

New Member

Aug 30th 2010, 6:37:38

How about this.. all tags listed as RD are 5 man teams.. all with 1:kill/dec war policies.. and we all happen to have FDP/FOP's with eachother... would that make you feel better?

*disclaimer, this is simply pointing out the folly in trying to enforce standards on political practices on a tag based server.. RD is RD, and will continue to be as such.. you hit, we kill, everyone is happy.*


New Member

Aug 27th 2010, 16:00:30

Yeah, but the big question is still... who is he?


New Member

Aug 27th 2010, 15:57:24

When achild misbehaves you give them a smack on the ass.. they are receiving a smack on the ass.

To be clear, xTx's protected status was not a viel for landfarm recruitment and next set I will happily gain my land from your country instead.


New Member

Aug 23rd 2010, 23:09:20

Havoc, I tried to grab and failed.. you retalled legally and raped me pretty decent.. fair is fair, the matter is closed after that.

We have no problems with what is fair, we took exception to people thinking RD would be a fun target as a legit tag and rightfully handed their asses back to them.


New Member

Aug 22nd 2010, 20:35:23

Family matters, no business of yours.


New Member

Aug 3rd 2010, 15:28:09

locket, you didn't see my post?

We outkilled them, with and against an FS, we out netted them, regardless of being busy killing 1/3 the server all set.

Now I'm challenging them on their idea to "play fair" and not one reply? Are they chicken fluff their holier than thou crusade is going to be thrown in their face on all three fronts?

And its cheerleaders to the whiners such as yourself that ruins the game, take their lips off of your titties. They called down the thunder, its their own damn fault.


New Member

Aug 2nd 2010, 17:53:26

In short, play straight-arrow, and my team will aswell.. Most colors will probably not be favourable to the 2nd chance idea, so make this experiment the example for them that you don't need to spend life like cannon fodder.


New Member

Aug 2nd 2010, 17:44:48

Let us experiement then, next set my team(the 5man tag I will play in) will definately play by the "intent" of this server.

We've got balls, we'll give you asshats a chance to show you're not just whining about getting stomped. The moment I catch wind of any mass farming, joint striking, grudge on "RD the bad guys" fluff flinging, I'll move my team back to business as usual.

And now given the chance, if any of you oh so honorable fighters for the cause of no cross killing and cross retals goes back to your practice, being able to grow past 400k nw again.. You become our practice tags for many sets to come.

I do not speak for RD and the other colors, only the team that I play.


New Member

Jul 31st 2010, 2:48:57

well that would have really fluffed over your FS wouldn't it, snawdog? Hypocrit.


New Member

Jul 30th 2010, 20:55:55

I would hardly have called them top countries..

And now you all quit and blame RD for driving you out because you threatened to, and FS'd us and got spanked for it?

"Mommy.. waaahh.. that kid beat the fluff out of me because I tried to steal his bike.. waaahh.. its not fair."

Give me a fluffing break.. go back to your ridiculously over pact protected, stagnated alliance server and fester. If you can't deal with getting smacked down, don't start the fluffing fight.


New Member

Jul 26th 2010, 5:42:55

Looks like you made some friends Charcoal, can I help you police some retals next set?


New Member

Jul 12th 2010, 1:50:53

Eventually they will learn; We kill people.. we love killing.. we love finding reasons to kill, keep feeding us reasons and you only feed us with what we play the game for.

Oh.. and we don't stop "once in awhile", so if you enjoy being the itch in the crotch, I hope you're dedicated to always being that itch, however you might want to look up the track record of anyone that has ever stated they are "eternally dedicated" to being that itch, we just don't stop scratching. :)


New Member

May 29th 2010, 1:09:24

NOW3P gave me mine.