
Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 15th 2022, 13:44:05

Vaccinated Black Trans Ukrainian lives matter!!

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 15th 2022, 13:39:10

Why do you not take advantage of the theo bonus and get 90 or 100 bpt or more? you could then spend a lot more turns exploring especially later in the game as compared to a 70 bpt

In my opinion the big advantage of theo is being able to get a higher bpt with the same number of cs as everyone else. For some reason people think they should just build less cs which is a waste of the theo build bonus.

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 15th 2022, 3:41:33

I went back to casher

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 15th 2022, 3:39:50

oil is cheap in tournament

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 14th 2022, 1:40:29

getting bonus points to reduce expenses

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 12th 2022, 14:17:51

I didn't know about oiler

I though it was best to go farmer/oiler and still be mostly farms because there is not enough demand for oil to support an entire nation

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 12th 2022, 4:21:53

I'd really like to try a commie indy but I don't think I can play a better CI than LB can

My next farmer will be a fascist farmer/oiler but I'm not going to farm two sets in a row

I'm not very good at techer but if I was to go techer I'd do tyranny to 35-40k and then switch to demo

Undecided for now and going to wait and see like Tmac but leaning towards casher again

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 14:22:54

NiteL, I think he chose you cuz you were in the top 10 and I was 11th or 12th at the time

Just unlucky, he said he wanted Mario but couldn't get in range

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 5:40:21

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I don't know what I'll play yet, techer was a disaster last round :-(

Maybe you should farm this round?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 5:36:37

I should have hit at least 90 mil and taken fourth but I stopped trying to maximize my net-worth when I got hit with a ton of missiles, and I spent a bunch of turns spying and market spying the top ten, and I launched all my missiles instead of cashing turns, and I didn't resell any military when I could have during the last two days

If I had played lazy the last week I might have had fourth, lol

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 2:35:33

I'm going to try a commie indy, or maybe go back to casher again

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 0:23:37

I think that means techer will be good this round coming up

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 0:22:03

I'm happy I edged out Delphi and took the top farmer spot :)

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 11th 2022, 0:20:12

Congrats Gerdler, great win

Congrats Tmac and LB finishing in the top three

Nicely played as well by #70 sneaking into the top 4

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 10th 2022, 19:43:47

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
1 Cashing (#22) 66,692 $154,397,397 RG
2 Mario Day (#44) 65,607 $153,639,654 RG

Good battle going

I think they will both break 165m NW which is amazing

LB, at least your mishap that cost you 5mil NW wont change your finish position , you've got third locked up

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 10th 2022, 16:22:06

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Big numbers for the top three countries. Looking forward to seeing where they finish.

The highest I see in the eestats history is around 165m NW

I wonder if one of the two big cashers will top that?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 10th 2022, 4:36:55

Primary is my favorite server because it is the closest thing to playing Earth 2025 in 1997

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 10th 2022, 1:27:42

Originally posted by 00Rosso:
Why do people with 20X my networth get to attack me.. 5,6,7 times... but I cant retal at all cause of "Enter stupid ass reason here".... this nonsense happens all the time and its rediculous.. fix it or make it not be able to attack both ways

This happens in Primary server especially because the game has a feature called humanitarians, which prevent all players from attacking countries more than 4x or less than 4x their total networth

So what the experienced players do is attack countries that are approx. 4x smaller than they are, and then spend money afterwards to climb higher in networth so they are more than 4x larger than you are

The best way to fight back against this is to learn a basic game strategy and learn how to more efficiently play your turns so that you can get back within 4x the size of these attacking countries and then you will be able to attack them back with missiles or spy attacks or whatever way you see fit

Good luck

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 9th 2022, 21:36:48

MILORD, I don't think he mis-spoke, I think he is experiencing cognitive decline similar to Alzheimer's or Dementia and he should not be anywhere near the presidency due to his declining mental state.

I just find it odd that for the past four years we had constant calls from physicians saying the president of the unites states was "unfit" and there really didn't seem to be any merit for it. However, now that we can all see it and recognize it in this president, now all of those calls seem to have disappeared from the media.

It's just mind boggling that this administration could make decisions that lead to a species extinction event and the "leader of the free world" is a person who doesn't seem to know who, or where he is, and likely can't recognize himself in the mirror

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 9th 2022, 21:29:37

Originally posted by NitelL:
Originally posted by Rocky79:

That's almost as bad as accidently double tapping the wrong country and getting hit with 15 missiles :(

I think that move loses you about 30m nw at least. xD

Yes likely, rebuilding more than 10,000 acres when you have 60k land is very expensive

The last two rounds I've spent all my bonus on lowering expenses and I'm wondering about spending bonus points on building costs instead in a future round. I think next time I try a dictator farmer I will bonus building costs for at least half the round and try to get a lot more land

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 9th 2022, 18:25:43

Originally posted by LightBringer:
I just want everyone to know that I just withdrew good from the market without enough bushels to run one turn. I lost 5mil nw. Also I accidentally sold my stocked bushels at market price and had 10mil sell at 37. FML

That's almost as bad as accidently double tapping the wrong country and getting hit with 15 missiles :(

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 9th 2022, 5:10:15

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Joker111555:
Better off starting with what's right with him......... I only know one person who admits to voting for him. He has a very heavy accent and was not born in this country. I guess people haven't clued in on that YouTube video just posted. Instead, buying into what the tube tells people to believe. I haven't watched TV in YEARS. In all honesty, because I seen right threw most of the programs.. hmm figures.. programs. Weak minds are easily minipulated and programmed. This seems to be the CLOSEST thing to a simulation I can think of.

Mail in ballots put him in the white house.....170m when historically less than 145m vote on each presidential election year, math doesn't add up 🙇‍♂️

If you've been watching any of the info that has come out of the special council office in Wisconsin, or any of the voterGA stuff in Georgia, or the audit in Arizona, it seems that a sophisticated voter fraud organization put Joe Biden into the white house, and not the votes of the American people

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 7th 2022, 16:48:04

Illinois, this team could get to New Orleans

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 7th 2022, 16:38:13

Nice LB, that's awesome

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 21:10:02

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 21:06:00

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Tmac:
I watched people farm #61 all set confused as to why. When I hit him once, I marked him as dnh in my head because of how dangerous he looked.

Yup, that's why I made SDI lol

Since I made a catastrophic error that ruined my finish, I've been sort of taking advantage of my misfortune and spying the top 10 players so I can learn more about what it takes to win in this game

It seems to me that you can either play in a style that affords you a chance to win, or you can do things like waste money buying SDI

You can't really do both though because you will lose to someone like Tmac or Gerdler who is playing a more aggressive, more offensive, and more efficient country

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 20:59:08

Originally posted by Tmac:
You do lose food for military units so I guess they come with people. It would also seem to make theo cashers invincible, right?

Yes, I suppose you couldn't make a change like this without making other changes as well, as Rockman had spoke about in his prior post

I suppose if military units come with people it is just not accounted for in your population stats

I just like throwing out ideas, I'm not thinking that anything at all is going to actually change with the game seeing as how it is essentially the same as it was when I played it back in 1997

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 18:05:32

Yes Req, this would be the idea

It seems odd that when I lose almost all my population I lose almost all my production of food, or almost all my production of military in my factories, but I can still send 5 million jets out

I guess the idea is that the factories or the farms are not automated and require population to operate, but the jets and tanks are all unmanned drones?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 17:59:46

I fear that the goal of the Biden presidency is much worse than just humiliating Americans

His administration appears to be working on behalf of communist China, and their actions are helping China to become a world hegemon.

Also the actions (sanctions) they have taken towards Russia since the invasion of Ukraine began seem to largely benefit China as well, and they further strengthen the alliance between China and Russia quite drastically

We are watching the beginning of the end of US geo political dominance on the world stage, and I fear that the future of this planet will be controlled by China, and to a lesser extend by Russia

Scary times ahead, too bad we allowed our election to be stolen by communists. We need decertification of the 2020 fraud and Trump to return to the presidency quickly or we will fail as a nation before 2024.

It will be interesting to see the US response to China's upcoming invasion of Taiwan, who here thinks they will do exactly none of what they have done to punish Russia?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 15:04:27

I just watched him in an interview say that "Vladimir Putin has invaded Russia"

Also, during his state of a union he called for "a pound of Ukrainian people" and he said that "You can't build a wall high enough to keep out a a a a a a vaccine"

Is there anyone on this chat that lives here in the USA and voted for Joe?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 6th 2022, 15:02:51

Okay, here's my *updated* top 5 prediction:

1. #44
2. #22
3. #12
4. #2
5. #21

I could have #44 and #22 wrong in their spots, #22 could win and #44 2nd, and I could have #4 and #5 wrong as well, but the prediction for 3rd place for #12 can be taken right to the bank

*#7 could be a 4th or 5th place finisher but I didn't put him in the list because I really thought #70 was going to take exception to #7's double retal and pick a fight

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 5th 2022, 16:26:37

Originally posted by MILORD:
Pardon my restraint in rhetoric. I have to think about the words before I write! After all, quite recently I liked one politician who impressed me in terms of views. Today he is in prison... His name is Alexei Navalny. He fought corruption and did investigations. I have family. But still, I very carefully want to convey my view of these events to the other part of the Russians, who, like me, do not want war.

Great to hear a Russian perspective,

It is my belief as an America, that the US/Nato involvement in Ukraine is what has caused this reaction from Russia. I believe that we "poked the bear" so to speak and that this situation is largely the fault of the west who have placed NATO weapons in Ukraine and provoked the Russians

As the Russian leaders have said, they did not wish to attack Ukraine, and their war is not against the Ukrainian people or even against the Ukrainian military

From their perspective, they say that they had no choice but to fight to save the people in Eastern Ukraine from the Nazi groups and Neo-Nazi groups that have been waging war on eastern Ukrainians since 2014 at least, and to prevent NATO forces from putting nuclear weapons within a strike time of just 2 minutes from Moscow.

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 5th 2022, 4:49:34

Okay, here's my top 5 prediction:

1. #44
2. #22
3. #12
4. #57
5. #2

The final net worth for #1 and #2 will be very high as both have played an amazing round

Also, I learned my lesson underestimating a certain player last round

Perhaps myself (#21) or one of the stockpiling techers could sneak in ahead of #2 or even ahead of #57 but I'm not sure on the techers due to KoH's comments above regarding his stock and the low tech prices this round

Edited By: Rocky79 on Mar 5th 2022, 13:42:32

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 4th 2022, 20:17:23

What about Yellow Power?

Or Orange Power?

Or Indigo Power?

Purple Power?

meti, do morons like you get offended over every color under the rainbow or is it just the color white that gets ya?

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 4th 2022, 20:11:24

Here is a scenario

I knock my opponent down to their last 100 population, yet somehow they can still attack me with 100,000 tanks in the next turn

Seems there could be a mechanism in the game where you can't send attacks with jets or tanks unless you have enough people in your country to operate them

Just a thought, I know from reading other pages that this game rarely makes any changes at all


Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 4th 2022, 6:35:43

Everywhere I go on the internet I see people saying they "stand with Ukraine"

So don't forget to stand with Ukraine gents!

KoH, Gonzo, you may enjoy reading this, this man is a genius

Edited By: Rocky79 on Mar 4th 2022, 6:42:37

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 4th 2022, 4:56:03

It was interested to see the Russian Ambassador to the UN make his statement today

He claimed that the United States legitimately elected President was overthrown

Lots of folks I know here in Florida agree with him


Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 4th 2022, 4:34:56

The US house just voted 426-3 to send 13,000 troops to support Ukraine despite very recent polling showing that less than 15% of Americans support sending US troops to Ukraine

So, as we knew all along, our votes and voices don't matter and they don't care what we think

I couldn't imagine being in the military and risking my life for this farce of a democracy

There was a time when the government existed to serve the will of the people.

Now the people exist to serve the will of the government.

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 22:37:02


Thanks Tmac and LB

I guess I'll go back to casher next round

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 19:48:36

Exactly KoH, Putin even said this in his address the other day

He said, how would the United States feel if we brought our military and weapons systems to the Canadian/US border, or to the Mexican/US border?

Btw, people demonize Putin but when I actually listen to what he has to say he seems very reasonable and he seems a heck of a lot more intelligent than our dear leader here in the USA

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 19:02:24

Originally posted by NitelL:
..... am I actually outproducing you at my lower acreage? xD

Likely, that is another thing I was curious about, and I was going to message you in game to chat about it

Your demo bonus likely makes a big difference at this point

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 13:57:06

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I'm curious what a 60k+ acre commie at 60 million networth would be making per turn right now

I'd guess the big repub cashers are still cashing over 40 million a turn minus about 5 mil worth of food

Like, cash wise? I was still in the green at 60mil. Now, not so much.

Just curious what your production per turn is compared to the big cashers, as in your net production per turn, units produced x estimated sell price on market (minus commission) minus food and cash per turn

As a 60k+ acre farmer I make approx. 675k bushels per turn, plus about 3 mil per turn positive cash flow, which at a sell price of $40 on the public market puts me just over 28 mil per turn net, which at this stage of the game is way way behind what a same size casher is making per turn

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 3:49:42

Thanks! my first game A win

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 3:47:14

I'm curious what a 60k+ acre commie at 60 million networth would be making per turn right now

I'd guess the big repub cashers are still cashing over 40 million a turn minus about 5 mil worth of food

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 2:22:39

I will have to try a dif strat next round again

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 2:16:20

I didn't quite make 30 mil but I think I won the round

I logged in at 23:00 and spent most of my cash, and played my turns, but I ran out of military to buy on my PM, and then I logged in again at 24:01

Edited By: Rocky79 on Mar 3rd 2022, 2:23:20

Rocky79 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2022, 2:11:39

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
Top 5 predictions anyone?

Seems obvious that this round is between #22 and #44 for first place at least

I think you're missing someone very important!

Nope, I know you've played a nice round but I really don't think any commie indy has a chance against two rep cashers who have more land than you have and are definitely outproducing you by a large margin at this point

Someone’s sarcasm detector doesn’t appear to be working today.

I'm not sure if you've realized this but it is very difficult to detect sarcasm in a text format