
Primeval Game profile

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Aug 17th 2020, 12:09:03

Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Seriously? You start killing my countries (FDC) tag because of 1 accidental spy op one of your countries, thinking I'm someone else?

Did this guy ever come back to play FFA after being killed for no reason?

Edited By: Primeval on Aug 17th 2020, 12:12:06

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 17th 2020, 4:10:16

It looks like you might owe IMP some reps. It must be a mistake killing 2 IMP countries since they appear to have been running 0 def rep cashers with no tech and I know you guys dont kill defenseless countries like that. Find me whenever and good luck this round, fellas.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Aug 11th 2020, 21:26:31

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Can one of the mods edit my title from vaccinated to vaccine please? Autocorrect happened #stupidphone

Users can't edit their topic? Done.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 4th 2020, 23:59:55


Primeval Game profile

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Jul 28th 2020, 3:02:25

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
...why does it bother you so much??????...

Primeval Game profile

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Jul 23rd 2020, 1:29:26


Primeval Game profile

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Jul 16th 2020, 3:18:45

Yeah. It's been mentioned on this board a few times.

Primeval Game profile

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Jul 7th 2020, 15:52:57

Originally posted by Quaxbi:
Nah, I just don't want to message any of you directly :)

Then stop sending me cyber requests

Primeval Game profile

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Jul 5th 2020, 4:02:22

Use existing bonus threads

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Jul 1st 2020, 23:28:19

Originally posted by Oriontakers:
Ughhh, its summer... James, its cant go on vaction anyway...accept if your name is Hawk, his accounts are always on vacation.


I left for the beach house this morning. I'll be here for 10 days. TONS of RVs and boats on the roads and interstates too.

Primeval Game profile

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Jun 21st 2020, 15:30:05

I'll look at it

Primeval Game profile

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Jun 17th 2020, 1:33:12


Primeval Game profile

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Jun 10th 2020, 11:42:18

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

... Coffee is not an essential, ...


Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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Jun 10th 2020, 11:25:03

Why are you guys so concerned about IMP, bro?

Primeval Game profile

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Jun 8th 2020, 2:32:42

Swing and a miss

(Bonus post)

Primeval Game profile

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Jun 4th 2020, 12:14:51

Chocolate salty


Primeval Game profile

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May 30th 2020, 4:09:35


Primeval Game profile

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May 21st 2020, 19:17:09

Silly cerb. Grabbing real players, even once, is not allowed and makes you a "griefer". Now go water your crops

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
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May 21st 2020, 3:26:43

I'm going to send a smaller live plant (probably potted) to his address from his EarthEmpires/FFA friends. If you want to send a few bucks for it, send me a PM here or on discord before Saturday

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

May 19th 2020, 0:11:14

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
As I quuoted earlier, enjoy the vacation.

Edit: Your presece is not being missed.

Yet, I continue to be on your mind so often lately. Don't let hawk find out. But your secret is safe with me.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 18th 2020, 23:53:38

Originally posted by Raging Budda:

May your countres provide a better challenge to kill next set.

Hear hear!
And if you can help improve the ratio from the current 23:4 that would be peachy.



(currently at the beach house for my 36th this week)

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 18th 2020, 23:37:21

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Prime forgot how to tag IMP correctly.

More like forgot to login this week.

Emjoy the vacation. See you next set!

I appreciate you think of me so often, RB. Thanks for the well wishes

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 14th 2020, 21:11:17

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Prime forgot how to tag IMP correctly.

More like forgot to login this week.

Primeval Game profile

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May 12th 2020, 22:25:49

I feel like it's common knowledge that I Iove rainbows


Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 8th 2020, 1:51:17

Originally posted by Servant:

4. It was done so well ...

No it wasn't

I therefore petition that TheRealMehulPatel, be let out of ban jail...

Originally posted by Pang:
No one banned that account and no one deleted the thread.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 5th 2020, 0:52:10

Originally posted by Requiem:
I don't understand foot fetish... Is it not a odd body part to be all hot and heavy for?

The usual/"normal" brain mapping for sensation for the feet and genitals is in close proximity. Some psychologists believe the fetish is partially related to just "poor wiring"

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 28th 2020, 3:43:52

Dont necro old threads.

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 28th 2020, 3:42:50

Dont post military intel here again, regardless of the context in the point you're trying to convey.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Apr 26th 2020, 23:15:32

I wonder how many people they think we're hiding over here. And what exactly are we waiting on?

Watch out, nbk. We got you right where we want you now!

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2020, 18:23:46

Derrick, LoC gets killed because of your yapper. I've outright told you that. I'm not sure how much more clear I could have been.

I'm not even sure why macdaddy is obsessed with hitting into you recently either but it might be for the same reason. You clearly have his attention. I'm not sure how the story got created that I somehow put him up to hitting you or allow him to cheat to hit into your tag, especially when I think I was the one to delete him at your request. Further, he was deleted by me a few more times since then when trying to restart or sneak back in with multiple other accounts. I took the extra effort to look for him diligently since you were consistently being targeted by a cheater. The other mods did as well, I just felt like it should be said that I took the initiative to do it and as far as I can tell you never even noticed since we got him before he attacked. I could have shared this information with you last round when you flew off the handle about me reinstating someone on an appeal that I felt wasn't deleted correctly. Without oversharing, I think the mod that did the initial deletion probably did their best with the information that was presented to them at face value. They were mistaken, which is why the appeal system is in place. It might not have been the correct decision for me at the time but I decided not to correct you and just let you develop whatever story that mind of yours can invent. You've since posted about it several times and even kicked the complaint up to members of the admin and development team.... All based on an assumption. My actions can be pretty easily reviewed and confirmed by others on the team, so the real victims here are players like raz and aphrodite that just repeat whatever they've been told and read here on FFAT and arent by bright enough to know the difference.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2020, 15:36:00

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:

You havent really pacted us since Sherita went mia - i'm offended :'(

At least you were our last <3 <3

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2020, 14:53:52

I think cerb tagged with us one round. I cant recall how long smegma wasnt tagged before that happened. I do recall him saying on ffat that he hit into them for killing solo tags for no reason.

I guess I wasnt aware you carry a clan's tag for life in FFA. You learn something every day. Hopefully this rule isnt exclusive to just IMP, though.

Try and enjoy your Friday, Derrick. You're going to develop an ulcer if you're not careful.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2020, 14:50:33

Originally posted by patriottawnn:
.... i know marshal plays for evo in 1a and ive seen u on both boards and for some reason i get u two confused. ...

How did I overlook this? Lol

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2020, 14:31:36

Originally posted by Dark Demon:
Ironx, you and your band of I can do what ever I want to who ever I want, when I want individuals can man up and deal with this. I never cared for ffa much untill you guys tried to bully nbk or rebel as a solo. Then some people brought it to my attention and I decided that I wasn’t gonna let it go so I made 16 countries talk to some friends and here we are Same goals same nbk. We are not bullying killing tags for no reason. Farming who ever.

This is another head scratcher.
I've pacted nbk more rounds than not here in earthempires' version of the game, including when rebel was playing solo. For a few rounds 16-32 tag NBK and ICD were all we pacted by choice. Rebel and I would exchange terms via forum PM like clockwork each round. If you have an example of when rebel was bullied by IMP, I'd be curious to see it. You can PM if youd prefer.

Regardless, this is a NBK unfamiliar to me and I watched its original founding.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2020, 3:39:54

Originally posted by Red X:
Derrick all I was saying is people do FA differently with tags they know will war if they want to avoid conflict. I know I have done it in the past and I am sure I would do it in the future. There is always some give and take, but if a tag won't stand up and fight you can kinda do what you want to an extent.

Not saying any of it is right, but if Elders and I know they would not. Was bored near the end of set and they decided to steal stock from omega, or evo. Neither one of them tags will fight Elders, they would let it go.

Shrink the server down you have IMP who got bored. They do stuff to you as you say time and time again because you never really pushed back hard about it. Whatever reason it is you mainly come on here and vent your frustrations for the server to see. Some people get a kick out of it and they could target LoC just to get you going. Again, I am not saying any of it is right, but that is just how I view it on the outside looking in right now.

LoC told us twice to forget the reps. It just pops back up when Derrick gets upset and it fits well into his attempt at public shaming or whatever he's trying. I'm not sure why I spend hours chatting with them over these issues if they're just going to pretend we outright refused. I'm sure he'll publicly pretend it never happened, but I'm still not sure if he sometimes truly starts believing some of the mucus he snots all over FFAT.

Careful not to assume too much, Red X, due to your absence or spotty activity. Respectfully, you're misinterpreting or misinformed here. But with people like raz, aphrodite, and derrick roaming around saying whatever pops in their heads at the moment with no support at all, I can understand it can be difficult.

Derrick either legit hasnt figured out why LoC gets targeted or he has so much time on his hands that he has time to put on a great public act. If you could see my forum PMs and discord/IRC logs between us, a sane rational person wouldn't wonder for long.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
I heard prime pays people from 3rd world countries to run suiciders.

I heard MOD BOSS brought covid-19 to the U.S. and purposefully infects infants and house pets.

Primeval Game profile

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Mod Boss

Apr 23rd 2020, 17:09:00

Hawk battling horsefluff propaganda with facts and truth. We'll have none of that, good sir.

Originally posted by Warster:
never really had a problem with IMP grabbing the whole time TKO was around, even tho we both had very different ideas on how to play the game

Thanks for the drop of knowledge, warster. I think it also helps when you don't attempt to apply other server retal rules/culture and a non-pvp format to FFA. When a player considers a SS on a country with <80nwpa and 100 troops as the only method of defense "griefing" and farming, you're probably going to have a less than positive FFA experience. Thumbs up for being realistic.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Forth, prime has sacrificed his countries multiple times for other imp players making retarded moves...

And killed suiciders pretty much every round so others dont waste turns and can continue to net, including more than one instance that benefited bomber. But facts like that dont really play well with the current rhetoric.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Imp has on multiple occasion sacrifices their countries when a random member went off the rails. Prime has had post insite about giving up land because of members actions....

Everytime you post a fact that contradicts the current FFAT fiction novel-length posts, God kills one of Derrick's kittens. Please think of the kittens.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:

If imp pacts out all we will have is a server where everyone is pacted out running scripted strats with bare minimum defense.

Sounds like a real blast

Hitting real players is an act of war. Don't be a fluff, Leroy, and just keep pressing that cash button.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 22nd 2020, 20:54:12

What sort of stock are you expecting to find on AI on Day 12-13?

There are several players in FFA that can help guide you in good bot grabbing and ops, especially with the recent grabbing changes as they relate to builds.

Edited By: Primeval on Apr 22nd 2020, 20:57:06

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 20th 2020, 20:26:50

I don't really know what this griefing word you keep throwing around really means. Regardless, I don't fully understand half of the nonsense you're spewing about the board here lately. But if griefing means you are landgrabbed occassionally for no reason, you might be playing the wrong game... Or at least playing the wrong game server. And if you still think it is for no reason that you lost a country this round, then you might be more confused than I am right now. You get landgrabbed because it's part of the game. You get killed because you're a loudmouth fluff and I warned you against it already a few times beforehand. You don't get to be upset and act shocked when I finally do what I've been telling you over and over that I'm going to do. Anyone else that may have killed your countries recently are not me nor have anything to do with me or my clan that I'm aware of. I know it might be a shocker, but maybe other people find you just as annoying.

But don't misinterpret my reply thinking of it as an invitation to start some novel-length debate here. I have no interest in trying to compete with your incredibly long posts that derive only from propaganda in that Fantasyland head of yours. With NBKxCC doing all your dirty work for you, I'm not sure why you care so much. You seem like an angry, unstable dude. Relax and woosah, bro

Primeval Game profile

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Apr 20th 2020, 18:55:27

So much baseless propaganda. Lordy.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 20th 2020, 5:40:25

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Imma talk to pang i guess. This fluff is ridiculous. Deleting posts and everything. This is suppression. There was nothing inflammatory in there. Just facts.

That is the correct course of action. If you want to waste the admins time for them to confirm no wrongdoing happened, you've always had that option to request. I personally think they will continue to let the other mods and me do our position well so they can continue to improve the game through the new coding and UI projects rather than appease some nut, but I'm not their secretary. Knock yourself out. But your recycled garbage wont be posted here any longer.

Good luck.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 20th 2020, 1:23:53

Strings have been previously deleted by me that would have very likely hit your tag. You've also requested that I intervene in these instances. You're welcome.

I've already told you that the player that you keep rattling on about was not running proxies and was incorrectly deleted. Further, a player's location, IP, or reason for deletion is not information that you are generally privy to as a general procedure.

Another standing "rule" is not allowing posts that defame or attack moderators or admins - with unsubstantiated claims of rogue actions or misuse of moderator access/tools, especially when there's no supporting evidence whatsoever. For this reason, this thread will be closed. I've asked you once before via PM not to do this. I'm asking you publicly here again to refrain from this habit. Next time the hot air will be censored or removed completely.

Edited By: Primeval on Apr 20th 2020, 1:28:35

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 18th 2020, 1:38:09

I'm not sure who does your FA in that group of 22ish. I think one of your members may have typo'd and sent a few SS. I know you guys don't care for farming by the messages on FFAT the last couple of months so I'm sure its just a simple mistake. It was only 52 hits so not a huge deal. Just take a look and drop me a line when you have a moment.

Edited By: Primeval on Apr 18th 2020, 1:40:59

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 14th 2020, 0:41:06

Some of you need an additional hobby. This quarantine is making you a bit batty.

A quick clarification for the loyal readers: NBK has 241 countries tagged, many of which are old CC folks (nothing else really needs to be said on that little nugget) and I just counted 4 of them with open profiles that aren't tagged at all but have strings created this round. So I'm not really sure I need to answer anyone regarding how many countries are tagged IMP - especially when at least three regulars aren't even playing right now.