
Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 5th 2022, 22:02:38

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What's with these idiots doing big grabs? And by big I mean hitting top ranked well built countries that can and will retal, stupid.

Well I was already built for attacking and you would have to buy more defense AND lots of new offense. There go your expenses, food consumption, not to mention all the turns not spent teching... Is it worth anything other than a missile?

Not a big deal to buy jets, make the retaliation and then resell the jets before playing a lot of turns at high expense. It is also worth it to take the turns away from teching, because when you retal and rebuild you will then have a higher tech per turn for the remaining 30 days worth of turns.

Anyone who is good at this game will always retaliate against your grab and take their land back sooner or later.

If you want to finish in the top I think you need to be more strategic with your landgrab and make it a goal to keep all of the acres you gain by attacking those who can't retal you. That way you don't trade acres back and forth with people because it is really very expensive to trade land grabs because you build, then get hit back and have to rebuild, plus rebuild cs plus grab someone again to regain those lost acres

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 4th 2022, 16:07:50

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
R I.P Rocky79

I played 1.5 rounds on the team server, and that's enough for me :)

Primary is really the only server that is fun and worthwhile playing, the rest of the servers should likely just be shut down by the game developers

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2022, 1:34:15

26,453 posts Kohearts

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 21:53:27

Do they let you come straight into game A because you've made 26,000 posts?

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 18:34:19

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I only see one flaw in your logic,

I am unsure what type of food a Sylvester Stallone is

Philly cheesesteak duh!

Pat’s King of Steaks! Great call!!

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 18:30:58

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Delp always assured their customers get the best quality food at reasonable prices!

Delp -

I think $50+ is very reasonable!

Always remember -

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 1:57:02

We'll see

I'm just going to play all explore and hope to avoid the mcdonalds food

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 1:04:26

I only see one flaw in your logic,

I am unsure what type of food a Sylvester Stallone is

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 1st 2022, 16:40:24

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Please don't tell me we're going to have another set of $80 bushels. I thought we had enough people that were going farmer.

LB don't worry, I'm here to set it straight lol.. thats the reason why I didn't choose commie but go for farmer.. probably we might still see 50+ bucks during the stocking phase, but at least won't be that bad.. I haven't sell bushels in public market for the past week

Delphinus if I see you selling food on the public market below $50 it will be considered an act of war!!

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 1st 2022, 13:31:49

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Please don't tell me we're going to have another set of $80 bushels. I thought we had enough people that were going farmer.

We definitely have more farmers than last round, although one just got double tapped and responded with missiles, and another just got AB'd 20+ times

Last set we only had one farmer above 10k acres, and I think we will have at least three this round

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 1st 2022, 3:45:27

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I bought them $77 bushels. At first I thought they were pricy but than i remembered I also sell turrets for $220 so I guess I can afford them.

Thanks for your purchase

PS. who pays $220 for turrets? Turrets are cheaper than that on the private market with no 6% tax

Bushels on the other hand are outrageously priced on the private market

Rocky79 Game profile


Feb 1st 2022, 2:15:02

It looks like we've got some organic non-gmo bushels for sale for a steal of a deal at $77 a bushel just like last round

What a deal, I bet they will even decay at the same rate as the cheap bushels do!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 31st 2022, 19:49:44


Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 31st 2022, 15:49:51

I knew I would be away yesterday or I would have joined this one! it looked like fun

Maybe do a challenge for most land gained or fattest country wins

Would be funny to see everyone hit each other, and if folks have human targets at the end there would likely be a furry of attacks in the last minutes to try to win fattest country

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 29th 2022, 1:47:03

bonuses are nice to get

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 26th 2022, 15:40:56

Originally posted by cordycsw:
hi guys.

anyone else needs some def or intel allies?

There is typically a fight or two, and maybe even a quitter during the round so you will have chances to get a top alliance!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 26th 2022, 15:39:39

ya, the people who have hit me made terrible decisions!

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 26th 2022, 15:39:38

Originally posted by Ratski:
GDI is BS ! A player only 5 places up above me double taps me And I can't even spy on the A hole.
GDI authority will not let you perform this operation without declaring war! This is Bull Pucky

Ratski are you #7?

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 24th 2022, 22:00:11

I suppose theo would be a huge advantage if everyone is playing the entire round at 0 cs

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 24th 2022, 20:24:15

0 CS?

I suppose you could play a democracy and try to play the markets

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2022, 16:35:49

I think it's #5 fluff trickle likely

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 21st 2022, 13:26:26


Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 19th 2022, 15:52:28

Using your logic of an idiot not being an idiot if what they are doing is working, then I guess I shouldn't call Trump an idiot either seeing as how his companies make money?

I think it is correct to call them idiots because what they are doing is not useful or beneficial to anyone at all, including themselves

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 19th 2022, 15:20:37

This is likely the worst server in the game

If it isn't the worst already it will be soon with all these borg idiots

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 18th 2022, 13:52:05

Originally posted by Celphi:
The Borg has infiltrated TEAM space.

A few isolated cubes have been spotted and have reported to the collective of new technologies to assimilate. What we know about the Borg:

If you have more than 5 missiles stockpiled you die.
If you attack anyone you die.
If you message the Borg you die.
If you sell tech for more than 4k you die.
If you stockpile more than 500mil cash you die.
If you imitate a cube you die.
If your SPAL is greater than 50 you die.

We fully expect these cubes to arrive by next set.

Everything else is irrelevant.

This is clearly fake news, I have been selling my tech above 4k all round, have a higher spal than that, more cash than that, oh and more missiles than that as well

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 14th 2022, 22:29:08

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I always love it when people have to blow their own horn.

I wish I could blow my own horn

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 12th 2022, 14:27:39

I think I'll play a fascist farmer just so I can farm all these tyranny cashers :)

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 12th 2022, 14:22:57

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Commie Indy here looking for similar high defense mentality Allies that are cool with making LGs and trying to defend / deter retals.

Let me me know if you want to ally

I will trust u to provide cheap military goods for us! Hopefully shld be enough commies with cumorah, LB and u.. food section seems to be in shortage.. I might be going back to farmer again to balance out

Go commie, NiteL and myself are both farming

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 11th 2022, 4:23:49

Does everyone do tech start?

If you're a casher or farmer why not just go straight to it?

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 11th 2022, 0:38:56


Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 9th 2022, 17:55:37

Originally posted by Gerdler:
so another set of $80 food is what you are saying?

Maybe I'll try a farmer actually, not sure if I'll try fascist or something else, hummm

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 9th 2022, 1:32:55

I want to try something different from Republic casher

Maybe I'll try an Indy, I don't know

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 9th 2022, 1:31:18

Congrats Tmac, well played

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 8th 2022, 15:05:18

Why don't the bots retal? or why don't the bots make land grabs or special attacks?

This is also something that should be fixed,

I vote the developers add 5,000 bots and make them all crazy attack bots who land grab like crazy and special attack retal everyone :)

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2022, 21:45:59

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by momo:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Food is up to $299, which is even worse than the prices in California

I don't know, two weeks ago I paid $17 for a T bone steak & eggs with a lemonade, two days ago same Dennys, same meal was $23..... no inflation says the administration....

Bidenomics at work.

Pretty sure it's the anti vaxxers fault....

That's funny!

Edited By: Rocky79 on Jan 8th 2022, 21:46:58

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2022, 21:37:47

So far Gerdler's prediction looks best

I think 1 and 2 are really good bets but we could have a swap at 3 and 4 and we could have another country in 5th possibly

1. Dangling dingleberries
2. Dalgangal
3. Mickey Goldmill
5. Better Run Through The Jungle

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2022, 15:39:42

Food is up to $299, which is even worse than the prices in California

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2022, 15:37:46

I appreciate your explanation of DR and how it works Mr. Gerdler. I had no idea how it worked and I still don't!

My suggestion of adding more bots was just based on the fact that this game was a lot more fun 25 years ago when there were a lot more players. If you look at express this round, the server has approximately one hundred players and Earth 2025 used to have several thousand players on each server.

It's kind of sad to log in and see that there are only 103 countries in the entire express server this round

I personally think it would be more fun and interesting if there were 500 or even 5,000 countries in the express server each weekend,

Obviously, we would all prefer to add 500 or 5,000 more human players instead of bots but it doesn't seem like there is anyone with a financial interest who is concerned with promoting and marketing the game in order to make it grow.

It doesn't seem like anyone in development or management of the game is doing any marketing at all for that matter.

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 7th 2022, 13:29:15

I just thought,

if you're going to go as far as to add bots at all, which means you admit that there are not enough human players for the server, why not go all out and add an extra 500 or 5,000 bots and make it look like it is actually still a popular game?

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 6th 2022, 4:27:16

I guess if a tech point is worth 2 net worth it makes sense to sell the techs you don't need anymore and buy more troops

wish I thought of that a week ago when tech prices were better

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 20:40:59

more bots?

Can whoever is in charge add 50 or 500 more bots please and see how it goes?

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 16:52:07

Food has gone crazy again

Good thing I already have enough for the rest of the round

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 2:45:58

Oh yes, I'm forgetting about hAPPY nEW yEAR who should finish well

As for myself, I should finish around 100 million or so?

I didn't stockpile I've just been cashing turns and buying troops, I don't know how to play the endgame

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 2:41:38

1. Dangling dingleberries
2. Dalgangal
3. Mickey Goldmill
4. Exemption to the Rule
5. Better Run Through The Jungle

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 2:18:57

Predictions for top finishers?

1. Dangling dingleberries
2. Dalgangal
3. Exemption to the Rule
4. Better Run Through The Jungle
5. Mickey Goldmill

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 16:17:39

That was a different game all together and it was much more popular than this game

Earth 2025 was more of a war game with a ton of players and a ton of player vs player action, whereas Earth Empires is all explore and player vs player action is widely discouraged by both the game players and game moderators

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 0:39:41

It would be neat if residential tech mitigated the effects of earthquakes

When they build a skyscraper in Japan they put it on a form of bearing or shock absorber

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 17:21:34

I finished third in my first ever round on this server

I did find it very boring and will not do that again