Dec 9th 2012, 20:01:42
1 other issue that seems to be ignored by our politicians about these aircraft however in itself is reason to begin sourcing a different plane is the fact they are not designed for extreme cold and would not be viable for missions in the arctic/cold weather.
This alone should have scuttled this plan years ago, as Canada gets frigging cold! We can't afford to commit $45B to purchasing and maintaining aircraft only suitable to provide air support year round for 40% of our country.
That primary point, while also keeping in mind that the design and primary purpose of the F35 program is a stealth, first strike aircraft, shows truly how unnecessary and inappropriate this craft is to our armed forces. We do not attack countries, we provide supporting roles to our allies when necessary, and unless they can be fitted with fire hoses for dealing with Green Peace, we don't "first strike" anything. :P
Our government went into this with the completely wrong mind set, more like a 6 year child that needs a stuffed bear, but spots the Xbox and cries until he gets it. Its for ages 12 and up, and we have no need, nor would we know the first thing to do with them.