
Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 4th 2022, 13:34:33


Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2022, 2:26:32


As you can see, it is a wonderful and close knit community here on Earth Empires

Please stay a while and enjoy some popcorn with KoH

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2022, 20:37:44

I was at 28.77 mil if nothing that I had on the market had sold, but if I wasn't online to rebuy goods off of my PM in the final minute you would have knocked me down to 4th with your purchases :)

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2022, 14:06:01

Thanks NiteL, you also bought my $299 turrets and jets that I had stored on the market I think ;) So thanks for that as well!

I gained about 800k net worth in the last minutes of the round because someone bought my expensive military on the public market and I was able to then rebuy cheaper stuff on my PM

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2022, 0:26:01

Woo Hoo, Thanks for the post KoH

That is 2 wins in a row for me :)

Congrats to the rest of the top 5 as well

I actually didn't have any intention of trying to win this round when it started, I just wanted to see how much land I could get, but changed my mind once I got to 25k acres without getting into a war

Got hit with a bunch of lemming AB's, a failed PS and some Missiles yesterday and today, and then I spent a bunch of turns retaliating with spy attacks instead of cashing or I may have hit 35 mil net, maybe next time!

Good luck next round everyone!


Edited By: Rocky79 on Apr 2nd 2022, 0:41:39

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 1st 2022, 19:48:35

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
People think I'm quiet because I'm shy, but really I've been silently judging them from afar and determining that they're all phucking retards

Good thing no one cares about what you think either

Rocky79 Game profile


Apr 1st 2022, 18:48:38

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't think anyone cares 🤷‍♂️


Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 31st 2022, 20:57:43

This is what happens when you elect a president through the mail

If you watch Wisconsin you will see that they are close to decertifying their fraudulent election, and other swing states will follow, and it's only a matter of time. The Russia collusion investigation was approx. 3 years and we are only 15 months or so into the election fraud investigations. The big difference is that Russia collusion was a made up bogus lie, whereas the stolen election is very real. The other difference is the mainstream media reporting and non reporting due to their bias towards dems. The media shows their true colors by what they try to sweep under the rug and don't report on.

The hearing today in Wisconsin was very damning, but you won't hear about it on CNN or MSNBC. True the vote has all the data to prove that 7% of mail in ballots across the country were trafficked, and that Biden's election was the product of organized crime using dirty voter rolls and ballot drop boxes.

The gas price hike is only getting started, along with the price hike of everything else. Soon we could hit $40 a gallon or more. That way the powers that be can really force their electric wet dreams on the masses.

Also, thanks to the sanctions on Russia the US dollar is about to lose it's status as the worlds reserve currency. What does everyone think will happen when other countries stop buying US debt? Have you heard of hyperinflation?? better buy some gold, silver, bitcoin, and maybe some rubles before it's too late. The price of everything is going to go up astronomically just like it did in Venezuela after their election was stolen. 7% inflation is one thing, how do you think 1,000% or 5,000% inflation is going to feel?

Does anyone remember before the election when the New York Post was censored and de-platformed for telling the truth about Hunter's laptop? and then 50 former intelligence agents went on record and lied to the American people by calling the laptop Russian disinformation. Well that laptop has now been confirmed authentic by the New York Times and it has also been entered into the congressional record by Rep Matt Gaetz. Senator Grassley is bringing the receipts for the payments from the CCP to the Bidens onto the senate floor and raising legitimate questions about where Joe's loyalty really lies. Chinese companies have been paying Hunter Biden millions of dollars for years, with 10% for the big guy, the Chinese are not stupid and they wouldn't give away millions if they weren't getting a return on their investment.

At this point anyone who doesn't think the 2020 election was stolen is living under a rock, it's either going to be rectified or the USA will collapse as a nation before 2024.

Our governor here in Florida won't even call Joe Biden "Mr. President" and instead refers to him as "the occupant" in the White House. Desantis is a man who is far more intelligent than almost all of the other politicians in this country.

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 31st 2022, 17:55:01

Clearly staged,

Pfizer sponsored the Oscars and conveniently they have a new drug out for Alopecia or whatever the heck its called where women go bald and start to look like trannies

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 31st 2022, 16:56:06

Why don't we try this again hjason3

Here is the description for GDI in Primary - The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) is an open organization dedicated to the protection of our members. As a member of GDI, you will receive the protection of GDI forces. Unless you have attacked a country twice or more, that country will only be able to commit the following attacks or harmful spy ops against you: standard strikes, planned strikes, steal tech, bomb banks, burn oil, and burn bushels.

However, we require your assistance after leaving protection. You will be required to pay $5 per non-cs building you own to the GDI fund as long as you are with us. In addition, you will not be allowed to commit offensive acts which are not standard strikes, planned strikes, or beneficial spy ops against other countries unless they have attacked you more than once.

You can only leave GDI before the final six hours of the game if you haven't attacked or been attacked. If you leave GDI then you cannot rejoin. In the final six hours of the game, you will not be able to engage in any offensive actions against countries that have not hit you at least once. However, countries not in GDI may still be able to attack you.

So, that is what it means to be in GDI in Primary

Now that you know what it means to be in GDI in Primary, you can go here -

And this is where you will see all the server details,

The server details include information about humanitarians

Humanitarians protest if a country attempts to attack another country which is 4 times bigger or smaller than it.

As Tmac and others said above, all of these rules are different on each server,

So if you want to play on a server where countries can't attack you more than twice or less than half your size you should go play tournament

If you are wondering what type of attacks you are protected from in Primary with your GDI membership you can go to the spy page or the warroom page and notice the different types of attacks, like bomb jets, bomb structures, bio terrorism, or Artillery Barrage, Bombing Runs, etc.

Once again, this is not Earth 2025, so what you remember about what GDI might have been back in the 1990's is not relevant here on Earth Empires.

If you still can't figure things out based on all the information posted above I don't see how anyone is going to be able to help you further

Edited By: Rocky79 on Mar 31st 2022, 17:51:04

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 31st 2022, 3:59:52

Originally posted by g0nz0:
fluff You too Earth Empires!!!! fluffin bullfluff

Cash shortages cause Per Capita income to fall!
A portion of your military leaves due to a lack of money!
A worker strike impacts industrial production this turn!

Seems like a good time to give up and delete your country, maybe try again next round

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 31st 2022, 2:51:29

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Doubtful, that country has been around for a while and Rocky79 is newer (at least with that handle).

This is my third round of Primary, I started in Express first but I couldn't really understand how the bots diminishing returns works or keep up with the fast pace of the turns. I also played in tournament and I think it was my 2nd or 3rd round of Tourney when I started playing Primary.

I don't even remember what my handle was back in the 1990's when I was in high school and played Earth 2025 religiously and ran about 30 or 40 countries per round, it would have likely been Tec9, Tech9 or TechN9ne, great old gamer names, also a great gun and a pretty decent rapper

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 21:27:13

Thanks Gerdler, those are excellent points!

g0nz0 to answer your question, yes I am willing to buy 10 million jets or even 20 million jets to retal a 100 acre grab. I can always resell the jets after they come back from their planned strike if I need too.

I'll typically retal every single grab, but last set I actually had more fun just threatening a retal and then watching that player destroy their own finish by running extremely high on turrets and high on expenses.

prefer not to let anyone know which country is mine until much later in the reset, just because someone out there might want to hit me because of actions I have taken in the past, or because they don't like my posts or my points of view.

Anyhow, regardless of the hits taken I am in a much stronger position now than I was at this point last round, so I am hoping for a good finish

Good luck everyone!

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 21:26:14

Originally posted by g0nz0:
You guys provided non answers to a VERY simple question. "How much bigger can a country be than me even though I am in GDI?"

Here's a link dummy!
Stupid, go read the link, it doesn't answer your question but here's the link again n00bidiot.
OMG n00b! Just go read the GDI link! DUUUUUH!!

fluffing exact server by server answer. you guys stroke your fluffs about EXACT hit or tech calculations... Jets Weapons tech+(int^46/17%)*14 + your allies girth then divide by length. Also remember your prostate milking spy ops.

What % can they attack in which server? All servers. Hard mode: no links

I think I answered his questions much better than you did,

Especially since he posted that he didn't understand your stupid answer

I thought the guy that complained about the country named White Power was the biggest moron in the game but I'm starting to second guess that

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 14:27:53


If you go here -

You will see the server details,

The server details include information about humanitarians

Humanitarians protest if a country attempts to attack another country which is 4 times bigger or smaller than it.

I already posted the gdi information above for Primary

I will suggest to you that if you are a new player you may want to start in tournament for a few rounds and learn, or go to clan recruiting in alliance and join a clan where you can learn the ropes

Starting out in Primary is like saying you want to try swimming and then jumping in the ocean 2 miles off the coast from a boat

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 9:17:57

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I might have to try a tech start next round, I've been hit 5 or 6 times already and it's getting annoying

If any of the countries that hit me turn out to be good players I'll wait a month and retal their 200 acre grab for 2-3k acres or more

You sport like 200k turrets. How can you complain when there is a stable market? Buy some tanks while you're at it.

I've got a lot more than 200k turrets, but that is beside the point

The point is that there is more to consider than just a countries defenses in Primary server

Choosing to attack a country with a proper build, proper tech and high cs is a really stupid play when the round is two months long, especially when they could attack someone with a rainbow style build or someone with much lower tech levels

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 1:00:36

I might have to try a tech start next round, I've been hit 5 or 6 times already and it's getting annoying

If any of the countries that hit me turn out to be good players I'll wait a month and retal their 200 acre grab for 2-3k acres or more

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 0:53:20

The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) is an open organization dedicated to the protection of our members. As a member of GDI, you will receive the protection of GDI forces. Unless you have attacked a country twice or more, that country will only be able to commit the following attacks or harmful spy ops against you: standard strikes, planned strikes, steal tech, bomb banks, burn oil, and burn bushels.

However, we require your assistance after leaving protection. You will be required to pay $5 per non-cs building you own to the GDI fund as long as you are with us. In addition, you will not be allowed to commit offensive acts which are not standard strikes, planned strikes, or beneficial spy ops against other countries unless they have attacked you more than once.

You can only leave GDI before the final six hours of the game if you haven't attacked or been attacked. If you leave GDI then you cannot rejoin. In the final six hours of the game, you will not be able to engage in any offensive actions against countries that have not hit you at least once. However, countries not in GDI may still be able to attack you.


Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 29th 2022, 19:48:57

What is going through someone's head when they spy on a country that is clearly playing a specialized strategy with high tech levels and very high CS and then decide to land grab that country anyways?

It's a special kind of stupid!

Especially when there are a lot of much better targets at this stage in the round, like rainbows or those without tech or without specialization, versus a guaranteed retaliation later on from an experienced player.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 29th 2022, 1:51:45

Too bad Saint Peters lost, they were the bracket busting cinderella story

Kansas would have to be the favorite at this point

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 28th 2022, 17:46:35

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by guochel:
i don't have time to manage my country in this gamez! sorry, guys!

Which country are you?

omfg wtf

It was an honest question, if you have a country and you're not going to play it anymore, at least let us know so we can make better use of your land rather than let it go to waste

Collusion would be an ingame message to a particular country saying "Hey, I'm not playing anymore, I've dropped my def and you can hit me"

Posting on the boards for everyone to see, and saying, "Hey, I'm not playing anymore and this was my country which is now fair game for every single other player" does not seem to meet the definition of collusion

That'd be collusion....

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 28th 2022, 3:34:09

Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by guochel:
i don't have time to manage my country in this gamez! sorry, guys!

Which country are you?

omfg wtf

It was an honest question, if you have a country and you're not going to play it anymore, at least let us know so we can make better use of your land rather than let it go to waste

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 27th 2022, 12:46:25

An earthquake occurred destroying 116 buildings!

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 27th 2022, 12:46:17

Originally posted by guochel:
i don't have time to manage my country in this gamez! sorry, guys!

Which country are you?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 26th 2022, 12:39:37

Originally posted by jonnyb:
Noobs question. What kind of post is eligible for weekly bonus points?

Any and every post is eligible for weekly bonus, as long as it is your first post of the week

You actually qualified for a bonus with your first post, and I bet you feel special as all heck

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 25th 2022, 20:05:24

PS Mar 25, 13:11 Ho Hell (#8) Tits R Us (#10) 716 A
EM Mar 25, 13:12 Ho Hell (#8) Tits R Us (#10) 18,701 MU
EM Mar 25, 13:12 Ho Hell (#8) Tits R Us (#10) 18,513 MU
CM Mar 25, 13:12 Ho Hell (#8) Tits R Us (#10) 432 B
16,369 C
CM Mar 25, 13:12 Ho Hell (#8) Tits R Us (#10) 412 B
14,241 C
NM Mar 25, 13:12 Ho Hell (#8) Tits R Us (#10) 546 A
PS Mar 25, 13:22 Mischievous Badger (#1) Resident Alien (#9) 374 A
PS Mar 25, 16:27 Tits R Us (#10) Ho Hell (#8) 803 A
NM Mar 25, 16:29 Tits R Us (#10) Ho Hell (#8) DH

Looks like Tits found a new fight already with the country with a bad word in its name

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 25th 2022, 20:00:08


I can't believe you would assume my species like that

btw, your comparison to a nonconsensual horizonal shuffle is very far out in the clouds

If you go to the main page @ you can read all about the game, its a great way to learn

"Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire."

Edited By: Rocky79 on Mar 25th 2022, 22:15:21

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 25th 2022, 13:28:45

Literally the object of the game is to grow your nation as large as possible and attacking other players is a part of that on all servers, it doesn't matter if the server has robots or not

Also I think any human who is carrying a grudge for multiple sets in an online text based game twenty years past its prime will likely find a way to carry one regardless

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 25th 2022, 6:29:55

I saw Tits fail to retaliate against a large number of attacks against earlier in the round, maybe that is why players now feel like they can take their piece of Tits

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 25th 2022, 1:10:33

I was going to say, that is crazy

But what you say make sense

I have hit a lot of players so if a lot of players hit me later on it is likely not collusion on their parts!

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 25th 2022, 0:11:02

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Report if more than 1 are hitting you unprovoked, that's not allowed.

What does that mean?

Two countries are not allowed to land grab the same country?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 23rd 2022, 20:28:35

part of being mischievous is being quiet

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 22nd 2022, 12:32:04

Yeah, it's silly to be in first at this point

Anyone who is trying to be in first at the end is likely not in first at this point, because if you are first you are likely not stockpiling or storing any turns, and you are certainly running too much military and will have too high of expenses per turn

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 21st 2022, 13:21:15

I suppose I am a bully but I ain't no bastard!

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 19th 2022, 21:51:08

The last time I was targeted by a big mac it was on a billboard I could see from the alley outside the bar at about 2:00am back in college days

I was like a deer caught by truck headlights until I ate one

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 19th 2022, 19:17:31

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I wonder how everyone in America feels about USD $5000 per gallon of fuel and USD $10,000 for a carton of eggs

Hyperinflation like this could be on the horizon thanks to the US going full retard with Russian sanctions and losing their status as the world reserve currency

The tv tells me it's transitory. Everything is just fine. What concerns me more is the desperate need to affect true and substantive measures in addressing Climate Change™.
We need to see mandates move forward on vaccinations for children entering the school system and masking while inside closed spaces, like classrooms and gym.
I also think it's imperative that Americans work to improve access to voting rights for minority communities and undocumented citizens of the United States.
These are things that matter to future generations if we truly believe in peace and prosperity. America can be exceptional again. If it can just accept grandpa's colonialists world view followed him to the grave. Make New America a great place to be.

We should also let mentally ill men compete in women’s sports and call it progress

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 19th 2022, 13:37:07

I wonder how everyone in America feels about USD $5000 per gallon of fuel and USD $10,000 for a carton of eggs

Hyperinflation like this could be on the horizon thanks to the US going full retard with Russian sanctions and losing their status as the world reserve currency

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 19th 2022, 0:12:23

Originally posted by guochel:
you guys are so indirect and sneaky!
I have so many questions, yet the answers I find create more questions

which player are you? I will send my jets over to say hello

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 18th 2022, 13:31:54

I guess if players had a spirit animal they would be the same type of animal, like maybe a badger!

They say that Badgers have a keen sense of hearing

Edited By: Rocky79 on Mar 18th 2022, 13:35:02

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 18th 2022, 1:26:24

I hear the badger is wondering what the land record is for a round of tournament

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 17th 2022, 13:01:43

Mcdonalds big mac is really smacking everyone around this reset

Lots of farming and lots of AB's

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 17th 2022, 13:00:03

Covid zero is impossible, the weapon got out of the lab and now we have to live with it for the rest of all time

I don't think a vaccine is the answer because coronaviruses mutate too quickly and by the time you have a vaccine the virus is two or three variants ahead again. This is one of the reasons why we have never had a successful coronavirus vaccine in our history as a species

There is one thing that does work for coronaviruses, and that is the strategy of taking care of yourself, eating properly and practicing a healthy lifestyle which is a strategy that is as old as time.

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 17th 2022, 2:16:50

We aren't and will never be out of the woods

It's a seasonal coronavirus with animal host reservoirs so it's never going to go away

It's just amazing watching governments around the country (and around the world) in lockstep, promote these harmful policies when they should be promoting healthy lifestyle, exercise, and vitamin d

masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and experimental vaccines have all caused more harm than good and made things worse

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 16th 2022, 13:37:11

I said from the start, "I'm not beta testing a new vaccine, sorry but it's as simple as that"

I was amazed at how I was shunned from society and fired from my job and excluded from daily life things like restaurants and sports events so I moved to Florida in 2020 and haven't looked back

It's crazy the amount of pressure people have been under to take the shot, and the more pressure they apply the more I trust my decision to not beta test a new vaccine

I have two friends in the US military who said they were forced to take the shots and now they both have heart problems, one was a pilot who can no longer fly without massive chest pain

Don't worry though, their myocarditis is "mild"

Anyone else wondering why China would prefer to lock down 50 million citizens rather than buy and give them all the Pfizer vaccine?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 15th 2022, 17:48:01

Interesting, I would think in tournament your target would be at least 15-16.5k acres and I would want more than 70 bpt for that

You go for 180 cs for a bpt of 70 and I think last time I played theo I went for 252 cs for a bpt of 95

I think it's nice when you are 10k+ acres having that extra bpt because you have extra turns to tech with at high tech per turn as you build