
Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 15:27:28

Ouch that hurts a lot

#22 needed to stay more than 4x #4's net worth after the 7 land attacks and didn't

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 4:52:04


Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2022, 17:20:29


So maybe change it from:
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.

To something like this:
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies, provided that it will help your country in the final rankings (as determined by third party game police). Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land, again provided it will benefit your country in the final rankings (as determined by third party game police). Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations (that are seen as beneficial to your country in the final rankings by third party game police), govern your country and build your empire.

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 17:17:44

I'm fairly new here but I was an Earth 2025 player for a long time and I have read through these forums and I have a couple questions about these sanctions

When I go to the main page of the Earth Empires website, the description of the game is as follows:

Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.

So the question is, are you going to change this page and change the description of what this game is about? Maybe add something in about players only being allowed to hit the robot countries or players not being allowed to attack the good players who run low on defenses?


Edited By: Rocky79 on Jan 1st 2022, 17:27:18

Rocky79 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 3:15:59

2021-12-18 09:27:49 PS Dalgangal (#34) DeLpHiNuS (#21) 1262A (2415A)

2021-12-30 22:03:22 PS DeLpHiNuS (#21) Dalgangal (#34) 3512A (5015A)

Retal of the reset award goes to delphinus

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2021, 15:09:38

You shouldn't have started your country in California

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 31st 2021, 1:42:53

Originally posted by Getafix:
I once played Express for about three years straight, every week. When I stopped I had a sleep disorder that lasted for years, waking up every two hours.

That sound insane

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 21:43:02

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I guess if you treat your endgame here as you did in tournament you might still finish 20th but if not there is no way you wont get at least 2nd unless you messed up :)

doubt I will finish in the top three, I think I attacked for too long and failed too many attacks when I should have been cashing my turns and saving.

don't have a country in the tournament, so if I finish this round at all I will do better than ever done there :)

tournament is not for me because with the gdi rules you can't make land attacks unless you declare war, and if you do that you have to then attack the same player repeatedly for at least 48 hours which create an enemy for the rest of the round with every target you hit and it doesn't work.

I've also tried the express but I don't like the robot players and I can't keep up with finding targets and playing that many turns every day

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 18:25:43

Oh yeah?

If casher has the highest income per acre now, then I am making the most money per turn right now

that's neat

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 17:10:08

Sly doesn't look so sly now does he?

I think if he was trying to win the round, he didn't really do very well with the aggressive strategy as compared to the all explore countries

I wonder what his reckless play will do to the server overall? My guess is that the top countries at the end of this round will have much lower net worth than normal, and a player who wasn't involved with sly will likely win

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 16:58:26

The military prices have been really high, that's for sure

Food was crazy expensive as well but now it has come down a lot

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 24th 2021, 15:14:52

I shouldn't talk about my plans to make retals on here

My last target I need to catch up with just gained a lot of defenses after seeing my recent post here


Edited By: Rocky79 on Dec 24th 2021, 17:29:38

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 24th 2021, 15:05:15

It will likely be a race between #22 and #34

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 23rd 2021, 17:49:47

Interesting, maybe just this round is bad for casher then.

I think spending all your bonus points on expenses is definitely the way to go

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 23rd 2021, 16:09:41

Seems to me that the Industrialist, the Techer, and the Farmer are all better strategies than the Casher on this server

I picked wrong and I'll have to try something else next round

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 23rd 2021, 15:10:56

The techers better not start jumping yet, I have one more retaliation to make

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 22nd 2021, 18:46:09

I just get those pesky shortages

My military leaves and per capita income goes down, whoops

Edited By: Rocky79 on Dec 22nd 2021, 20:48:01

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 22nd 2021, 16:42:20

Originally posted by guochel:
he is a griefer

Looks to me like he's a brilliant strategist who is now in first place due to some risky moves

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 22nd 2021, 15:09:32

I'll buy them if you reprice to $90

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 22nd 2021, 5:44:31


I just want my private market to be able to compete with the public market for bushel prices, especially if I have good military cost technology

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 22nd 2021, 4:00:13

With a decent percentage of military costs tech I can get my price for jets down around $165, which is comparable to the public market price at 150 with a 6% commission added,

With that same military costs tech percentage my private market bushel price is still north of $300 per bushel, which seems odd and seems like it's something that should be fixed by the game developers

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 22nd 2021, 3:57:59

I feel like the bushel price on private market is very disproportionate to the public market when you compare to the military prices on the private vs public market

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 21st 2021, 21:26:14

Your standing orders:
Purchase up to 555,555,555,555,555 Bushels at $55 or less. Cancel Order

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 21st 2021, 14:12:58

Now the price of oil has gone crazy along with the food

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 21st 2021, 1:50:41

lets go

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 20th 2021, 11:38:21

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Has #38 just given up? I am seeing a lot of raping and pillaging going on - it’s tempting to join in.

#38's last login was the 11th

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 20th 2021, 4:16:52

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Ok guys, these bushels prices are getting ridiculous. Jokes, I don’t care. But if you farmers don’t break some records and take the top spots I’m going to be very disappointed.

I think there is maybe only one farmer with more than 10,000 acres

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 18th 2021, 3:54:03

There are some fireworks now

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 18th 2021, 3:32:36

Yeah I lost over 600k jets and the defender only lost 130k turrets, but his allies lost almost 200k turrets

I guess I won't really know if I over sent but I assume I did

I didn't spy the target at all I just sent a bunch of jets on a planned strike :)

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 17th 2021, 22:56:01

So, if I lose a lot a lot of jets when I attack someone, does that mean I sent too many?

I feel like I lost a disproportionate number of jets when I attacked today

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 17th 2021, 14:52:27

Biden reads everything on the teleprompter just like Run Burgundy

We need someone to hack in and change his teleprompter

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 17th 2021, 1:21:20

Let's Go Brandon!

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 15th 2021, 5:15:52


Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 15th 2021, 5:06:59

I'll likely make land grabs after 10,000 acres

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 15th 2021, 1:38:19

I'd like to know where you get your drugs if you've got an offensive ally in Primary server

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 14th 2021, 18:43:21

Originally posted by g0nz0:
I have a defense Ally, and they are just trucking through the round, all-x, no problems. Hungry decides to start farming the Ally. 10-20 hits, whatever. Now each hit is taking my military. NW is dropping, troop levels falling. I abandon Ally so as to stop losing my own defense (opens me to getting grabbed also)? Or do I hit the Hungry with some grabs? Your posts tell me that's collusion. So what are my options?

This happened to me this round, my ally was getting struck repeatedly with land grabs

I couldn't strike the country that was striking my ally without them being able to strike me back and so I actually ended up just searching for a new ally to replace that slot

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 14th 2021, 13:45:56

I had a bit of dialogue with one of them in the game, the one who double tapped me was #6 and he claimed it was an accident

He said he was from Malaysia, and when I spied on him he had equal numbers of industrial and research buildings and a very strange mixed strategy country

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 13th 2021, 12:58:39

I would support these ideas

I owe each of these countries one retal that I didn't get to make

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 13th 2021, 2:58:12

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I hope he knocks them down a bit, otherwise it just encourages that type of behavior right?

If you don't retal, people remember, we all take notes, we're watching.....

/me looks into Rocky79 soul

I'm going to make sure to retaliate every attack

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 12th 2021, 16:10:53

I think that another simple solution to the problem would be to have everyone's name associated with their country name in-game

So if I click on whatever country is SuperFly's it says that somewhere instead of him being able to hide behind a different made up country name every round

Like the country of "ABC 123" in the scores section, and then when you search that country it says Leader: SuperFly somewhere in the search result listing

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 12th 2021, 3:16:44

Seems like one of the problems on this server is the bots because it's like a built in cheat for the game

It's too bad the bots don't play more like regular players who retaliate against attackers

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 12th 2021, 3:13:11

I hope he knocks them down a bit, otherwise it just encourages that type of behavior right?

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 11th 2021, 18:25:51

Originally posted by Slagpit:
A plain reading of suggests that Superfly's recent behavior qualifies his account for military sanctions. Can anyone make an argument that Superfly shouldn't be sanctioned based on something other than a rejection of the military sanctions concept entirely?

You developers should make a server where attacking is not allowed, and those players who have posted above who are scared of other players can join this server and enjoy their "race" without having to worry about the other racers trying to grease up their wheels

I would guess that the majority of players enjoy the attacking aspect of the game and don't mind the occasional round where they are on the receiving end of some land grabs

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 11th 2021, 14:45:17

A couple weeks ago I got hit 6 times by another player, and when I looked to retaliate the player was already dead

So I just went about my game and continued playing and I still did well

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 11th 2021, 14:26:11

So what happened to #38?

I was watching for a big first strike and it looks instead like this player gave up?