
RavenBF Game profile


Nov 26th 2013, 5:30:32

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Watcher Observer:
I am curious what mdevol's position is on the fact that sol has a well known and outspoken cheater in the alliance?
Is there some reason that he hasn't been booted?

Before you continue to fluff on RD's doorstep, I suggest you clean your own. It makes you look foolish.

I have a position on this and I will gladly post it on this forum when you have the balls to fluff on SoL's doorstep with your real nick, not an alias.

Yet another attempt by RD and its apologists to discredit the people asking questions they don't want to answer.

I happen to know who watcher observer is, and anyone that has been in #earthempires where he publicly gave away who he was would know too. So ummmmmm, next lame argument please?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 25th 2013, 3:11:59

Good lord are you kidding me? Who fluffing cares? I am so tired of hearing the whining and fluffing. No wonder this community dosnt grow. You guys (The earth collective community) nailed every LaF member to the cross a few sets ago even though those not directly involved knew absolutely nothing. Let's tear down anyone under the same tag like we are all stupid and think everyone knows everything that's going on in that tag all the time.

Shut the fluff up and move the fluff on.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 24th 2013, 3:17:13

Well installed a new optical drive now that I figured out how to take the damn thing out.... I think that is light at the end of the tunnel
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 1:41:25

Originally posted by elvesrus:
then he'd be a real fruity guy

+1 this post has merit
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 14:33:25

yesterday marked 3 weeks
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 17th 2013, 3:45:32

My dad is former Navy and has nothing but great things to say about the Philippines. He loved it there. In fact he has always told me when he retired he wanted to move there, or to Laos.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 7th 2013, 14:42:16

Never claimed to be able to spell.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 7th 2013, 3:39:53

no i really do..... HAHA
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 6th 2013, 16:15:54

Martian, what does it mean if I find that chart halarious?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 5th 2013, 3:09:40

Haha kid.... I haven't been called a kid in so long.....and I am at the stage of life that hearing that makes me grin, and giggle, and feel happy.

Marshal..... I'm not a new member you know that.

Braden how long have you smoked?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 20:39:06

Xin i was being sarcastic, in fact when Vic came back and couldnt find the link to his own video..... i guess because the nubcake dont know about google yet, I provided it for him
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 20:32:04

While working for DirecTV I learned people don't read all of the instructions. There is an option to order PPV by remote control. In order to order a movie by remote control you have to confirm the purchase about 3 times. This is done purposely to avoid the "I accidentally ordered that movie" scenario.

On the second window of the confirmation it tells you how long the rental window is 24, 48, or 72 hours. Yet I would end up with at least 1 call every day of someone upset that the rental window expired because they ordered the movie and decided to watch it a week later. Now DirecTV did try to do the customer right and if they had no free PPV in the previous 12 months or excessive use of credits to waive the PPV, educate the customer on the rental window, and re order.

The point being, you can't blame the system for the failure when it is really user failure. By the way, I do not authorize anybody to use the information of my experience with DirecTV to try to get free PPV. It is up to that CSR's discretion, and I can tell you this, if someone was being a feminine hygiene cleansing product on a summers eve and the bag it came in, pigs would fly before I would give any credits, just saying.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 20:20:09

ok admitting my noobness in tourney. Anyone got any pointers they would like to share? I would like to keep this a good natured conversation please.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 15:50:26

What.... Vic = Mr Clear ?!?!?!

Holy crap.... Mind = blown
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 15:48:47

You will be back galleri, so I will not say goodbye, but, see you later.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 20:58:10

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by RavenBF:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I was one of the people who's account was logged into compromised.

I had to report it as a potential security threat at work yesterday (used same password).

fluff you guys (those of you who did it, also known as people who claim to be my friends).

I know what you mean.... I have to report this as a security breach at work too for the same reason. Sorry about your situation. How dare you invade my personal information to those involved.

interesting. that should be two people who are no longer allowed to play because the game interfered with their job security.

That is as retarded as saying it is a rape victims fault for getting raped because he/she was in the same time and place as the raper.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 19:22:24

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I was one of the people who's account was logged into compromised.

I had to report it as a potential security threat at work yesterday (used same password).

fluff you guys (those of you who did it, also known as people who claim to be my friends).

I know what you mean.... I have to report this as a security breach at work too for the same reason. Sorry about your situation. How dare you invade my personal information to those involved.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:26:59

Originally posted by Vic:

but i felt having the contact info of probably, actually, no, definitely the most legendary single player in the history of the game available for common nubs in rd and rival to see would just be so untrue to my character here ...
(i am the kenny powers of earth, don't ever forget that)

its called google voice......nubcake
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 27th 2013, 21:54:32

Good freaking lord martian I have had that friggin song stuck in my head since Friday!!!!!
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 25th 2013, 13:57:02

God I am such a geek....... I had to share on my facebook page lol.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 25th 2013, 2:52:06

adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 24th 2013, 1:22:16

Martian, a lot of what my job is about is looking at numbers and recognizing patterns. They are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time bound metrics we refer to as key performance indicators or KPI's. Many are probably familiar with a similar term. I monitor the agent, I will have up to 18 on my team. Over the course of a week I am required to monitor at least 2 calls remotely that were recorded previous in the week, and then listen to 2 calls side by side live with the agent.

I find behaviors that are are causing a key performance indicator to be not at goal. I then coach that agent on that behavior to help them succeed. It all starts with identifying that pattern with numbers though. Then I can determine the root cause or pattern of behavior that causes the problem. We receive training such as managing multigenerational workforce to assist us in identifying how to approach that individual. For example a typical Gen X er needs a lot of feedback from their boss. I would not go more than a day or two without giving them some kind of update. A millennial though, will not necessarily want a sit down one on one conversation, but would prefer information be sent via email.

I have developed an eye for patterns and behaviors, and I think there is a psychology, a relationship between what the economy was doing when a person first enters the work place. Just like in middle school we encounter things that form our personalities as adults, I think the environment of the economy, those first impressions of what "work" is, forms the attitude of the worker through their entire career. I think the cyclical nature of the economy is related to those first experiences.

I look forward to reading anything you have to add to the conversation.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 21:30:38

Martain, thank you for the response. I can see that you took some time to type it out and think about it. Thank you also for offering differing points, some I would like to continue dialog on them because the subjects actually interest me.

Originally posted by martian:
It's dangerous to profile people based on what they do for a living and this can often lead you in the wrong direction. Even before "the great recession".

I don’t disagree with that statement except for “the great recession” statement. My statements on why would be better placed in a different part of my response though.

Originally posted by martian:
Does the fact that I tell you I am an "actuary" change they way you talk to me?

After reading what an “actuary” does for a living, potentially yes. Not because of any types of profiling previously discussed, which I just want to throw it out there, everybody profiles. Now I will not put the details I have read up here, if someone else wants to read what an “actuary” then fine, but yes I firmly believe there would be certain characteristics of your job, present in your life outside of work.

Originally posted by martian:
In some respects you can divide people by the way xinhuan says as people with common interests/goals/motivation tend to aggregate in the same kinds of jobs. On the other hand it's not as strict as you might believe. The media and politicians play this a lot in order to score point/sell papers/divert attention away from real issues

I agree with people with common interests/goals/motivation do tend to aggregate in the same kinds of jobs. One of the things I love about my job is that it is not age restrictive. As I am entering into management, I am in a training program that will take 6-9 months for me to complete. One of the courses I had to take was managing multigenerational workforces. On the following PDF:
On page 3 there is a graph showing the workforce broken down by age group and the name for that generation. The place I work has a representative from each category, and at near equal proportions than the national average. On page 8 is the Gen Xer profile and page 9 is Gen Y. We can see that Gen X and Y have very different work characteristics. I will expand upon this more later.

Originally posted by martian:
I socialize (irl) with people ranging from construction worker and airplane pilot all the way up to (income wise): oncologist and comptroller (the financial kind). If you put them all in a room and mix them together you generally wouldn't be able to tell because they are bound together by other common interests (such as culture, travel and gaming and beer).

In my initial post I was trying to imply in a round about way that I had in fact come to the conclusion that profiling a person based on their career choice was silly for me based on a conversation with an Earther earlier that day. The whole process of starting to think about it because he gave me the name of a profession I had no idea about. I apologize for not making it more explicit that yea, I kinda got that.

Originally posted by martian:
"Like me, most of you were teenagers growing up in a time of record low unemployment. It shaped how we perceived people and our world."
When I was a teenager it was the early 90s. That was hardly the case. Especially not where I was living.

According to the Buearu Labor of Statistics for New York State, where I grew up, in the early 90’s when you said you entered the workforce unemployment peaked in July of 1992 at 8.9% When I entered the workforce at the turn of the millennium, unemployment was at an all time low from December 2000 to April of 2001 where it maintained 4.3%. I actually started my first job in 1998 so I experienced a time where finding jobs was exceptionally easy.

Originally posted by martian:
Regarding your final point about high youth unemployment and underemployment I'm going to sound mean about it but I'll be very blunt about this: That generation tends not vote and prefers to protest on the street. No one is power is going to represent their interests. When they finally enter the workplace they will be at a disadvantage because of the large supply of them.

Silent generation employees were saying the same things about Gen Xers in the 70’s, as what you are saying to a demographic group more accurately defined as millennials now.

Originally posted by martian:
Will it change workplace culture? No more so than it's already been changed. With the loss of steady jobs in the 1980s along with the loss of defined benefit pension plans there is no company loyalty anymore. We trade employers like they trade employees.

You don’t think a generation that has grown up with high unemployment that are defined as a generation to “Jump from job to job, are unwilling to conform to organizational demands that do not suit them, and leave jobs that bore them and are not “fun” has any effect on the culture of the workplace. You said yourself there are no steady jobs and a loss of defined benefit pension plans. Do you think a generation that views nothing is permanent has nothing to do with it? GenXers are the primary type of generation in managerial roles. Gen X ers are in positions that make those kinds of company changes. Of course business will be run that way now, look who is running them. I promise you when Gen Y has a greater percentage of managerial roles nationwide, business will be different. When mellenials take it over, again it will be different. The economy for the recorded history has always run cyclically. What if the economic cycle, creates workers with certain “perceptions” about work as a general rule of thumb. This is a general template for how that person will feel about the work environment and prospects of success. As the economy changes, you have generations defined by different perceptions. Now, as those generations come into, and fade from being “the ones that control corporate America” and the decisions they make on how to run business and invest money, could that in effect be the cause of the cyclical nature of the economy?
Originally posted by martian:
Also think about this: there is no plan to do anything to address the issues facing that generation and they are generally ignored. What's worse is government economic policy is geared towards supporting boomers (since they vote)....

I think that is true because never in the history of the United States has there been so many generations in the workplace. As a nation preparing the next generation of workforce has never been a priority.

Originally posted by martian:
To top that off, we've been in a low interest rate environment since Clinton and this eventually will ruin us.. maybe not in 1929 apocalypse style, but slowly over time.

I know nothing about interest rates and how they effect….well anything other than my checkbook and have nothing intelligent to contribute to it.

Edited By: RavenBF on Oct 23rd 2013, 21:34:16
See Original Post
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 3:32:52

Omg I am the fat kid I soooooo don't need more McDonalds
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 2:22:25

Haha count on mrford..... Ok the world is right again
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 2:09:08

Oats, that was well thought out and articulate..... I now think Hell must freeze over because there was a civil and intelectual exchange of ideas on AT. Someone must troll soon or it could be the start of the apocalypse.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 1:58:25

Wow oats..... Mind = blown
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 1:18:46

Let me preface this by saying this is only my thoughts and opinions. Yes, they will probably differ with yours, and that's OKAY! Really, it is, take a breath, really, its okay that we have different opinions. I do not claim my thoughts and opinions are any better, any more correct than, any worse, or any more wrong than anybody else.

So someone way back when, explained to me that they always ask a persons job, to kinda profile the person. Their claim was you could tell a lot about a person by what they did for a living. This was back when I was 15 years old, which was 16 years ago (go ahead and do the math I don't care)

Most of the people that play here are the ones that have played since the beginning. Yet occasionally you run across a player that you just really haven't had a good conversation with. You haven't quite figured them out yet. So I go to my fall back, well what do you do for a living? Really the main reason I ask this question to people now, is to select what level of vocabulary to use.

I feel like I am constantly in that awkward middle ground where I am either talking down to, or using overly complex language that the listener does not understand. I have seen the eye rolls when I dumb things down too much, and I have been told, multiple times by co-workers not to use such big words, that I make people feel dumb by how I talk to them. This mostly makes me mourn for our educational system, but that is another crisis and I don't have time for it today.

Instead of continuing to suffer this embarrassment, at about 20, I realized hey, ask what they do, then you know how to talk to them.


<sarcasm> I heard Obama call it that during the government shutdown, so it must be true. </sarcasm>

I asked an earther today what he did for a living. Never had much of a conversation and well, fell into my old tactics of using job to profile. He gave me an answer that is NOT one of those common jobs. You just don't run into a person with this type of job every day, and there isn't really sufficient data to even GUESS. Which got me thinking.......

Like me, most of you were teenagers growing up in a time of record low unemployment. It shaped how we perceived people and our world. Now, we have a generation that has GROWN UP with highly skilled, highly educated people that are UNDEREMPLOYED or even NOT employed. Thinking of us as a generation in the workplace, how do we view skill and education in the workplace? Now think of these young adults growing up in a time where skill and education mean nothing, that you could still end up without a job, or getting paid less for settling for a job below your skill set or education level? When these people enter the workforce, how will it change the culture of the workforce?

adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 22nd 2013, 14:28:46

JK and Gainsboro I am so glad I am not the only one that does that
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 21st 2013, 3:07:43

This is nice
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 21st 2013, 3:00:24

Occasionally eat out at lunch but try not to very often. Think about it, if you want something other than fast food, its going to cost around $10. May not seem like that much money. Now say I eat out every day, that's $50 a week. If I got paid $10 an hour that would be 5 hours every week I was working just to eat my lunch. Over 10 weeks that is $500 and
50 hours. Which means I will work a little over a week every 10 weeks just to eat lunch. At then end of a year.... 52 weeks, that is almost 6 weeks out of the year that I am working just to eat lunch out.....

Yea my time is worth more than that. So I will carry my lunch
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 21st 2013, 0:35:05

Do you:

A) make all of your lunches at the beginning of the week

B) make your lunch the night before

C) make your lunch before leaving for work the same day
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 20th 2013, 21:39:03

PG.... I thought we were friends....
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 20th 2013, 21:32:17

/me scratches behind big dogs ear..... Awwww I missed you too!
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 20th 2013, 21:23:47

Anyone else a fan besides me?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 20th 2013, 2:41:52

Also....LCN claims moral victory
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 18th 2013, 1:40:16

The amount of responses so far is amazing.... I never imagined so many of you being willing to participate even if you think it won't help any. I would like to add an interesting observation.... Nobody has chosen to be anonymous. Everyone this far has decided to respond publicly. I like that.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 17th 2013, 3:24:44

you guys are awesome....thank you! keep em coming!
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 16th 2013, 23:40:48

thanks thanks thanks so far everyone that has responded please keep em coming

h4 steady is not growth
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 16th 2013, 16:56:41

thank you Mr Charcoal.

Martian, i appreciate your suggestion. Yes I know it is non-scientific. This is not the only avenue I am looking at and data such as what qz has would also be useful. At the risk of skewing the data further, user participation in such a survey was something I was factoring also. I know that even an appeal to those that dislike me will not reach all of them. I know that otherwise active players will refuse to participate because of bias towards me.

My interest is in the psychology behind, and behavior patterns when it comes to playing EE in regards to this survey.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 16th 2013, 16:38:25

I know some of you that clicked this thread hate me. I have made more than my share of enemies. Like me or hate me I want to appeal to the side that is a person first, and a player of earth empires second.

I was deeply disturbed at the number that was assigned to my country. Even a year ago our numbers were not so low. I am interested only in the HONEST answer to a couple of questions so that POSSIBLY we can create an environment that is conducive to new players.

feel free to post here, if you are one of those people that maintain a dislike for me, and do not want the earth community to see you participating, send me a message via EE mail, or email me at . If you want complete anonymity you can always use a service like 10 min mail.

Please answer the following questions. I want to get a pulse of the EE community as it is. I will share my findings. Submission time is 1 week from now. All answers submitted via private message or email will remain anonymous.

1) How long have you played?

2) Why did you start playing?

3) Why do you still play?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 16:21:57

It all starts with poking your head in on at..... It's a spiral of doom from there
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 3:11:57

Hmmm just checking.... I know a marine that went by that name without the usmc at the end. So just thought I would ask.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 15th 2013, 2:36:07

Ssewell did you play Spartan wars?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 13th 2013, 22:52:39

Scode you have a heart? When did you get one of those?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 11th 2013, 22:41:04

Well I try not to assume anything.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 11th 2013, 2:01:28

... He is Vic, is there any other reason needed?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 10th 2013, 21:26:09

Where are you at now Marshal?
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

RavenBF Game profile


Oct 8th 2013, 20:27:35

I have warred to death, never really tried netting.
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012