
Samoan Game profile


Aug 18th 2011, 1:26:01


Samoan Game profile


Aug 16th 2011, 20:59:05

You are interrupting a meeting with my director and VP..that is all :)

Samoan Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 1:53:19

I'm at 19755289, or skype at SamoanMD...or a message on the forums here

Samoan Game profile


Jul 21st 2011, 1:54:45

*smooch* to Patience!

Yeah, I am back but have been keeping a lower profile this reset. But regarding Titans...first, it's hard to believe that people still remember an alliance that only lasted a few resets when discussing the 14+ years of Earth history.

If I remember correctly, I had a falling out with Ampy and some of the MD leadership at the time, had either been inactive or semi active and was looking to play again. So I started recruiting, found out that AoD was looking to take some resets on a break in another alliance and capitalized on name recognition of some fellow players. I did a lot of this selfishly to kind of get a fresh start and just see what I could "build from scratch" again (altho it was hardly from scratch). These were the "Megalomaniac Samoan" days where I was Evil Mod Samoan and really needed to stop playing earth and get a job (was kind of in the "done with school, don't want to grow up yet" period)...but instead I spent it on E2025!

The first reset worked out well, just basically copied the MD formula that had worked out well before and positioned for a netgaining reset. Spent a lot of time grovelling before IX so they would not hit us in the inagural reset to give us time to establish ourselves. The second reset I started getting a little bored and started to get inactive again. Grelk was heavy into the RD research at the time (and I believe did his expose with Beltshumeltz during this reset). We had our "netgaining reset" and were looking for a war with no natural enemies...when I more or less left permanently mostly into that reset I left grelk partially in charge and the war against RD started (as an extension of his research). That was pretty much the doom of Titans...HH and co. held the fort valiently but it was too much, and since the alliance was born out of a "mercenary / hired guns" style of recruitment it was hard to hold together as the large pieces broke back off.

I'm not really happy about that period in the game...I did a lot of harm to an MD that was trying to recover (in recruiting away some of the MD vets), but it did give some folks opportunities to grow and get leadership experience that might not have had the chance in their other alliances.

Samoan Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 19:10:29

LCN 52
Evo 39
Omega 38
SoF 37
Sanct 29
MD 28
Monsters 28
fluff 16
WoF 13
ICN 11
m0m0 12
Rival 2
KSF -1
HAN -2
NA -4
PDM -7
LaF -22
RD -23
iMag -48
SoL -77

Samoan Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 4:01:56

this thread is worthy of my bonus post

Samoan Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 23:29:15

Originally posted by iNouda:

That's a nice way of putting the spin on things. It still doesn't change the fact that US companies that make BILLIONS in profit, pay barely anything in taxes (compared to the profits they make). Even though it's "legal", it still doesn't change the fact that they're using the system to get out of paying the American people the money they're owed.

Err hold on a sec...which "people" do you refer to, and what are they being owed? I thought in the land of opportunity people were supposed to work for a living, not sit back and do nothing, and collect a check from the government (like my drug dealing neighbor across the street?)

And these companies that make BILLIONS...isn't that what the purpose of a company is? To make money for its employees and shareholders? What incentive is there in having a company that breaks even all the time, after taking into account all of the risk it takes to do business? For the companies that report a gigantic loss every quarter should the government pay them a "reverse tax" to subsidize them?

Are not the companies making "all of this money" actually using that money to grow their business (creating jobs, creating products, creating money for its investors)? Or do we want to totally drive companies out of America by making it too expensive to do business here...then who will employ Americans? Do you think standing in line for bread and toilet paper is an alternative solution?

I can potentially see some of this argument for companies that make money shearly out of money manipulation (and not producing anything, ala the movie Wall Street), but in the end those types of companies are also injecting capital into the credit markets that is the engine that enables the system to run, so if such companies no longer are incentivized to offer credit, how will you get a car, a house, how will someone turn a small idea into a brilliant business? Do I need an angel investor if I want to own a home? Or maybe government can supply me a house too while they are at it (I hear Cabrini-Green is lovely this time of year!)

Samoan Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 22:56:31

I agree with Jiman, I always liked MD too

Samoan Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 4:51:18

It would make sense that if you needed to collect tax, you would encourage activities that created in real economic expansion (investment, which leads to business and job creation, innovation, etc) and avoid taxing that to death. Instead collect tax on behaviors you want to reduce or eliminate ("vice" taxes, increased taxes on gas guzzling vehicles, increased taxes on proceeds from stock shorting, etc).

What I don't understand is how some folks feel we need to tax people just to keep them from becoming too rich. Maybe governments should just instead tax with the aim of collecting revenues to do the business of governing instead of trying to become its own business (something that has been proven over and over it sucks at and doesn't do nearly as well as real businesses?).

Edited By: Samoan on Jun 24th 2011, 4:57:28
See Original Post

Samoan Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 0:01:31


Samoan Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 4:00:21

Yay for Helmet

Samoan Game profile


Jun 14th 2011, 1:50:59

I think it moved

Samoan Game profile


Jun 11th 2011, 3:55:18

ZOMG Samoan in chat, hurry!

Samoan Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 0:56:39 is the MUD

Samoan Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 0:54:44

Game needs to be connected to Facebook to generate lots of landfarms like the old days :)

Samoan Game profile


Jun 2nd 2011, 0:32:19

Originally posted by ponderer:

so does this mean we need to bring back the fantasy baseball league?

Hmm, now you are reaching, that would be the 2nd game I haven't played in 10 years!

Samoan Game profile


Jun 2nd 2011, 0:14:02

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Any luck tracking down Samoan, Dio, Mags, or Haderach?
