
Primeval Game profile

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May 9th 2011, 17:10:05

Best of luck to ya old friend.

But your post on the IMP site says you're going to have homo sex with xmach. Which is it?

Primeval Game profile

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May 9th 2011, 13:37:23

Originally posted by KyleCleric:
Originally posted by ZDH:
Isn't that what it's for? So people from different clans can talk :-P.

I understand if it's real extreme to keep it private but this isn't that extreme.

the only kind of FA done on FFAT should be asking for a contact if one is not available. everything else should be private.


Don't feed the trolls

Primeval Game profile

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May 9th 2011, 0:36:55

What's the o/u here?

Primeval Game profile

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May 6th 2011, 20:47:39

I wouldn't say ironic. Perhaps, ass-backwards.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 20:10:13

Originally posted by braden:

why don't we ignore alliance like alliance ignores ffa, and not focus on what they do, or what happened there. we can acknowledge topfeeding, and in brutal circumstances accept l:l without becoming 'the alliance server' or whatever the concern is (again my first time here in a long time)

Because the Alliance server has been screwy for a while. Ignoring what they did wrong and putting the same policies in place here is, at the very least, "unwise".

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 19:37:15

Originally posted by Havoc:
lol it'd make the guy with the fatty getting subsequently topfeed get a little mad at the guy who did the initial topfeed though. :p

What are your reasons for not liking that though prime?

As Popcom pointed out, I don't like the use of land to determine "topfeeds" for the most part, and the game limits you networth-wise. So many people sit on tons of land undefended or underdefended and grow further and further out of range and into the top ranks by not paying the same expenses that I do on my better protected countries.
When I said I would consider topfeeds I guess I really meant mostly jetter grabs. If you have a well defended country (relative of course) and I stock a crap-ton of jets to break you, that's likely me being an asshole as there are much better targets available for me for most of the set.
Its a personal preference for me: most things that limit the grabbing in this game I tend to dislike. Not to mention the argument of the have's and have-nots when it comes to acre difference.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 19:08:14

Yeah...I wouldn't be down with that for a couple of reasons.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 18:51:01

Originally posted by Havoc:
I agree it wouldn't be too hard to adopt. The problem is FFA refuses to acknowledge topfeeds, which is a larger issue I believe.

I think the bigger issue in FFA is noticing the misuse of those policies in Alliance. All too often clans there hide behind this to protect some sacred right they think they have to their land. I think the original notion of it was quickly clouded. If there was a policy that defined a topfeed in a way that would only acknowledge those instances where it was clearly being done in malice, rather than a gain for resources, I would certainly at least consider it. Alliance has a whole mess of issues with its politics that I hope to keep out of FFA.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 17:03:18

The "it doesn't affect the rest of you" argument is crap. I'll let you guys figure out why.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 14:43:21

So... how about that food market?

I wonder what is actually in a bushel of food. Do you think it includes all dietary needs?

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 13:59:05

Let's say your alliance was just rolling along very early in the round and you had just placed a few average grabs on a particular alliance - nothing to constitute an FA contact or escalating retals - just the usual stuff.

Then about 18-24 hours later before the retal has been taken from the alliance that you hit, but well before the 72hr window is up, you are declared on by another alliance that sends over a pretty serious FS.

Let's assume all alliances mentioned are established on the server for a while and are both of decent size.

What should the alliance do that has retals to be taken?

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 13:52:09

No, once again you completely miss (purposely or not) what someone is trying to say and you continue to manipulate ideas to better suit your vain argument. What you've been implying indicates that once you get to a certain size you feel you should be untouchable by most and those that can, shouldn't be given a fair retal.

Your warped sense of grabbing in this game is the lesser evil of those that are masturbating their own countries and then sending themselves to DR all round, but its still stupid.

I'd say I wish I had more time to explain things to you but I'm actually pretty happy that I don't. The sooner this thread gets back to discussing the current cost of food the better.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 13:23:10

Originally posted by Rockman:
As long as two countries exchanging grabs benefits the smaller country more than it benefits the larger country, there is no incentive for the better countries to engage in grabbing with other alliances.

When two countries exchange grabs, the smaller country benefits more. If your goal is to grow big, then the only reason to trade grabs between alliances is if you are doing a bad job of achieving your goal.

If we started giving 30k acre countries a reason to hit 20k acre countries that can retal them, then we would see more interaction between alliances. Or if we just made it so that 20k acre countries would gain more from hitting 20k acre countries than hitting 30k acre countries, there would be less of a penalty for people growing at a faster pace.

Or if players agreed to not grab people significantly larger or smaller than them, players would be able to grow without worrying about being grabbed by someone lazier and smaller than them.

I bet you play solitaire a lot.

Primeval Game profile

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May 5th 2011, 0:33:58

Originally posted by Twain:
I'd support banning intentional DRs as long as other alliances would accept our jetter policies without question.

If I'm running low-defense countries with fluffloads of land and I make myself easy to break, I don't deserve my land.

If I'm defending my land well, by having enough turrets/tanks/troops in order to prevent someone with a normal distribution of military to break me and it requires someone to specifically target me with a heavy jetter, then that's not really good netting, that's trying to ruin someone else's set or make a point with a grab.

Basically, if you're one of the fattest in FFA or in your clan and/or you don't defend your land, you have no right to complain when you get hit. But if you stay off the radar and defend your land well, it sucks when someone with an obnoxious ratio of jets:turrets and low land comes after you.

I would seriously consider this.

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 20:54:11

In Alliance many clans end up farming the piss out of their targets after the war has clearly been decided due to a lack of resources. I'd let this one go, man.

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 20:35:25

Yes, I'm sure they're killing smallies to pad stats or up their individual kill ranking. Alternatively, they could just keep killing both tags until June... so I'm pretty okay with it.

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 19:19:22

All clans are always welcome to retal as they see fit, as with any portion of gameplay - like DRing yourself while self farming. But you must also be prepared to get whats coming to you if someone doesn't like it.

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 16:03:14

IMP and FoCuS/ABC have warred at least twice already in EE..maybe three times. Plus, Desperado and BJ aren't even playing - takes a bit of fun out of it for me since I don't dislike Pain and Drippy that much.

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 15:37:48

I agree with the first part Rockman. I see no real difference. Proponents of the DR will argue that the difference is the impending retal if you GS after making a grab rather than DRing yourself as a deterrent (you aren't actually owed any just have to find them elsewhere).

And you are right that instances like the one you mentioned regarding all-explore landgrabs happen on this server. However, I can say that I almost always grab larger-land countries around my networth - thats a smart grab in my opinion (depending on military tech of course.) I don't purposely keep myself small to hit those countries. Its not like I scour the scores list, find your countries and wait days and days for you to grow bigger so I can piss you off while grabbing. The fact remains that you will often get better net gains grabbing those similar-networth, high-land countries instead of spending all of your turns exploring those acres at a certain point.

I think the alliance and primary servers tend to rot peoples brain when it comes to landgrabbing. Not all landgrabs are an act of war or a personal attack on you or your clan specifically. Maybe you just have a tasty looking country...

The only time I do it to be a fluff is when I know that a particular alliance uses DR as a deterrent. I will catch a country right at the end of his DR, sitting on a huge chunk of land with nothing but spies. I'll get nice gains, always net because of ghost acres after the retal and get the satisfaction of hitting a player that goes out of his way to abuse the system to keep his acres on no military -> which is rare since my alliance stays in war.

Edited By: Primeval on May 4th 2011, 15:44:27
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 14:38:41

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
"But there is no flaw in my proper argument that ill stop self farming and DRing when warrers stop using 16 countries to kill 1 country."

Or when warrers help you DR yourself with a few extra GS :P

Someone finally said it. Tell the man what he's won, Jonny!

Primeval Game profile

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May 4th 2011, 13:37:47

Your argument flops for various reasons, Drinks.

On an unrelated topic, I believe you hit into my war.

Primeval Game profile

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May 3rd 2011, 20:00:10

Clearly, there are alternatives to self farming like all-explore. But few countries will be successful on all-explore alone and will certainly not compete with those countries that are self farming and are sending themselves into DR every 24 hours. Taking a stance against self-farming opens up the option to actually play the game with some sort of player interaction by grabbing eventually in your growth. Sure, some players may choose to keep exploring for 5 acres a turn, but that won't get you very far.

I continue to applaud alliances like NBK who take a strong stance against self-farming. I will further applaud any alliance that refuses to pact alliances that make the choice to do so.

Certainly I would agree that if you self-farmed but didn't DR yourself to kingdom come, you are the lesser evil - but I still don't like it. Personally I think an alliance that does both should be at the top of the landfarm list. I do not believe that DR was created for the purpose that it is being widely used for today.

All aspects of this issue have been discussed time and time again.

Primeval Game profile

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May 2nd 2011, 18:06:00

Donny: GS me some more so I lose food and my population doesn't get diabetes. GS will be easier on my costs rather than converting my healthcare program and will save me cash.

/end friendly Donny troll

Primeval Game profile

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May 2nd 2011, 12:28:32

Don't give us too much credit, Popcom. I really don't think he remembers what he posts so the same spew keeps popping up over and over.

Primeval Game profile

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May 2nd 2011, 3:14:15

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 29th 2011, 15:51:38

You're an alliance leader and a player goes out of his way to continue to make pathetic attempts to bring your alliance down. This person continues to point out mild, situational flaws publicly in a vain attempt to bring you some sort of negative publicity. This player also mentions on multiple occasions that your players are much better than the pedigree of your historic alliance and they should find a new home.

Now, what do you think is the likely scenario?

My guess would be this player is riddled with envy of your alliance and would do anything he can (while continuing to embarrass himself in the eyes of the community) to make your fine players and the people of this wonderful game think less of your clan and leadership because he has never produced anything noteworthy in the decade of his gameplay on his own. This player continues to spew his pitiful biased drivel in some sad unprovoked attempt to bring you down any way his peanut, cocaine-fried brain can produce.
What about you?
Or am I being obtuse?

Remember, this is completely hypothetical.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 27th 2011, 15:00:55

Wasn't it Elle Earth Angel?

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 23rd 2011, 21:40:07

Shouldn't you be ABing your own countries for a cheaper conversion?

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 22nd 2011, 18:46:04

Originally posted by smegma:
Probably because it's a term for software that puts in last second bids on auction sites.

^ I like this better. Your way still does not aid much more clarification, mdevol. In fact, it almost strengthens the argument of the term "vulture".

Now here's an age-old question: Why do we call the different rounds "resets". Especially saying things such as, "The reset is about to end."

Edited By: Primeval on Apr 22nd 2011, 18:48:10
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 22nd 2011, 17:23:48

Why do people call it sniping? Wouldn't a more appropriate term be vulturing?

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 20th 2011, 15:05:01

Can we get stats for hour 69? That is the real marker in my opinion.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 19th 2011, 12:13:54

Who's this peon speaking to me?

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 19th 2011, 3:15:43

I'll turn on icq just for you cupcake =)

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 19th 2011, 3:10:51

I'd tell you but it has tons of porno ads

btw - its

We are also using ghq a bit.

Edited By: Primeval on Apr 19th 2011, 3:12:55. Reason: site info
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 18th 2011, 20:58:10

NBK - there are a few folks that don't know how to handle retals during war. Be in touch when you can.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 18th 2011, 20:32:09

And K4F comes outta nowhere for the interception.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 18th 2011, 15:54:04


Primeval Game profile

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Apr 17th 2011, 23:40:51

Actually, just looking for a contact for some ingame op issues. Grab me or KC if you would.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 16th 2011, 23:20:39

I'll be idling in a few chans this evening. Just find me whenever.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 15th 2011, 13:11:30

I'm gunna go with killshots last round.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 14th 2011, 18:25:48

Not yet. I became occupied. I'll find one of you later if KC doesn't first.

I told Makinso our offer was 25billion bottles of beer. That offer was rejected so we need to reopen negotiations ASAP.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 14th 2011, 15:41:29

Polar bears eat baby seals, not SNOW.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 8th 2011, 15:51:25

Actually - It looks like you double tapped us this morning.

But mostly I just find you annoying.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 8th 2011, 15:35:43

Anyone have a good reason why I shouldn't farm this kid a bit and leave his other members alone?