
Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Oct 7th 2014, 1:10:46

Lol hows it going? What clan are you running with this set?

And thats a no go on the war. I just want to practice netting for once.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 16:12:22

That would slow down kill runs, but not a bad idea to show graphics on basic land grabs tho. I just think it would be to much change to fast if we add graphics to everything at once.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 8:05:40

99/00 played off and on and around 04 started playing on a regular basis, stopped when earth2025 closed. For ee ive been off and on again till about a year and a half ago or so, then i joined tie and been playing on a regular basis for the most part.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 30th 2014, 15:08:03

Hey Collzaboration i think we should just leave this be. Im sure We got more important things to worry about. Sometime we just got to drop things even if it hurts your own pride to better focus on the bigger picture.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 16:10:35

Syko_Killa i apologize to you for what ever went down and i wish that you reconsider. I have always liked you and you are a stand up player. Thanks prime :-) my members have been finghting a war with untags. With that said i knew they was geyting a little mad thats why i started a line of communication. Either way we are here and the past is done.

I gave Collzaboration a chance and i still think he did a good job here. As for imp i have some negative feelings but this has not ruined by past mid set comeback to earth. Thanks prime for telling everyone we did speak. I Approach everyone either in the wrong or not. In this case i knew how my members where feelings so i was trying to calm things down hence i reached out wish it could of went down in a different way but it didnt. :-\

Good luck to everyone and Syko_Killa your stuck with the rest of us plus we all love you.....well maybe not Collzaboration but me and lilmxcn do. We love the both of you.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 6:46:15

I talked to prime a few days ago because i had a feeling this was going to happen. Im not mad just wanted to stop things before all this, prime said he understood and said he would talk to his hitters. Im not sure if he did or didnt but they took a hit and now we are here which i knew will happen and tried to avoid. The only issue im having are people saying there was no communication.

Prime, come on bro at least back me up on that one lol

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 6:34:18

Its been good for the most part since we came back few sets ago. Some problems with imp but a little bullying is expected just not always accepted. ;-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 18:22:42

If i remember i did talk to prime, so communication was there. He told me that he would talk to his hitters. Looks like someone didnt do what he promised or his members dont care for there leaders, either way something is wrong. And im hopping its not that imp just dont care for anyone.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 1:54:15


Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 24th 2014, 3:20:18

Im sure there use to be a PMS back in the day.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 16:51:57

Set tax to 70 sell your troops on the private market and also 100% spy production. (Sell spys every turn for best results) Build 1 cs change tax back to 35 or 36 then build 39 more cs then start building your Indies and farms. farms only when you really need them, around turn 75 switch production to 100% turrets and sell on public market as soon as you hit 20000 turrets. Thats one of many start up, just come join us in Dominion in the FFA server and ill show you more ;-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 16:09:55

Nevermind bro he just logged out lol

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 16:09:09

JJosh is in IRC maybe you can get ahold pf him.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 18th 2014, 18:11:14

I lost my grandmother to lung cancer and im really sorry about whats going on. Although i never had the chance to know her My prayers and condolences go out to her and her family ill be hoping for the best.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 16th 2014, 20:22:31

Yup yup, taking it easy the rest of this set You know using the time to set up embassy and so forth. Getting down to business next set tho.

That reminds me can i get someone from NBK to PM please thanks :-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 23:10:45

Just been recovering from an injury, now that im doing better thought i would come back to earth see wats been going on.

After seeing everything going on i thought i would attempt to bring some sanity to this place but i doubt it. Lol

By the way we are looking to expand membership so if you know anyone send them over.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 3:44:00

Lol i think its from playing to long.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 3:36:23

I use to play in CWG back in the old days. That was my first alliance i played in. I learned a lot there

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 1:44:22

Thanks for the luck, but dominion has been here off and on since earth2025 and has long has we keep are determination and keep to are core beliefs of respect, honor, and loyalty im sure things will work out in the end.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 1:15:51

Well welcome to Dominion,

If anyone else is intrested in joining up please pm me and i will see about getting you set up.

By the way where is Sota? I dont see them anywhere. I got to talk to a few of them during the war. If any of you are still around send me a pm.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 8th 2014, 22:28:38

No disrespect intended but i know marshal but dont know you sorry. If you are an fa send me a pm but not from that name. Use your hs name.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 8th 2014, 20:41:16

Hi everyone ive been gone for some time but im looking for the fa's or leaders of NBK, HS, TKO, ICD, PAN, TITS. If you can please send me a pm that would be nice. Thanks :-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 20:53:21

Lol ya i have seen a few rainbows my self this set. Got to love them noobs tho its what keeps the game going.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Aug 29th 2014, 14:34:58

Happy b-day

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Aug 29th 2014, 2:07:31

1/1 retal and 2/1 retal if your clan is allied to them. now thats the most common, but clans and players can and do change things up. Then there the few that can just be ass's.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Aug 29th 2014, 1:15:56


Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 31st 2014, 2:07:19

The origins of the phrase go's back a long time ago. When they would only allow a window of time at the beginning of the set to tag up then it was clossed. So tag killed would really mean tag killed ;-)

I could be wrong tho, so might want to confirm that.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 30th 2014, 21:43:37

Cool beans, truth bro is we did have proplems with way more dangerous clans then sota and i approached them talked to them and like grown folk settled it. This was a brakedown in sota and strike admitted to it.

I made my post because i was just getting tired of everyone complaining about numbers. I for one dont like to trash talk, tho i did a little this war. To the members in sota they fought well for a clan that just nets. They made it to where i thought we was going to loose, it was fun made me fight even harder. Sucks tho, that you didnt keep up the activity, could of been a way bigger show for people watching the newsrooms. ;-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 30th 2014, 20:21:01

Truth is jayr can be a pain, but any clan that may or or had a problem with Dominion i approached and offerd to talk and if needed fix things. I even approached sota talked to strike i got the ok on 6 retals. Then members in sota went abe fluff and less then 12 hours you fs.

Side not i dont like hearing that we had number advantage becauze you didnt think about that when you hit us. Mind you we was netting, hell mine all had low d guessing that's why you took all mine out. Its really starting to get annoying with the dominion trash talk seeing on how you guys dont even know me.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 30th 2014, 2:32:31

It was fun :-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 26th 2014, 1:13:05

I got to say i love this weekend, its the most active ive seen sota, ;-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 25th 2014, 15:23:46

Either way looks like we got the bottom end of that deal lol

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 25th 2014, 15:22:05

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by Skulls of Dominion:
I also have a member that is just not getting restart bonus in ffa. If you can look into that for me wluld be awesome. If you need more info just pm me and ill send it to you.

Thanks in advance :-)

I fixed this, and posted the fix somewhere (on this board?); all you have to do is self-=delete your 4717 restarts for however many countries you've had die this reset, and then you should start getting into the normal restart bonuses

Thats what was said

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 25th 2014, 15:08:38

It also seems they like to waste turns just has much :-P

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 24th 2014, 22:58:39

I also have a member that is just not getting restart bonus in ffa. If you can look into that for me wluld be awesome. If you need more info just pm me and ill send it to you.

Thanks in advance :-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 17:13:21

Ya truth i was never any good at English. Math and science i blossomed in but had to take sped ed for english but thanks for pointing it out.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 16:19:39

Originally posted by Jen:
I has a question.

When the clans decide to have a war, how do you tally the score, to know who won?

Like said before you can go by kills and networth. I also would agree it depends on the goal. If one clan is smaller and getting picked on sure they will loose a war if you are just looking at kills anf net. But if that small clan can get the bigg clan to start leaving them alone in my eyes thats a win. There are others reason a war will be fought so in a sense they might also be many ways to consider a victory. Its a point of view.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 21st 2014, 8:03:22

You can always stop ;-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 13th 2014, 14:11:43

My condolences to you and your family.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 13th 2014, 2:41:21

Pm me country number that is

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 13th 2014, 2:40:28

Thats not me bro, pm me who so i can talk to them

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 12th 2014, 23:50:21

Keep them reading the forums well the rest kill ;-)

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 12th 2014, 16:29:50

1 is god :-P

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 10th 2014, 17:23:16

You know i have no issues with war but i dont like to be called a lie. I have been playing this game for years and it aint the first time dominion as been blind sided. My thing is i made fa contact with you 3 times all three times to put this to an end i was told sorry and things will be made right. Once again l will make this clear I MADE CONTACT WITH YOU.

I thought a peacefull netting clan would like diplomacy. If you had a problem with us why not toss it on the table during the many times i went looking for you. If you want to talk about this more we can take it to pm bro, but Dont call me a lie if later this happens again

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 10th 2014, 10:32:44

Lil im sure most people know what happened is they got war prepped for chaos and after they got taken out they had no one to fight. So they picked the biggest and most dangerous clan to war. because it seems the other clans cant defend them selfs from are greatness. :-P.

At least thats what they want everyone to belive or they would look worse then chaos which from my experience are more stand up then these people. I feel sad for sota

Edited By: Skulls of Dominion on May 10th 2014, 10:36:19
See Original Post

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 10th 2014, 9:38:43

If any one had problems with dom they can contact me i have offerd to bend backwards to make things right with people. And any one who has delt with me knows that. Just had to say that, and sorry for double posting

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 10th 2014, 9:34:38

Maybe because we had fa contact and like i said them retals where given to us but you will spin all you want. Funny how you cry so much about suciders. yet you treat other clans like fluff. You wanted this war and you are looking for anything you can use for it. First you say you was helping ares then its over retals now its this. Like its said on the Dominion sight the eye sees what the mind wants.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 10th 2014, 5:09:28

Lol thanks for pointing that out, it is a game one i really like for some odd reason. im mad in game a little but not anywhere close to ruining my day. Thats what work is for.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


May 9th 2014, 20:09:28

So i guess it was not handled, by the way this is when you agreed to give me 2:1 retal for your hits. Thought i would point that out since you used it in your DoW