
NukEvil Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 19:12:20

"Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for the following names:,,,,,,,,,,,,"
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 20th 2024, 1:35:09

I think you should get rid of bots entirely and let the dozen or so actual players fondle each other's countries, as God intended.
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NukEvil Game profile


Feb 13th 2024, 4:36:21

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Ratski:
is an earthquake occurred destroying 931 buildings!
Population loss: 5,060 people.
You Produced: 1,050 Tanks, is this part of the game, other than to piss off the players ? Now I have to waste ten turns to rebuild it, I hate earth quakes, is part of the game.

Well, real earth has earthquakes. I could ask about implementing tornados, hurricanes, and tsunamis too.

I once toyed with implementing tornadoes. Didn't work out too well.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jan 12th 2024, 4:43:50

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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 14th 2023, 20:52:14

From what I am hearing, there are no retal *policies*.

Doesn't mean there are no retals.

This game's corpse is now a fossil.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 14th 2023, 14:10:18

Will never be finished or totally accurate, but there you go.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 10th 2023, 13:41:24

Originally posted by Getafix:
...LaF may well die anyway, because the fury at LaF is going to take some serious diplomacy to resolve...

LOL no; their allies will make sure LaF plays comfortably, just like they did after the events in which TC lost his db access.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 14:33:08

Yep, I see it now. I only asked because it sounded familiar, so I went and checked. I wrote that over 11 years ago.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 6th 2023, 3:08:19

Originally posted by Coalie:
On May 2, 2012, the game administrators announced on Alliance Talk that Hanlong, with assistance from former game administrator Turtle Crawler, had gained access to the game's database, allowing the two to view all countries without requiring the turns needed for spy operations, change anything in any of the countries, and view private messages sent via the Earth forums as well as those sent in the game itself.

I'm curious. Where exactly did you get that verbiage?
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NukEvil Game profile


Aug 27th 2023, 0:38:40

I think this is one of those very few cases where topping an old thread shouldn't be against the rules--and the rule quoted by Gerdler is very broad at the end). The OP took their time to find this thread and probably thought it'd be a cool way of updating what's left of the Earth community about real life.

I imagine if the OP had posted another thread about this update instead, he/she would have quoted the old thread, and people would have ended up on this thread anyways.

Also, congrats, king. Appears to me like you're raising them right.
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NukEvil Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 19:00:09

Bumping again. This forum also (still) doesn't care if a thread has already been closed.
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NukEvil Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 2:23:48

Wait, LaF cheated again?

Why am I not surprised?
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NukEvil Game profile


Aug 14th 2022, 2:52:10

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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 15:53:04

I seem to recall moving off-topic threads to GT back in the early days of EE, and someone called me down for it and told me to stop doing it.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 18th 2020, 3:42:03

You're all slow.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jan 31st 2020, 13:12:33

Originally posted by ironxxx:
WAR is once again upon on us. You know what time it is.

Bring it on SoF. This is a call to arms.


The coalition of Elders, HACKS and STONES declares war on SoF.

I haven't played in an alliance in like 6 or 7 years and all, but shouldn't you be making the call to arms at least a couple days before you actually declare war on someone, rather than in the same message in which you are declaring war on someone?
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NukEvil Game profile


Dec 13th 2019, 19:07:28

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by 6pack:
Thanks too whoever's did this, now no one gets a bot advantage. Do this every set buddy!

I and Nuk did this legally without breaking rules, no need to cheat to create chaos...

galleri, who is this ass clown?

Ugh, almost 8 years ago...
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 16th 2019, 17:05:03

You know, Tigress, some people enjoy being flufftards to others. Others making threads with many comments about their actions is just icing on the cake for them. It boosts their internet cred, and makes them legends in their own minds.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 23rd 2019, 13:53:31

Yeah, please don't top old threads. Just causes confusion.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 5th 2019, 15:46:37

Originally posted by Tigress:
Question here is what changed? how did we go from openly allowing a kid to bring their rifle to school and feeling completely safe about this. To what we are seeing over the past 30 years or so. for over 200 years with guns in the hands of children using the firearm as it was intended to be used to kids now shooting up classrooms. It sure as hell is not the gun that changed, unless you want to argue oh the guns look meaner, and shoot faster and farther than they did many years ago. Perhaps it is a technological leap in firearms causing these kids to just lose their minds.

We closed the asylums where we kept the crazies and instead started dosing them with psychotropic drugs that we didn't -- and still don't -- fully understand the effects of...and allowed them to continue to interact with society while under the influence.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 1:06:14

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
I would *love* for anoniem to take his rightful position in Evo...

Who are you? Your name rings a bell, but I can't remember from where

somebody with a grudge I imagine.

Nah, not really. To be honest, I don't remember much about you either--other than constantly gloating over my predictions of in-game events, saying I TOLD YOU SO on the heads board or whatever. I seem to remember that not too many leaders liked me for what I did back then, but they just didn't understand events beyond their comprehension.

Anyways, thought I'd pop in and say hi before disappearing for another 6 months or whatever.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 19:23:26

I would *love* for anoniem to take his rightful position in Evo...
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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 12th 2019, 17:00:05

I remember him having a couple of top10 countries here in Express, and I don't believe he got deleted for running multis then.

I also know that Jayr's mouth tends to write checks that his tax rate can't cash.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 12th 2019, 12:29:51

lol. You created a country with the express intention to screw over whoever hit you more than once, talked a big game on the forums, didn't build the military to back any of it up, then acted all "ha ha, you got me, gg bro" when I called you out on it.

All I'm saying is: just make sure your tax rate can actually support your military whenever macdaddy is finally able to show you how real losing can get.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 11th 2019, 15:16:25

Jayr, when macdaddy wipes the floor with you, please don't try to play it off like you weren't being serious like you did when I stomped on you 4 years ago.
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NukEvil Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 22:46:33

I didn't know him, but I did see his name on the forums every now and again, and he seemed like a decent fellow. I know that if he didn't die and kept posting as usual, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Just don't know what you have until it's gone. I'm sorry that I'll no longer see his name or his character, and will miss it.
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NukEvil Game profile


Apr 2nd 2019, 14:32:12

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Deminishing Returns
Artillery Brigades
Sarcastic answer, free game.

Artillery Barrage--basically, someone sent some tanks to blow up some buildings
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 29th 2019, 20:10:49

Any players are more than welcome to report him for it.
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 29th 2019, 15:57:05

Originally posted by Hessman123:
PS Mar 28, 20:09 RatZailla (#10) Pesky Pork Choppers (#18) 47 A

PS Mar 29, 13:50 Pesky Pork Choppers (#18) RatZailla (#10) 1149 A

1:1 retal :) At least I can still have some fun this set..

Until his bigger "friend" grabs you for retalling.
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 12th 2019, 15:26:38

SOL FSing LaF is like dropping a deuce.

Sure, you feel satisfied after doing so. However, the deuce splashes back every now and then, making the situation cringey and awkward.
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 11th 2019, 12:22:10

I had to recall my food stock and sell it at a lower price twice.

Anyways, 'twas just something I tried out. I shall now return to the void.
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 11th 2019, 3:12:43

I'm all right. Still living with my parents. Everytime I start saving money, something happens and I lose most of my savings. Spent a bunch of money on a beater car last month after my car got totaled by a deer. Just now, spent a bit of money on a condenser fan motor. AC just had to go out right as summer is starting in Florida, lol.
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 11th 2019, 2:48:43

Hi :)

Figured I'd spin up a country and see what happened. You can see me at the bottom of the list, lol. Just couldn't get online enough to sell enough tech. My nephew takes up most of my time when he's here.

How's everyone else?
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NukEvil Game profile


Mar 11th 2019, 2:32:50

rank country # land networth special nw/land
1 An Endless Holiday in Uchronia 100 26,045 acres $43,974,179 CG 1688
2 Werewolves of London 102 17,020 acres $38,701,426 TG 2274
3 Beauty under the sea 55 20,082 acres $36,327,601 CG 1809
4 Seresto Seresto Seresto 60 31,153 acres $33,743,901 CG 1083
5 The Adjustment Bureau 8 12,039 acres $33,680,537 HG 2798
6 NiNeSe7En 97 13,313 acres $26,502,332 DG 1991
7 TEN 10 12,545 acres $23,449,226 HG 1869
8 King Gorilla 110 35,161 acres $23,211,158 IG 660
9 Country with no name 105 17,011 acres $22,926,023 DG 1348
10 Total Waste of Tim 64 29,352 acres $22,765,532 RG 776
11 JotLotHotDotBotGotCot 49 18,784 acres $21,745,698 HG 1158

Edited By: NukEvil on Mar 11th 2019, 2:38:25
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 11th 2019, 21:19:00

Originally posted by NukEvil:
I generally have a plate of scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon (or sausage, whichever), (peanut) buttered toast with jam, and a glass of milk. I may add grits every now and then.

I'm about 178 lbs, and haven't gained a pound in a decade and a half.
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NukEvil Game profile


Feb 11th 2019, 21:16:11

I generally have a plate of scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon (or sausage, whichever), (peanut) buttered toast with jam, and a glass of milk.

I'm about 178 lbs, and haven't gained a pound in a decade and a half.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 30th 2019, 15:06:35

Amazing you created an entirely new thread to call him out again.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jan 28th 2019, 16:33:01

Gotta let someone else toot your horn for you, bro. That's when you know you've become a legend.

This here...this is the equivalent of an ant waving its little legs in the air, yelling at the passing dog "Look at me! I'm significant!"

The dog isn't going to notice you, or care about you. The best that ant is going to get is if the anthill he's sitting on is built against a fire hydrant.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 23rd 2019, 19:25:51

Originally posted by st0ny:
jwgacc... you rock! hahaha

you wont be able to get them all but every one you cripple would be good news for treehuggers like me. :D

Not so much, actually. Any suiciders being crippled will just topfeed a bunch of land off of actual people, then hide behind that sweet DR.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jan 10th 2019, 19:53:03

Actually, that's the best time to attack someone.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 9th 2019, 15:35:29

I cut up and fry the potato before eating it.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 2nd 2018, 1:03:24

Originally posted by Ratski:
So why
Originally posted by NukEvil:

4. MacDaddy and Ratski will not be able to create any countries.

So why did I get this BS ?

The object of the Christmas reset is that only red and green countries are left in the scores list at the end. Purple would ruin the color scheme.
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NukEvil Game profile


Nov 27th 2018, 18:28:53

I propose the following:

1. The maximum amount of turns available will be 99. Meaning, no one will be able to come OOP.

2. No bots.

3. Every other country will be killed, at random times, leaving dead countries and countries in protection, alternating, in the scores list.

4. MacDaddy and Ratski will not be able to create any countries.

5. Winner is obviously the country that is alive with the highest networth in the end.
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