snow


Mar 15th 2012, 16:48:52

How about all you women shut the fluff up about evo vs laf for a long time? Sadly, I agree with Helmet on this.

Is this not a reasonable place to park?

Mr Snow


Mar 13th 2012, 6:09:32

Um, right. How about you tell us more about the prison scenes and how everybody's already infected?

I would just prefer it to be completely new to me rather than this. Am I being unreasonable? It's not like you crossed any huge lines, but I don't like where the fanboi in you is headed.

Mr Snow


Mar 13th 2012, 4:56:36

Please don't give predictions about the show when you are much more likely than others to possibly know what happens. That's bullfluff. Maybe I'll just read here after next week's episode instead of watch the show. Tard.

Mr Snow


Mar 8th 2012, 18:30:00

This game is one of the only outlets for arguing without much cause for worry. :)

Mr Snow


Mar 8th 2012, 17:23:50

A couple points.

Why is bottomfeeding considered such an honorable path to netting? I've done it a few times, and to be honest, I felt pathetic afterward. And yes, much more pathetic than I do landtrading. Oddly, I felt the least pathetic doing all-x. :)

The reason we're not going apefluff with landtrading is because of the community uproar. We realize you think we're poor netters, and once the cool kids get ahold of the strat and 'really show us how to do it' that someone could get 4 or 500mil nw. Did we want to do that right away? No. Look at all the whining from both netters and warrers alike. Could we have done this more efficiently, more organized, and more driven toward a huge nw? Of course.

I'd say wait until somebody actually uses landtrading near it's fullest in Alliance before nerfing it.

Oh, and THE HORROR of RD and PDM being friends. NOBODY should be friends with RD ever again. And I find it hilarious that anybody in LAF would ever talk negatively about RD.

Abusing game mechanics as fluffed up as running multies? I should've stopped reading your post there, as you completely invalidated yourself from posting in this thread any more. Abusing game mechanics is all anybody does, as soon as they are community-accepted. What do you call camping DRs? What do you call dropping land in a war to increase tech levels? Derrrrr.

Mr Snow


Mar 8th 2012, 7:48:26

I believe nonchalant netters is more accurate. I find it humorous that in order to be an 'elite' netter you have to win using a canned strat (with some tweaks of course) or it's not legit. I always love that jealousy. To be looked down upon because you don't fit the basic mold of what others have done before you to win makes me think you have a small mind.

deli said it best: stop calling us netters.

I'm not going to search through the thread, but now I'm curious exactly how many from RD have posted and proclaimed loudly (or sheepishly) that we're good netters, or netters at all. Seems like someone's got a crush on RD and doesn't know how to manage it. ;)

Mr Snow


Mar 8th 2012, 7:18:47

I played the video game adaptation, Left 4 Dead 2. Has a black girl, but her name is Rochelle, ninja swords, guns, and zombies. Pretty much the same thing. :P

Mr Snow


Mar 7th 2012, 15:58:29


No constant rebuilding of acres means many billions saved in building costs; money not spent on rebuilding is spent toward tech and other military, etc; botomfeeders rarely, if ever, get hit by random people in other alliances who are bent/jealous such as happens to landtraders; a missile from a bottomfeeding target does a miniscule amount of damage which can be regained in a few bottomfeeding hits; I could keep going, don't feel like it.

Your whine and cheese party's almost over.

Mr Snow


Mar 7th 2012, 3:52:42

Could I do the same camping DRs and idling in irc camping the news for a juicy hit all day that you no-lifers do?

Yes...wait second, hell no I couldn't. And I won't even try. I have a job and a life and it sure as hell doesn't revolve around this game. This game comes after real life, and rightly so. Don't ever expect some people to make a stupid text game so important that they change their lives to fit it. And if you deem people to be bad netters just because they don't want to do said extremely boring, decidedly anal, obsessive tactics to become the 'elite netters' that you are, you're pathetic.

We're having more fun in this game than has been had in a long time. Go fluff yourselves.